The King's Descendants

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The King's Descendants Page 15

by Robin Simmons

  Then the ceremony began. The king pledged his faithfulness and life to his bride and was followed by Duke Crestlaw and the pledge to his bride. The other dukes and officials cheered with enthusiasm at the close of the ceremony. But none more greatly than Gregory Prescott who knew the great character of the woman who became queen of Glenfair. That day was a great day of celebration in the land of Glenfair. But none suspected the danger and sadness approaching Glenfair that would far overshadow the joy of this festivity.

  The armies of the Sabatol kingdom slowly marched north toward the pass that entered the little kingdom of Glenfair. The army that Razcon commanded was three times larger than the whole population of Glenfair. Razcon was still somewhat skeptical that they would be able to enter Glenfair. After all, for a millennia no one had succeeded in breaching the passes with a large army. The northern kingdom of the Wickshields had successfully deployed a small force into the north of Glenfair, but were annihilated, and never threatened Glenfair again. That was only about 35 years ago and that crushing defeat of the Wickshields was fresh in his mind. It was costing him a fortune to muster this army. If he failed to achieve his goal, the magician, Sucinord, would suffer dearly. But the magician had assured him that they would gain access to Glenfair. After all he had brought back the ring that was possessed by the true heir to the throne. No other assassin could have done that. Still, his doubts persisted.

  Slowly the army of the Sabatols moved up the narrow pass. The further they went, the more uncomfortable Razcon became. They were hemmed in, with nowhere to move but forward or back. Actually back was impossible with so much of the bulk of the army behind them. It stretched behind them all the way to the back of the pass. Then it began. Arrows rained down on them from above and his men began to die. The archers of Glenfair had protective niches in the pass walls that protected them. Many of the archers could hardly be seen at all. Razcon gave the command and some of their archers came forward and a few of the assailants were stopped but not enough. Just when Razcon felt like killing the magician, Sucinord, the tide of attack began to turn the other way. It was then he realized that Sucinord himself had scaled the walls that were too steep for normal people and had attacked the secret places in the cliffs that held the defenders of the pass safe from attack. In a matter of minutes the attack ceased and Sucinord was back down among the armies of the Sabatols.

  As Sucinord approached Razcon, the king he said, “I told you not to worry, I will give you access to Glenfair.”

  The anger of Razcon burned, “Your foolishness almost got me killed. Look at the slain here in this narrow pass.”

  Sucinord’s eyes flamed, “You knew there would be losses in this pass. I told you it would be so to gain access to Glenfair. The deaths of these men are nothing compared to the bulk of your army. These losses are acceptable.”

  Razcon studied the face of Sucinord. For the first time he saw what was really there. He knew that he was ruthless sometimes, but this man was hollow. He cared for nothing, and no life was valuable to him. He had seen evil before, but Sucinord was far beyond any he had encountered. He had finally confronted an evil greater than himself, and he utterly abhorred it.

  “You still have not opened the pass for us. We are vulnerable here like this. What if they send more soldiers to replace those we have killed?”

  Sucinord smiled his evil smile, “Then we had better keep moving ahead before that happens.”

  Razcon commanded his soldiers to move the bodies of the dead aside so they could proceed ahead. Not far up the pass the gates became visible. True to Razcon’s predictions the assault started again from above. His men began to die around him and he looked at Sucinord. The magician was unmoved and unconcerned. Razcon thought, I would kill him where he stands if I did not need him to get me out of this mess.

  Sucinord called for the cart he had designed to be brought to the forefront. It came slowly forward as the soldiers stepped aside, some getting crushed a little against the wall for lack of room. The cart was made of wood, banded with much iron. Fastened to its deck was a large metal ram with a huge square plate attached to the front of the ram. the whole cart weighed thousands of pounds.

