The King's Descendants

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The King's Descendants Page 12

by Robin Simmons

  Looking at Edward he said, “She has had a trauma to the head, we must slow the swelling by keeping her head and neck cold.” Edward only nodded. He knew Jason was knowledgeable in these matters beyond the normal physicians of his day.

  “I must go, Jason, Brianna is missing. Sucinord has taken her and I know where he is heading.” Jason nodded and turned back to minister to Damara.

  The king rose and said, “I need three good horses for a fast ride to the southwestern pass. Several people left quickly to do the king’s bidding, and moments later the king had his three horses. He tied the other two by short leads to the middle horse and with the metal rod in hand headed toward the southern dukeship as fast as the horses would take him.

  Jason sat by the side of Damara, changing the cloths, and keeping her head cool. What none of them realized was Damara was not critically injured. The table had cushioned her impact and none of her bones were broken. She had a concussion and was at the present time comatose, but the quick ministrations of Jason had minimized the damage that would have resulted from the swelling of that injury.

  Master Rollins had organized the cleanup of the house, and had discovered the body of Jamath in a back room. Soon everything was cleaned up and a semblance of order was restored to the house. The people had left along with Master Rollins who headed after the king. He knew he would not be much use in the battle, but he had saved the king’s life once before, and now it pained him that the was not there beside the king to do battle. Adriell took leave shortly after to care for the body of Telfra. She had no other relatives in Glenfair, and one of the royal house of the Sabatols deserved an honorable funeral. She silently prayed for Edward, that he might be in time to deliver Brianna. She knew her brother cared deeply for her, it was evident in the mental cry Edward gave when he left the castle. Never before had he been able to contact her first with his mind. It was an act of desperation that caused his mind to reach out to hers for help.

  Back in the home of Damara, Jason watched and cared for Damara as he waited.

  Lucinda sat at his side for some time before she spoke, “I did not know you cared so much for this girl. Does she feel the same way for you?”

  Jason looked at his sister with embarrassment, “I do not know how she feels about me. We only met today, but I saw a kindness in her that stirred my heart. How much she affected me I did not know until I saw her lying there. I had only decided today that I would seek to know her better.”

  Lucinda was touched by Jason’s statement. All of them should have been married by now, but none of them had even courted. Now things were changing. If Damara survived, she would do all she could to help further a courtship between the two. This was the first girl her brother had ever been interested in.

  “What can I do to help, brother?” Lucinda asked.

  He smiled at her, “Not much, we have to keep her head and neck cool, and wait. You can have more fresh cold water brought from the spring, and some food for me. This will take some time.”

  Sucinord slowed down to a fast walk. He had taken a rout across the river below the bridge leading into Brittany. Now he was well below the normal routes that people traveled. He did not want to run into anyone, and have to explain or kill them because he carried this girl. Not that he would care at all for those he killed, but he did not want any delay in achieving his goal. A warning went off in Sucinord’s circuits that he was taxing the servo motors again. He would need to stop and let them cool for a while. The girl was still unconscious, but breathing evenly. He did not know how much damage he had done to her, but guessed by the fierceness of her attack it was not much. This girl was resilient, and would recover fully he believed. He almost laughed at that thought, recover for what? So she could be executed by Razcon? He knew that bringing this girl to Razcon would be a special prize. Their deaths would bring Razcon satisfaction, but to see her die would mean more to the cruel monarch. They were much alike, Sucinord and Razcon. Both had a lust for blood and power.

  They reached a tree in the grasslands and Sucinord stopped there. He deposited the girl under the tree in the shade and waited. His motors were almost cool enough to continue his journey when the girl began to moan and stir. He did not know which girl he had taken, only that she bore the ring the king of the Sabatols wanted as proof of their destruction. Instinctively Sucinord reached out and took the ring off of Brianna’s hand and put it in his pocket for safe keeping. Brianna opened her eyes and the fear returned.

  “Where are my mother and sister?” Brianna asked curtly.

  “They are dead,” was all Sucinord offered.

  “Then why did you not kill me?”

  Sucinord smiled wickedly, “I wish to deliver you to Razcon personally for his enjoyment.”

  “You might as well kill me now, for that is exactly what Razcon will do with me.”

  Sucinord smiled again, “I think it will be much worse than that for you. I have met this cousin of yours and I believe he will be cruel to you before he kills you. I have an interest in such things and wish to watch.”

  Brianna cringed, she did not want to be delivered to her cousin. He would most likely torture her and then kill her for all the trouble she had caused him.

  “What if I refuse to go with you peacefully?”

  “You will come with me peacefully or not. If I have to strike you hard until you are immobile again I will do so, it makes no difference to me.”

  Brianna believed he meant what he said, so she did not offer any resistance when he walked over to her and picked her up in his arms. It wasn’t until that moment she even considered where she was or how she had gotten there. She thought he would take her to a horse, but when Sucinord started off at a run she almost yelled. The speed with which the man ran was astounding. As time passed and the pace never slowed an eerie feeling crept over her. This man was not human, no man could run like this without tiring. He must be a demon, she decided. That made sense. No human assassin from the Sabatol kingdom would go into Glenfair, but a demon would not be afraid. It was not uncomfortable the way Sucinord carried her so she began a conversation.

