The Warrior Princess: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

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The Warrior Princess: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance Page 17

by Siobhan Davis

  I can only imagine how I’d feel if I was down on the ground, examining the tombs and artifacts for myself. Perhaps, when things aren’t so hectic, that might be something I’ll get to do.

  “Wow.” I’m practically speechless. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “It’s majestic, and I never grow tired of looking at it.”

  “I can’t believe all this is hidden in such a massive tourist area and that no one is any the wiser.”

  “Our technology shields us effectively. The humans have no clue we live here.”

  “Although they did suspect it in the past. There’s lots of speculation about the pyramids and plenty of humans who believe aliens built the structures or provided the wherewithal to the Egyptians to build them.” I remember watching a documentary about it before. I always thought it was a load of crap, and way too farfetched to be true, but it just goes to show how little I knew.

  “No one has ever been able to conclusively prove it.”

  “Wasn’t it risky coming back here though? What if our enemies came across those theories and decided to investigate?”

  “Many have done, and they never return to prove the theory. In time, the rumors died, and bounty hunters gave up looking.”

  “Until now.”

  He nods. “Yes. While your discovery isn’t common knowledge in public circles, those seeking you out are aware you are on Earth. It’s why time is of the essence. There’s a lot to achieve before you awaken and assume supreme power.”

  “Do you know what will happen when I awaken?” As my eighteenth birthday draws nearer, I’m becoming more agitated. At least if I knew what to expect, I might not feel such abject terror at the prospect of my transformation.

  “There is a section in the prophecy which alludes to your awakening. While your key focus at this time is on absolute control of your gifts, I will send sections of the prophecy to you daily to study. Once Beckett is here, you and he can delve into it in more detail. You will need his sharp mind to help you decipher it.”

  Talk of my sweet boy brings my dormant panic to the surface again. My fear is all too real.

  Glennev stops, gently taking hold of my elbow to stall me. “We will get to them in time. Try not to worry.”

  Except that’s far easier said than done. Beckett is sensitive, and if Alandra has done anything to change that, I will not rest until she’s a pile of ash at my feet. My fists clench into balls of fury at my sides as I imagine how Dane has suffered at her hands. She made no secret of how much she desired him, and without knowing any of the details, I already know she has tried to claim him as hers. A deep ache slices clear through my heart. I can’t ever remember hating anyone as much as I hate her. Hatred isn’t even a strong enough word to describe my feelings toward her. I loathe her viciously, and the craving to end her is slowly consuming me inside.

  I will kill her for touching my guys.

  And not feel even a twinge of remorse.

  A shiver dances over my spine, and a strange sensation coils and slithers deep in my belly. Like a poisonous snake lying in wait until the time comes to unleash its venom. To strike the enemy in one deadly blow. That’s how twisted I feel whenever I think about that bitch.

  Glennev studies my face, and tiny lines furrow his brow, but he doesn’t voice whatever concern is on his mind.

  “How much longer will you stay here?” I inquire, wanting to shake off all thoughts of Alandra before I explode.

  We start walking again.

  “For as long as is necessary, but we all desire to return home.”

  I wonder if Verron will ever feel like home to me. Especially now I know my birth parents aren’t there. The only mother I’ve ever known lives in Eaton Lake, and if I can’t convince her to relocate to Egypt, I haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell of convincing her to move to outer space. I don’t even know if humans can live in such different conditions.

  I’m lost in thought as we walk in amicable silence to the tech hub for security processing. I’m just entering as Tav and Ellya are preparing to leave. She gives me a quick hug. “It’s so amazing to be free of that wretched place,” she enthuses, practically bouncing on her feet. “I don’t even mind that they’re putting us to work.”

  “We have to earn our keep, Ell,” Tav says, ever the model citizen.

  “Everyone pulls their weight around here,” Glennev supplies. “But you will have plenty of downtime. We’re not complete slave drivers,” he adds with a cheeky grin.

  “Glad to hear it,” Ellya pipes up.

