My Protector

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My Protector Page 12

by Alanea Alder

  "So basically I kick ass, yet again," she said seriously and reached for another pastry.

  Elizabeth couldn't help it, she began to laugh. Aiden shook his head smiling and Colton began to flick crumbs at Meryn. Meryn's inborn need to avoid tension and confrontation led her to be slightly silly, but that also meant those around her were usually smiling.

  Elizabeth picked up her own pastry and took a bite. She had lucked out, it was a spinach and feta mix. Humming happily she finished that pastry and reached for another. When she had consumed two more she noticed that her mate had yet to eat anything but was instead on his eighth glass of blood. That was more than four times the normal blood requirement and still he drank. Concerned she tapped his leg and nodded to the red tinted empty glass. Gavriel brought her hand up and kissed her knuckles. Ryuu set another two glasses down and took the emptied glasses away. Gavriel kissed her hand one more time before releasing it to pick up his glass.

  "So what would I taste like?" Meryn asked. Aiden growled and pulled her closer to him.

  Gavriel shook his head. "Meryn, you're the only one in Lycaonia whose blood isn't enticing to me at all."

  Aiden stopped growling, a surprised look on his face. "You never told me that."

  Gavriel took another long drink and set the glass down. "I'm not sure why, but even when I'm at my most thirsty, she has no appeal whatsoever to me."

  Meryn looked at Gavriel, the insecurity in her eyes was there for everyone to see. "Am I not good enough?" she asked quietly. Aiden immediately nuzzled her neck and rubbed his chin over the top of her head making Meryn's head rock from side to side like a bobble head.

  "Meryn, that's not it at all. Trust me, I would rather drink from you than Colton," Gavriel said gently.

  "Hey! I resent that. I am irresistible to both sexes, thank you very much," Colton preened.

  Meryn smiled at Colton then frowned. "I wonder why I don't seem yummy."

  Aiden kissed the back of her head. "You're yummy to me," he admitted.

  "Besides, if he's going to drink from anyone, it's going to be me. Sorry, Colton." Elizabeth winked at the wolf shifter.

  Colton pouted, then laughed. "I guess you can have him," he teased.

  "Thanks, he's the mate of my dreams and I'm not giving him up." She leaned into Gavriel when he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  "I've been meaning to ask you, did you dream about me, before we met?" Gavriel asked, looking down at her.

  Elizabeth shook her head. "Sort of. I would dream about situations and then they would happen, but you weren't there. Only, I felt like someone was watching and was worried about me. Normally being watched over always made me feel like a child, but in the dream I felt genuine affection and also admiration for me."

  "That was probably me. I dreamt of you constantly in dangerous situations and I couldn't do anything about it." Gavriel shuddered.

  Colton sat back, his normally jovial face somber. "So what you dream about your mate is true," he said softly.

  Elizabeth turned to him. "Have you dreamt of your mate?" she asked and the table got quiet.

  He nodded. "It started last week. At first I didn't see anyone in particular, just random faces only the place remained the same. Then the same woman started to appear, just her face. Always looking sad, tired and anxious. I know she's in trouble, but I only get a glimpse each night and then the dream is over."

  Gavriel was the first to speak. "I don't think the dreams are meant to scare us. I think they are meant to help us understand what our mates are going through and potential threats so that we can better understand them and keep them safe."

  Aiden nodded. "My dream about Meryn didn't come exactly true. She wasn't stabbed to death. But I think because I was so cautious about her safety because of the dreams, that I changed the outcome."

  Meryn smiled at Colton. "I know for a fact that the reason I accepted Aiden so easily is because I had been dreaming of him. I had dreams where we spoke and had fun and scary ones where I was being stalked. But it was the pain on his face as I was dying in my dreams that helped me to take that huge leap of faith in accepting him." Aiden growled low, his face taking on a haunted look hearing about that particular dream.

  Gavriel continued. "Every night was hell watching Beth get hurt, but I know that it wasn't meant to torture me, it was meant to prepare me. I think the dreams are truly meant to help us accept our matings."

