First Love

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by Fiona Davenport

  First Love

  Fiona Davenport


  First Love


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8



  About the Author

  First Love

  Tucker Carrington knew what true, lasting love looked like. He grew up surrounded by it, but he never expected to feel it for himself when he was only twenty-one. Let alone for Eva Kendall, a girl he’d known since she was born. His best friend’s sister.

  Since Eva was too young for him, Tucker had to wait for the right moment to make her his. Heading overseas for his father’s company, the distance didn’t stop him from keeping an eye on Eva. Because she was his first—and forever—love.



  “I’m going to kill Trevor! Ugh!!” Eva yelled as she stomped into the house and slammed the door. I leaned back in my chair and took a sip from my beer, keeping my eyes on the television screen. There was a game on, but I didn’t have a fucking clue what it was or who was playing. My mind had been focused on waiting for Eva to return home from her date. She was home after only a couple of hours. Good.

  These days, I wanted to slap myself upside the head for thinking about her so much. Ever since my body started reacting to the womanly curves she’d developed, I tried not to. I was twenty-two, and she was only sixteen, but no matter how much I lectured myself on the fact that I was lusting after a kid—and my best friend’s little sister, no less—my dick still stood at attention every time I saw her full tits, round hips, long legs, or heart-shaped ass.

  Speaking of...Eva marched into the den, past where I was sitting, giving me a perfect view of that luscious ass. Shit. I looked at the ceiling and gulped down half my beer while thinking about Trevor in a bikini. Anything disgusting or boring to get my hard on to disappear.

  Eva flipped her long, straight blond hair over her shoulder before putting her hands on her hips...hairy legs, spiders, saggy breasts...and stopped in front of her father, Justice. “Where the hell is my jerk of a brother?” she snapped.

  “Language, baby girl,” he said with a frown.

  She sighed, “Sorry, Daddy. Do you know where my snot-nosed, butthead of a brother is?”

  Justice’s lips mashed together, clearly trying to suppress a smile, but the twinkle in his eyes gave away his amusement. “He’s not home, Eva. Why?”

  She huffed and threw her arms in the air. “My date was practically shaking in his boots when we left the house! He wouldn’t touch me—he barely even looked at me the whole time we were out! Then he came up with some lame excuse to bring me home right after the movie when we were supposed to go to dinner.”

  I couldn’t see her face, but it was clear that Justice’s attempt to hide his glee at this news had failed when she folded her arms and stomped her foot. “Stop it, Daddy! This isn’t funny! If Trevor doesn’t stop scaring my dates, I’m going to die an old maid—and if you say one word about that being okay with you, I’m telling Mom.”

  That got him to wipe his expression clean real fast, and I had to fight not to laugh. Justice was one of my dad’s best friends, so our families had spent a lot of time together growing up. Trevor and I found it hilarious that our fathers were completely whipped by their wives. Not that I blamed them. When my mom was mad at me, I went running in the opposite direction. Anything to avoid her wrath or, worse, her disappointment.

  “I’ll have a talk with him, baby girl,” Justice promised. “Trevor will leave your dates alone from now on, okay?”

  Eva bent down and threw her arms around her dad...for fuck’s sake, Tucker, get your mind and your eyes off this little girl’s ass! After she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, she stood and spun around. By the look of surprise on her face and the twin spots of pink that bloomed on her cheeks, she obviously hadn’t noticed me before. “Hi, Tucker,” she said softly, smiling sweetly. Her rosebud lips were plump, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop picturing them wrapped around my dick.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It was a really good thing that I was leaving in a month. I needed to get away from temptation before I did something really stupid. It didn’t help that I knew Eva had a crush on me. Unfortunately, my attempts to control myself around her often made me look like a complete asshole. Particularly when I made an effort to treat her like a kid—as a reminder to myself that she was off-limits.

  I swallowed hard and managed to smile back without leering. I didn’t want her dad catching on to my lust and kicking my ass from Manhattan to Connecticut. “Hey, Eva-bear.” She gave me a cute little scowl at the use of the nickname I’d given her when she was six.

  “I’m sixteen years old, Tucker. Don’t you think it’s time to start treating me like an adult?”

  I snorted, earning another glare. “When you start acting like one, maybe I will.”

  Eva growled and stomped her foot in frustration. I gestured to the floor and arched a brow. “Kinda proving my point there, Eva-bear.”

  She turned her head to look at her dad, probably expecting him to defend her, but he shook his head and smiled regretfully. “Sorry, baby girl. I’d rather you not grow up at all, so I’m not going to encourage it. And perhaps if you stopped dating punk-ass boys who aren’t good enough for you…though I will tell Tucker to stop baiting you if that helps.” Eva didn’t hide her feelings for me very well, and I knew that while Justice hated to see his little girl hurt, he appreciated my attempts to quell her crush.

  Eva threw her hands up in the air and let out a muted scream before pointing at Justice and snapping, “I’m telling Mom.” Then she faced me again, the finger now pointing at me. “I don’t know why you have to be such a jerk! And stop calling me Eva-bear!”

