SEVEN: That was close.
KING: (Smiling while looking at Seven) Yea it was.
SEVEN: Is this funny to you, do you get a thrill out of this?
KING: Naw, but it was fun though. A new story to tell your kids one day.
SEVEN: Yea, if we make it to see the day.
KING: Mattew 8: 26, and he saith unto them, why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.
SEVEN: Interesting.
KING: Fate is interesting indeed.
SEVEN: Who are you?
KING: That’s a good question. But the real question is, who are you? I sense that you are hungry. How about some brunch? Then I will answer your question
KING: (Driving) How are you feeling over there champ?
SEVEN: (Rubbing the side of his rib cage) Yea, I’ll be cool, but I’ll be cooler when this headache goes away.
KING: I know this ducked-off dinner that has a variety of food. Get some good food in you and you will feel stronger. I know the feeling.
SEVEN: Wait man. I thank you but, maybe it’s just best if you dropped me off at home. No offense but I don’t know you.
KING: I could definitely do that. But, before I make a U turn, allow me to remind you, that man who we just dodged is looking for you, in order to find to me. These guys are ruthless, they seek to destroy. There is a possibility that he will find out your name and have his people locate where you live. If you are not prepared to have a strong duck and dodge game, then it’s best if you hear me out. Even if you don’t have any information to give to them, they will still beat you unconscious. Or even possibly kill you for causing Destiny to get away.
SEVEN: One day you are chillin, minding your own business and just like that, you are being hunted.
KING: Cold world ain’t it.
SEVEN: Yea, cold world is right. And I like staying warm, that’s why I stay out of the way.
KING: What if it’s not in your purpose to stay out of the way?
SEVEN: I’ve thought about that very question for many days and nights. And I don’t know the answer to that.
KING: Your answer will come.
SEVEN: Why are these people after you and Destiny?
KING: If it’s not too much to ask, I would rather tell you while we sit down. I think I’ll have me some coffee. I did sit up and stare outside the window for a few hours while you laid in that hospital bed. I haven’t shared with anybody who I really am, so it’s taking me a while. But now is the time.
SEVEN: That’s understood. I know without knowing, the movie to your life doesn’t go straight to DVD, it goes straight to the theater.
KING: An entertaining one, hopefully it doesn’t end as I vision it. Thought’s, sometimes you can’t control them. Anyways, let’s go eat.
SEVEN: I’d like to put some clothes on but I’m starving. I don’t even know where my wallet and keys are.
KING: Don’t worry about a thing, I’ll make sure you have whatever you need. I don’t think it’s a good idea to go back to your apartment today. Better safe than sorry.
SEVEN: Right, I think I’ll pass on getting beat up, I want to go in the opposite direction of that.
KING: I hear ya.. but in the meantime, I got my mind set on a plate of steak and eggs. Maybe some grits and hash browns on the side.
The two men walked inside the dinner and sat in a booth by the window. They both order their food without looking at the menu. King put the cream and sugar in his coffee while Seven squeezed the lemon juice in the water.
KING: Destiny and I are like the modern day Bonnie and Clyde, but only she is my sister. But we don’t rob just anybody. We rob the bad guys. The ones who aren’t making the world a better place and needs to be taught a lesson. Could be someone who’s ego needs to be humbled. A drug dealer who likes to sell to the youth or a pregnant woman. You know, things of that nature. And these gentlemen are more than likely to be rolling in some cash. This is where Destiny comes in. Cat woman or Super woman don’t have shit on her. She is one cold blooded woman.
SEVEN: Who happens to be a virgin, and does poetry off the top of her head.
KING: That’s right. I’m like her father. Besides the four years I spent in prison, I have been in her life. She earned her bachelor’s degree in those four years. Which can be helpful, but mainly used for resources and disguise. Being in disguise is her expertise. She can play the role of different characters to draw in these particular group of men. She draws them in, then I become their karma. I don’t harm them if they cooperate. I don’t break their bank, but I definitely put a dent in that bitch.
