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Heartbreak And Past Mistakes

Page 12

by Chenell Parker

“Stop acting like that girl. Nigga ain’t trying to do your scary ass nothing. Once I get the pussy, I might stalk you and shit but we’re not at that point just yet,” Bronx replied.

  “Do you even try to think before you speak?” Lyric questioned.

  “Nope and I’m not about to start. Come on. I’ll bring you back to your car,” Bronx said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

  “Bronx, no. I’m gonna be tired in the morning,” Lyric fussed.

  “Call off. I’ll pay you for your time,” he replied.

  “I’m salaried boo. I’ll get paid regardless,” Lyric noted.

  “That’s even better. Call off and come spend some time with me,” he begged.

  “I can’t call off. Mr. Malone has too much going on right now. I have to be there just in case he needs me,” Lyric pointed out.

  “One hour pretty girl. I promise I’ll let you go after that. You got a nigga begging already and this is only our third date,” Bronx said.

  “Where do you want to go?” Lyric asked once they made it to his car.

  “I just want to take a ride. I like spending time with you,” he replied as he opened the door for her to get in.

  Once he got into the car, he and Lyric rode around for a while until they ended up on the lake. They only had two other cars out there, but it was dark and quiet other than that. She and Bronx held hands and talked like they’d been knowing each other for a while. That was a first for him and he was really digging Lyric. At first glance she looked snobbish, but she was cool and down to earth. She was a perfect blend of ghetto and classy and that shit turned him on. She knew when and where to turn it on and that was all that mattered.

  “One hour passed a long time ago. It’s damn near two in the morning.” Lyric yawned.

  “I know man. I’m sorry for keeping you out so late. What you got going on this weekend?” Bronx questioned.

  “Nothing that I know of. Why? What’s up?” she asked.

  “I just want to spend some time with you and not have to rush,” he replied.

  “I usually go to the gym with my mama on Sunday mornings. Other than that, I really don’t know what else I’ll be doing,” Lyric said.

  “That ain’t even my regular gym, but I’m happy as hell that I went there that day.” Bronx smiled.

  “So am I,” Lyric replied.

  “Alright, I’m ready,” he said.

  “Me too. I’m tired,” Lyric said as she yawned again.

  “I’m not talking about that. I’m ready for my kiss,” Bronx replied.

  He didn’t even give Lyric a chance to reply before he picked her up and sat her on his lap. Bronx planted his hands on her ass and pressed his lips up against hers. He felt like a teenager getting his first kiss. Lyric’s lips felt like cotton and the gloss on her lips tasted like strawberries. Her ass was soft and he couldn’t stop squeezing it even if he tried. He felt her trying to end the kiss, but he didn’t let her. He pulled her closer to his body and made it last a little longer. After a few tries, she was finally able to break away and catch her breath.

  “Damn,” Lyric panted breathlessly as she got back into her seat.

  If Bronx fucked anything like he kissed, he wasn’t gonna have to stalk her. She would probably be stalking him instead. Lyric had to get away from him and the sooner the better. He had her womanly parts thumping like a drum and that wasn’t good. His kissed coupled with his cologne was a recipe for disaster.

  “I’m telling you girl, you better not give me the pussy. Don’t fuck your life up like that,” Bronx warned as he started his car and drove away.

  He headed back to the bowling alley to bring Lyric to her car. He got out and got one last kiss before he saw her off. They talked on the phone for about another hour until she fell asleep on the phone. Bronx felt like a lil ass boy but he was crushing on Lyric hard.


  “Oh God. Of all the days for him to be on time,, he chose today,” Lyric said when she pulled up and saw Mr. Malone’s car in his assigned spot that was right next to hers.

  “I’m sorry baby. That’s my fault for you being late,” Bronx apologized.

  He was tired as hell, but he got up early to talk to Lyric while she was on her way to work. Shit was crazy because he never really liked to talk on the phone before.

  “It’s cool. I’m only about thirty minutes late. He won’t care,” Lyric replied.