  I shrugged and looked at the television, pretending I didn’t give a shit about our conversation, when really, I was fighting the desire to grab her and run. “I’d agree, but it doesn’t really matter. You won’t be able to hear me call you that from London.” Giving in to temptation, I glanced at her face in time to see it fall before she quickly smoothed out her expression.

  “You’re still moving next month?” she asked softly, her shoulders drooping.

  “Yup.” I returned my eyes to the television.

  There was silence for a few moments, then I heard an almost inaudible sigh before her footsteps left the room.

  “You know, Trevor left for Costa Rica last night.” I turned my head and found Blair, Eva’s mom, standing in the doorway.

  Justice smiled at her with an innocent expression. “Did he?”

  She stepped into the room and crossed her arms over chest, glaring at her husband. “You know very well he did, Justice Kendall. So who threatened Eva’s date?”

  My dad chose that moment to enter the room, and I silently applauded him for his timing. “What’s the score?” he asked as he flopped down into another recliner facing the television and took a swallow from his beer.

  Justice answered him before glancing back at Blair, his expression still innocent. She narrowed her eyes and stared at him for a moment before rolling her eyes. “We’ll talk about this later.”

  After she was gone, Justice met my gaze and lifted his beer in a salute. I returned the gesture, and we both drained our bottles. It was his way of saying thank you. Not just for pushing Eva away, but because Trevor wasn’t the one threatening the little assholes attempting to date Eva.

  I was.

  Chapter 1


  My dad pulled me into a strong hug and pounded me on the back. “I’m so damn
happy to have you home, son.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” He let me go after a minute, and my mom’s arms wrapped around me, squeezing me tight. Her head only came up to my shoulders, and I smiled as I bent my head to kiss the top of hers. “Hi, Mom.” She sniffled, and I shook my head as I hugged her back. “Don’t cry, Mom. You know we hate it when you cry.”

  “I’m just so happy to finally have my boy home,” she replied as she let me go and stood back. She wiped under her eyes but smiled brightly, easing my discomfort at seeing my mom in tears.

  “Tucker! Tucker! Tuuucker!” My youngest sister, Hope, came racing down the hallway as fast as her seven-year-old legs would carry her. I squatted down and held open my arms with a giant smile on my face. She barreled into me, and I held her close as I shot to my feet and spun around.

  “Hey, sunshine!” She squealed with joy, and the sound reminded me how much I’d missed my family for the past eight years. Hope had been a late surprise for my parents, fifteen years younger than my brother, Jackson. She’d been born shortly after I’d moved to England to head up a new European division in my dad’s tech company. I’d been home on and off over the years but only for short visits. I couldn’t stay long, or I would have given in to my desire to see Eva. And I knew that if I did, I wouldn’t be able to leave again.

  Now, my dad was ready to retire and was handing the company over to me completely, so I was finally back in New York to stay. And, this time, I wasn’t going to keep my distance. I was going after the one I wanted, and I was going to make her mine.

  I set my sister on her feet and kissed her forehead before straightening back up. She took my hand, and my dad threw an arm around my shoulders, both of them guiding me into the living room. I dropped down onto one of the couches in the large room, and Hope curled up into my side. My little sister was adorable, and she reminded me of my goals. I wanted a family, and I was determined to start working on that right away.

  “Are you sure you won’t stay with us for a little while?” my mom asked as my dad pulled her down onto his lap.

  “He’s a grown man, Penelope,” my dad said softly before brushing his lips over her temple. “He needs his own space.” She pouted, and I almost caved. Only the reminder of my evening plans had me sticking to my guns.

  “The work on my apartment was finished last week, and I’m anxious to get settled in my new home.” I’d bought a three-level penthouse flat just off 5th Avenue on the Upper East Side near The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was older and didn’t have a great layout, so I’d had it gutted and completely renovated, specifically adding more bedrooms for a large family, and an art studio on the top floor. While drawing up the plans, I hacked Pinterest to see Eva’s private boards in order to make sure she would be happy with all my choices. I was more than ready to settle down. I was anxious to get my woman home and get to work on breeding her.

  My mom sighed but nodded with a smile. “I understand. I won’t guilt you into staying here. But I expect to see a lot of you, young man.”

  I laughed. “I promise.”

  We talked for a while, catching up on my siblings and the kids of my parents’ friends who I’d grown up with. Eventually, my mom dragged Hope out of the room to get her ready for bed.

  When I was alone with my dad, I decided to seek his advice on my situation. I knew a little about his and my mom’s story. I was biologically my dad’s nephew. When my parents had been killed, he’d taken me in and adopted me. Being a new dad, he’d felt out of his depth and had hired the girl next door to help him take care of his infant son. They’d fallen in love and married shortly after they met. My mom was over twenty years younger than my dad, but they were hopelessly in love, and it seemed as though their feelings had only grown over the years. I’d always known I wanted what they had, and I’d known who I wanted it with since I was twenty-one. But I hadn’t fully accepted it until a few years after that. Then I’d spent the rest of my time away watching and preparing.