These two men who jumped you, we robbed them awhile back. And we hittem for a pretty penny. That was the one mistake. Those guys have a big name out here and it was to close to home. That’s when we started traveling from city to city, going on hitting sprees. Rack up enough money to last us some seasons. When we start to get low, we plan, prepare and execute. We been hustling since we were kids. Just so we can eat. We rarely slip up, but this one time we did and now these people are after us. Destiny went out and just happened to be seen that night at the Melting Pot Club. And that’s when you came in the picture. I don’t think you understand how it would have destroyed me if Destiny would have been raped. Especially with her being a virgin. That really means a lot to her and myself. She is the only thing I am proud of.
SEVEN: (Looking around to see if there are any movie camera’s around watching them) Are we in a movie right now? That is one interesting story, until I came into the picture. Is this even real? Am I still knocked unconscious and this is all a dream?
KING: (Gold teeth shining from smiling) No dream, this is all real.
SEVEN: Are you on the run?
KING: Naw, I’m more like a ghost. Until last night, we finally got problems. But what the problem doesn’t realize is, I am the problem when you mess with my people. Over time I learned to play chess and keep my ego under control. I could easily go looking for them but that could start a war. With it being so close to home, I must play chess. Be smarter and wiser.
SEVEN: So what’s the next play?
KING: I’m thinking those guys could be looking for us, so maybe it’s time to go on a work vacation. Think and plan out the next move while relaxing in a nice hotel and eating like a boss.
SEVEN: Well I must say, that is one of the most interesting stories I’ve heard in all of my life. So what do you do it for?
KING: One of the main goals is to retire at a young age and have a family. And for Destiny to live the life she desires. It’s very difficult to have the life we desire by living the way it is designed. It’s designed for us to be workers. Modern day slaves to run somebody elses business. It’s not in me to live that kind of life. I don’t want to answer to nobody, or be controlled by man. Man is evil. Man can be selfish. Including myself. Even if I want to go out and get a good paying job, who out here is going to hire a convicted felon with this black skin and gold teeth. But you know how that goes. I could go on and on about this system being ran out here.
SEVEN: I understand. I’m on the same page.
KING: I get it how I get it. I’m not proud of what I do, but not having to make pennies at a 9 to 5 from using my mind helps me sleep better at night. One weekend might bring enough to hold us over for half a year.
The waitress arrives with their food. The jelly was spread out on the toast, salt and pepper shaked on the eggs, ketchup on the hash browns and a steak being cut with a knife and fork, while they both continue conversing.
SEVEN: Must be nice to sit back in financial comfort for a weekend’s worth of work.
KING: It’s not worth it. I’m ready to be retired already and run me a business. As you see, karma will eventually come to collect. Now someone is looking for me. A mission could go bad and somebody I rob might decide not lay down so easy. They might go for broke and be willing t
o die for theirs. If we don’t play our cards right, we could lose our lives. Not to mention the thing that I am not proud of, it all takes its toll on you.
SEVEN: The pros and cons to it all. Do you think it’s all worth it?
KING: I believe so. I really don’t know what being happy feels like. I just live and go to my strengths. Do what I know to do. I know one thing, being chewed out by someone who is nowhere near my pedigree and sitting in traffic for two hours ain’t happening, no sir.
SEVEN: I’ve been there before, wasn’t for me I must admit, your story moves me. I’m not easily moved.
KING: That Honda we drove in, it’s just a disguise car. I’m getting burned out though. Ready to be legit. Robbing folks is the main source of how I make money. To have money consistently coming in, I sell drugs to two clients who I believe will not run their mouths. Far as they are concerned, I’m a ghost.
SEVEN: Why only two clients?
KING: I find less to be best. Less people you deal with, the less drama. It’s powder crack cocaine, so the money comes. I won’t sell to nobody but them. I don’t want any traffic. These two people I would let in my home. They take care of themselves and earn their own money, it just that bad habit. Addicts are not to be trusted, but what I learned over time is that, if you look out for them, protect them, have the fix they need, and have instilled fear in them, they will be loyal to you. Sometimes even more than a close friend. But at the end of the day, there is a price to pay for everything that we do. I do dirt to make my money, while taking the wisest route possible to stay out of the cage.