  "I've dreamt of my mate as well. I think she's one of the cashiers at that grocery store in Madison," Keelan said suddenly. Everyone turned to look at him.

  "Then why haven't you gone to claim her?" Darian asked.

  Keelan shook his head. "Because she's away at college about ready to graduate. She'll be back for the holidays. My dreams aren't scary, but I do think Gavriel's right in that they help us get to know our mates better. In my dreams my mate and I joke around and play video games." He smiled widely.

  "That doesn't sound very romantic to me," Darian commented.

  Keelan shrugged. "She's fun. After she graduates and moves back I'll head to town and meet her. I can't wait."

  Colton smiled at Keelan's enthusiasm, but Elizabeth noticed that it didn't quite reach his eyes. He was still worried about his own mate.

  Ryuu stepped away from the wall and began to pick up empty platters. "I still find it odd that so many matings are happening all at once."

  Aiden laughed. "You can blame my mother in part for that one and the desire for grandchildren."

  Ryuu nodded and continued to clear the table.

  It dawned on Elizabeth that Ryuu was right. If something was brewing then it couldn't be a coincidence that the mating spell had been cast. She met Ryuu's eyes and nodded. She would add that to the ever-growing list of things that needed additional follow up.

  "Did you remember to contact your uncle about your things?" Gavriel asked breaking her train of thought.

  "Sugar! No, I forgot. Good thing they're two hours behind us." She pulled her phone out of her wristlet and sent off a quick text to her uncle's assistant asking him to overnight freight her things.

  "Speaking of my things, you weren't actually using that darling little study were you?" she asked sweetly.

  Her mate's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

  "Because I am commandeering it for my closet."

  "Closet? My study is over three hundred square feet." His shocked expression was adorable.

  "Good point. Do you use the library as well?"

  He stared unblinking. "Yes, actually I do."

  "Oh well. I'll need to call in a contractor to remodel the study into functional wardrobe."

  "Contractor?" he asked, his face taking on a worried expression.

  "You do have contractors and craftsmen in Lycaonia don't you?" She looked around the table.

  Aiden was smiling widely. "Of course we do, Elizabeth. In fact I will call them in the morning and have them come by to go over designs with you." He turned to Gavriel. "I knew there had to be something she seemed too perfect." He threw his head back and laughed.

  Gavriel scowled at his friend before turning to her. "The whole study?"

  "Yes, the whole study. Do you have any idea how much ventilation quality clothing requires?" she demanded.

  Aiden laughed and banged his hand on the table. "Say goodbye to your study," he teased mercilessly.

  Meryn sighed. "I wish we had a study."

  Gavriel looked at Meryn in surprise before a sly smile crossed his lips. "Aiden does have a study Meryn." Aiden immediately stopped laughing and glared at Gavriel.

  "I know, his office downstairs," Meryn pouted.

  Smiling broadly Gavriel shook his head. "No, he also has one upstairs. Each warrior suite comes with a master bedroom and bath and two additional rooms."

  Meryn turned sharply in Aiden's lap to face him. "We don't have a study."

  He ran a hand across the back of his neck. "Actually we do."

  "No, we don't."

  "Yes, we do."

  "Then where in the hell is it? I've been living here over a month, I would have noticed a whole other room!"

  "The door to the study is partially covered by the aquarium, you probably missed it."

  "We have a study?" She asked again.


  "We have our own study?" she asked this time sounding more excited.

  "Yes?" Aiden looked down at her confused.

  Elizabeth sat back and held up a hand and began a countdown. And in five, four, three, two ...

  "Holy shit balls, I have my own game room!" Meryn hopped off Aiden's lap and darted out of the room. Seconds later they heard the sound of small feet pounding up the stairs and racing down the hall.

  Aiden groaned and dropped his head to the table.

  "Serves you right." Darian laughed.

  "But I keep my weights in there for when I can't sleep," Aiden complained.

  "I'm sure that contractor will be more than happy to help you get rid of them," Gavriel said congenially.

  A minute later they heard the sound of feet thumping down the stairs. Meryn appeared in the doorway breathless.