  My dad was aware of what was going on because I’d eventually confided in him when I got tired of dealing with my obsession on my own. It wasn’t like I could talk to Trevor about it. Facing Justice and Trevor were among the things that had driven me to seek my dad’s advice. He’d shocked the hell out of me when he told me that I should go after what I wanted, no matter what, and that he would support me, even if it meant causing a rift between him and Justice. Dad had made a suggestion on the timing for that conversation, and I’d taken his advice. A couple of months before I was set to move back to New York, I’d flown home for one night, just to have a conversation with Justice and Trevor, in person, because I felt like I owed them that much.

  Unlike my dad and Justice; his brother, Thatcher; and their mutual friend, Jamison, who’d all married and knocked up their wives before they were nineteen, I’d decided to wait until Eva was a little older. I’d definitely inherited the gene that made my woman my obsession, though. Only being a continent away had kept me from going after her before either of us were ready. Eva would never be happy living away from her family, and I’d needed those years in England to prepare for taking over for my dad. It had also given me the time I needed to make sure everything was ready and in place when I went for Eva.

  And it had given Eva time to go to school and get her dream job. Happily for me, it was a job she could continue during pregnancies and while raising our children. I’d also been pleased to see how many Pinterest boards she had that were centered around babies. It was clear she wanted a family too, so I didn’t feel the slightest need to wait before I slid my fat cock into her unprotected womb and left my baby in there. And my sources had informed me that she didn’t appear to be on any kind of birth control, so I was going to live in her pussy until my seed had taken root.

  Which was why I’d scheduled a vacation before officially taking the reins from my dad. I’d also contacted Eva’s boss and explained that I was her fiancé and requested leave for her so that I could surprise her with an elopement. Turned out, her boss was a romantic and couldn’t agree fast enough. Things had fallen smoothly into place, and it was finally time to take action.

  “I’m ready to go get her,” I told my dad quietly.

  He nodded and relaxed back into his chair, placing one ankle on the opposite knee. “I figured as much. You talked to her dad and brother?”

  “Yes. I’m not sure either of them will be very happy with me for a while, but they gave me their blessing. Though I think Trevor will likely get over it faster than Justice.”

  My dad regarded me with a knowing gaze. “Trust me, when you have a daughter, you’ll understand.” Then he studied me for a moment before asking, “How much did you tell them?”

  “Only that I want to marry Eva.”

  “Nothing about how you plan to convince her?”

  I shrugged. “Nope.” I didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about my methods because my focus was on taking and keeping Eva. And I would do whatever was necessary for that to happen. “I did make it clear that you know how I feel about her but didn’t let on that you know about everything I’ve planned. So if they come to you after they find out, it’s up to you whether to tell them.”

  “Tell who, what?” I almost jumped at the unexpected sound of my mom’s voice. Her question had me freezing like a deer in headlights.

  Okay, so I cared about one other person’s opinion...which was why I’d kept my mom in the dark concerning Eva. I would tell her after I’d gotten my ring on my girl’s finger. Hopefully, my mom wouldn’t ever have to know what I did to get it there.

  “Nothing, angel,” my dad said as he stood and closed the distance between them. He grabbed her around the waist and dropped his head to kiss her. I appreciated his attempt to distract her, but when the kiss started to get out of hand, I wrinkled my nose and groaned.

  “Seriously? I’m right here.” I was used to my parents’ PDA, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to complain about it. “I think five kids is more than enough proof t
hat you do things I’d like to pretend you know nothing about. I don’t need another reminder.”

  “I need to remember to give you shit when you bring your wife around someday and can’t keep your hands to yourself,” my dad mumbled against my mom’s lips. She giggled, and I covered my face with my hands until the sounds of my dad mauling my mom stopped.

  “Then I better be going so I can get myself that wife.”

  My mom laughed and rolled her eyes. “I’d like to see you bring home a date!” she teased. “Hard to find a wife without some of those.” I could understand my mom’s cynicism since I’d never brought a girl home before. But she didn’t know the real extent of it...the truth was, I hadn’t been on a date since I was a teenager. What was the point when I already knew they weren’t going to measure up to the woman in my dreams?

  Jumping to my feet, I strode over to my parents and pulled my mom from my dad’s arms to mine. “You never know, Mom. I might surprise you.” I winked at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before letting her go and hugging my dad.

  “Good luck,” he murmured in my ear. I nodded in acknowledgment as I stepped away.

  Hope popped into the room carrying a reusable grocery bag and handed it to me with a bright smile. I got down on one knee and looked inside to see that she’d packed me a goody bag. My sister loved to bake, and she was quite good at it, especially for a seven-year-old. “Are these some of your crazy-awesome treats, sunshine?” I gasped.

  She clapped and bounced on her unicorn slippers. “Yes! We made them this morning just for you!”


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