Crimson Sands

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Crimson Sands Page 47

by J. Arthur Klein

  “How can we help?” she asked, and the officer turned his attention towards us, a sigh of exasperation escaping his lips as he looked us over.

  “For now? Keep out of the way. We need to get these people into the city and clear the walls. As far as we can tell, we have about four hours until whatever the towers have spotted arrives,” he said, and then motioned towards the throng of refugees. “Now if you don’t mind, this isn’t going to organize itself.”

  We moved to the side of the road. Kjara was staring at the refugees, a worried frown on her face. I shared her apprehension.

  Something big was coming. I was going to need every tool at my disposal, and that meant I needed to meet with my patron, turn in the quests, and learn everything that he had to teach. All within four hours.

  One problem. The only way I knew of to get to my temple was by dying, and since I'd hit level ten the death penalty was in full effect.

  Resigning myself to another death, I turned to Kjara. “Uhm… Kjara,” I said, and she looked over at me curiously. “I need a favor.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Okay… What do you need?”

  “Well… I… kinda need you to kill me,” I said with a forced smile.

  “What?” she exclaimed, punching me in the chest.

  “Well that’s a start,” I laughed, seeing my health dropping by a tiny bit.

  “No, I won’t kill you,” she said, looking at me like I’d lost my mind. “Why do you want me to kill you?”

  I held up my hands in surrender. “I need to get to my temple… which is in the underworld, and well, the only way I know to get there is to shed this mortal coil.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked, “you checked all your skills, your logs? I don’t think the designers would require you to die to get your skills…”

  “My patron is the god of death… but I’ll check,” I said, opening up my skills list and reading through.

  Weapon skills, yadda, yadda, nothing special there. My general skills were a dead end as well. No new spells, blah, blah.

  Racial skills were the same, class skills and… well lookie here. My Child of the Underworld skill had been updated.

  Child of the Underworld

  As a priest of the god of the underworld you have the ability to navigate the underworld more freely. When you die, you will be instantly transported to the Land of the Dead instead of the local afterlife, and while in the Land of the Dead, will be able to teleport freely to any known location within the realm. NOTE: A minimum time will still be required before respawning will be allowed. Additional abilities unlocked at later levels.

  Additionally, your ties to the underworld allow you to see into the realm between, allowing you to see normally in darkness, and grants the ability to see spirits and other incorporeal beings.

  Level 5: Funeral rite - You may bless the spirits of the recently departed to grant a decrease in respawn timer and decrease the death penalty debuff.

  Level 10: Dust to Dust - Once every 24 hours, the user of this skill may dissolve their corporeal body and be transported to the Land of the Dead.

  “Well fuck,” I said. “I guess I owe you one. Apparently, I’ve got my own personal ticket to the underworld baked into my class skills.”

  She gave me a smirk that said “I told you so” and patted herself on the back. “While you go and get your priesting on, I’m going to go and see if I can wrangle some last-minute training.”

  “New skills eh?” I asked.

  She shook her head and looked at me in confusion and spoke slowly. “No, just training to bring my skills up to my level, you know, practice?”

  Seeing my blank look, she continued, “At the guild… where you can spend time to level up your skills so you don’t have to spend as many points on them?”

  My jaw must have been hanging pretty low at that point because I could tell Kjara was trying not to laugh. “You mean you haven’t been using the training grounds to keep your ranks up?”

  I shook my head and she started laughing. I got a bit flustered and responded, “There’s no manual, no guides, how was I supposed to know? For the most part I haven’t even been putting points into things unless I really needed them. There’s so many new things to learn and I don’t want to miss out on something amazing just because my medium armor skill needed a bump. Damnit.”

  She calmed herself and took a deep breath. “Okay. I get it. I guess the fighter’s guild was a bit more open with their training than the priests would have been in Tael’va. That’s where I found out about it. I’m amazed you managed to accomplish all you have without your skills maxed.”

  “I avoided the temple in Tael’va like the plague. The priesthood there was reviled by the populous and I had no desire to associate with them. And there was nothing about that in the tutorial. I hope the bug report form can handle the rant coming its way.”

  I sighed and regained my composure. “Well, now I know at least, and after this whole shebang I’m going to have to hit the gym I guess. Get Swol and chug some Brawndo.”

  “Okay,” she said, kissing and then patting me on the cheek. “Have fun in the afterlife. Message me when you get back?”

  I smiled and said, “Of course,” and then activated the Dust to Dust ability.

  The world swirled around me and then reformed into the starlit dunes of the underworld.

  I grinned and teleported myself to the Temple of the Restless Dead, wondering what other surprises lay in my future.


  Chapter 34

  My intent was to appear at the temple entrance but instead I found myself standing before the altar.

  Standing behind it was Anpu in full on ceremonial garb, looking incredibly serious until his mouth formed into an amused smirk as he said, “Took you long enough.”

  I could never quite tell what was going on with my Patron. Half the time I wasn’t quite sure if the NPC was trolling me.

  I started to respond with a snarky comeback, but the words died in my throat when I realized we weren’t alone in the temple.

