by Dale Cozort
This is a section from about halfway through my work in process novel. If you haven’t read the first six sections, you’re going to be a little lost. Hopefully, you’ll also be a little intrigued and want to find out what is going on. That’s my goal anyway.
I use a massive amount of handwavium to come up with a world that resembles the Australian Outback, but with an ecology composed almost entirely of lemurs in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. The setup allows a few strays, like dog-sized dinosaurs who mimic human speech like parrots, and a Neanderthal woman who was adopted into a human family as an infant. Toss in a murder mystery, a pastor who may or may not be involved in the murder, a unique kind of Black Separatist and a family of con artists, and hopefully we have a novel.