Heartbreak And Past Mistakes

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Heartbreak And Past Mistakes Page 33

by Chenell Parker

  “Yes,” she replied with a nod.

  The closer they got to the entrance, the tighter Mary squeezed her hand. Lyric kept telling her to take slow, deep breaths and that seemed to be helping just a little. When the lady welcomed them in, Mary was crying before they even went to the back of the building. Elise and Lyric were crying too, but they knew that their pain wasn’t the same.

  “We’ll wait out here until you come back,” Elise said as she stopped walking.

  She never had to do anything like that before if it wasn’t for a relative. She hated funerals, but she was trying to help out any way she could. She felt so guilty for not being able to give Mary the help that she needed before it was too late.

  “No, Lyric, please. I don’t think I can do this alone,” Mary said when Lyric tried to let go of her hand.

  It was sad that none of her other children even offered to accompany her, but Lyric couldn’t dwell on that. Even though the smell of embalming fluid made her want to throw up, she held Mary’s hand tighter and kept going to the back.

  “Please let us know if anything is not to your liking,” the funeral director said as she led them to an opened casket that was in the room.

  As soon as Mary saw her son laid out, she threw herself on his lifeless body and sobbed.

  “This was not supposed to happen. My baby was supposed to be burying me,” she cried, as Lyric and the other woman stood there wiping the tears from their eyes.

  Lyric was shocked to see the funeral director crying too. She was surrounded by death every day. Maybe seeing the way Mary was grieving pulled at her hearts strings the same as it had done to Lyric.

  “He looks very handsome,” Lyric said as she walked over and rubbed Mary’s back.

  The younger man appeared to be sleeping and Lyric could tell that he was very nice looking. Mary didn’t want him in a suit because she said he never liked to wear them. She picked out a nice Ralph Lauren button down with the vest and some slacks.

  “He was handsome. I wish you could have seen him before now,” she said with a weak smile.

  “Is he laid out okay for you?” the director asked.

  “He’s perfect,” Mary replied as she stroked his cold cheek lovingly.

  She stood there and just stared at her son for a while, but Lyric didn’t rush her. She was about to have her first baby and she loved her unborn already. She couldn’t imagine having a child in her life for over twenty years and losing them in such a horrible way. Lyric didn’t even find it weird when she saw the woman lean over and speak to her son as if he were still alive. People grieved differently and she wasn’t one to judge.

  “Ready to go?” Lyric asked when Mary turned around and walked away from her son.

  “Yes,” she replied, seemingly better than she was before.

  Elise was still in the hall when they got back and all three women walked out together.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss Ms. Mary. I really wish that I could have done more,” Elise said sympathetically.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about. You and Lyric have done more than enough. I really appreciate everything.” Mary smiled as Elise went to her car and drove away.

  “Do you need to make any more stops before you go home, Ms. Mary?” Lyric asked.

  “No baby. I’m just ready to get tomorrow over with. Thank you so much for everything. You have really been an angel to me from day one. You’re gonna be a good mother,”

  Mary said as she rubbed her stomach.

  “I sure do hope so.” Lyric smiled.

  “That baby is gonna be spoiled rotten. Wanda has been wanting a grandchild since Deuce was old enough to have a girlfriend,” Mary laughed.

  “I heard,” Lyric giggled.

  She and Mary talked the entire time as Lyric drove her home. It was only a little after one, so Lyric went back to the office to see if Mr. Malone needed her to do anything else. If he didn’t, she was gonna go home for the rest of the day and prepare to go to a funeral early the following Saturday morning.


  “Why can’t we go by your grandmother?” Lyric asked as Bronx drove them towards his mother’s house.

  “She’s not home Lyric. I told you that she stays the night by one of her sisters sometimes. What, you don’t like my mama or something?” he smirked.

  “She’s okay, but I like your grandmother better,” Lyric replied honestly.

  “Me too,” Bronx laughed, even though he was serious.

  “Besides that, your uncle gives me the creeps.” Lyric frowned.

  “That nigga gives everybody the creeps,” Bronx replied.

