The Warrior Princess: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

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The Warrior Princess: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance Page 21

by Siobhan Davis

  The plan is flawed.

  We all know it is.

  Security is tight in the castle, and we are vastly outnumbered.

  So much rests on me. On my ability to hold the enemy at bay with my unique gifts. But I have faith I won’t let anyone down. My skills always come to the fore under duress, and I don’t expect this to be any different. The fact my skills are vastly enhanced helps spur me on too. I can do this once I keep my focus and my head on the end goal.

  However, I don’t miss the regular looks shared between the advisors and Glennev. They all think I’m crazy. That this is not going to end well. But I refuse to give in to that sentiment.

  Failure is not an option.

  I am going to do this. And we are going to succeed.

  I rap on the door before slipping into the room. Ellya is sitting rather stiffly in a chair, staring at her folded hands in her lap. Kylie and Jensen are whispering in hushed tones on the couch.

  “Thanks, Ell. Would you mind giving us a few minutes?” I smile at her in gratitude.

  “Of course.” She walks quietly from the room, and I drop into the chair she just vacated.

  “I still can’t believe you did this. You know how dumb it is, right?”

  “About as dumb as you rushing to the rescue without any proper plan,” Kylie retorts without malice.

  “I don’t have a choice.” I sigh, rubbing the dull pounding between my temples. “You two did.”

  Jensen leans forward on his elbows. “No, we didn’t.” A muscle ticks in his jaw. “Neither one of us will sit back if you’re putting yourself in danger. We’re your best friends, Tor, and we want to help. Always.”

  I cross one leg over my knee, and my brain aches with tiredness. I don’t have the energy for arguing with them. Now isn’t the time. “Two guards will stay on the ship with you after we land. I need you both to promise you won’t pull any more stupid shit. This plan is risky enough as it is, and the last thing I need when I’m facing my enemies is to be worrying about you two.”

  “We’re not here to add to your stress, Tori. We only want to help.” Kylie’s tone is pleading, and I know she’s trying to make amends, but I still find it hard to look at her and not bleed internally at thoughts of her betrayal.

  I stand, fighting a sudden weariness that begs to seep into my bones. “We are going into hyperdrive in five minutes, and we expect to land on Xzanthar shortly after. Provided the codes we have actually work.” I wouldn’t put it past Zorc to have other tricks up his sleeves. “You should strap yourselves in. It’s like the fastest rollercoaster ride you’ve ever experienced.” I walk toward the door.

  “Tori?” Jensen calls out after me, and I glance over my shoulder at him. “Please be careful. And stay safe.”

  His concern warms every part of me. My smile is genuine, and his return one is the same. “I will.”

  I head to the bathroom to freshen up, and I’m washing my hands when Coop finally makes contact with me.

  “Are you okay? Are the others okay? What’s going on? Did she hurt you?” I blurt.

  “We’re fine. Stop worrying.”

  I snort. As if that’s within the realm of possibilities. “I need you to level with me, Coop. No trying to protect me. We are en route right now, and I might need your help to get to the Chamber.”

  I quickly tell him what the plan is.

  “Shit, Alinthia. Relying on Zorc is risky. Look how perfectly he’s played us.”

  “The difference is we know exactly how he’s playing us.” I update him on our discussion and our belief that Zorc and Jentarr are one and the same.

  “Why didn’t we think of that?” he muses.

  “It doesn’t really make much difference anyway, except that I know he’s given me what I need to make my way to you. He needs me there, so I’m confident this will work.”

  “The difference is he isn’t planning on letting us out of there alive and he intends to take you with him.”

  “I’m not about to let that happen.” My voice resonates with confidence that emanates from my very soul. No one is taking the guys from me again.

  No one.

  A siren blares, warning me that we are making the move to hyperspace imminently. I invoke my superspeed, and I’m back in the main cabin, strapping myself in within a nanosecond. I cut the connection to Coop, promising to keep him updated once we are nearing Xzanthar.

  I keep my eyes fixed straight ahead as the ship zooms forward, bringing me closer to the core of my beating heart.


