Hot Stones & Homicides (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 2)

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Hot Stones & Homicides (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 2) Page 8

by Jenn Cowan

  Josh moves his hand to the wheel and takes off toward Pete’s Pizza Palace. When he parks by the curb, my headache is in full swing and my stomach is threatening to toss its contents. I’m sweating and can barely open my eyes.

  I force them open and see Travis standing in front of Jessie’s Jewels. The window is broken and I can see the hot stone on the tile floor. At least, Josh can’t be blamed for this since he was at the spa all day with me. I fumble with the door and almost fall out when Josh opens it for me. He steady’s me and I try to make my way to the jewelry store, but everything is spinning. I tilt to the side and see Travis moving quickly toward me. Sweat is dripping down my head and my stomach rolls again before everything goes black.


  I hear beeping and the awful smell of bleach fills my nose. I try to open my eyes, but they feel like someone has put hot wax on them. My body aches and I feel like I need to throw up again. I begin to gag and someone helps me sit up as something cool is pressed to my chest. After I’ve emptied my stomach, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and flop back onto a pillow.


  “Travis?” I force my eyes open and see Travis handing off a bed pan to a gray-haired nurse named Ruby. “Where am I?”

  “The hospital. Do you remember anything that happened?”

  I bite my lip and think back to before I started feeling bad. “I was at the spa. You were there. The red door wouldn’t open.”

  “After that.” He grasps my hand and holds on for dear life. His face is etched with worry and his red hair looks like he’s been running his hands through it over and over again. I take in his outfit.

  “Why are you wearing a hospital gown?”

  He smirks. “You threw up on my suit.”

  I gasp and cover my mouth in horror. “I did?”

  He nods and shrugs. “It’ll dry clean.”

  “Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry. Send me the bill. I should have eaten more today.”

  He cocks his head to the side. “Eaten more?”

  “Josh and I were headed to get pizza. I missed lunch and haven’t had much to drink besides chamomile tea. I started getting a headache and got all sweaty then everything went black.” I glance around the hospital room. “You and Josh really didn’t have to bring me here. I’m fine.”

  His expression turns dark. “We didn’t bring you here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I brought you here, Autumn.”

  “Okay…where’s Josh? He was with me when I fainted.”

  Travis runs a hand through his hair. “Autumn, did Josh give you anything to drink today?”

  I nod. “Chamomile tea. Several cups. Why?”

  “You were poisoned, Autumn.”

  I gasp. “What?

  He nods. “Where was the last cup he gave you?”

  I think back. “On the front desk.”

  “A few of my officers found it. It had your nude color matte lipstick on the rim and his fingerprints were on the cup and so were traces of antifreeze.”

  “What are you saying? Josh poisoned me?”

  “It looks that way.”

  “But why? You have to know he didn’t poison Jamie or Violet or throw those stones through the windows. He was with me when the last stone was thrown through the window.”

  Travis shakes his head. “Jessie was closed today since she and Jamie were friends and her alarm system is broken so no one knows when the stone was thrown. Pete had just opened around four and found the broken glass. Most of the shops on that street don’t open until the evening so no one saw anything. Autumn, I think it’s time you realize Josh is guilty. All the evidence points to him.”

  “Where is he?” I start pulling tape off my skin and flinch when I try to pull out the needle in my vein.

  Travis places a hand over mine to stop me. “Autumn, you could have died. You need to rest. Please.”

  I flop back on the pillow again and let out an exaggerated breath. “Where’s Josh?”

  “He’s in jail, Autumn. Even your dad can’t get him out right now…nor does he want to. Josh was out on bail, but with more evidence piling up against him the judge revoked it. Your dad has been calling non-stop to check on you. He wants you to call as soon as you’re feeling up to it.”

  “Oh, no! How’s my mom?”

  Travis smiles. “He said not to worry. She’s out of surgery and doing well. He was ready to jump on a plane when he heard about you, but I assured him you would want him to stay with your mom. He made me promise not to let you out of my sight. Looks like you’re stuck with me.

  I roll my eyes. “I can take care of myself. Daddy needs to focus on Mom and figure out a way to get Josh out of jail.”

  Travis doesn’t respond, which I know means he doesn’t agree with me.

  “Why would Josh poison me? It doesn’t make sense.”

  He shakes his head. “Autumn, I think you have to open your mind to the possibility that Josh is sick. He’s been in love with you for years and you’re dating James,” Travis says his name with disgust. “It probably set him off. He lost it and decided that if he couldn’t have you, no one could.”

  I shake my head, which makes the room spin so I hold my forehead until it stops. Everything Travis is saying doesn’t make sense. I know Josh. I know he didn’t do this, but if he didn’t, who did? Adam. He has access to the spa. I left my cup on the table. He could have snuck in and poured the antifreeze in my cup then Josh warms it up, not knowing anything’s wrong with it. We’re always warming up each other’s tea. We don’t like to waste good tea. “Have you questioned Adam?”

  “Adam Starch?”

  I nod.

  “Why would I question Adam?”

  “He was dating Jamie before she broke up with him to pursue Josh. He has access to the spa.”