  “You are not a man are you?”

  Sucinord laughed that evil laugh, “Why would you say that?”

  “No man could run as far and swiftly carrying a woman as myself, it is beyond our human capacity.” Brianna realized that Sucinord meant to carry her all the way to the Sabatol kingdom this way, and she believed he could.

  Sucinord had not considered her reasoning until now, “You are very observant. Up until now everyone has believed me to be human except the king of this land and his friends. He seems to know, but I do not know how. He means to destroy me, but that will not happen. Instead, he will meet his doom after I return to Razcon.”

  “What business do you have with Razcon? How much did he pay you for this job?”

  Sucinord laughed wickedly again, “Silly woman, he is paying me nothing. My reward will be to lead the armies of the Sabatols into Glenfair to utterly destroy it. That is my reward.”

  Brianna thought that nothing would scare her more than her own death, but this last statement of Sucinord did just that. Years before, she hated the idea of exile from her people. But after living in Glenfair for a few years, she had changed her mind and had come to love this little kingdom. To have her evil cousin ravage and pillage this land was unthinkable.

  “I will not let you,” was all Brianna said.

  Sucinord snickered, “You can not prevent it.”

  “You will not take me alive to Razcon, I will fight you to the death.”

  “I do not really need you alive or dead, I already have what I need, your ring.”

  Brianna felt instinctively for the ring that used to be upon her finger and it was gone.

  Sucinord laughed again, “Razcon only wanted me to bring the ring as proof you were dead. Bringing you back alive is only a bonus.”

  Brianna felt defeated, “You are a demon, for you are only evil.�

  “You are right, I am not a man, but I am no demon either. I am greater than both. I am a machine. I will get what I want and no one will stop me.”

  “What about the king of Glenfair, he wants to stop you?” For the first time Brianna noticed a hesitation in Sucinord’s fluid retorts. She capitalized on the first weakness she had seen in this monstrosity.

  “You are afraid of the king of Glenfair. He can destroy you can’t he?”

  Sucinord growled, “Shut up or I will tear your arm off.” As he said this Sucinord squeezed down on her arm with such force she cried out in pain. “I am through talking.” All Brianna could do was wish the king were there.

  Edward rode the fastest race of his life. One by one the horses were used up until he was on the last mount. The others left behind, winded and spent. He had tried to time the use and speed of each horse to his advantage, getting the most from them before switching to the next. Each horse though, had a shorter range than the last. The southern pass came into view and Edward knew he would reach his goal. What he didn’t know was whether he was there in time or not to stop Sucinord and save Brianna.

  As Edward came to the pass, the guards were already alerted seeing the speed at which the king approached. When they recognized who it was they were instantly alert. Something was wrong they knew.

  Edward pulled up and dismounted. Approaching the captain he asked breathlessly, “Did a man and woman traveling south go through the pass today?”

  “Yes,” the captain answered. “About an hour ago.”

  Edward’s heart sank, he was too late. Now Brianna would be doomed. The captain saw the despair in the king’s eyes.

  “What, pray Sire, would you have such urgent business with the basket merchants?”

  “What?” Edward said. “They were merchants? Are you positive?”

  “Yes Sire, they come through here all the time. I know them quite well.”

  Edward calmed down some and said again, “Not the stranger I am seeking with a young beautiful woman?”

  “No your Majesty,” the captain laughed. “The woman surely is not that beautiful, she would make two of me. Besides she is married to the man she is with.”

  Edward knew that he was now in time to intercept Sucinord. The captain seeing the king relax called for refreshment to be brought to him. The king thanked the captain as he ate and drank. After resting he moved around a little to keep from getting stiff.

  “Here are my orders, captain. The stranger I sought will come to this pass. He has taken a woman of our kingdom hostage. You will let me deal with him, and you or your men will not interfere, do you understand?”

  The captain nodded, although he did not understand the king’s reasoning, he did know how to obey orders.

  Edward ate and drank some more, then performed some exercises to rejuvenate and focus his fighting skills.

  Two hours later a figure approached in the distance carrying a woman in his arms. Edward waited patiently in front of the now shut gates to the southwest pass. The figure of Sucinord approached and then stopped fifty feet from the king. He set the woman down upon her feet but still held onto her arm. Edward saw that Brianna was alive and able to stand.

  “Sucinord, let the woman go. The battle is between us. Let us finish what you began.”

  “I do not think so,” Sucinord said to the king. “I am surprised that you are here waiting for me. No matter, you will let me pass or I will kill this woman.”

  “I can not do that,” Edward stated. “This time I can not let you escape.”

  Sucinord watched the king’s response. He did not attack as Sucinord had expected. Evidently this person’s life meant something to the king. Now he knew he had something to bargain with.

  “This is the last time I will say this,” Sucinord stated. “If you do not let me pass I will kill this woman.”