  Their escort coughs loudly, sending them a pointed look. “We’ll catch you later.” Tav waggles his brows as they both hurry to follow him out of the room.

  My security clearance is processed by an efficient young woman, and then I follow Glennev back out into the corridor, en route to meet Donovan and Denzil. “How do you want to handle your presence here?” he asks me as we walk over to the other side of the compound. “Would you rather stay hidden or do you wish your real identity to be known?”

  I like and appreciate how much he includes me in decision-making, and it’s one of the reasons why I’m so impressed with him. He doesn’t pander to me or put me on a pedestal. He treats me like an equal. With respect and intelligence, and I’m very grateful to have him on my side. I wonder how Dane will react to him. How accepting he will be of his authority. Knowing Dane, and how much he likes to control and dictate things, I expect fireworks.

  But I would give anything to have Dane here right now screaming and shouting at me.

  At least he’d be safe.

  I would happily lock horns with him in a tradeoff for his safety.

  Gulping back my sorrow, I focus on replying. “I think it’s best if I continue to maintain a low profile. My priority is getting the guys back, and then we can start putting a proper plan in place.”

  Glennev smiles. “I agree, and I’m glad we are on the same page. Certain key people and senior ranking guards need to be fully appraised, but, otherwise, I think keeping your identity hidden works to our best advantage at this time.” He glides his hand across the double doors we have stopped in front of. “Which is why I suggested your instructors train you out here. No one comes to this side of the compound that often, so the risk of disruption or discovery is minimal.”

  He steps aside to allow me to enter the room first. It’s a vast square space with a vaulted ceiling and padded mats covering the floor. The walls are constructed of a shiny, quivering, Jell-O-like material that I assume is similar to the room we used in the government compound. I suspect it deflects my firepower in the same way, ensuring I don’t accidentally set fire to the place. Or anyone in it.

  Donovan and Denzil are both standing in the middle of the room with their hands behind their backs. They are wearing black pants and tight-fitting black shirts. Both wear serious “I mean fucking business” expressions. Denzil’s long hair is scraped back in a ponytail, further highlighting his grave expression. The elder presses his forehead to theirs, one at a time, in a gesture I have seen previously. I make a mental note to ask him about it because I neglected to query standard traditions with Beck that time we visited Zorc’s home.

  “I will leave you in very capable hands, Alinthia.” Glennev bows his head, and then carefully places his palm on my forehead. “Please blank your mind,” he instructs, and I toss all thoughts out of my head without question. “Can you locate my thread?” he asks, and I delve deep into my mind, powering through the mess of threads snaking through my head, instantly spotting the glowing thread I seek. I latch onto it.

  “Excellent,” he projects into my mind. “Now you have my thread, you can communicate with me whenever you need to. If there is anything you seek, any question you need answered, or you need my help, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Anytime.”

  “I will and thank you. For everything.”

  “It is my honor to serve you.”

  “I will send some study material to your room for later
,” he says, speaking out loud. “And perhaps we can meet over breakfast again in the morning to discuss your progress.”

  “I would like that. Maybe we could make it a standing arrangement? So we can update one another?”

  “Perfect. Consider it done.”

  I return his smile and watch for a second as he walks away. “Ahem.” Donovan clears his throat, and his lips kick up at the corners. “Eyes forward, Princess.”

  I shoot a scathing look at him. “I thought that asshole tone was all part of the role play?”

  “Mainly. But you should know every person playing a part brings an element of themselves to it.” He smirks.

  “Got it.” I crack my knuckles. “Knowing you’re a genuine asshole will make it easier for me to kick your butt every which way to Sunday.”

  A challenge blazes in his eyes. “Oh, you’re on, sweetheart. It’s going down.” He smirks again, and a growl builds at the back of my throat.

  Denzil’s eyes whip between me and Donovan, and he looks like he’s on the verge of a coronary. “At ease, Denzil,” I say, smiling softly at him. “We are all equals in this room. Relax and ignore him. That’s what I do.” I poke my tongue out at Donovan, and he laughs.

