My Protector

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My Protector Page 19

by Alanea Alder

  Just as the blond man was about to pass him, Jaxon reached out a hand and grabbed his forearm. With his other hand he reached down and set the brake to his chair.

  "Out of my way, cripple!" The violently angry man protested as he tried to get his arm free. But try as he might he could not escape Jaxon's strong grasp.

  "Looks like this cripple is stronger than the trainee that placed first in trials. I knew you were an asshole Sterling. What I didn't know was that you were this weak," Jaxon taunted.

  Elizabeth stared. This was a trainee?

  "What in the hell is going on here?" A deep male voice bellowed.

  "Aiden! Sic em, boy!" Meryn pointed to the one Jaxon called Sterling.

  Aiden strode forward and grabbed the front of Sterling's shirt hauling him a good foot off the ground. "Why did you attack my mate?" Aiden growled low in his throat.

  Sterling looked around confused. He pointed to Elizabeth. "She's your mate?" he asked.

  From behind Aiden a low hiss was heard. Gavriel walked over and pulled Sterling out of Aiden's grasp. "No whelp, she's mine." Gavriel let him dangle as he shook him repeatedly.

  Sterling gulped and looked from Aiden to Gavriel wide eyed. "Sir, I think there has been a huge mistake. I thought she was the house servant and flirted a bit. She took exception and I was about to let her leave when the other servant electrocuted me. When I came out here to find out why I had been attacked, the one in the chair assaulted me."

  Aiden turned to them. "Is that true?"

  Meryn looked up at Aiden, "I'm sorry all I heard was 'blah, blah, blah, I'm an asshole liar, blah, blah, blah'."

  Aiden ignored his mate and looked to Elizabeth.

  She took a deep breath and recounted what happened.

  "He came into the room set up for Jaxon and Noah just as I was finishing making up the beds. He thought that a servant of this house provided certain benefits. I told him in no uncertain terms that he was mistaken and that I was mated. He still blocked my way from leaving the room when I tried to come and get you. That was when Ryuu showed up. This one," she pointed to the man suspended by her mate. "I'm assuming his name is Sterling, made racially disparaging remarks against Ryuu thinking him just another servant. When he started to get violent Ryuu knocked him unconscious, helped me to leave the room and set out to find you. Sterling woke and came after me. That's when Jaxon stopped him." Elizabeth wrapped up her story and took a deep breath. Gavriel hissed in Sterling's face his fangs extended.

  Aiden turned to her mate. "Gavriel, I'm putting you in charge of our newest trainee. He's to run until he passes out, then he's to complete all the drills that the others have done. Make sure you are very through in introducing him to our unit lifestyle."

  Gavriel's smile was terrifying. "Come on, whelp, time to break you in." Gavriel simply hauled the struggling man towards the door.

  "But I need to change," Sterling protested pointing to his dress shoes and slacks.

  "Too bad," Gavriel growled. Ryuu opened the front door for them.

  "Thank you, Ryuu. Can I trouble you to make a special menu for this one? Water and gruel for the next week," Gavriel requested as Sterling let loose a string of curses.

  Ryuu bowed, smiling. "It would be no trouble at all."

  Gavriel nodded. "He's to take all his meals alone in his room."

  "I'll see to it personally," Ryuu promised.

  Gavriel half carried and half dragged the trainee out the door. Ryuu shut it behind him.

  Meryn whistled. "I've never seen Gavriel look so pissed." She looked up at her mate. "I don't want him here. Can we throw him back and get another one?"

  Aiden rubbed both hands over his face. "You can't establish a new method of doing things and then change them the second you don't like the results. He scored the highest and he chose to come here. If we start playing favorites now it will hurt our case for your sixth man project."

  "Aiden, he's unstable," Elizabeth shuddered.