  Sucinord gave the command and the strong and mighty of Razcon’s army took hold of the sides of the cart and began to rush forward toward the gate. Sucinord himself supplying power and speed directly behind the heavy ram. As they ran, one by one the strong runners died at the hands of the defenders of the gate till only Sucinord remained. With arrows protruding from his body he gained more and more speed until the gates came at him with tremendous speed.

  Captain Granger was alerted by the watch that a large force was moving up the pass. To his recollection there had never been an assault upon the southwest pass before. The realization of possible war with the Sabatol kingdom caused him to freeze momentarily. Then Captain Granger was moving and giving commands to the soldiers about him. This is what he had trained for all of his life, and now it was his responsibility to protect the southwest pass, or Glenfair could be lost. A soldier was quickly dispatched back to the Prescott castle to bring reinforcements, while fourteen of his best archers were sent ahead into the pass. The southwest pass had centuries before been prepared for such an attack. Trails above the pass floor had been cut into the rock walls so the archers could get to their position unhindered by any force in the pass. Arrows and bows had been stockpiled for just such a need as they now faced.

  Large massive wood timbers were placed in their sockets to reinforce the pass gates. Other archers were moving into their positions in the pass and on the walls of the pass gate. Armed foot soldiers were forming ranks to defend the stone opening if the massive wooden gates should fail. Captain Granger almost despaired when he received word that the army of the Sabatols stretched as far back as you could see into the pass. All hope that this would be a short confrontation vanished with this news. He sent word back by the same scout that the archers should commence firing as soon as the enemy was in range. Captain Granger also reminded the arches not to shrink back from the killing they had to do. For if the pass was lost, their wives and children would suffer greatly at the hands of the Sabatols. They had several thousand arrows stockpiled, but how long could an archer shoot before their arms tired? They had archers to replace those that tired, but how long would this confrontation last? Captain Granger realized that the Sabatols could loose a thousand soldiers and not be weakened by those numbers. His only hope was to make the loses too great a price to pay to continue the assault. And that the bodies of the slain would be a hindrance to forward progress of the Sabatol army. Word came back to him that the assault had begun, and the Sabatols were dying easily by the careful aim of the archers.

  A short time later news came that someone had scaled the walls and had killed the archers at the head of the assault. How could that be, Captain Granger wondered? Then he remembered the man the king had let escape back through the pass, and the story of the phantom that had scaled the gates so quickly and quietly. It must be that same man. No wonder the king was so distressed by his escape. Captain Granger wished that Duke Prescott were here to help with the defense of the pass. That could not be helped, for the duke was at the king’s castle enjoying the wedding festivities. At that moment the reinforcements arrived from the Prescott castle and he directed more archers to replace those that had been lost and the assualt upon the Sabatols in the pass resumed in full force.

  Courtland Baum was the head archer and he was directing the battle from the pass gate walls. Captain Granger watched him shouting commands, when he pointed and began shouting furiously. He watched as Courtland knocked an arrow in his own bow and began firing into the pass. Something was happening that was not expected and fear crept into Captain Granger’s heart.

  Razcon watched with amazement as the heavy wagon picked up speed and with even more amazement as his soldiers pushing it began to die. This is what he predicted would happen. But Sucinord did not stop. Instead the ram picked
up more speed, even though Sucinord’s body showed several arrows sticking from it. Razcon watched with anticipation as the ram crashed into the gates and they were shattered by its force. The cart and the ram tore through the gates with such terrible sound he was frozen where he stood for a moment. Gathering his senses he gave the command to surge forward in attack. The army was swift and soon were at the shattered gates and pushing through into Glenfair. Razcon could see Sucinord fighting with the soldiers of Glenfair and killing them with swift blows. Razcon’s forces joined Sucinord and in a short time the southwest pass of Glenfair was taken.

