Heartbreak And Past Mistakes

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Heartbreak And Past Mistakes Page 19

by Chenell Parker

  “Are you okay Ms. Mary?” Lyric asked as she walked over and grabbed her hand.

  “I’ll be fine baby, thank you.” She smiled weakly as she stood to her feet.

  Lyric watched her walk out the front door and to an awaiting car with her shoulders slumped in defeat. Once she was gone, Lyric got on the elevator and Javier got on with her.

  “I never realized how much of an asshole you really were,” Lyric hissed before the elevator doors even closed.

  “There’s no room for sympathy in my line of work. You’re on a first name basis with her, so you don’t even know how to keep it professional,” Javier replied sternly.

  “How could you do her like that? It would have only taken you a minute to help her out. Are you that heartless?” Lyric questioned.

  “Never mind all that. I’ve been calling you all weekend,” Javier said as he looked over at her.

  “I don’t know why. Whatever we had is over with. I saw a side of you that I never want to see again and you just showed me a little more.”

  “I’m sorry baby. I wasn’t myself that night and I apologize for my erratic behavior,” Javier replied.

  “First off, I’m Lyric, not baby. Secondly, there’s no need for you to apologize through words or gifts. I’m done Javier. You’re unpredictable and I can’t be with someone like that. I’ll be covering up black eyes just to come to work if I continue down this path with you.”

  Lyric had seen her cousin Nova go through the exact same thing. Her boyfriend was always apologizing with gifts that she gladly accepted. One incident turned into two until she was staying inside waiting for her bruises to go away. Either that or she piled on a bunch of cosmetics to hide the evidence of his abuse. Lyric would never let that be her and she was putting a stop to it now.

  “Seriously Lyric? Do you honestly think that I would ever put my hands on you?” Javier questioned.

  “I never thought that you would try to drive me to my death but you did,” Lyric said as soon as the elevator doors opened.

  Usually, Javier would let her go her way and he would go his. After not speaking to Lyric for the entire weekend, he needed to get some things clear. He was going crazy without her and wanted to know what he had to do to make things right. Under the watchful eye of some of the employees, Javier pulled her down the hall and into the conference room. Lyric cringed when she saw Jena and Sabrina watching their every move.

  “Just tell me what I have to do to make things right between us Lyric,” Javier said once they were alone.

  “The first thing you can do is keep your hands to yourself. I’m done Javier. Tell your mother that she got her wish and I’m out of the picture,” Lyric replied.

  “Forget my mother Lyric!” Javier snapped angrily. “I don’t care about what she wants. I love you and I’ll do anything to show you just how much.”

  “Just let it go Javier. It will never work because I’ll never feel comfortable around you again,” Lyric admitted.

  “I can’t let it go Lyric. If it was that easy, I would have done that already,” Javier replied.

  “I’m sorry Javier, but this is a wrap. I’ve never had a man to make me feel how you did Friday and I don’t mean that in a good way. We have to work together, so I don’t want there to be any hard feelings. Let’s just part ways amicably like adults.”

  “I’ll respect your wishes, but I’ll never stop trying. I’m never giving up on us Lyric,” Javier swore.

  “You can waste your time if you want to but my mind is already made up,” Lyric said as she headed for the door.

  “As you stated a moment ago, we do still work together. Being that you work so closely with Mr. Malone, I need to at least have access to you via the work phone. Blocking that number wasn’t a wise decision,” Javier pointed out.

  He was right but Lyric wasn’t thinking when she did it. Her goal was to stop him from calling her at the time and she succeeded.

  “Point taken and I’ll correct it,” Lyric replied as she walked out of the room.

  Javier sat there and watched as she walked out of the room and, temporarily, out of his life. Lyric was upset and she had every right to be. Javier overreacted and he could admit that he was wrong. He didn’t mind giving her some time to herself, but he couldn’t see it being forever. Javier always got what he wanted and he wanted her more than his next breath. He hated to lose at anything and that included Lyric.