  “Right, Princess,” Donovan says, folding his muscular arms across his chest. “Let’s show Denzil here what you can do.”

  I demonstrate my newfound control over my gifts, showing Denzil the extent of what I can do. Donovan explains how to use positive emotions and focused goals to summon my powers rather than summoning dark emotions to wield my powers. All I have to do is blank my mind, focus on positive energy, and then usher my gifts to the surface. I hadn’t expected it to be as simple as that, or for it to work as well, but it does. I’m able to use my powers at will without channeling rage or frustration or vengeance.

  Then we switch to combat maneuvers, and we spend the afternoon fighting one another with our bare hands and then with guns and knives. The guys are relentless, and they don’t go easy on me. Coming at me one at a time and then in joint attack. I land on my butt more times than I care to count, but I instantly jump up, throwing myself back into it.

  By the time we break for dinner, I’m a hot, sweaty mess, and my limbs throb with exertion. But I’m buzzing, and high on confidence, realizing that I don’t need much more time to train. I’m ready—I feel it in my bones.

  I’m laughing at some cheesy joke Donovan just told when we enter the cafeteria. Denzil has been fairly quiet except when he’s instructing me. I’m sensing he’s having a difficult time treating me normally, but I hope he’ll come around. He’s a good guy. Solid, reliable, and loyal, and I need more like him on my side.

  “We’re over on the left,” Tav says into my mind, and I scan the room for them, spotting Ellya waving like a madwoman from a table a few rows in front of us.

  “I’ll grab some food and then we’ll join you.”

  A few minutes later, the guys follow me over to join my friends. I sink into an empty chair, pushing moist tendrils of hair back off my forehead.

  “How was your training?” Tav politely asks.

  “Hard work but great. These guys know how to push a girl, but it’s all good,” I say before guzzling my bottle of water.

  “How about you guys?” I inquire, looking between Tav and Ellya. “What have you been assigned to do?”

  “I’m working in the kitchen,” Ellya supplies, popping a piece of chicken into her mouth. “Which I’m actually enjoying even if I’m totally clueless how to prepare most of the food.”

  “Can’t you just manipulate it into the desired form?” I inquire.

  She shakes her head. “My ability doesn’t work like that. I need to visualize the form I want to achieve and then I touch it and focus. I can’t do that with food unless I know what the end product looks like.”

  “I’ll get you a recipe book,” I half-joke, “it will save you so much time!”

  She grins.

  “You’ll learn the old-fashioned way,” Tav says, sending both of us a chastising look. “And I bet you’ll pick it up fast.”

  “And what about you?” I ask, spearing a piece of carrot with my fork.

  “I’m going to be working closely with Elder Glennev on strategies for building alliances and creation of your army,” he confirms.

  My fork clangs to the table, and I draw a deep breath. I don’t know why I’m so surprised. I knew this was coming. But hearing talk of it becoming an actuality brings everything into focus. This is happening. Once I awaken, I will be leading that army into the galaxy to end Arantu’s reign once and for all. A shudder works its way through my body, and I realize I’m nowhere near ready for that battle.

  Four sets of eyes scrutinize me, and I plaster a fake smile on my face. “You’ll be a natural at that, Tav. And I will definitely need your help in rallying the troops behind me. You’re a born leader, and others respect and listen to you.”

  Swirls go crazy across his face, and a genuine smile replaces the false, forced one. I’ve grown so accustomed to reading Tav’s emotions on his face that I barely even notice anymore, but the strength of his feelings right now is not something I can ignore. He notices me noticing, and a blush creeps up his neck.

  God, he’s so sweet.

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  “I know you didn’t. It’s just … I’m not used to hearing such praise. And it means so much coming from you.”

  I reach across the table and squeeze his hand. The others are talking quietly among themselves, giving us privacy to conduct our silent conversation. “I meant every word. And I want you by my side every step of this journey. I’m beginning to think I was meant to be incarcerated by the humans. That I was meant to meet you and Ellya for a reason.”