  “I’ve never seen a man be so messy in all my life. He gossips like a woman,” Lyric noted.

  “Always have,” Bronx acknowledged.

  He and Lyric had gone to the funeral and were now headed to his mother’s house. She had been begging him to bring Lyric over and he finally agreed. Lyric never verbally expressed it, but he could tell that she didn’t care for his mother too much. Wanda gossiped a lot and Warren was always right there with her. Lyric had only seen her about three times and she was always talking about somebody when she did. For the sake of his unborn child, he needed them to at least be cordial to one another.

  “How long are we gonna be here?” Lyric asked when they pulled up to the house.

  “She just wants to see you, baby. We don’t have to stay long,” Bronx replied.

  “What does she want to see me for?” Lyric asked.

  “Because you’re carrying her first grandchild,” he answered.

  “Exactly. The baby ain’t even here yet,” Lyric said as she rolled her eyes.

  “She drives me crazy sometimes but that’s still my mama. Having a grandchild is better than winning the lottery to her. You might as well get used to it because she’s gonna be around all the time when the baby is born.”

  “As long as it’s at your house and not mine,” Lyric replied.

  “You can kill all that noise. We’re not living in two separate houses. That shit sounds stupid.” Bronx frowned as he got out of the car.

  “Fix your face,” Lyric laughed when he opened the door for her to get out.

  “That shit ain’t funny Lyric. You said your house was a starter home anyway. I don’t see why you can’t sell it and buy one with me. All your ex niggas know where you live and I’m not even feeling that shit.”

  “First off, if I do sell my house, it won’t be to buy another one with you. If you want me to move in with you, then you’ll be the one buying it. Secondly, my next house will be my dream house and I know you ain’t ready to spend that kind of money.”

  “Seriously Lyric? You coming at me sideways over some money?” Bronx asked angrily.

  “How did I come at you sideways? I’m just letting you know what I want.” Lyric shrugged.

  “Don’t I always give you whatever you want though, Lyric?” Bronx asked.

  “We ain’t talking about no clothes and shoes boo. We’re talking about a six-figure home,” Lyric noted.

  “Is that supposed to mean something to me? Point that bitch out and I’ll write the check.” Bronx said as they walked up the stairs to his mother’s house.

  He had never been a home owner before, but that was something that he was looking forward to. Lyric didn’t have a chance to reply before Wanda opened the door with a huge smile covering her face.

  “Look at you. That stomach is getting so big. Come on inside. Deuce told me that you like everything grilled and I got you covered,” Wanda said as she pulled Lyric inside.

  She looked at Deuce and rolled her eyes. That bastard told her that they were just passing through. He knew all along that his mama had planned for them to stay for a while. It was cool though. When Lyric saw that Wanda had steak and lobster tails on the grill, she wasn’t in a hurry.

  “Where is your broke freeloading brother?” Deuce asked as he flipped the steaks that Wanda had on the grill.

  Lyric was sitting under the shaded pat
io and Wanda was sitting next to her.

  “He went to go get that girlfriend of his. I told him that she can’t spend no more nights over here. All she wants to do is eat and sleep all day,” Wanda fussed.

  “That’s all he do too,” Deuce pointed out.

  “Yeah, but that’s my brother. I don’t even know her ass like that. How is Mary?” Wanda asked, changing the subject like she always did whenever he said something about her brother.

  “She’s good. I don’t think she really felt like having company today though,” Deuce replied.

  “I’m sure she doesn’t. I couldn’t even stay for the whole service. That was just too sad for me,” Wanda said while shaking her head.

  “You need to stay in contact with her though,” Deuce replied.

  “I always do. Them lazy ass kids of hers need to get off their asses and do something. Mary is on her death bed and she seems to be getting worse. Ain’t no way in hell she should have to pay all those bills and stuff by herself. And her daughters got the nerve to have their men up in there too,” Wanda gossiped.

  “They ain’t doing no more to her than what Warren is doing to you,” Deuce noted.

  “When’s the last time you talked to Baby Blue and Armani?” Wanda asked while changing the subject again.