  Chapter 17

  Two weeks later and not much had changed with Javier. Lyric arrived to work to a new bouquet of flowers and a new gift just about every day. Even after she went to his office and told him to stop, he didn’t listen. Lyric stopped putting the flowers in the break room and started going right to the dumpster with them. Javier was wasting his money but he didn’t seem to care. Lyric was busy going through resumes for the receptionist’s position that needed to be filled when someone knocked on her office door.

  “Hey cousin. Are you free for lunch today? I usually eat with Jared but he was too busy to go,” Nova said when she walked into Lyric’s office.

  “Sorry boo, I already made plans. But, I’m happy that you’re here. I wanted to tell you about yourself two weeks ago, but it slipped my mind,” Lyric replied.

  “What did I do?” Nova asked as she took a seat and looked at her cousin.

  “Why would you tell Jared what we discussed about dating? You had my friend mad with me thinking that I was trying to get you to be a hoe,” Lyric said.

  “I know he didn’t blow an innocent conversation out of proportion like that. We were discussing dating and relationships and I told him that you made some very good points. I can’t believe that he got mad at you over something so simple.”

  “He wasn’t mad honey, he was pissed,” Lyric laughed.

  “He don’t have nothing to worry about though. I tried to take your advice but the dating scene just ain’t for me,” Nova said.

  “What happened to your mailman friend?” Lyric asked, knowing that Nova had gone out on a few dates with him.

  “Not a damn thing. He’s more of a diva than I am,” Nova complained.

  “He’s gay?” Lyric asked in shock.

  “No, but I can’t date a man who’s more into himself than I am. That nigga took selfies all night. And don’t let me get started on his shopping addiction. All he talked about were labels and how much his wardrobe cost. It was a big turnoff but I decided to go on a second date just to make sure I wasn’t being unreasonable.”

  “What happened?” Lyric asked.

  “The second one was even worse than the first. That nigga actually wanted to fight somebody for stepping on his shoes. Girl, I thought I was about to be in the middle of a shootout. I ran to my car so damn fast and was happy when I made it home,” Nova said as Lyric laughed.

  “Damn,” Lyric chuckled.

  “Yeah, so it’s just Jared for right now. Maybe it’ll be him indefinitely. We vibe good and I have fun when I’m with him. He’s been asking for a relationship and I might just take him up on it,” Nova replied.

  “I think you should. He’s a good dude and I know he’ll treat you right. Maybe he’ll stop giving me the silent treatment if you agree to be his girl,” Lyric replied.

  She talked to Nova for a little while longer before she got started on some work that she had to do. Lyric wasn’t even paying attention to the time and, before long, it was time for her to go to lunch. When her phone rang, she picked up, already knowing who it was.

  “I’m outside pretty girl,” Bronx said when she answered for him.

  “Okay, I’m coming now,” Lyric replied before hanging up.

  Over the past two weeks, Lyric and Bronx had become inseparable. If he wasn’t at her house, they were going out somewhere or to the gym to workout. He hadn’t asked her about a relationship again and he told her to let him know whenever she was ready. It felt like she’d known him forever and they got along like it too.

  “What’s up sexy?” Bronx greeted as he pulled Ly
ric into a hug.

  “Hey boo.” Lyric smiled as she pecked his lips.

  “The hell you wore this to work for?” Bronx asked, motioning at the black dress that Lyric had on.

  “What’s wrong with what I have on? Nothing is showing and it’s classy,” Lyric pointed out.

  “I know one of them niggas in there be trying to get at you and don’t even try to lie to me,” Bronx said.

  “Can we go please? I’m hungry and I don’t have time for this with you.”

  “Let me find out that one of the exes that you were referring to works here,” Bronx said as they got into the car.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Lyric asked.

  “I already got my answer. What’s the nigga’s name?” he inquired.

  “If this is going to be the topic of conversation during our entire lunch, then you can just bring me back. Do you ever hear me inquiring about any of your exes?” Lyric asked.