  Aiden looked at her pleadingly. "I'll have a one to one with him and make it crystal clear what is and isn't accepted. I'm sure that he was just hyped up about moving in. He'll settle down after a few days. Until then, Gavriel will watch him like a hawk and dog his steps." Aiden tuned to Ryuu. "If he gets out of line again shock the hell out of him, at this point a little brain damage may do him some good." Sighing, he kissed Meryn on the forehead. "Excuse me ladies, I need to call my brother and ask him why he didn't warn me about that insufferable little prick." Aiden walked past them before stopping next to Jaxon. He laid a hand on his shoulder. "Good work, son. When my mate isn't driving you crazy come find me. I'll show you some exercises that will really work your upper body." Aiden continued on to his office.

  Jaxon turned to them, a goofy grin on his face. Beth had a feeling that the compliment from the Unit Commander meant everything to Jaxon, especially a compliment on a physical feat done well.

  Elizabeth was about to thank Jaxon when the doorbell rang. Everyone looked at Ryuu who was standing closest. He opened the door and a man in construction gear was standing there. Behind him were two more men in overalls, one holding a clipboard.

  "Sir." The man in front brought a hand to his hard hat greeting Ryuu. "My team was called in by the Unit Commander to build a new closet."

  Ryuu looked past him to the other men.

  "We have a delivery for an Elizabeth Monroe. Overnight freight from Noctem Falls." The taller of the two pointed to a very large truck in their driveway. Everyone turned to Elizabeth.

  Ryuu cleared his throat. "Lady Elizabeth, how many boxes were you expecting?"

  Elizabeth winced and walked forward she looked out the door. "Is it just the one truck?"

  Behind her she heard Meryn whisper. "Seriously?"

  The delivery driver nodded. "Yes Ma'am, we got everything in the one truck, but it's packed floor to ceiling, front to back."

  Elizabeth started to chew on her lower lip and turned to Ryuu imploringly. She didn't know what to start first.

  He sighed and removed his apron handing it to her. "Okay, gentleman, if you would follow me. Your names?" he asked opening the door wide.

  "Jensen, I'm the foreman."

  "Ed and this is Mattie." The delivery driver said as they all walked in.

  Ryuu closed the door and smiled at them. "Here's our dilemma, gentleman. The closet you're to build is for the contents of that truck. We have recently moved seven trainees into our guest suites and each room is at max capacity. So we're in quite a bind as to where to put her things."

  Ed looked at Jensen. "How long do you think it will take you to build this closet?"

  Jensen rubbed his chin. "I have two fae craftsmen I can call in. We can be done after sunset, but we'll have to start now."

  Ed nodded. "Let's do this. You get that closet done today and me and Mattie will leave the truck here overnight. If someone can get us a lift into the city we can visit with some family and then come back tomorrow to haul everything in," he suggested.

  Ryuu looked thoughtful. "Who can we get to drive you to town?"

  The front door opened and Noah walked in. "Did you guys know there's a whole bunch of people and trucks out front?" He had a duffel bag slung over each shoulder and was walking on unsteady feet.

  Ed reached out and grabbed both duffel bags in one hand.

  Ryuu smiled. "Perfect timing Noah. Could you do us a huge favor and drive these two gentlemen into Lycaonia tonight and pick them up in the morning?"

  Noah nodded. "Sure, but I have to get our stuff out of the car before anyone can fit in it."

  Ed and Mattie nodded at each other. "Point the way kid. We'll unload your car so you can drive us into the city."

  Noah smiled wide. "Really? That's great; some of that stuff is heavy." He beamed at the older men. Ed ruffled Noah's hair.

  "Yeah, come show us what needs to go where." Noah walked off with Ed and Mattie chatting about The Jitterbug and how it was the best place in the world.

  Jaxon groane
d. "I knew he smelled like coffee. I'll never get to sleep, he'll talk my ear off all night."

  Ryuu turned to Jensen. "I'll show you the space you'll be converting, if you'll come with me." They both headed up the stairs.

  "I don't know what in the hell is going on anymore. But since Aiden is in my office, looks like we'll have to go to the media room. I wanted to get measurements anyway to see how many feet of cable we'll need to set up servers. Come on Hulk on Wheels!" Meryn plopped down on Jaxon's lap to his astonishment.

  "Mush!" She pointed to the media room.