  "It's so fucking cool! The door is almost hidden, it's like I have my own bat cave. But those weights totally have to go; I'm calling dibs on that room." She walked over and sat down in the empty chair next to Aiden.

  Aiden frowned down at her. "How can you call dibs on a room I've been using for the past five hundred years?" he demanded.

  Meryn looked up and smiled. "Did you call dibs?"

  Aiden shook his head. "Of course I didn't."

  "Ha! Then I get it fair and square," Meryn countered.

  Elizabeth turned to her mate. "Do we seem dull and staid in comparison?"

  Gavriel shook his head. "I think it's more that Meryn lives in and rules her own world."

  "Why would I call dibs on my own room?" Aiden asked.

  Meryn ignored him and looked over to her. "Will you help me design a game room? I've always wanted one."

  Elizabeth nodded. "Sure, I don't know much about games, but I can help you pick out furniture and decor."

  "But that's my weight room; I've used it for hundreds of years!" Aiden protested.

  Meryn turned to her mate. "Then you've had it long enough and now it's my turn. Be an adult and share. Besides, I called dibs."

  "Whatever makes you happy, baby," Aiden said, leaning back in total defeat.

  "Sweet! Then later it can be a game-themed nursery." Meryn grabbed the last pastry so that Ryuu could take the empty plate to the kitchen.

  Aiden was mindlessly nodding his agreement when her words sunk in. He stood so fast his chair flew back.

  "A ... a ... a ... are you? Could you be?" he stuttered.

  "What pregnant? Technically ... yes. You never did pick up condoms when you raided the grocery store for tampons. Maybe, but I don't think so," she stopped and looked down at her hands and counted. "Yeah, maybe. But if you want to explore the possibility of getting me pregnant, I won't wear the amulet. That is, if you go buy condoms."

  "We can have a baby if I go buy condoms?" Aiden asked breathlessly.

  "That's kinda contradictory, but yes." Meryn nodded.

  Aiden looked the other men.

  "Ryuu, I'm leaving my mate with you. Come on, men." He bolted for the front door.

  Gavriel kissed her cheek then joined the other men as they followed Aiden out of the room.

  Ryuu shook his head as he stacked the plates on his arm. "Meryn, you are terrible."

  Grinning, she popped the last bite into her mouth. "That should keep him busy for a while."

  Elizabeth chuckled. "Won't you have to get pregnant now?"

  Meryn shrugged. "I think I may already be pregnant, it's why I haven't put the amulet on. I'm not sure what it would do to Meryn 2.0."

  Elizabeth and Ryuu stared at Meryn. Finally Ryuu asked the question bouncing around her own head. "Then why did you tell him to get condoms?"

  Meryn shrugged and spread her hands. "Because it will be funny watching him try to use them later?"

  Elizabeth grabbed her stomach and laughed so hard she thought she was going to wet herself.

  "Meryn, I think you're my hero," she said gasping for air.

  "I know. I kick ass!"

  Laughing, Ryuu leaned down and kissed Meryn's forehead before carrying the plates to the kitchen.

  My little sister is very kick ass.


  Gavriel leaned his head back against the headrest as his commander drove at break neck speeds towards the Duck In. What he really wanted was to be snuggled up with his own mate, but he knew that this was important to Aiden. The bear shifter had been dreaming of a family for centuries.

  "Okay men. You heard her. We need to buy condoms; I think it may help her to get pregnant," Aiden said, laying out the mission.

  "What are condoms? Do paranormals use them?" Keelan asked.

  Darian shook his head. "I've never heard of them. Have you Gavriel?" Darian, Colton and Keelan turned to face him.

  "I have a vague idea of what they are. I know the practice of using them started amongst humans hundreds of years ago," Gavriel said. Beyond that he didn't know much.

  "Is there a human handbook? Ever since Meryn has moved in, I'm discovering that I don't know as much as I thought I did about their daily lives. It's humbling," Darian complained.

  "We don't need a handbook. We have Bart. He's the older gentleman we met at the grocery store the last time we went. He is a great source of knowledge." Aiden said.