  “I don’t have nothing to hide my baby. You can ask me whatever,” Bronx stated.

  “I probably would if I cared.” Lyric frowned.

  “Stop acting like you ain’t feeling a nigga,” Bronx said.

  “What do you feel like eating for lunch?” Lyric asked while changing the subject.

  “You, from the back,” he replied with a smirk as he licked his lips.

  “Stop playing with me before I take you up on your offer. Let’s go to Outback. I want a steak,” Lyric suggested.

  Bronx nodded his head and did what she asked him to. They talked over lunch and had a few laughs just like always. When Lyric got back to the office, she got right to work setting up interviews and checking Mr. Malone’s calendar for the next day. She was also in the process of planning Martha a party before she officially left, so her hands were full. When it was almost time for everyone to get off, she picked up the phone and made a call.

  “Mailroom,” Jared answered on the second ring.

  “Hey friend,” Lyric replied,

  “Didn’t I tell you that I ain’t fucking with you for a while? I don’t care if you are my boss now,” Jared said.

  “Stop being so damn dramatic all the time Jared. I need to use one of your mail carts,” Lyric replied.

  “Come get it,” he said.

  “Bring it to me, Jared. I have something to tell you about Nova and it’s good,” Lyric drawled.

  “What? Tell me now,” he insisted.

  “You got five minutes to bring me a cart or I’m not telling you at all,” Lyric said before she hung up the phone.

  She knew Jared and she knew that he was on his way up as soon as she hung up the phone. She was right too because three minutes later, he was knocking on her office door.

  “You better not be playing with me, Lyric. Talk to me and it better be good,” he said as soon as he walked in.

  “Well, a little birdie told me that you don’t have any competition when it comes to Nova. The date with the mailman was a bust and she doesn’t want to see him again. The same little birdie also told me that Nova has been thinking about making things official with you.” Lyric smiled.

  “Are you serious yo?” Jared asked with his thick New York accent.

  “Yep and I have something even better for you,” Lyric said as she stood to her feet. She took the card out of her latest flower arrangement and handed the colorful bouquet to Jared.

  “What are you giving this to me for?” Jared questioned.

  “Give it to Nova. It’ll earn you some cool points.” Lyric winked.

  Nova had just left out of her office but she didn’t see the flowers. They were behind Lyric’s desk, right along with the rest of the gifts.

  “Good looking Lyric. I owe you one.” Jared smiled right before walking out the door.

  It was almost five and Lyric knew that mostly everyone would be leaving the office soon. She also knew that Javier would be there for a while longer and that was perfect. She waited until about five-thirty when she knew that the building was just about empty before she headed to Javier’s office. Lyric knocked once before she entered without being invited in. Javier was at his desk on the phone but he was shocked to see Lyric walk in. He hurriedly ended his call before walking over to greet her.

  “This must be my lucky day,” Javier said as he smiled at her.

  “I seriously doubt it. These are all the gifts that you’ve had delivered over the past two weeks. I hope you saved your receipts so it won’t be a total loss. Do us both a favor and stop wasting your time and money. Make sure you return the cart to the mailroom before morning. Jared might need it,” Lyric said as she pushed the cart full of gifts into his office and left.

  Javier thought it was a game but she wasn’t playing. His money was his power, but he had Lyric fucked up. She had her own money and she couldn’t be bought. That was the beauty of being an independent woman. Anything that he got for her, she had the means to get for herself.


  “This is my third time calling you and I know you got my messages. Call me back and stop being so damn childish,” Jena snapped when she called Spencer’s phone again before she got out of the car.

