Love Note (Men of Sander's Valley Book 3)

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Love Note (Men of Sander's Valley Book 3) Page 7

by Hayden Wolfe

  She was on her own. Good thing she was used to it.

  Eyes closed, Blaine rested her head against the padded headrest. The classical piece written hundreds of years ago quickened her pulse. Her fingers twitched, an automatic reaction she didn’t try to stop. Her body wanted to play along, to chase the beat until sweat slickened her brow. She wanted to stand on the large rocks overlooking this valley and play. Dance in the fields below where butterflies flew. Give herself over to the music, letting it tell the story she normally sang.

  Her fans wouldn’t feel the same freeing sensation she would by embracing her violin. They’d boo any classical piece she’d play. Her sales would drop. The brand she’d built would crumble.

  People would forget her name.

  At least her current fans would. Eliot offered her the opportunity to reach a different set of fans. But would they love her as much as the adoring crowds in Russia?

  No. Likely not. She’d be only one of many musicians who made up the orchestra. All eyes would be on Eliot, however. Everyone would know his name, exalting the Sutherland name to fame once more.

  The notebook she loosely held was taken from her hands.

  On a gasp, she jerked up. Jack’s firm hand settled on her shoulder. His mouth moved. The music blaring from her headphones drowned out his words.

  She tugged off the headphones and killed the music. “You scared me.”

  He picked up the pencil she’d dropped, slipped it into the spirals of the notebook, and set it on the table under an unopened can of soda. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  “You did, though. You snuck up on me.” She swung her legs over the side of the chair, but Jack crouched in front of her before she stood. He rested his hands on her legs. “Somebody had to have dropped you off. Why didn’t they have their lights on? I looked.”

  Jack slid his hands higher. His rough palms spread tingles over her skin. “I didn’t want to disturb you if you had company.”

  “Who would be here? Everyone is down by the lake.”

  “Eliot’s not.” Shadows obscured Jack’s features, but she heard the harshness in his tone.

  “No, he’s not.” She fought a smile. Maybe Jack would fight over her after all. “Not now, anyway.”

  “Good.” Jack spread her thighs and moved into the space between her legs. “I really didn’t want to have to call Levi back to pick me up. He’d never let me live it down.”

  His speech wasn’t slurred, but the scent of beer clung to him. He’d been drinking, exactly as he said he would. Now he was here, watching her with a heavy-lidded gaze.

  “Live what down?”

  Jack moved his hands to her hips and curled his fingers around the waistband of her underwear. “Not getting inside the girl I want.”

  Her lower belly warmed with the look of hunger in his eyes. “You were already inside me.”

  He shook his head. His voice lowered. “Doesn’t count. You took advantage of me, Ms. Zima. Used me to get yourself off.”

  He was teasing her. She knew it. His words made her incredibly hot, though. Taking what she wanted in life empowered her. She’d never considered applying the same concept to her sexual encounters, at least not until Jack Sander walked into her life.

  She slid her hands over the muscled pecs she hadn’t seen yet. She wanted Jack naked. Wanted him inside her. Wanted to come apart at his hands. “You don’t remind me of a man who can be taken advantage of, especially by a woman.”

  “You’re no ordinary woman.” He wiggled her underwear to her upper thighs. She didn’t help him. His flaring nostrils as he worked the lace off her bottom entranced her.

  “Really?” She smirked. “What am I, then?”

  He fisted her lacey underwear, then met her eyes. “A predator.”

  “A predator?” The description brought a smile to her lips. It fit, even if it didn’t sound flattering. She hadn’t gotten where she was in life by living demurely.

  “Mm-hmm. But so am I.” Jack jerked her underwear, tearing the delicate fabric and ripping a shocked gasp from her throat. “And tonight, I’m taking what I want.”

  She gripped his shoulders. “Don’t you think you should ask me first?”

  With one hand on her hip holding her in place, he slipped the fingers of his free hand inside her pussy. Her inner muscles gripped him. She inhaled sharply. He raised one corner of his mouth in a lopsided smirk.