  “I haven’t,” Deuce replied.

  “Zina know she was wrong for changing her number the way she did,” Wanda said.

  “That’s all on her, ma. That’s her kids and nobody can force her to let us see them. We’re not biologically related to them, so there’s nothing that we can do,” Deuce replied.

  He tried to call and talk to the kids one day, but Zina had changed her number. He got the hint and he never tried to reach out to her again. He knew where she lived but going over there was pointless. He knew Zina and he knew how she operated. That was her way of severing ties with them and he was cool with that. He missed the kids, but he had to respect Zina’s unspoken wishes.

  “I heard that she was out there messing with the friend of one of her dead baby daddy’s. And you know he’s a dope boy since that’s all she likes. That’s a shame that she got those kids around that mess again,” Wanda said, as Lyric rolled her eyes up to the sky.

  That was the part about Wanda that she hated the most. Lyric knew that she could never talk around her because she talked too much. If she heard it, it became public information.

  “Ma, I really don’t care what Zina does and who she does it with. Lyric and my baby are my only concerns,” Deuce fussed.

  “I know that’s right. Have y’all thought of any names yet?” Wanda asked.

  “Bronx Jr. for a boy and Brooklyn for a girl,” Deuce replied, making Lyric look at him in shock.

  That was her first time hearing anything about the baby’s name. She liked both names, but she would have loved to know before he told anyone else.

  “Oh, your grandmother is gonna love that,” Wanda beamed proudly.

  Her mother visited New York faithfully every year and that was her favorite vacation spot. Mildred was the one who named Bronx and she was going to love the names that were chosen for her first great-grandchild.

  “We should know the sex in two more weeks when they do the ultrasound,” Deuce said.

  “I don’t care what it is, just as long as it’s healthy,” Wanda replied.

  “I said the same thing, but Lyric wants a girl,” Deuce said as he smiled at her.

  “Let me go get a pan to put everything in. It should be ready to come off by now,” Wanda said as she stood up and walked into the house.

  “Thanks for consulting with me before you named my baby.” Lyric frowned as she rolled her eyes.

  “Our baby,” Deuce corrected as he walked over to her.

  He pulled Lyric up from the chair and sat down, pulling her on his lap. He nuzzled his face in her neck while rubbing her growing belly. A year ago, Deuce would have never guessed that he would be as happy as he was now. Back then, he was contemplating divorce and moving out of Zina’s house. Now, he wanted nothing more than to give Lyric the world and show her how hard he could love her. He could tell that she was still holding back on him. Lyric still had her guard up and he didn’t know how to get her to drop it.

  “Don’t try to put no marks on me,” Lyric giggled when he tried to suck on her neck.

  “Why not?” Bronx lifted his head and asked.

  “Because that shit is tacky,” Lyric replied.

  “When do I get off punishment?” Deuce asked as he kissed all over her face and neck. He stayed by Lyric’s house every night but they hadn’t had sex once. He was all for talking and holding her at night, but he preferred to do that after she gave him some.

  “Whenever I say so,” Lyric replied.

  “Come on Lyric. Stop acting like you don’t need it too,” he fussed.

  “I do, but I have more will power than you do,” she laughed.

  “You got that shit right,” Deuce agreed as she laughed.

  “Nephew! What’s up with you? Nigga out here acting like he’s in love and shit!” Warren yelled when he walked outside.

  “It ain’t no act. It is what it is.” Deuce shrugged.

  “Let the damn girl breathe for a while. She ain’t going nowhere,” Warren joked.

  “This nigga here,” Deuce mumbled in disgust as Warren’s girlfriend walked up behind him.

  When Lyric lifted her head, the other woman smiled and walked over to her. It must have been the twilight zone and Lyric was living in it. It seemed as if everyone from her past showed up whenever she and Bronx were together. First it was Brad and, now, the bitch that he cheated on her with was standing there looking like she and Lyric were still the best of friends.

  “Girl, Lyric, I thought that was you. You look great. How have you been?” Jade smiled when she walked over to where Lyric and Deuce were seated.

