Heartbreak And Past Mistakes

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Heartbreak And Past Mistakes Page 15

by Chenell Parker

  “I can’t do this no more Jena. This insecure shit is not attractive at all. You knew what it was from day one. I was with Lyric when I started fucking you. The nerve of you to even say some shit like that when I was with her first,” Spencer replied.

  “I don’t care about who you were with first. You’re with me now and that’s all that matters,” Jena pointed out.

  “Bye Jena. I have work to you. I don’t have time to pacify you all day,” Spencer said, dismissing her.

  “This is the only time that I ever get to see you. It’s like you’ve been avoiding me and I don’t know why,” Jena replied.

  “You’re the reason why. All this whining and bitching is annoying as fuck. I got enough to stress about with all these cases that I’m working on. I don’t need to be in a relationship that’s stressing me out too. This shit is draining the little energy that I have left.”

  “I’m sorry Spencer, but I just feel like we’re drifting apart,” Jena sniffled.

  “We’re not drifting apart, you’re pushing me away. I’m not a child Jena. You don’t have to know my whereabouts every hour of the day. Your shift ends at five but you’ve been here until after eight every night, just to see what I’m doing. The shit is just tiring.” Spencer frowned.

  “Lyric shift ends at five too but I bet you don’t have a problem with her staying late,” Jena snapped.

  “Wow. Lyric really intimidates you, huh?” he laughed as he shook his head.

  “It’s funny now but I bet you didn’t know that she’s been fucking Javier,” Jena revealed, wiping the smirk from his face.

  Spencer sat there in shock but it all made sense to him now. Javier had been even more of an asshole to him lately than he’d ever been. He snapped on Spencer for the smallest things and he called him out on anything that was less than perfect. Now that he thought about it, the way that Javier looked at Lyric was the same way that he used to look at her when they were together. Spencer didn’t give a damn about him though. Lyric was talking like she wanted to go there with him again and he wasn’t about to turn her down. He would deal with Javier if the time ever came, but it was every man for himself.

  “Have a good day Jena. I have work to do,” Spencer said as he stood to his feet.

  When they opened the door, Lyric was walking down the hall headed to her office. She saw the angry look on Jena’s face and she knew that they must have been arguing.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Lyric asked, throwing Jena’s words from a few weeks ago right back at her.

  “I bet you wish there was but we’re good over here,” Jena replied as she grabbed Spencer’s hand.

  “Hey boo. Did you get some rest last night?” Lyric asked as she looked over at Spencer.

  “Excuse you? I know you see me standing here. Don’t address my man in my presence. Do you see me saying anything to Javier when you’re around? You’re going too damn far now,” Jena snapped angrily.

  She was loud as hell and Spencer was embarrassed. Jena was making a fool of herself and Lyric was enjoying it. Jena never could hide her emotions and nothing had changed.

  “This is a place of business sweetheart. If you can’t control your outbursts, then maybe you should clock out and go home for the day,” Lyric replied.

  “You’re not my boss and I don’t have to listen to you. Besides, I’m sure that Javier wouldn’t like it too much if he saw you flirting with another man,” Jena smirked.

  Mr. Malone had never made the announcement about the changes that he made but it was coming soon. Jena was really going far with her slick ass mouth, but Lyric was always ready for whatever. Telling Spencer that she was dealing with Javier didn’t matter to her because Spencer wasn’t her man.

  “I don’t do drama in the work place my love. I’ll talk to you later Spencer,” Lyric said as she walked away.

  Spencer turned his heated gaze on Jena and shook his head in disgust.

  “I’m sorry, but I know you saw how disrespectful she was being,” Jena apologized.

  “Just go Jena. I got a long day ahead of me and you’re giving me a headache already,” Spencer replied as he walked off towards the break room with Jena following right behind him.

  He needed some strong coffee before he started working. Thanks to Jena, his morning was already turning out bad. Even though he told her to go, Jena followed him to the break room and kept apologizing. She would never walk away knowing that he was upset with her, so he gave her a kiss and assured her that everything was good between them. That was the furthest thing from the truth and he wanted nothing more than to be done with her. There was no way that he could end things at their place of business but it had to be done soon. He didn’t want Jena to cause a scene so he had to do it when they were off the clock.

  Once she and Spencer were good, Jena went back to her cubicle to get her day started. Deciding to put the drama behind her for a while, she busied herself answering the phones and setting up appointments. Before long, it was lunch time and she was happy to finally be getting a break. Jena had just hung up the phone with a client when Mr. Malone’s daughter and wife got off the elevator.

  “Hi Mrs. Malone, hi Paisley.” Jena smiled brightly as she spoke.

  “Eww, don’t speak to me,” Paisley replied with a frown.

  “Paisley, you know better than that. Hi sweetheart,” Mrs. Malone smiled.

  “You know I don’t like her,” Paisley replied as she frowned at Jena and walked away to Lyric’s office.

  Paisley knew all about Lyric and Jena’s friendship and how it ended. Jena was a jealous hoe and she did Lyric wrong. Paisley loved Lyric like a sister and Jena was considered to be the enemy.