  “Alright pretty girl. Call me when you get some free time.” He yawned.

  “How about you call me when you wake up?” Lyric laughed.

  “You got that love. Have a good day,” Bronx said.

  “Thanks and you do the same,” Lyric replied.

  She was all smiles as she got out of the car and headed into the building. She stopped in her tracks when she saw that all of the employees were downstairs in the open area. They had champagne and a huge cake on the tables in the corner of the room. Mr. Malone was in the middle of them all making a speech, but he stopped when he saw Lyric walk in.

  “Lyric, come over here and join me. You make a lot of things around here possible too. This is my right hand and I swear I would be lost without her sometimes,” Mr. Malone said with a bright smile.

  Lyric hated to be the center of attention, but she walked over to him and stood by his side.

  “Here you go beautiful,” Spencer said as he handed her a glass of champagne.

  The look on Jena and Javier’s faces were identical and they were both pissed. Lyric stood there uncomfortably as Mr. Malone congratulated everyone on a job well done for winning their case. He was singing Javier’s praises but he didn’t look too excited. His gaze remained on Lyric and so did Spencer and Jena’s. Lyric was happy when the meeting was over and she was able to go to her office. Mr. Malone had an hour-long conference call and she was happy that he would be busy for a while. Javier sent her a text to meet him in the small conference room on the first floor and Lyric prepared herself to have another argument.

  When she buzzed to be let into the room, the door swung open and Javier’s heated gaze greeted her as soon as it did.

  “I need you to be honest with me, Lyric. I love you and no matter what you say or do, that will never change,” Javier said as he paced the room angrily.

  His temper was something that he’d learned to control over time. The years of expensive counseling that his parents paid for him to attend helped a lot. Javier hadn’t had an angry outburst outside of the courtroom since he was a teen. His competitive nature and unwillingness to lose was usually what caused it. That was mainly the reason why he always had to win a case. Late nights and early mornings were worth the victory in the end. No matter what he had to do, losing was something that he would never be okay with. And that included every aspect of his life, personal and professional. He had never been in love before he met Lyric, so losing her wasn’t even a thought that he wanted to entertain. She was the only thing that could bring out the volatile side of him. He didn’t want to run her away, so he always tried to remain calm in her presence. It was getting harder and harder to do though.

  “What are you talking about Javier?” Lyric questioned, jarring him from his thoughts.

  “Is there something going on between you and Spencer again?” Javier questioned.

  “How many times do I have to tell you that nothing is going on between us? I would never take him back, even if he wasn’t with Jena,” Lyric assured him.

  “I just don’t understand how the two of you are so friendly all of a sudden. You hated him just a few months ago. What changed?” Javier questioned.

  “Nothing has changed. We’re cordial to each other and that’s about it,” Lyric replied.

  “Since when though, Lyric? You and Spencer never even spoke to each other when I first started working here.”

  “Is that what this is about? You’re upset because we’re speaking to each other?” Lyric asked.

  “Don’t try to make me sound irrational Lyric. He openly flirts with you in f
ront of his girlfriend. I don’t ever recall him doing that before and I want to know why he feels so comfortable doing it now. Some things just aren’t adding up.”

  “Well, I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I can’t stop him from disrespecting Jena, that’s her job. I feel the same way about Spencer that I felt when he fucked my best friend and got her pregnant. Nothing will ever change that. There will never be anything between us, not even a friendship,” Lyric swore.

  Her playing with Spencer’s feelings was only to get back at Jena. He was a damn fool if he thought that there would be anything else between them. She just had to show Jena that she could have him any time she wanted him. Spencer was a dog and everybody had access to his leash.

  “I’m sorry baby. I guess I’m just being paranoid. I’m mentally, physically, and sexually frustrated,” Javier said as he pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I know you are boo, but you need a break. Mr. Malone needs to understand that you’re just one person. I know that he wants to keep a good working relationship with the DA’s office, but there are other attorneys who can take the lead sometimes.”