  Elizabeth looked to the ceiling. "Meryn! Do not treat your minion like a sled dog!" She stopped abruptly. Had that just come out of her mouth?

  Meryn erupted in giggles and Jaxon laughed. He reached down with both hands and tipped the chair backwards, making Meryn squeal as she grabbed him around the neck, pretty much cutting off his air. But he only laughed again and when the chair came back down on the floor he spun the wheels and they raced down the hall.

  Elizabeth couldn't believe the way her life had made a drastic turn.

  Don't treat your minion like a sled dog?

  Standing alone in the foyer, she began to laugh. How had she survived up until now without these crazy people in her life?

  The front door opened and she was surprised to see her mate walk in.

  "Where is your charge?" she asked.

  He walked over and pulled her close nuzzling her neck. The gesture sent a jolt of electricity between her legs. "I explained what happened to Colton and Darian; they graciously offered to look after the little bastard while I check in on our renovations. I'm assuming that one of the trucks outside belongs to the construction team." He ran the tip of his nose back and forth over her neck.

  She relaxed in his arms. This was exactly where she wanted to be. The encounter with Sterling had left her more shaken than she cared to admit, even to herself. She loved how Gavriel always seemed to be able to give her exactly what she didn't even know she needed.

  "Yes, Ryuu is showing them the study now. Jensen the foreman will have to call in two fae craftsmen to get the closet finished by tonight so my things can be delivered tomorrow. Noah is taking the delivery drivers into the city for the night and picking them up in the morning. They are leaving the truck here overnight and complete the delivery tomorrow." She explained and with Ryuu's apron in her hand she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  "When I heard that little punk had tried to hurt you, I seriously wanted to kill him. Where is Aiden? I don't want that deviant living under the same roof as you," Gavriel growled looking around.

  "He's in his office on the phone with his brother asking about said deviant. Meryn already asked Aiden to send him away, but because of how new the program is, we can't afford for it to seem like we're playing favorites," she explained.

  Behind them Ryuu and Jensen were coming down the stairs. Gavriel stepped back and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Ryuu walked up and Elizabeth handed him his apron.

  "I take it you're the foreman?" Gavriel asked.

  "Yes, sir. Nice place you all have here." Jensen said.

  "How long would it take your crew to build an addition to the Alpha estate? Big enough for five trainees?" Gavriel stared at the foreman whose jaw dropped.

  Ryuu began to chuckle and walked away tying his apron back on.

  "Sir? Are you serious?" the foreman asked.

  "Deadly." Gavriel responded.

  "That kind of project takes time, materials, man hours..." Jensen thought about it. He looked at Gavriel. "How urgent is the request?"

  "If we don't move one of the trainees out of here by the end of the week I may lose my immortal soul for murdering the little shit in his sleep," Gavriel snarled.

  "So kinda urgent then. Okay, let me call in some favors. I'm not going to lie, sir, this might get pricy." Jensen flushed a bit.

  "Do whatever you have to. Call whomever you have to. The sooner you get it built the larger the bonus," Gavriel offered.

  Jensen nodded. "Let's get this closet built for your lady and I'll start making some calls." He nodded and headed out the door already yelling for his men.

  "You're the most incredible man I have ever met and I love you." Elizabeth hugged her mate tightly.

  "And you are the most important thing in my life, how could I not ensure your comfort and safety. It's best for everyone if they have a space of their own. Maybe after time, the urge to rip out his throat will diminish." He shrugged. "If not I can always torture him during drills."

  "My hero!" she pretended to swoon.

  He dipped her down, kissed her lips and then straightened them both.

  "I'm going to go make sure Colton and Darian are being harsh enough. Keep Meryn out of trouble."

  "That seems to be my new duty in life." She rolled her eyes.

  "It could be worse, you could be responsible for training that little bastard." Gavriel's eyes flickered back and forth from red to grey.

  "Have fun. Don't kill any of your trainees at work today, honey," she said and stopped. She had done it again! She had said something outlandish, but in this insane house it made perfect sense.

  Gavriel sniffed dramatically. "I make no promises," he said turning her words against her and then left.