  She had just come back from lunch and she had a few more minutes to spare. She had been calling Spencer since the day before and he had yet to pick up. The nerve of his dog ass to get upset when he was the one who got caught with his mouth on another bitch’s pussy. Lyric played him but he didn’t come crawling back to Jena like she thought he would. He wasted no time moving on to someone new though. Jena didn’t know who the chick was, but she’d come to the office to see him a few times. Spencer sometimes left with her for lunch, holding her hand like she was somebody special. The thought of it all had Jena sick to her stomach. She got out of her car and went into the building with a lot on her mind. About thirty minutes later, Spencer and his female companion came strolling into the office. Jena’s blood boiled as she watched him hug and kiss on another woman like they weren’t together just a few weeks ago. It was so embarrassing because everyone in the office knew that they were a couple too. She had to always appear unaffected, even though she was dying inside.

  “Who is that bitch?” Sabrina whispered in Jena’s ear.

  “I don’t know and I really don’t care. Knowing him, she won’t be around too much longer,” Jena replied.

  “I can’t believe he did you like that. Karma is gonna get his ass though,” Sabrina fumed.

  Jena wanted to agree with her, but she couldn’t. Sabrina didn’t know the entire story of how her and Spencer got together. She didn’t know that he was Lyric’s first and Jena didn’t bother telling her. Karma did come back around but Jena was who the bitch came to see.

  After completing all of her tasks for the day, five o’clock rolled around in no time. Everyone walked out of the office but Jena lingered behind. After a few minutes, Jena grabbed her personal items and headed down the hall. Instead of going to the elevator, she went to Spencer’s office instead. She didn’t even bother knocking. She just walked right in and stood in front of his desk.

  “The fuck you just busting up in my office for,” Spencer growled angrily.

  “Why have you been avoiding my calls?” Jena countered.

  “What do you want Jena? You saw what happened the last time you entered without knocking,” Spencer laughed like it was a joke.

  “You did all that and she still don’t want you,” Jena replied.

  “That’s cool with me. I keep a few benchwarmers on my team,” Spencer chuckled.

  “Since everything is so funny, laugh at this,” Jena said as she threw a piece of paper on his desk.

  He stopped smiling when he read what the paper said and all the color seemed to drain from his face. “If you are pregnant, how do I know that it’s mine?” Spencer asked.

  “Seriously Spencer? Is that really the game that you want to play with me?” Jena asked him.

  He knew it was a stupid question, but he had to ask. Jena was as loyal as they came. He knew tha
t she hadn’t been with anybody else. If she was pregnant like the paper that she’d given him said, he knew without a doubt that he was the baby’s father. Jena loved him more than she loved herself and that’s why it was so easy for him to do her dirty like he did.

  “How far along are you?” he asked her.

  “Nine weeks,” Jena replied.

  “How much?” Spencer inquired with a sigh.

  “I’m keeping it,” Jena replied, making him look at her like she was crazy.

  “The fuck you mean you’re keeping it? That shit worked once before, but it won’t work again. I’m not being with you just because you’re pregnant. I’m not ready for kids and you know that.”

  “You should have thought about that when you refused to use protection. I’m not ruining my body and run the risk of not being able to have kids in the future,” Jena snapped.

  “Weren’t you on the pill or some shit?” Spencer yelled angrily.

  “Yes, I was, but all that is irrelevant right now. I’m pregnant and I’m not getting rid of it,” Jena replied.

  He would die if he knew that she had missed a few doses. Jena wasn’t trying to get pregnant, but they both knew that nothing outside of abstinence was guaranteed.

  “You can’t have a baby Jena. You can barely afford to take care of yourself. You still live at home with your mama,” Spencer pointed out.

  “I didn’t make it by myself. Why do I have to take care of it by myself?” Jena questioned.

  “You’re the one who wants to keep it. I’m not ready for kids and you can’t force me to do nothing for a child that I don’t want,” Spencer fumed.

  “I can’t but the courts will. Don’t be stupid Spencer. You’re an attorney so you know how this works.”

  “Why do you get to make a decision that will change my life? I don’t want a baby with you. I can’t see me being connected to you for the rest of my life,” Spencer said.

  Jena’s feelings were hurt but she kept her poker face on. Spencer was talking as if he was ashamed of her. If that was the case, he shouldn’t have stayed with her as long as he did.


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