  We wait with collective bated breath as the pilot repeats the code Zorc provided to air traffic control on Xzanthar. Right now, we’re just outside their airspace. A televised screen on the front wall shows the planet down below, protected by the illuminous green light of the shield.

  I release the breath I’d been holding as the shield parts in the center, and our ship glides forward slowly, but my anxiety remains bubbling under the surface of my calm exterior. I won’t relax until we’re leaving this place for home.

  That coiling snake of darkness in the pit of my gut is also on guard, waiting for the right moment to strike. Perhaps I should be afraid, because, deep down, I think I know what it is, but I’m not scared. It’s giving me the additional confidence I need to assure myself I can do this.

  Too much rests on it to even contemplate failure.

  My eyes are hooked to the screen as we descend toward the Imperial City. My eyes remain glued to the mesmerizing sights. Towering high-rises glisten as we move toward the castle in the distance. Nestled at the top of a mountain, it holds prime position over the bustling city. Clusters of shimmering trees and shrubs snag my attention along with the vibrant hues of the colorful sky. Highways that appear to be made of glass curve into the sky, zigzagging and crisscrossing, making my eyes dizzy. Wealth and decadence bleed into the air, and it’s clear the inhabitants are profiting from Arantu’s ill-gotten gains.

  The ship straightens up as it advances toward the castle. My gaze doesn’t leave the screen as I take it all in. The high walls rimming the perimeter. The multitude of armed guards keeping watch on every possible entry point. Beams of red and green lights traversing the expansive lawns, like a network of electrifying charges. Coop wasn’t kidding when he said this place was securely protected.

  My anxiety increases a notch.

  It might prove easy to get in but getting out is going to be challenging. Let’s hope our guys are able to cause some havoc once we’re inside, and that it provides enough of a distraction to enable us to slip out undetected.

  The ship rounds the back of the castle, lowering slowly before gliding forward into a vast hangar. The pilot maneuvers the ship into the allocated slot and there’s a subtle bump as the ship lands on the platform.

  We unbuckle our belts and do a last-minute weapons inspection. I check the knife and gun strapped to my waist are secure and smooth a hand over my black shirt and combat pants, working hard to keep my nerves at bay.

  Glennev steps out of the cockpit with a long, black velvet robe thrown over his arm. “You need to wear this and pull up the hood to avoid being spotted.” He hands it to me, and I wordlessly put it on, tying it under my chin and tugging the hood up.

  Donovan addresses the three groups of soldiers. “Stick to the plan and maintain contact at all times.” He taps his ear and I spot the clear earpiece curving around his lobe, noticing similar communicators on all the soldiers.

  Daniel addresses two men standing with folded arms at the door. “Do not let the remaining crew out of your sight. They are not to leave this ship under any circumstances.” They nod their agreement as Donovan comes toward me.

  “The first group will exit via the main door while we will sneak out under the ship. That way, if it’s a trap, if someone is lying in wait for us, we will still get away.”

  But no one is lying in wait, and we drop from the belly of the ship as the first group of men exit onto the platform without any issue. My hear
t is thumping in my chest as we creep out from under the ship, hiding in the middle of the soldiers. Donovan, Denzil, Glennev, and Daniel are with me. They will be covering my back at all times, and I’m grateful for their presence.

  We walk through the busy hangar and barely anyone pays us any attention. It’s only now I notice the gray and black uniforms our soldiers are wearing are a match to the uniforms the guards wear on Xzanthar, so we blend in rather easily, just like a battalion returning home from a mission. I keep the hood up and my head down, trying to stay inconspicuous.

  “The hatch is at the top left-hand side of the hangar,” Coop confirms in my head. I had re-connected with him while we were making our descent and agreed we would stay in live contact while this plays out.

  “I see it,” I confirm, snatching Donovan’s arm and jerking my head in that direction. The group is heading for the main corridor where they will follow the map to locate the tech sector.