  Brianna, seeing Edward’s hesitation shouted, “Don’t do it Edward. Glenfair is in danger. You must not let him go south, even if it means my death. You must protect the kingdom.”

  Edward was moved by Brianna’s bravery. His father and mother had sacrificed their lives for the safety of Glenfair. The story of their sacrifice was already legend in the kingdom of Glenfair. Time and time again his father had instructed him that a great king sometimes had to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of the good of the kingdom. He recalled the words of his father:

  “A king must be ready to give up everything for the good of others. He must be willing to lay down his life for one person or that of the whole kingdom. And hardest of all, he must let others do the same for him and the kingdom.”

  His father had said those words again and again to him, explaining why he had let his mother be taken from them. Edward always knew his father taught him these things not as an excuse for allowing his mother to disappear, but as a code of ethics he believed with all his heart. Now Edward was faced with a similar decision. Tears filled his eyes as he whispered quietly:

  “I am sorry father, I have not the strength to do what you did. Forgive me but I love her more than the kingdom.”

  Edward looked back at Sucinord, “All right, you may go if you leave the woman.”

  “No, Edward,” pleaded Brianna. “You must not!”

  Sucinord smiled, “Do I have your word upon your honor as king you will let me pass if I release the woman?”

  “You have my word,” the king said.

  Sucinord laughed and pushed the woman aside. Foolish humans, he thought. If it were him he would not keep his word. But somehow he knew the king would. It would change nothing. Soon he would be back with the armies of the Sabatols.

  Sucinord walked slowly to the gates and passed through as they were opened to him. Once through, the gates were shut and Sucinord was gone.

  Edward came to Brianna. She had fallen to the ground weeping. Edward reached down and lifted her up to him.

  “Why, Edward, why did you let him go? He means to destroy the kingdom.”

  Edward pulled her close to him, “I know was all he could say.”

  “If you know, then why did you let him go?

  Tears came to Edward’s eyes, and he felt ashamed. She had a greater strength of character than he. He knew she would willingly have given up her life for the kingdom of Glenfair and she was a foreigner. He was king, and now the kingdom might be destroyed as it was foretold by Lucinda.

  Brianna was still crying, but she looked up into Edward’s eyes and asked one more time, “Why Edward?”

  “Because,” Edward said, “I love you.”

  Brianna said nothing more, for Edward’s confession cut her deeply. His love for her had been a stumbling block to doing what needed to be done. But at the same time she was elated that a man would love her so deeply. She followed Edward in a numbing haze to where the captain of the guard stood. She heard him ask for horses and found herself seated on one and riding beside the king. She vaguely remembered Master Rollins joining them. Everything was fuzzy and out of focus, she remembered seeing a castle and then everything went black.

  Brianna woke in a bed and the sun was shinning into the room. She was disoriented and didn’t know where she was. And then the memories came flooding back. Brianna cried out in anguish for her mother and sister. A woman came immediately into the room, saw that she was awake and left quickly to get Edward. A moment later Edward entered and sat down on the edge of the bed next to Brianna. Brianna looked at Edward with pleading eyes. Without even asking Edward knew what she wanted.

  “Sucinord killed your mother, but Damara was alive but injured when I left to find you. She is being well cared for.”

  Brianna only nodded. They sat in silence for some time until Edward reached out and took Brianna’s hand. She looked up at him then.

  “You should have destroyed that evil creature. Glenfair is now in mortal danger.”

  “I could not let you die. Sucinord would have killed you. I need you, Brianna.”
/>   “You need to be reminded what a king’s first priority is,” Brianna snapped.

  Edward turned away. He was still torn by the decision he had made. Saving her life had driven a wedge between them. She probably thought he was a weak and foolish king. Maybe he was. Perhaps choosing to save Brianna was the pivotal decision that would destroy them all. Edward did not believe that was true. If he had let her die, would that have saved the kingdom? No one knew why the kingdom would be destroyed. What Edward did know was he had saved Brianna from certain death. Dealing with Sucinord would have to wait until later.

  Brianna saw Edward turn away at her sharp criticism. She could see him struggling with the choices he had made, and knew now that he had weighed the consequences before saving her. Why was she always so blunt with her assessments. Now her statement had cause him pain when she really longed to tell him she loved him too.

  “Come,” Edward said. “We both need some food.”

  Brianna rose to follow Edward, “Edward, I...” But Edward cut her off with a wave of his hand.

  “We will have time to talk later.”

  They entered the dining hall of the castle and were seated with Master Rollins, Gregory Prescott and his family. Up until this moment Brianna had no idea where she was. Now she knew she was in the castle of the Prescott dukeship. She had been introduced to all of the dukes and their families at the summer feast. The conversation was general until Gregory Prescott inquired about Sucinord.

  “This evil Sucinord has once again escaped through my gates. What are we to do now?”

  “Brianna has informed me that Sucinord intends to bring the Sabatol forces against Glenfair. We should double the guard at the pass and wait.”

  Master Rollins agreed with this assessment as well.

  Gregory Prescott thought for a moment about the facts that Edward had revealed. “Do you think Sucinord will be able to conquer the pass for them?”


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