  Captain Granger had just given the command to form up ranks behind the pass gates when they shattered into pieces. Impossible he thought, how could this have happened? He shouted orders for the ground troops to immediately close the breach in the pass gates. His soldiers responded quickly and the gap was closed, but only momentarily. His soldiers began dying and were being pushed back by a single individual. He realized then it was the stranger the king had let escape back through the pass weeks before. He could see arrows protruding from his body, but it did not seem to slow him at all. Everyone who approached him died. Captain Granger charged forward just as the first Sabatols began to pour into Glenfair through the ruined gates. He killed several before he was pushed back by sheer numbers. He went down and was almost trampled before he angled out of the surging army, killing two more as he retreated. At that moment he realized they could no longer hold the pass and ordered a retreat back to the Prescott castle.

  Once at the castle, the survivors gathered around Captain Granger, waiting for directions from their leader. How could this have happened, Captain Granger wondered? They had lost the pass so quickly, something he believed impossible. The realization of what had happened paralyzed him until he was shaken out of his daze by one of his men.

  “What shall we do Captain Granger? Should we fortify the castle and make our stand here?”

  “No,” Captain Granger said sadly. “If they can take the pass gate so easily, this castle will not stop them either. Give the order to evacuate to the king’s castle, everyone. And bring me two fresh mounts, I must ride swiftly to inform the king what has taken place.”

  Sucinord came to Razcon after the fighting eased with a crooked smile on his face, oblivious to the arrows sticking out here and there from his torso.

  “I told you I would give you access to Glenfair. I have kept my bargain!”

  Razcon did not answer, he just stared at the arrows stuck in Sucinord’s body. Sucinord, seeing the uneasy look of Razcon looked down at his own body. He casually pulled the arrows out and tossed them unconcerned on the ground.

  Razcon watched this with loathing. What manner of man was Sucinord? He should be dead from the wounds he received, yet he did not even bleed. How foolish he had been to think that he could easily kill him any time he wanted. Sucinord was not human. He had gone along with Sucinord’s plan to get what he wanted. He had made a pack with the devil and somehow he knew he would pay dearly for this collusion. No matter, it was too late to turn back now. He was in Glenfair.

  The celebration of the wedding had scarcely ended when there was commotion outside of the castle. Captain Granger was ushered in before the king and fell down on his knees before him. He was wounded and battered, Edward could tell. His throat tightened as he listened to what this man would say. Duke Prescott came over immediately, and Master Rollins quickly joined them as Captain Granger began his tale.

  “Your majesty pardon your servant for our failure. We have lost the southwest pass to the Sabatols.”

  “How did this happen,” Edward asked unbelieving.

  Captain Granger continued, “They pushed a heavy metal wagon through the gates, Sire. I do not know how they could bring it against us with such speed. Our archers killed all but one and put many arrows into the last man, but he kept coming and crushed our gates. I believe it was the stranger you let escape through the pass several weeks ago. We tried to hold the gates but the Sabatols came rushing in. We had to flee, Sire.”

  Edward nodded. Why had he not thought of that possibility. Something should have been placed in the pass to stop a cart before it ever reached the gates.

  Captain Granger continued, “A thousand pardons Duke Prescott. We have lost the castle as well. We sent word and everyone is fleeing here.”

  Gregory looked at Edward and both their hearts sank. Edward yelled for the rest of the Dukes and they came to him immediately.

  “Marshal all your forces immediately and have them come here. The kingdom is in danger of being lost! The Sabatols have conquered the southwest pass. As soon as that is taken care of, meet me in my council chamber.” The dukes left to send for their forces and Edward noticed that Captain Granger was still on his knees before him.

  “Stand up Captain Granger.” When he hesitated Edward continued; “You are not at fault for the loss of the pass. I am the one to blame for these events. I let Sucinord escape, and without him the Sabatols would have never conquered the pass. You must stop this self chastisement for we need every able man to save the kingdom from this disaster.”

  Captain Granger nodded and slowly departed. Edward watched him walk away, then headed for his council chamber. Brianna was not far behind. As soon as Edward was into his chamber and the door was shut, Brianna came to him.

  “What is happening, Edward?”