  We wait until the very last second, darting to the side and hoping no one notices. But the place is a hive of activity, and no one on the ground is paying us any attention. However, I’m not naïve enough to think there aren’t cameras trawling the hangar, searching for us.

  Denzil pulls up the hatch and Donovan drops down into the hole, sliding down the ladder with his feet on either side of it.

  Show off.

  Positioning myself over the hole, I take a quick look around to ensure no one is watching, and then I extend my arms to the side and lower myself down with ease, my feet not once making contact with the ladder. I land gracefully beside Donovan, fighting a smug smirk. He grins knowingly at me, and I elbow him in the side, but the lighthearted ribbing is exactly what I need to help take the edge off my mounting stress.

  Once the others are in the tunnel alongside us, Denzil pulls the hatch closed and jumps down to meet us. Glennev pulls up a holo map, and we set off in the right direction.

  “This place is creepy,” I tell Coop. “I hope there are no rats down here.”

  “We’re in the Chamber now,” Coop confirms, ignoring my attempt at humor. “So they definitely know you are coming. And it’s as you predicted. She has us kneeling in front of her on the dais.”

  “Who else is with you?”

  “Besides Arantu, Alandra, and Zorc, there are four men standing behind them, armed and ready, and there are a bunch of guards at the main doors too. Can’t tell how many came in behind us, but judging by the footfall, I’d say four to six.”

  Ten guards max. That should be manageable, but I can’t imagine Arantu doesn’t have reserves waiting in the wings somewhere. Adrenaline pumps through my veins, and firepower whips through my body, tingling the tips of my fingers. Steely determination has me racing ahead as I invoke superspeed, ignoring the cursing behind me.

  I come to a halt in the right place, squinting as I look up at the hatch. If the maps we have are accurate, this should bring us out in the corridor around the corner from the Chamber of Worship. Hot under the heavy robe, I untie it and toss it aside, figuring it has served its purpose already. I need to be unencumbered when the fighting breaks out.

  A satisfied moan slips out of my lips as the connection linking me to the guys surges to life. The line curves and flows, excitement and pure contentment filtering between us. I’d forgotten how exhilarating it feels to be close to them. How much our bond relishes and craves it. Intense need for them licks my insides, whipping me into a frenzy. To be so close, yet still so far, is almost too much to bear.

  “I’m so close I can almost touch you,” I whisper, blinking back a sudden rush of tears. I can’t let my emotions get to me, but it’s going to be so hard to hold myself back once I see the guys.

  “We feel it too, beautiful. We feel you close.” A battery of emotions floods the bond, and tears leak out of my eyes as I feel everything they are feeling. Like most everything, we share similar emotions. Relief, expectation, longing, fear, and concern. “We love you,” Coop adds, making my heart sing.

  “I love you all too. So much.” Approaching footfall brings me back into the moment. “Remember what I told you, Coop. This has to happen fast.”

  “We’re ready, baby. Let’s do this.”

  Denzil goes up the ladder first, tentatively opening the hatch and peeking out. He ducks back down, whispering, “It’s clear. Let’s go.”

  One by one, we climb out of the tunnel, closing the hatch behind us.

  Glennev discreetly checks the map. “We’re in the correct location. The Chamber is around the next bend.”

  “Shit!” Donovan sighs in exasperation, lifting his eyes to meet ours. “The first group has been captured and taken prisoner. They never made it to the server.” He gulps painfully, and the strain is etched all over his face. “I knew this was all too smooth. The odds are not looking favorable.”

  I poke my finger in his chest, grinding my teeth to the molars. “We’re not defeated yet, and we won’t be if I’ve any say. We can’t lose the faith now.” I squeeze his hands. “We knew we were playing into Zorc’s hands coming here. This is not unexpected, and it doesn’t mean it’s all over. We can do this. I know we can.” My eyes skim over the four, strong alpha men accompanying me, and the irony isn’t lost on me. That I’m the one giving the pep talk. The one bolstering their spirits. If we don’t walk in there united in our resolve and our beliefs, this will be over before it’s begun.