SEVEN: Your one fearless man with a plan. Hearing all of this inspires me to write.
KING: So we have a writer on our hands.
SEVEN: Not really, but something like that.
KING: What do you write about?
SEVEN: Whatever comes to mind. From short stories, poetry, to songs, really anything.
KING: So when is your book coming out?
SEVEN: Ha, I don’t know man. I should have an answer for you but I don’t. I’m working on this thing. I really don’t know why, but something is just telling me to write it. If I had an idea that was as interesting as your life story, I’d write something like that.
KING: So is that why we crossed paths?
SEVEN: What is that?
KING: Maybe it’s meant for you to come with Destiny and I on a work vacation. And on this vacation, I talk and while you listen, record or write, or all three. I could give plenty of stories to go along with your own imagination. When you are not writing in your luxurious hotel room, you can be out enjoying yourself. A getaway where you can shop, eat, drink, and be merry.
SEVEN: I’ve been hearing that eat, drink, and be merry lately.
KING: Maybe it’s time to live. Have you been living?
SEVEN: That actually sounds pretty good. But I couldn’t go on a lavish robbery spree with you. I don’t want to speak it into existence but, there is a possibility you could get caught.
KING: Not if I tell the cops we held you against your own will. Not if we admit that you had nothing to do with it. Not if they look in my cell phone and see that Destiny and I had a discussion of capturing you.
SEVEN: (Smiling) Your good.
KING: Besides, you could be laid up in your hotel room or out spending money somewhere on the town. Destiny and I will do our thing. Or, you could even witness us in live action. Mess around and have you a number one best seller.
SEVEN: I love the sound of that, number one best seller.
KING: Yea, now were talking.
SEVEN: It seems like you already had this planned. I mean, soon as I told you I write, you came up with an idea just like that. An idea that I would actually enjoy writing.
KING: Look man. You just saved my sister. And it’s not wise for you to be at your home for a few days. After performing such a heroic act, it’s time to celebrate. It’s time to feel appreciated. It’s time to be rewarded. So why not go and kick your feet up? It doesn’t have to be a work vacation for you. You can do nothing but ask questions and take it all in, and when we get back, you can write whatever you like. Just don’t use our names of course. So don’t worry about money. As matter of fact, when is the last time you have been on a vacation?
SEVEN: (Starts to look out the diner window while finishing his last bite to eat) I couldn’t even tell you. Maybe since I was a teenager.
KING: And why is that?
SEVEN: I’ve always wanted to travel, just never got around to it I guess. Maybe I just haven’t been living. This plan sounds great but I’m not prepared. I would at least need to go home and pack.
KING: No need to go back to your place. We can go get everything you need right now. Underwear, socks, toiletries, and a couple of outfits to wear for now. Soon as we get into the new city we will go shop for new clothes and shoes, and whatever else you need far as cologne, a nice watch or shades.
SEVEN: (Massages his head with a confused look) Am I still knocked unconscious? There is a lot going on in my head. So many thoughts. Some big football looking dude could be sitting outside my front door waiting on me to get home.
KING: (Signals for the waitress to come over) Well, while you think about it I’ll pay for the tab.
WAITRESS: You ready for the check?
KING: Yes ma’am.
SEVEN: I’m going to hit this restroom up.
KING: I’ll be in the car.
Seven walks to the men’s room and lands at the first urinal stall. While releasing himself, he closed his eyes and prayed silently. Asking God to guide his steps and protect him along the way. He ends his prayer once hearing someone walk in the restroom. The first thing the man sees walking in is Seven standing there peeing with a hospital gown on and his eyes closed while looking up to the ceiling. The man goes to the furthest urinal away from Seven with a, “what did I just see face,” on the way there. Seven looks in the mirror while washing his hands wondering how his life just took a big turn of events.