  She looked like she wanted to hug Lyric, but the look on her face told her not to even try. She didn’t care how many years had passed, Lyric didn’t fuck with her. They were best friends at one time until Jade crossed that line. It wasn’t even about Brad. It was more about their years of friendship and the bond that she broke. Lyric didn’t care if she had to be around her, she wasn’t going to pretend like they were best friends again. She saw Jena every day and the same rules applied to her too. Jade looked like years of running the streets and drinking had taken a toll on her appearance. She was still a pretty girl but she looked hard and worn out in the face. Her lips were black from smoking so much and the bags under her eyes looked permanent. Her once healthy shoulder-length hair was now in a short frizzy ponytail.

  “Keep it pushing Jade. You already know that I don’t fuck with you,” Lyric said, calmly dismissing her.

  “Hold up girl, don’t be coming over here being disrespectful,” Warren said.

  “She can say what the fuck she wanna say to whoever the fuck she wanna say it to,” Deuce snapped as he moved Lyric from his lap and stood up.

  “That’s fucked up though, Deuce. I don’t know how they know each other, but all Jade did was speak to her. She didn’t even have to do all that,” Warren replied.

  “My girl said she don’t fuck with her and that’s what it is,” Deuce fumed as Wanda came rushing out of the house.

  “All I did was speak to her. It’s not even that serious with me. I bet I won’t make that mistake again,” Jade spoke up.

  “As if I give a fuck,” Lyric replied.

  “You’re still winning Lyric. You’re still better than me, so need for the animosity,” Jade spat with jealously dripping from her tone.

  Lyric had to be really bad at judging people’s character. It amazed her how she considered women who were obviously jealous of her to be her best friends. Crazy thing was, she had never done anything to make them feel the way they did. It was sad that she didn’t even have any friends at that stage in her life and she was afraid to get some. Heartbreak and past mistakes seemed to be the story of her life and she was ov
er it.

  “What’s going on out here?” Wanda asked.

  “Ask your daughter-in-law. Her attitude is real fucked up,” Warren replied.

  “Say what nigga,” Deuce said as he pushed his uncle and made him fall to the ground. He was walking over to him, ready to swing, but his mother stood in the way.

  “Deuce stop! That’s your uncle,” Wanda scolded.

  “Fuck that nigga and his bitch too. Stupid ass in his feelings because Lyric don’t fuck with a broad that he barely know,” Deuce fumed.

  “It don’t even have to be all that bruh. You know I would never fight you, but your girl is wrong and you know it,” Warren said as he got up and brushed the dirt from his pants.

  “I don’t give a fuck if she’s right or wrong! Don’t open your mouth to say shit to her, period!” Deuce yelled angrily.

  “My fault for trying to be nice,” Jade replied sarcastically.

  “She gotta go Warren,” Wanda said as she pointed to Jade.

  “For what?” he asked incredulously.

  “Because this is my house and I said so. I don’t even know her and she’s bringing all this drama around here,” Wanda fussed.

  “She didn’t even do nothing,” Warren argued.

  “Do I need to repeat myself? If it’s a problem, you can leave and stay gone right with her,” Wanda replied.

  “Come on man,” Warren said as he grabbed Jade’s hand and walked away.

  As much as he knew his sister loved him, he knew that she loved her son even more. Wanda always had his back but not when it came to Deuce. Her only son was her pride and joy and everyone knew that. Lyric was having her first grandchild, so she was right up there on the pedestal with him. Warren was no fool. No matter how he felt about his nephew’s girlfriend, he had to keep it to himself. Getting on Deuce’s bad side was the quickest way for him to end up broke and homeless. Wanda wasn’t having it and Warren knew not to try her.

  “He better not bring that bitch back over here,” Wanda fumed as she walked back into the house.

  “Who was that?” Deuce asked once he and Lyric were alone.

  “Remember the friend that I told you slept with my first boyfriend?” Lyric asked.

  “Oh, alright. She was the one that fucked with Urkel,” Bronx said, referring to Brad.


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