  "What if he's not there?" Colton asked.

  "Good point. Keelan use your phone and go to The Google and see what it has to say about condoms," Aiden ordered.

  Keelan took out his phone and his face was lit up by its soft white light. As the miles flew by Keelan's frown grew deeper and deeper. As they were pulling into the parking lot Gavriel noticed that the young witch was blushing and his ears were scarlet.

  Aiden turned off the ignition and turned around in the driver's seat to face Keelan.

  "Report," he said.

  "Umm, sir, can we just go in and check something?" Keelan stared down at his phone unable to meet his commander's eyes.

  "Didn't The Google have anything?" Aiden asked.

  "Sir, it's awfully hot in here. I'm going inside." Keelan opened the door, practically jumped out and slammed the door behind him. Aiden stared at the now empty seat, a surprised look on his face.

  "What's wrong with him?" Aiden pointed out the window where Keelan waited for them by the sliding entrance door.

  "Aiden, according to Meryn, condoms deal with pregnancy, maybe he's embarrassed. He is young after all," Gavriel suggested.

  A look of sympathetic understanding crossed Aiden's face. "Of course. Okay, men. Just like last time. Call out when you find them my future son depends on us and the success of this mission," Aiden said in a passion-filled voice.

  Darian crossed his arm over his chest in salute. "You can count on us, sir."

  Colton nodded. "Let's do this." He reached behind him and pulled out his nine millimeter. He checked the chamber, secured the safety and returned it to the holster.

  Aiden hesitated before saying. "Colton, I don't think we'll be attacked at the Duck In."

  Colton raised an eyebrow. "And until today I wouldn't have thought that ferals had balls big enough to approach Gavriel of all people next to the Alpha estate either. Things change."

  Aiden nodded after a moment. "You men always help me to think when I'm distracted."

  Colton grinned and opened his car door. "No extra charge."

  Gavriel waited for Darian to get out before he climbed out of the third row passenger seat. He liked sitting back there; it was like he had the entire back of the SUV to himself.

  They met up with Keelan who was still the color of a tomato and went inside. They walked in and from across the store they heard a familiar male chuckle.

  "I see all your boys are with you now. What'da do this time?" B
art chuckled.

  "Nothing, my woman asked me to pick something up," Aiden announced across the store.

  "Whatcha after tonight boy?" Bart called out.

  "Condoms!" Aiden yelled. Several people turned and were staring at them slack jawed. Women started to edge away from them.

  Behind the counter Bart laughed. "I guess yer not in trouble anymore." Under his breath Gavriel heard the old coot say. "This should be good."

  The men spread out and searched the rows. After a few minutes they heard Keelan whisper.

  "Sir, I found them," he hissed, trying to keep his voice down.

  "What was that Keelan? Did you say you found the condoms?" Aiden shouted from the aisle that held the soap. Nodding frantically Keelan didn't answer just pointed. The men gathered around the small display section and stared.

  "These boxes are smaller than the tampon boxes," Darian observed.

  Colton picked one up and began reading. He laughed, then stopped laughing, stared and then frowned. "Aiden, I don't think this is right."

  "Why?" Aiden picked up a box and began reading. "Says right here Colton, 'Pleasure Pack'. Sounds promising, doesn't it?"

  Darian looked down at the boxes. "Aiden, be careful. This one says 'Twisted, Intense, and Fire & Ice'. Sounds like torture devices to me."

  In the background Gavriel heard Bart burst out laughing.

  Gavriel picked up a box and started reading. "Aiden these things prevent pregnancy and STDs, whatever they are."

  Aiden shook his head. "That can't be right. If Meryn said to get them, I'm getting them. She said if I got these we could have a baby, so I'm not leaving the store without them."

  "This one says 'lubricated'; that has to be good, right?" Darian asked, holding up his box.

  Aiden nodded. "Do you think they come with instructions?" he turned the box over in his hands.

  Keelan leaned in and pulled Aiden down. What he whispered had the men staring at the boxes.

  Aiden stood up and glared down at Keelan. "They go where?" he demanded.


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