  “I agree but try telling him that. I see why his name holds so much weight. The man is relentless,” Javier chuckled.

  “Yes, he is,” Lyric laughed.

  “I don’t care what doesn’t get done tonight, we’re spending some time together,” Javier said as he grabbed her face and kissed her.

  Lyric didn’t know why but hearing him say that saddened her a bit. She was looking forward to seeing Bronx again but she knew that Javier was going to want to stay the night. Either that or he would want her to stay at his house. Even as he kissed her, she couldn’t help but to compare him to the other man. Javier was more controlled and only focused on her lips. Bronx’s kisses were wild and he liked to explore her body with his hands.

  “I don’t want you to get behind on your work. Maybe we can just do dinner,” Lyric suggested.

  “The only thing that I want for dinner is you,” Javier said as he licked his lips.

  He and Lyric talked for a little while longer and made plans for the night. They both had work to do, so they decided to go their separate ways and get to it. When they walked out of the conference room, there was a lady standing at the security desk asking the guard some questions. What stood out to Lyric was the oxygen tank that the woman was wheeling behind her. She looked fragile and she was out of breath.

  “That’s Mr. Livingston right there, but you have to make an appointment to see him,” the guard said when Javier and Lyric walked up.

  “This will only take a minute. Please,” the woman pleaded,, making Lyric feel sorry for her.

  “Come on and have a seat,” Lyric said as she grabbed her arm and walked her to one of the chairs.

  “Thank you, baby,” the woman said as she smiled weakly.

  Soon after, she went into a violent coughing spell that had Lyric patting her back. Javier looked on in disgust while the security guard rushed over to help.

  “Go run upstairs to the break room and get some water, please,” Lyric said to the guard who nodded and hurriedly walked away.

  “Stage three lung cancer,” the woman said once she calmed down and caught her breath.

  “Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear that,” Lyric replied sympathetically.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” she said with a pained smile.

  “What is it that you need with Javier?” Lyric asked, since he never bothered to.

  “My son went to court today with some other people and got found guilty. He’s supposed to get sentenced sometime next month. Now, I know that he got mixed up with the wrong crowds before and I’m not taking his side. But, the DA is trying to give him twenty-five years and I don’t understand that. He’s been to jail twice before but the charges weren’t that serious. They told me that you were the lead on the case and that I should come talk to you,” she rambled while looking over at Javier.

  “Let me get this straight,” Javier started with a sarcastic chuckle. “Your son is a three-time loser and you’re here for what? To ask for leniency on his sentencing?”

  “Javier,” Lyric said as she looked at him and frowned.

  “He’s not a three-time loser. He was never convicted before. That’s why I don’t understand why they’re offering him so much time,” she replied as she started to cough again.

  “What’s your son’s name?” Lyric asked.

  “It doesn’t matter Lyric. I did my job and got a guilty verdict. The rest is up to the district attorney,” Javier replied.

  “Yes, but they said that they would take your word into consideration for a lesser sentence. My son has never been in that kind of trouble before. He went to jail for disturbing the peace and a domestic dispute. Even now, they only got him for a bunch of misdemeanors. I don’t understand how they can offer him that much time. The other boy’s record was a mile long and he’s only being offered ten years. I guess because he had a paid attorney, he’s better than my son,” she wheezed.

  “I’m sorry but I can’t help you with that,” Javier said nastily.

  “Javier, stop,” Lyric pleaded, right as the security guard came back down with the water.

  His insensitive attitude was starting to annoy her. He didn’t feel the least bit of sympathy for the woman and he was barely listening to her.

  “That’s okay sweetheart. That’s how they do us poor folks. If you don’t have money, the law doesn’t even recognize you. My son is a good boy who got mixed up with the wrong crowd. He helped y’all to build a case on all the others and this is the thanks he gets,” she said as she shook her head and stood to her feet.