  “Spoiled bitch,” Jena mumbled once both women were out of sight.

  A few minutes later, they both walked back out with Lyric following behind them. Jena was green with envy as she watched Lyric interact with their boss’ family. It wasn’t hard to see that they genuinely loved her and that made Jena sick to her stomach.

  “I’m leaving for the day guys. Call me on my cell if you need anything!” Lyric yelled over her shoulder as they got onto the elevator.

  She was going to lunch and shopping with Chelsea and Paisley for Mr. Malone’s birthday gift. He and his family were going on a week-long cruise and she was happy that her boss was finally taking a break.

  “Is she supposed to be the boss or something?” Sabrina asked when she walked over to Jena’s desk.

  “That bitch ain’t nobody’s boss. She’s trying to act like she’s in charge because Mr. Malone ain’t here. And where has Nova been lately? She disappears for hours every day but I bet Lyric won’t say nothing about that,” Jena replied.

  Truthfully, she was happy that Lyric was leaving for the day. That meant that she wouldn’t have to hang around to keep her away from Spencer.

  “Girl, forget them. What are you doing for lunch?” Sabrina asked.

  “I don’t know yet. I’m about to see if Spencer is free,” Jena answered.

  “Okay, if not, we can go to the little restaurant up the street if you want to,” Sabrina replied.

  Having lunch with Sabrina was exactly what Jena ended up doing. Spencer was buried in paperwork, so she got him some food to go. After lunch, Jena jumped right back into her work and the day flew by. She was happy when she saw that they only had fifteen more minutes left before it was time to go home. Right when it was almost time to leave, Nova reappeared and began to gather her items to go. Jena was pissed that they were left to do all the work while Lyric’s cousin was nowhere to be found. More than likely, she was probably downstairs with Jared in the mailroom. Jena couldn’t wait until Mr. Malone got back because she had an earful for him.

  “Good night girl,” Sabrina said when they walked out of the office together.

  “Good night,” Jena replied while walking to her car.

  She smiled when she got closer and saw a pink rose sitting on her windshield. She already knew that it was from Spencer because he had done
that very same thing twice before. He could be romantic when he wanted to be and that was one of the things that Jena loved about him. Upon closer inspection, Jena noticed that there was a note underneath the flower. Her smile widened when she saw Spencer’s letterhead at the top. She got butterflies in her stomach when she read what the note said. Jena was all smiles as she hopped into her car and raced home, stopping to get a bottle of champagne before she did. She had a little under two hours to get herself together and be on her way.

  Once she got home, Jena rummaged through her lingerie drawer until she found exactly what she was looking for. A wax would have been better, but she settled on a quick shave of her womanly parts and underarms. Afterwards, Jena ran herself a hot bubble bath and soaked for a little while. Once she was done freshening up, she moisturized her entire body before slipping into her outfit for the night. She went to the full-length mirror in her bedroom and admired her sexy frame. She didn’t have a big bodacious ass like Lyric, but she had more than a handful. Her caramel complexion was flawless and the pixie cut that she sported fit her face perfectly. Her stomach was flat and her hips were sharp. Her long lashed eyes were one of her best assets, along with her luscious lips. Jena never had a problem getting a man to look twice, but she already had who she wanted.

  After applying some light foundation to her face and gloss to her lips, Jena was ready to go. She had about fifteen minutes to make it to her destination and she couldn’t wait. She was happy that no one was home when she left because they would have looked at her like she was crazy. Jena had on a long peacoat with some six-inch heels, even though it was hot as hell outside. It was dark when she left so she wasn’t worried about the neighbors seeing her.

  It didn’t take her long and, about ten minutes later, Jena was pulling up to the office again. She smiled when she saw that the parking lot was empty with the exception of Spencer’s car. She was too excited when she read the note from Spencer asking her to come back to the office at seven and wear something sexy. It wasn’t their first time getting it in at the office and Jena loved every time they did. The thrill of possibly getting caught made it even better and always had her adrenaline pumping.

  Using her swipe card, Jena let herself into the building and went straight to the elevator. She sprayed herself with the small bottle of body spray that was in her coat pocket as she rode the elevator up to the fourth floor. Her heels made a clicking noise as she strutted to her man’s office, unbuttoning her coat as she walked. Spencer was going to lose his mind when he saw the hot pink negligee that she wore just for him.

  The faint sound of jazz music played on the radio but that wasn’t the only noise that Jena heard when she got closer to the office door. She knew that she wasn’t tripping and she clearly heard a woman moaning. Not giving it another thought, Jena swung the door open and almost passed out at the sight before her. The bottle of champagne fell from her hand as her heart fell in her chest. Spencer, her man, was on his knees with his entire face buried in between Lyric’s legs. He was all into it and the slurping noises that he was making was evidence of that. Lyric was hanging halfway off of the leather chair that was in his office as he held her up by her ass and feasted on her goodies. The sundress that she had on was bunched up at her waist and her legs were wrapped snugly around his neck. Spencer seemed to be enjoying it more than she was. His head was moving up and down rapidly as he dined in between another woman’s thighs. Lyric was moaning loudly and the breaking of the champagne bottle was the only thing that snapped them out of it.