  His eyes pop wide. “You don’t think…”

  “That it’s prophesied?” I arch a brow and he nods. I shrug. “Maybe. Maybe not. It could just be a coincidence.” But I’m seriously beginning to wonder if I have any free will. If everything I do has already been preordained. On the one hand, that brings a certain level of comfort, because it suggests I will defeat Arantu and bring peace to the galaxy as has been foretold. But, on the other hand, I feel like a puppet on a string. Like I have zero control over my actions and my future, and that thought sits like curdled milk in my stomach.

  Tav looks almost excited at the prospect, and I shake all negative thoughts from my mind.

  A shadow looms over the table and I twist around in my seat as Donovan stands up, a concerned expression on his face. An older man with cropped hair and a stern face addresses us. “Elder Glennev has requested your immediate presence in his chambers.”

  I rise, sharing a worried look with Donovan. I don’t have a good feeling about this.

  As we step into the elder’s chambers, I immediately see why.

  He is standing in front of a large wall-mounted screen, rubbing a hand back and forth across his smooth chin. Three men I haven’t met before stand and tip their heads in my direction. I acknowledge them with a nod and a brief smile before hurrying to Glennev’s side. A gasp rips from my mouth when I dedicate my attention to the screen.

  A CNN reporter is speaking urgently to the camera, gesticulating wildly with her hands as a massive ball of fire and smoke rises high into the sky behind her. A loud pop and sounds of shocked screams erupt in the background, and the reporter startles and almost jumps out of her skin.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Donovan grits out. Glennev nods.

  “What is it? Where is it?” I’m almost afraid to ask.

  “The facility where the human government kept the bulk of their secret alien tech arsenal has just been destroyed.”

  “Were there many casualties?”

  “A few. All human,” Glennev confirms. “It’s not one of the compounds where they hold our kind.”

  His response does little to ease the twinge of guilt forming in my gut. “You know who did this?” I’m not sure why I’m asking a questi
on I suspect I already know the answer to. Confirmation of my suspicion is not going to assuage my guilt in the slightest.

  Glennev looks me directly in the eye. “I think it’s safe to assume the alliance between Zorc, Jentarr, and the humans has come to an end.”



  It’s been a few days since I was thrown out of Alandra’s harem and returned to the dungeon basement with my brothers. Gradually, the swelling in my eye has gone down, and I can half-see out of it. I had to suffer the additional humiliation of some servant girl putting boxers on me while that asshole Fingyl watched with a smug grin. When he was chaining me to the wall, he jabbed his fist in my ribs so hard I’m pretty sure he broke a few. But I said nothing. Let no glimmer of pain show on my face. I wouldn’t give that jerk the satisfaction.

  And Maddox saved me the trouble. He saw what went down, and he was enraged. Although he was weak, he somehow managed to yank his cuffs from the wall and he threw himself at Fingyl, ramming his elbow into his jaw with a satisfying crunch. Fingyl’s head hit the ground hard when he went down, giving Maddox the upper hand. He managed to destroy his face into a bloody pulp before guards rushed the cell, restraining him.

  I felt bad for the beating Maddox endured as a result of his attack, but he shared his emotions with me, and any guilt I was harboring disappeared. Maddox was happy to have defended my honor in this small way. And I was fucking delighted to see Fingyl get some of what’s coming to him.

  My nostrils twitch, and my stomach grumbles. The room stinks to the high heavens. Along with us. Our energy reserves and our hope are depleting with the lack of food and water and the humid conditions.

  My brothers’ concerns trickle through our bond, and I’m working hard to hide my true emotions. To conceal my inner turmoil. Instead, I do what I do best. Run through scenarios and plans in my mind. Trawling for something I can latch on to. Some route to lead us to freedom. I will fucking kill every last one of those motherfuckers before I’ll let them lay a finger on Alinthia. They will not do to her what’s been done to me.


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