  “Tell me to stop, and I will. Immediately. You understand?” He leaned into her, pushing his fingers as far as they’d go inside her body, and brushed his lips over her cheek, from her ear to her lips. “But I’m not asking your permission.”

  “A little tit for tat?” She rocked against the fingers lodged deep inside her. Sparks danced along the walls of her vagina. Her clit thumped. She inhaled his beer-scented breath and closed her eyes. “I used you, so you’re going to use me?”

  Jack curled his fingers, stroking that spot inside her that tightened her body, readying her for a powerful orgasm. “You’re a smart woman. Aren’t you, Blaine?”

  “I wouldn’t be where I am if I wasn’t.”

  “In my arms. You’re exactly right.”

  Jack slid his tongue between her parted lips and led her into a slow, decadent melding of mouths that left her dizzy and unsettled. Her head spun. Her heart raced. The raw emotion Jack’s kiss stirred didn’t match his promise of using her. It held devotion as if he was savoring every nuance of this moment.

  A soft sound escaped her throat. Almost a whimper. It tensed her body. Her inner muscles squeezed around Jack’s fingers. Her nails dug into his shoulders. And Jack kept kissing her so deeply and completely, tears pricked her eyes.

  Whiskey and beer flavored their kiss. She focused on the taste of him, the way his fingers moved inside her, stroking her from the inside out, and the firm press of his hand at her lower back. Lust hit her, wiping away the tenderness that didn’t belong here between them.

  She crisscrossed her arms behind his head, holding him close, and took control of the kiss. She ate at his mouth with every ounce of rawness she’d felt the last time they’d kissed. He growled against her lips. His fingers left her body. He yanked her against him, pulling her off the lounge chair. Her ass landed on his bent thighs.

  Every ounce of gentleness, gone.

  Jack devoured her. His hands stroked over her back. The bruising press of his lips didn’t give her a chance to catch her breath. There was only Jack and what he was taking from her. She had no choice but to accept him. She relaxed in his hold, tipping her head back and welcoming the deep strokes of his tongue along hers.

  He kissed her until she swayed, dizziness gripping her, then stood, lifting her with him. Her feet touched the cool deck. Her knees threatened to give out.

  With his arm hooked around her waist and his lips on hers, Jack walked forward. Her back met the railing of the deck. Then he tore his mouth from hers and turned her body. The lights from the valley below filled her vision. Music drifted to her. The party was still going strong.

  But Jack was here. With her. Not Brenna. Not another random woman.

  The sound of something tearing reached her ears. A condom wrapper. She knew that sound. She looked over her shoulder. Shadows hid Jack’s face but she saw enough to know he’d lost his shorts.

  He stepped closer to her. The coolness of the condom on his penis sent a shiver through her body. At least he’d remembered to think about protection. Not like her. She was glad. Her luck wasn’t that good, and she had no desire to claim her trust fund this way.

  Jack drew her close with an arm around her waist. “How long are you going to be in Sander’s Valley?”

  She blinked. “Another week. Maybe two.”

  “Thank God.” Jack pressed his palm against her lower belly and pushed his cock into her opening. Her clenching muscles prevented him from sinking into her.

  Groaning, he rocked, working his thick shaft into her body. Her eyelids fluttered. Her breath rushed out. With one h
ard thrust, he seated himself deep inside her. She dropped her chin to her chest as the sensation of fullness overwhelmed her.

  She swallowed against the dryness in her mouth. “Why is that good?”

  “Addictions take longer than that to form.” Jack turned her head and kissed her, stopping her from questioning his odd response.

  The rolling press of his hips to her bottom matched the pace of his kiss. Heaviness built. An ache centered deep inside her. Every time Jack reached the end of her, the tightness in her pussy intensified. The orgasm she chased slipped through her fingers each time Jack moved. So close, so far.

  She moved against him, needing the high of ecstasy that Jack’s loving promised. He’d send her soaring over the edge. She knew it. She wanted it. He held it out of reach. The steady pace he’d set didn’t let her careen into pleasure. He made her ride the edge.