  “He does?”

  I give him a knowing look. “He delivers our linens. Vicky gave him a key so he could drop off towels and sheets when it fit his schedule.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes. He also knew about the red room and it being storage and haunted.” I add in that last part just to goad him.

  Travis groans. “Speaking of the red room. When I sent a couple officers over to check on the mug in the spa, they also checked out the room. The door was strangely open and no chilly door knobs or air. Very interesting.” He gives me a pointed look.

  I shrug. “What can I say? The ghost must not like you.”

  His face pales slightly and he shivers.

  I smile. Good. Serves him right for locking up Josh. “What did they find?”

  “Nothing. The roaster oven was empty. Josh told us how many stones should have been in there. We found one in his house.”

  I gasp. “You really think he did this?”

  Travis rubs his green eyes. “I’m following the evidence.”

  “This makes you happy, doesn’t it?”

  He fixes his eyes on me and takes my hand. “Autumn, if it makes you unhappy, it doesn’t make me happy.”

  His words make me melt a little, but I’m still piping mad at him for arresting my best friend and not trying to prove his innocence.

  A knock on the door draws my attention. “James, what are you doing here?”

  “We had a date.”

  Travis growls next to me, but James ignores him and continues, “I was waiting at the park when I heard some people talking about you being poisoned. I rushed right over.” He holds out a mixed bouquet of wildflowers mostly consisting of sunflowers.

  “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” I take the flowers and lift them to my nose and inhale their aroma.

  He holds out his hand to take them back and produces a crystal vase from behind his back. He busies himself with arranging them next to my bedside. “I heard Josh is in jail for poisoning you. Is that, right?”

  I glance at Travis, who has his jaw clenched and his face is matching his hair again. “Unfortunately, yes.”

  James gasps. “So, he p
oisoned you? Why?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t think he did. Someone is framing him.”

  He cocks his head to the side. “From everything I’m hearing, it sounds like he’s behind all of this. Poisoning that Jamie girl and the one who plays the piano, the stones through the windows and now poisoning you, his best friend.”

  My nostrils flare and my head begins to pound. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I feel a warm hand over mine and open mine to find James giving me a worried look.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, Autumn. I’m worried about you…that’s all. If you don’t think Josh did this, then who did? You’re obviously in danger.”

  I smile and squeeze his hand. “I’m not sure yet. I have a suspect and I’m hopeful the police will check it out.” I glance over at Travis, who grumbles something I can’t make out before he gets up and steps into the hallway.

  “Who do you suspect?”

  “I’d rather not say until we know more. I don’t want to ruin his reputation until I’m sure.”

  James smiles at me. “Well, let me know if you need any help.”

  “Actually, would you mind sweet talking the nurses into bringing Violet into my room?”

  James chuckles and nods. “You’re an incredible woman, Autumn. A couple hours ago you almost died and here you are trying to prove your best friend’s innocence. I hope Josh knows how lucky he is.”

  I shrug. “I know Josh didn’t do this. I just have to prove it.”

  He winks at me and heads to the nurse’s station. I lean my head back and try to put the puzzle pieces together. I feel like I’m missing something. Exhaustion consumes me and I close my eyes for a what feels like a minute, but when I wake up the sun is streaming in the window.

  I blink and rub my eyes. Travis is asleep in the chair next to me and James is asleep on the couch across the room. I smile thinking about these two guys watching over me all night. My thoughts turn to Josh. I know he has to be worried about me just like I’m worried about him. My stomach churns thinking of him in jail all night. I bet he never got his pizza either. He’s probably starving.

  Travis moans and stretches next to me. “You’re awake. How are you feeling?”

  “Better. When can I go home?”

  Travis chuckles and rubs his eyes. “Dr. Gregory checked on you last night while you were sleeping and thought you could probably go home today if you’re feeling better.”

  I rest my head back on the pillow, then remember sending James to get Violet. “Did Violet come by last night?”

  Travis shakes his head. “She got released yesterday afternoon and went home to shower. I sent an officer to check on her and she said she was going to spend the night in her own bed and would be back today to check on her father. He’s awake, but not talking to anyone and is refusing to see Violet. I think she’s upset.”

  “Why is he refusing to talk or see Violet?”

  He shrugs. “He’s waiting on his lawyer.”

  “Waiting on his lawyer…to see Violet?”

  “That’s what he’s saying. His lawyer’s some guy out of Arkansas. He should be here today and then maybe we’ll figure out what really happened in the ICU.”

  I nod. “Did you talk to Adam?”

  “Unfortunately, no. Looks like he’s left town. His delivery truck was parked in front of his house, but his car’s gone.”

  I frown. A sinking feeling in my gut or maybe it’s hunger. “What time is it?”

  Travis checks his watch. “Almost noon.”

  I gasp. “Really? I guess I was exhausted.” I glance over at his morning scruff and wild red hair. “You should go home. Take Cat out to lunch.”

  Travis smiles. “When Dr. Gregory releases you, I can take both my girls out to lunch.”