  I refocus on Donovan again. “Send the second group to the tech sector, instead of creating a distraction like we had planned. Deactivating the shield is more important. Get them to split up into smaller groups and take alternate routes. At least that way, we might have more of a chance of one unit making it there intact.”

  “Already commanded them to do that.”

  “Excellent.” My smile is exaggerated. “And lose the defeatist attitude. We are going to do this. Do you hear me?” My gaze bounces between the four men. “We are not going to fail.”

  “Amen, Princess,” Daniel says with a wink, curling his fingers tighter around his weapon. “Let’s go kick some evil alien butt.”

  I bark out a laugh, instantly clamping a hand over my mouth in case anyone heard.

  Daniel quietly chuckles. Donovan looks a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry, you’re right, but I can’t help worrying. The odds were stacked against us before even coming here. I just hate the thought of losing anyone.” Pain slices across his face.

  I stare solemnly at him. “I know. Me too, but we’re here now, and we have to stick to the plan. And it will succeed. I truly believe it.”

  Glennev nods his head, smiling like a proud father. Technically, he’s the one in ultimate charge around here and he could have intervened just now, but the fact he didn’t only adds weight to my belief in him as a leader. He knows when to step in and when to step aside.

  “We ready to do this?” I ask, and everyone nods. With careful steps, we move forward as a cohesive team again.

  There isn’t a sinner in sight as we round the bend which is laughable. It’s so blatantly obvious that they know we’re coming.

  Let the games begin.

  I allow myself a little smirk at my unspoken words, but it quickly dies when an ear-crushing bang rings out, slicing through the eerie stillness of the hallway. The scary sound tapers off into a muffled noise between closed doors, and I take off without hesitation, my heart hammering as panic consumes me.


  I burst through the doors into the Chamber of Worship, my heart pounding in my chest. The clicking of weapons behind me barely registers. My feet fly across the room as I scream, “No! Don’t hurt them!” I race toward the dais with steadfast determination, my lingering power itching to break free. I head straight toward Alandra, never lifting my gaze from hers. As expected, she is posed as my twin, standing over the guys with flames licking the palms of her hands. Staring into my own eyes is as freaky as ever.

  My heart stutters in my chest as I land my gaze on my guys, the center of my universe, for
the first time in weeks. They are all bare-chested, wearing pants that are filthy, with their wrists bound in cuffs as they kneel in front of her. Each one of them is bloodied and bruised, and I’m horrified at the obvious signs of injury marring their faces and torsos. I want to go to them. To yank them into my arms and comfort them. To hold them against me and feel whole again.

  But I can’t.

  Not yet.

  “No one look at me,” I beseech them, having instantly telepathically connected to all four of my protectors the moment I stepped foot in the room. “Otherwise, I can’t do this.” I’m almost choking over the messy lump of emotion clogging my throat.

  “You can do this, beautiful,” Coop reassures me. “We believe in you.”

  My lower lip wobbles, and Alandra smirks. Anger gains momentum inside me, and my fingers twitch with burning need and murderous rage, but I hold myself still. I will deal with her in good time. They guys are still alive, and that is the only thing that matters. That and getting us all out of here safely.

  I dart up the steps, placing myself in between Alandra and my guys. I strategically align myself in front of Cooper as prearranged. “Now!” I project into his mind.

  Alandra’s eyes burn bright as she growls at me. Hatred rolls off her in waves, and the feeling is definitely mutual. I narrow my eyes and glare at her while clasping my hands behind my back, angling my wrists, and letting a thin, shallow stream of fire loose, hoping it doesn’t emit any smell which might betray us.

  “Step down.” Arantu plants his hand on his daughter’s shoulder, urging caution with his tone and his words.

  The bond churns in gleeful delight at our reunion, and my body tingles all over. A deep sense of contentment washes over me, and I can’t help glancing over my shoulder at the guys even though I know I shouldn’t. Tears prick my eyes as I lock eyes with Maddox.

  “You got this, Princess.”

  “Alinthia.” Arantu’s commanding voice booms around the cavernous space.


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