  Blaine tore her mouth from his. “Jack, please. Harder. Take me harder.”

  The wild look in his eyes registered. She understood her mistake. He’d been holding back. Loving her. Making her feel worshipped. She’d given him an out. Now, he’d truly take from her, exactly as he’d promised.

  “Remember your words, Blaine. You asked for it.”

  She didn’t get the chance to say anything else. Jack locked an arm around her chest, drawing her against him, and slammed his cock into her. Vibrations shook her body, bouncing her breasts and tearing small gasps from her throat. She had nothing to hold on to. The railing was out of reach. There was only Jack. He surrounded her, filled her, commanded her. She clung to him, digging her nails into his forearms.

  He tipped her head back and kissed her while his erection stretched her with every rough thrust. Feminine sounds of surrender escaped her throat. Moans, whimpers, and low grunts she was sure she’d never made in the presence of a man before. They didn’t frighten her. Nothing did. Jack commanded her, leading her to pleasure. She didn’t fear it. She craved it. Only he could deliver it. She knew that. Didn’t care. She wanted to find her pleasure with him.

  On a hard thrust that tore his name from her throat, Jack found his release. Hers followed. Waves rolled through her body, leaving her trembling. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak. There was only ecstasy. And Jack.

  And this nagging feeling she’d never be the same again.

  Chapter 9

  The woman sleeping with her hands pillowed under her cheek looked like an angel. Blaine’s wavy hair spread over the dark green sheets, and the slight flush to her cheeks added to the image. Even knowing the blush stemmed from their last round of fucking and her wild hair resulted from when he’d held it in a firm grip didn’t tarnish the wholesome aura she cast.

  Blaine had loved him with everything she had. He’d done the same. Even wearing a condom, he’d never felt more connected to a lover. Hell, the things they’d done together were about as close to heaven as a guy like him would ever get. Angels didn’t visit Sander’s Valley, or save men like him.

  Propped on his elbow, Jack studied his lover. Blaine was beautiful. No doubt about it. Soft and firm in all the right places. The faded stretch marks on her full breasts and the wicked-looking scar on her hip served as reminders she was as real as everyone else, despite living a life he’d never consider.

  And she was here. With him. For a week, maybe two.

  There were so many ways he wanted to take her before she went on with her life and he went on with his.

  Jack tamed the wild strands of her hair, twisting them loosely and laying them over her shoulder, then settled behind Blaine. She sighed softly as he pressed his chest to her back.

  The urge to wake her with his dick in her pussy beat at him. He wanted that complete sense of ownership where he could love a woman anytime and anyway he wanted. You didn’t get that level of trust with a fling or a fuck buddy. Damn if he didn’t crave it, though.

  With this woman.

  He buried his face in the crook of Blaine’s neck. Her rich feminine scent filled his lungs. She smelled good, like something ripe and sweet he wanted to savor. She could be his addiction. Everything about her, from her rough voice to those little whimpers she made when she lost control, appealed to him.

  Except, he didn’t want Blaine to be his addiction. Never wanted any part of a long-term relationship. How many times had he said that over the course of his life? Enough that he’d earned a reputation. It was one he’d uphold with Blaine too. He had too much going on in his life without a woman to fuss over or to whom he had to explain his actions.

  Or one who called another continent home.

  Blaine could be something he indulged in every time she came around visiting Iona, however. A little treat to look forward to. He could live with that. If the way Blaine reacted to him was any indication, she’d be good with a little playtime when she stopped in Sander’s Valley too. They’d both win. He’d just have to convince her what they had was worth indulging in. From time to time.

  Jack slid his hand to Blaine’s pussy but didn’t stroke her. He covered her soft mound of blonde hair and kissed her jaw.

  Blaine shivered and pressed herself more firmly against him. “Jack.”

  Satisfaction flowed through him. He hadn’t realized how much hearing his name in her sleepy voice appealed to him. She knew exactly who was in this bed with her, who’d loved her, who was ready to send her to heaven again.

  He skimmed his parted lips to her ear. “Morning, angel.”

  She made a pleased sound and tilted her head, giving him better access to her neck. “I’m no angel.”