  I blush, but a throat clearing across the room almost stops my heart. I turn to find James sitting up on the couch. His dark hair is still slicked back and looks as though it hasn’t moved all night. The scruff on his face makes him even more handsome. My breath catches in my throat and my heart speeds up.

  “I didn’t realize Autumn was anyone’s girl, let alone yours, Detective,” James sneers.

  I’m still drooling over him and can’t put two words together so Travis answers for me.

  “Autumn will always be my girl even if we’re not dating. We have history. We’re friends.” Travis squeezes my hand, probably to snap me out of my trance.

  I smile at him. “He’s right. We’re friends.”

  James wipes a hand over his face. “Friends who hold hands. Friends who stay the night at the hospital with each other. You two are anything but friends.” With that he gets up and leaves the room in a huff.

  I stare after him wondering what just happened. One minute, I have two sweet guys watching over me and now, I’m down to one.

  Travis has a big grin on his face next me.

  “You’re really happy with yourself, aren’t you?”

  He shrugs. “That guy’s not good enough for you.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “He doesn’t know you.”

  “He was attempting to get to know me, but our dates keep getting postponed.”

  Travis rolls his eyes. “Maybe it’s a sign.”

  “A sign?”

  “Yeah. There must be a reason you two haven’t been able to go on a date.”

  “And that would be?”

  “It’s not written in the stars.”

  “Oh, please. Since when do you believe in the stars or fate?”

  His expression turns serious. “The day I met you.”

  I open my mouth, preparing to argue with his reasoning when his words wash over me like a wave in the ocean. I close my mouth and study him. My heart hammers in my chest and my mind goes to mush.

  He smiles at me, kisses my hand and says, “I’ll go grab a nurse and see if they can bring you something to eat. That is if you’re hungry.”

  I nod and watch him leave. What just happened here? I know Travis has feelings for me, but I’m not ready to commit to him. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready, but I know no matter what he’ll always have my back and always look out for me. Is James someone who would do the same? He didn’t even give me a chance to explain anything before leaving. Do I even want to date someone who is threatened by my guy friends?

  A crash sounds down the hallway followed by yelling.


  I yank the IV from my hand and watch the blood seep from my veins. I find some gauze and press it to the wound. My bladder is threatening to explode, but something is going on and I have to find out what.

  I slip out of bed. My body protests and it takes my legs a few minutes to quit tingling so I can walk normally. I peek my head around the corner and see Travis trying to get old man Gus back into his bed. Several nurses are fussing around him while Dr. Gregory looks to be trying to put something in his IV bag. He’s having difficultly holding the bag steady with old man Gus swinging his arms and flashing the entire ICU.

  Old man Gus kicks his legs and connects with another tray only this time it’s my breakfast. Oatmeal goes flying through the air and some lands on Travis’s shoulder while berries and cantaloupe look like confetti falling from the sky. My stomach growls at the sight of the food. Guess I’m not getting any breakfast.

  Dr. Gregory finally gets the sedative in the IV and old man Gus slumps against Travis, who places him gently back on the pillow. The nurses pick up the fruit so no one slips and janitor, Larry has the oatmeal cleaned up in no time. It’s almost like the whole thing never happened.

  Travis spots me and hurries over. “Are you alright?”

  I gesture to his shoulder where oatmeal is dripping off it. “Better than you.”

  He glances down at the mess and groans. “Regina brought me a new shirt last night. Guess I need to go home and change…after you’re released.”

  I make a face. “Who knows when that’ll be. You can go now.”

  He gives me a look, one I know
well. “I’m not leaving your side. I promised your dad.”

  I roll my eyes, but know better than to argue with him. He’s stubborn and once he sets his mind to something, he never changes it. Suddenly, the overwhelming urge to use the restroom hits me and I dash off to the restroom. I hear Travis calling my name, but ignore him until I’m done. I wash my hands and open the door to find Travis leaning against the door frame.

  “What was that?”

  I feel my face grow hot. “I had to use the restroom.”

  He snorts. “And you couldn’t just tell me that. I thought you were sick again.” He places a hand to my forehead and I swat it away.

  “I’m fine, Dr. Mills.”

  “I didn’t realize you were a doctor.”

  We both turn to find Dr. Gregory standing in the doorway with a tablet in his hand. He still reminds me of young Keanu Reeves. His white lab coat has a blue stain on the shoulder probably from a flying berry.

  I smile and gather my gown in the back so I’m not flashing anyone. “He wishes.”

  “No, I don’t,” Travis mumbles and plops down on the couch.

  Dr. Gregory smirks and gestures to the bed. “How are you feeling?” He asks as I crawl back into the bed and he checks my temperature.


  “That’s good to hear. If only all my patients could be as easy as you.” He checks his iPad and makes a note.

  “What was all that about with old man Gus?”

  Travis mutters something about the guy being crazy, but I know he’s exaggerating.

  “He thinks he should get to go home. Doesn’t remember anything about the hostage situation or the shooting.”

  “He doesn’t?”

  Dr. Gregory shakes his head. “Nope. Nothing. Of course, his blood alcohol level was through the roof. It’s amazing he made it through surgery. Not that it’s any secret in this town.”


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