  Don't kill any of your trainees at work today?

  And she'd meant it?

  Maybe she deserved more than a new closet out of this mating.


  Elizabeth was about to join Meryn and Jaxon in the media room when the doorbell rang yet again. She looked around, no one else was in sight. She walked over to the door and opened it.

  Two men in overalls smiled at her. "Hello Missus, we're here to deliver the office equipment you ordered." The balding man said by way of introduction.

  Elizabeth smiled at both men. "Wonderful! Wait right here, that room is in use at the moment. Shouldn't take me a second to clear it out. Be right back." She closed the door and hurried down the hallway. She tapped on the door before opening it. Aiden was just hanging up his archaic phone receiver. He sat back, looking tired.

  "What did Adair say?" she asked. She was curious to find out what Aiden's brother knew about Sterling. It wasn't like the academy to allow anyone that could become a possible threat through the system.

  Aiden sighed. "He said that Sterling was known for being an elitist and somewhat of a bully, but scored exceptionally well in all of the trials and tests. He comes from a very affluent family, so there are politics involved. Adair said Sterling spent half the time at the academy chasing women and has no real idea how good the little bastard could actually be if he trained correctly. Adair was hoping he would settle down after being assigned to a unit. I don't want to overlook this but damn if my hands aren't tied."

  "So basically he's always been a dick, but now he's a dick that we've actually trained, so he knows better ways to hurt and kill people. Training doesn't make bad men good, Aiden," Elizabeth warned.

  Aiden nodded. "I know, trust me, I know." He frowned. "Did you need something?"

  "Yes, the new office furniture is here, so they will need access to this room."

  "I was done here anyway. I'm going to spend the rest of the day monitoring Sterling. I hope Gavriel hasn't killed him," he muttered, standing.

  "Just so you know, Gavriel has asked the construction crew to start on an addition to the Alpha estate for the trainees. He said that his immortal soul would be in danger if he had to live under the same room as Sterling." Elizabeth winced as Aiden's eyes widened.

  He surprised her when he broke out in a boyish grin. "Good! And since he requested it, he can foot most of the bill. This is turning out to be a good day after all. Best of all, since it's Gavriel requesting the renovations no one can say that I'm treating the trainees differently. Hell, if my father can spin this right, we can make it look like we're spoiling them with new equipment and barracks." He walked past her, practically whistling.

  Elizabeth couldn'
t help but smile and followed him out of the office to the front door. Aiden opened it wide and both men stepped back startled. To those who didn't know the Unit Commander, he could come across as a harsh military man. But she knew better since she lived with him, the man was a complete marshmallow.

  "Gentlemen," Aiden barked and walked past them, towards the training area.

  Both men turned to her, looking spooked. She gave them her brightest smile and they relaxed a bit. "This way, gentlemen. I can't wait to see what the office will look like with the new furniture. We'll have to be careful with the Commander's desk though, it's an antique." She showed them where her future office would be. Both men eyed the huge hand carved desk and gulped. It would be a chore to move.

  An hour later the men tipped their hats and left. She looked around the room. It seemed a lot bigger after they had moved Aiden's wooden monstrosity of a desk to one side to act as a flat surface workstation. The newer desks were smaller but were more functional with technology hutches, filing cabinets and drawers.

  She looked down at the new computers still in their boxes. Smiling she walked to the media room where Meryn was showing Jaxon and Noah how to strip ethernet cables to attach new heads. Noah must have slipped back in during all the furniture moving. She was glad he made it back safely.

  "Oh Meryn, I have a job for you," she said.

  Meryn looked up. "What's up?"

  "The new computers are here. Feel like showing your minions how to set them up?" The words had no sooner left her mouth than Meryn was up and moving. She, Jaxon and Noah followed Meryn to the office where they found her smelling the boxes.

  "They have that new technology smell," she said before she began to decimate the packaging.

  Elizabeth sat back in her new leather manager's chair and closed her eyes and listened to their excited chatter. She was exhausted. She would let them work on the computers while she just rested her eyes for a bit.



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