  “The Sabatols have taken the southwest pass and Duke Prescott’s castle.”

  Brianna sunk to the floor in despair. “You should have let me die that day. This could not have happened if it were not for that evil machine.”

  Edward picked up his new bride and held her to him. “That was not an option, so I do not want to hear about it ever again. We must do all we can to save Glenfair from destruction now.” After Edward finished saying this the dukes began to arrive. Once they were all inside the council chamber and the door was shut, a tension existed that Edward had never felt before.

  Edward tried to formulate a way to start what he needed to say, but before he spoke, Terry Rollins of the northeast dukeship interjected.

  “Why is Brianna here? Is she not from the Sabatol kingdom?”

  Before Edward could answer, Duke Prescott spoke; “Brianna Kallestor is from the Sabatol kingdom, but she is also our queen. I have seen her heart and know she has already offered to lay down her life for our kingdom. You speak of things that you know not of.”

  Terry Rollins spoke once more, “I meant no offense, but only want to protect our kingdom. So help us to understand what it is that we do not know so we can make proper decisions.”

  The king raised his hand and all eyes were immediately upon him. “Brianna needs to be here because she can tell us about the Sabatols. She knows all we need to know for she was the daughter of the former king. Her father was killed by her evil cousin, Razcon. He is seeking her destruction as much as ours.” There were audible gasps from some of the dukes, but Edward continued.

  “There is much I need to tell you in order for you to understand the threat we face. I do not know how to begin, so I will start when I first discovered our kingdom faced a threat. But what I will tell you, though hard to believe is the absolute truth.”

  Edward looked at the face of each duke. Terry Rollins, duke of the northeast and older brother to Master Rollins. Mason Zandel, duke of the southeast who had fought with his father, King Raven, and Terry Rollins in the Wickshield war. Gregory Prescott, duke of the southwest who’s castle had been taken by the Sabatol army. And Jason Crestlaw, duke of the northwest. These men waited patiently for Edward to explain what was going on.

  “As you know, my parents and Jason’s parents were gifted by God with special talents they inherited from our ancestors who began this kingdom. Some of you helped my father in the battle against the evil enemy Layton Teal. So what I am about to tell you must never leave this room in order to protect our past from the future. One of the hard concepts my father asked you, Du
ke Zandel and Duke Rollins to believe was the possibility that someone could travel in time. Do you believe that is possible?”

  Duke Mason Zandel spoke; “At first I did not believe, then I saw with my own eyes the weapons this evil Layton brought with him from the future and it changed the way I looked at our existence. I saw how your father with the help of his sister, Lorriel, controlled time in order to defeat Layton. I also believe your mother was taken away from us by the time traveler and returned to us more than 15 years later. These things I do believe King Edward.”

  Mason then looked at Duke Rollins and Terry Rollins answered; “I too believe.”

  Edward smiled at his dukes, “Then I will continue. I, Adriell, Jason, and Lucinda all have our parent’s gifts.” Edward saw the astonished look of his dukes, save Jason and Gregory. “I believe we received these gifts for the purpose of helping us survive our present crisis. Lucinda traveled into the future and saw the kingdom destroyed by an evil machine named Sucinord. He is the root and cause of our present trouble. It is he who has brought the Sabatol’s here against us.”

  “How can a machine cause any trouble?” Terry Rollins asked.

  Edward looked at Jason and said, “Go and bring Pi here to us.” After Jason left, Edward continued; “Sucinord looks like a man, but he is a machine. He was built by Andronicus, a machine brought from the future by the ancients to this place. Andronicus lived much longer than we do, but even he was beginning to wear out after a thousand years. He created Sucinord as a replacement, but something went wrong and his replacement killed him and turned into pure evil bent on destroying the kingdom.”

  “You want us to believe there exists a machine that looks and acts like a man?” Terry Rollins scoffed. Even Mason Zandel had trouble with this as well. Just then Pi and Jason returned.


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