Seven leaves out the restroom and walks towards the entrance. He passes the table where he and King sat. He notices that his empty glass of water was now filled. He leans over and takes a couple of sips. While drinking his water, he noticed $50 dollars laying on top of the ticket with writing on it. Seven looks around to see if King could see him. Once he saw no sign of King, he read the words written on the ticket. “Although my brother ate half of his meal without anything to drink, I see something great in you.” Seven thought to himself while drinking his water, “she didn’t come to check on us one time after we got our food and he still tips her big.”
He looks around at the not so busy diner and realizes that he and King were the only two people of color. “Interesting,” he thinks to himself while taking his last sip of water. Right before he walks out the diner, he hears a light shout of joy from the waitress who just realized she was tipped big. As Seven walked outside he could see the waitress from the inside pick up the ticket and start reading the message. He then looks ahead and see’s the side of King standing at the back of his car smoking a black & mild cigar. Seven silently became a fan of king. He knew he was in the company of a rare individual. You could just feel it the closer he approaches king.
SEVEN: This work vacation. It sounds good, but I can’t just drop what I have going here. If I leave now, when I come back I would be evicted from my apartment and fired from my job.
KING: (Takes a drag of his black & mild while thinking before his reacts) You give me the name of your apartments and I’ll have Destiny go pay your rent and for next month’s rent as well. We still have plenty of time before the office closes. Far as your job, I’ll have Destiny call and let them know you have been in an accident and will be in the hospital for some days. You tell me what you make a week and I’ll double that for the time you spent away from your job. If they were to fire you, I would make sure all your expenses were paid until you found another gig. This will be your time to either relax by doing nothing but ride, or work
on your book. But if you don’t like living pay check to pay check, you could take your chances and write a story that could change all of that. You never know.
SEVEN: Well how in the world can I turn that down. And you are down to share your story to where I can pick your brain and ask whatever questions I want?
KING: If that’s what it will take in order for you to allow me to show my appreciation.
SEVEN: (Feels the wind breeze pick up a little) Okay. I’m in.
KING: (Shakes Sevens hand) Now were talking. You got yourself a deal.
SEVEN: I say we get started right away with the questions.
KING: Of course. First let me get your apartment information so I can send Destiny over to take care of that rent. Let’s talk as we move, time is money. Besides, we need to go get you into some clothes, I’m not gonna be riding around with you in this hospital gown all day.
SEVEN: Sounds like a plan. I say we get right to it.
KING: (While both getting into the car) Took you long enough.
SEVEN: What caused you to give that generous tip when knowing the waitress didn’t do a very good job?
KING: (Turns on some Bob Dylan on low) In no particular order. Reason number one, without assumption, just as a possibility.. with us being the only people of color, myself having some gold teeth in my mouth and you wearing a hospital gown on, maybe it was her perception that caused her to stay away from us. So fear. Her perception. Two things that can hold us back from getting what is ours. Our missing out on an opportunity. So now, she will always remember this moment. Which will also remind her of the note I wrote. And it will cause her to be better at what she does by reducing her perception of people before knowing them. Possibly eliminating her perception of black people not being good tippers.
The second reason is I know I will be coming back to this place sooner or later. And the next time I come in here, I will be treated better, possibly even have a little power. Word spreads of who the good tippers are. Money talks in this world we live in. Possibly, that same waitress might be working the next time I return. And I would have been on her mind in positive way from the last time we saw each other. I would have become curious to her. And so this time, her guards will have been let down to a certain degree. And that’s when I charm her. She wasn’t that bad looking and you never know, she could be a little lonely and curious of what it feels like to be a cougar for a night. She might have always wondered what it was like having a little jungle fever. And we just so caught each other while in heat and was in need of a little attention, if you dig what I’m saying. Besides, you never know, people will do something to your food just because of who you are. So if they know I’m okay people, chances are they will leave my food alone. They might it even put a little more love in the food when making it instead. And another thing, it was time for me to sow a seed anyway.
I Am Your Brother Page 4