  “The fuck!” Spencer yelled as he turned around to face her.

  His face was wet with Lyric’s juices and Jena wanted to throw up. He grabbed the roll of paper towels from his desk and tried to stop the bubbly liquid from making too much of a mess in his office. He never once tried to clean up the mess that was on his face.

  “What the hell is she doing here? I thought you said she already left,” Lyric said as she sat up in the chair and pulled her dress down.

  “She did leave. No one was here but me,” Spencer replied, speaking as if Jena wasn’t even standing there.

  Jena backed up until her back rested against the opened door. Although Lyric didn’t catch her and Spencer in the act, she was sure that she felt the exact same way when she walked down on their conversation and learned that they had been messing around. Jena knew that karma was real but she didn’t expect it to come back around to her so soon. Her gut was right and she knew that something was going on between the two of them. Admittedly, he was Lyric’s first but that did nothing to stop the aching in her heart. Her mother told her that it was only a matter of time before she felt the same pain that she had inflicted upon Lyric, but Jena didn’t want to believe it. Sadly, the proof was now staring her in the face. She was embarrassed but her feet weren’t on one accord with her mind that was telling her to run away.

  “So, are we done here or what?” Lyric asked, snapping Jena out of her daze.

  Without thinking first, Jena charged at her ex-best friend. She didn’t get very far before Spencer used his arm to block her. That one act hurt Jena more than actually walking in on them. He was trying to protect Lyric, making Jena even angrier.

  “Let me go! I hate you! I can’t believe you did this to me!” Jena screamed and cried.

  “I know you fucking lying! You can’t believe that this nigga turned around and did you the same way he did me? You can’t be that dumb,” Lyric said as she sat in the chair and crossed her legs like she didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Let me go!” Jena screamed as she went crazy trying to get to Lyric.

  “Be careful what you ask for boo. You know that’s your ass if you even attempt to swing,” Lyric replied nonchalantly.

  “Get the fuck off of me! Why did you even tell me to come here? You wanted me to see that shit!” Jena yelled as she broke down and cried.

  “What the hell are you talking about Jena? You told me that you were going home and I haven’t talked to you since you left,” Spencer replied.

  Jena looked over at Lyric and saw the amused smirk that was on her face. It was then that everything was made clear. It wasn’t Spencer who put the rose and note on her car, it was Lyric. She wanted Jena to walk in on them and her plan was successful. She kept telling Jena that she had something for her and she wasn’t lying. Lyric was vindictive and no one knew that better than she did.

  “I told you bitch, no more passes. You were my friend but you chose to be my foe instead.” Lyric shrugged with a smirk.

  Lyric wasn’t as heartless as Jena tried to make her out to be. She let a lot of shit that Jena said and did slide, but she was tired of being the bigger person. When Spencer and Jena were in the break room earlier that morning, Lyric went into his office and grabbed one of his copy papers with his letterhead at the top. She typed up a note before she left for the day with Paisley and her mother. Once she was done with them, Lyric purchased a single pink rose and went back to the office and left everything on Jena’s windshield. Jena was gullible and wanted so badly to believe that Spencer was in love with her. She would have believed anything as long as his name was attached to it. Lyric made sure that she was there long before Jena came back. She parked her car in the rear parking lot and the rest was easy. Spencer had been begging to taste her again and his wish was granted. The nigga was a fool with his mouth so it was a no lose situation for Lyric. She got some fire ass oral sex and hurt Jena’s feelings in the process. She didn’t know why Jena thought she was exempt from anything. Spencer was a hoe and that was all there was to it.

  “Fuck you Lyric and that goes double for you, Spencer,” Jena cried as she rushed out of his office.

  As crazy as it sounded, she was hoping that he came after her, so she wasn’t in a hurry. Jena made it all the way to her cubicle and Spencer had never even left his office. Her tears fell rapidly and it felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Jena didn’t want to believe that he was insensitive enough to finish what he
was doing before they were interrupted. Against her better judgement, she took off her heels and crept down the hall to Spencer’s office once again. Before she even got too close, Lyric’s moaning could be heard clearly, stopping Jena from going any further. It felt like she was dying a thousand deaths as she backed away from the door. Jena couldn’t believe that they’d picked up where they left off but Lyric’s screams of pleasure was all the proof that she needed. Spencer was telling her to stop running from him, as Jena stood on the other side of the door and cried. She no longer had to wonder how Spencer felt about her. She already knew because his actions showed her.


  With sleep deprived eyes covered in shades, Jena walked into the break room and fixed herself a huge cup of coffee. She hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before and she really didn’t expect to. She spent half the night in bed crying and the other half calling Spencer. His phone was just ringing at first. After a while, it started going straight to voicemail. As much as she hated to admit it, they were done. She just couldn’t see herself being with him after what she saw. Kissing him would be too hard because she would always think about his mouth being on Lyric’s lady parts. She knew that it had happened in the past, but to actually see it was a different story. Her feelings obviously didn’t mean anything to him because he never even tried to reach out to her.


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