  Lyric knew that she wasn’t lying because Javier had told her so himself. The first group of gang members had been tried and sentenced months ago. They used the last few non-violent offenders to put the others away before they went to court themselves.

  “How did you get here?” Lyric asked her.

  “I caught the bus from the courthouse and came straight over here. Thanks for the water and for being nice. Not too many people are companionate these days,” she said while looking at Javier accusingly.

  “Oh no, you can’t take the bus home. It’s too hot out there. Where do you live? I can bring you home,” Lyric offered.

  “Are you crazy Lyric? You’re not bringing her anywhere. You don’t even know her,” Javier fumed while grabbing her arm.

  Lyric had to remember where she was because she was ready to snap. Javier had her fucked up but she didn’t want to cause a scene.

  “Let me go Javier,” she said calmly as she looked at his hand on her arm.

  “I’m sorry baby, but that is dangerous and I won’t allow it. I’ll get her a ride home,” he replied as he walked over to the security guard.

  Lyric watched as Javier spoke to the other man while pulling some money from his wallet. Soon after, the security guard escorted the woman outside and told her that a cab was on the way. Lyric was heated as she and Javier got on the elevator. As soon as the door closed, she turned to him and went off.

  “The fuck you mean you won’t allow it? Do I look like a child to you, Javier?” Lyric asked, getting ghetto on him.

  “I’m sorry baby, but do you realize how dangerous that was? You better stop letting people pull you in with their sob stories Lyric. Her son is a convicted criminal and you were offering to bring her home. She probably lives in the projects or something. You better get thicker skin sweetheart,” Javier fussed.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Oh and I forgot to tell you that I’m busy tonight so you can’t come over. Is that thick enough for you?” Lyric asked,, right as the elevator doors opened.

  Javier wanted to say more but too many people were around. It seemed as if he and Lyric’s relationship couldn’t catch a break. They were always arguing about something or work prevented them from spending time together. She was pissed but he didn’t know why. He was only trying to look out for her and noth
ing more. She had never seen that woman before a day in her life and she was trying to bring her home. That was a stupid move in his opinion. Instead of going to her office after her, Javier went in the opposite direction and went to his own. He would have to talk to her later and, once again, try to get himself out of the dog house.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Jena asked with a smirk when Lyric passed by her as she stood at the machine making copies. She saw when Lyric got off the elevator with Javier and they both looked upset. That would have meant nothing if she’d seen it in the past but she knew better now.

  “You’ve been feeling yourself a lot lately, huh Jena? And to think, I was about to let you make it. That’s what I get for being nice and trying to let hoes slide.”

  “Whatever. I know you always thought so, but I’m not afraid of you, Lyric,” Jena noted.

  “And you shouldn’t be. I’m nobody for you to fear. Is Spencer here today?” Lyric asked.

  “Why do you wanna know?” Jena questioned.

  “It’s personal. I mean, work related,” Lyric replied with a wink.

  “I hope you don’t think that bothers me. I’m very secure in my relationship,” Jena said, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

  “Yeah, so was I and you saw how that turned out,” Lyric laughed as she walked into her office and closed the door.

  “Stupid bitch,” Jena mumbled when Lyric walked away.

  She knew that Lyric was only fucking with her because she didn’t want Spencer. Although Jena always started with her first, she got in her feelings whenever Lyric mentioned his name. Her insecurities ran deep, especially knowing the way that they got together. She wasn’t worried about anything though. Spencer had been staying at the office later than usual and Jena stayed late too. She waited until after hours to make her copies or put together the booklets that the attorneys needed for their meetings. Lyric never stayed late, but Jena was still being cautious. She wasn’t about to lose her man to the same bitch that she took him from.

  Chapter 11

  After stepping out of the shower, Javier wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into his bedroom. He smiled when he saw Lyric’s naked frame sprawled out on top of his comforter. She looked like a Goddess with her wild hair and angelic face. Javier was tempted to take a picture but her exposed body was the only thing that stopped him.


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