  With Blaine awake and aware of whose dick pushed against her ass, Jack stroked his middle finger down her cleft, parting her lower lips and teasing her opening. Arousal coated his finger after a moment. “Could’ve fooled me. Felt like heaven in your arms last night.”

  Blaine’s long exhale spoke of contentment. She shifted her bottom, allowing his erection to slip between her sweet thighs. He moved his hand to her belly as her wet lower lips cradled his shaft. Tingles spread from the sensitive head of his cock to his balls. The familiar ache built, along with a rush of energy. His muscles burned with the anticipation of loving Blaine.

  He shifted his hips, slipping through her arousal. One thrust and he’d join them. He settled a hand on her hip and poised his erection at her opening.

  “Do you have any more condoms?” Lust gave her rough voice a sultry edge.

  He didn’t want to use one. He wanted to see his cum dripping from Blaine’s pussy. You didn’t get to enjoy that sight without being in a relationship. And he didn’t do relationships.

  Jack dropped his head to her shoulder. “One. In my shorts.”

  Blaine stretched across the bed. His penis dipped into her opening. Welcoming arousal bathed the head of his dick. It jerked. Eyes closed, he bit the inside of his mouth. He’d never been so aroused. Blaine hadn’t even touched him. The picture she’d made lying next to him had been enough.

  The ripping sound of the condom wrapper opening grounded him. He focused on his breathing as she rolled the condom over his dick, then wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft and guided him into her pussy. Blaine’s warm, tight body enveloped him.

  He muttered a curse. Being inside Blaine was heaven. He’d never thought to find it.

  “Jack.” She turned her head for a kiss.

  This position didn’t allow for the deep melding of mouths Blaine’s unspoken plea demanded, but he couldn’t resist feeling her soft lips against his, giving her whatever he could. He licked first her upper lip, then her lower lip before twining his tongue with hers in a gentle dance that gave him a chance to savor the way Blaine’s body fit him.

  A perfect glove. Made for him.

  He groaned and tightened his hold on Blaine, pulling her closer.

  Her inner muscles tightened around his cock, holding him in a firm grip as if she didn’t want to let him go any more than he did in this moment.

  Without breaking their kiss, he rocked into Blaine
’s body, rubbing the lower, more sensitive section of her pussy. The slow loving wasn’t something he indulged in with other women, but he’d be damned if could deny Blaine this kiss. She needed it. Needed him. Just like this.

  She reached back and hooked her hands behind his head. Her ass pushed harder against his groin as she arched her body. His balls grew heavy. He’d never send her over the edge like this. Their loving was too gentle, too slow. Him? He could orgasm right now. No way would he waste his last condom. This fucking had to hold them over until tomorrow.

  Jack tore his mouth from hers. He caught her gaze for the briefest of moments. The look in her eyes was one he’d never forget.


  She was feeling the same thing he did. How damn perfect they fit together.

  He’d never seen anything better.

  On a rough shove, he pushed Blaine to her belly and yanked her bottom in the air. Her gasp turned into a groan as he rammed his cock into her. Hard strokes shook her ass. He laid his palm over her cheeks to feel the vibrations. It was good. Not good enough, though. He wanted to see her breasts sway.

  He adjusted his body over hers and pounded into her from behind. Blaine grunted as he rode her hard.

  “Oh God, Jack.” She scratched at his legs, trying to pull him closer.

  After a moment, she matched him. She fucked him back. Fucked him as if she couldn’t get enough of his cock. Of him.

  Their bodies slammed against each other. Her arousal coated her thighs, his groin. The sound of their loving surrounded them, along with their rough breaths.

  Sweat dripped from his forehead. Still, he fucked Blaine. Gave her everything.

  “I’m going to come.” Blaine writhed against him.

  He slid his hand over her belly, then lower, and rubbed her clit as he fucked her. The pressure against his driving cock sent him higher, pushed him to the edge. Good. He wanted to come with Blaine. Nothing was better than flying together.

  Except filling her up while her body worked every drop of his seed free.


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