  I turned around and looked around the room, my eyes getting wider by the second. The formerly abandoned temple was now clear of all detritus and debris and full of spectral people, all of whom had their attention focused on me.

  The sconces that once held only dust now held brightly burning torches, and beneath each stood a mummified guardian, resplendent in bronze and gold armor inset with lapis and emerald.

  To my right stood Amenhotep, his wounds now completely healed. The guardian gave me a nod and I felt a sense of approval flowing from the legionnaire.

  The god of the dead cleared his throat, bringing my attention back to him. I bowed my head and apologized. “Sorry, my lord. This place is full of surprises.”

  “Let us begin,” he said and raised his hand.

  With a flash, an ornate staff materialized in his grip. He raised it high and then brought it down into the ground, rapping once, twice, and a third time against the stone.

  Each time the staff hit the floor, a wave of power washed over the temple, imbuing the stone, and all present, with a soft golden glow.

  The god raised his arms and spoke, “One comes before us today having reached the rank of devotion, but is he worthy of our blessing?”

  The congregation responded in unison, “Test his worth. Test his worth. Test his worth,” clapping their hands together after each recitation.

  I looked around, trying to get a handle on what was going on. Anpu continued, “Who will speak for him?”

  Amenhotep stepped forward, the voice I was used to hearing only in my head ringing throughout the temple. “I, Amenhotep, Champion of the Legion, will speak for him.”

  My companion then began reciting a list of all of the undead that had been destroyed as the result of my efforts.

  Those destroyed by me, by Amenhotep himself, and even those that Kjara and the rest of the caravan guards had dispatched while fighting alongside me. And his list wasn’t just that of
what the undead were, but also the names that all of the souls that had been freed.

  Were this a normal RPG I would probably have tried to skip the dialog, but in the moment I felt a bit touched by the whole thing.

  Even though they were just creations of the game, snippets of code, I felt… good… about having done something to free them from their bonds. The game was really getting into my head.

  After Amenhotep completed his list, he stepped back and bowed to the Lord of the Underworld.

  Anpu looked over the crowded temple. “Our Champion has spoken of the souls freed by the actions of this man. Acolyte, turn and face those gathered here today.”

  I did as instructed, feeling a bit self concious since the entire congregation seemed to be focused on me.

  Anpu continued, “Acolyte Kheph, before you stands a gathering of the restless souls that are free because of your deed. They chose to remain to be present here today. Thanks to you they may now continue on their path.”

  My eyes began to tear as I looked out on the crowd, seeing sincere gratitude in their gazes. I met each gaze in turn, accepting their silent thanks.

  I looked back to my patron, tear marks tracing small paths down my cheeks and saw approval on his face.

  He rapped the staff against the floor again and the crowd started to glow and then fade away, leaving Amenhotep, myself, and the mummified guards.

  “In addition to freeing these souls you have avenged their desecration by destroying the ones who created them: UrNewMasta, Lerin DeBol, Trei Nuvalle, Patrique Beilinson, and Rickard Darmonte.”

  I didn’t recognize the three middle names, but I guessed they were likely the ones who gave life to the Fleshforged Abomination.

  After each name he wrapped his staff against the stone floor, and I could feel something building within me, but there were no system messages so I had no clue what was happening.

  The god’s gaze turned towards me and I could feel it delving deep into my soul. “Acolyte Kheph Sa’tep, you have faithfully served the goals of this temple and your god. In recognition of this service I bestow upon you the title of Adept.”

  A soft light drew my eyes downwards where a second stripe was now glowing on my stole.

  “Now Adept”, Anpu continued. “You have completed my task, and as promised I grant you the knowledge of the Codex Vitae.”

  He waved his hand and I was bathed in light as knowledge flowed into my memory, overloading my other senses.

  *** Lore (Saa Religion) increased to Rank 10. ***

  *** Lore (Saa Religion): Codex Vitae - Downloading… ***

  When the download finished and my brain started processing, all I could do was sit there in shock. The official history of the empire was pretty straight forward and had certain parallels to ancient Egyptian lore.

  People gathered together in various city states, each with their own preferred god or goddess. Populations grew, people did what people do and started fighting for control.

  Eventually war had taken such a toll on the Saa people that the King and Queen of the gods, Asah and Aset descended from the heavens and took the throne, declaring the entirety of the Saa Empire under their rule.

  Sett, the lord of storms and destruction, murdered Asah and scattered his body parts throughout the empire.

  A mortal priest, Hokatutem, heartbroken over the loss of his King, gathered an army and razed Sett’s city, Sett’tael, to the ground and drove his people into the desert to die.

  Hokatutem gathered the scattered remains of his King and returned with them to Aset, allowing her to perform the divine rites needed to put the god’s soul to rest.

  Over time the Queen fell in love with Hokatutem and they were married. From their union sprung the line of Pharaohs that today rule the empire.

  Peace was achieved under their reign, and the gods returned to the heavens, leaving the empire in the hands of their divine progeny.

  The history contained in the codex had some of the same points but added in a whole new layer of shenanigans.

  According to the codex, the entire Saa pantheon had walked the earth with their mortal followers, and while the love story of the priest avenging his liege and earning the love of his goddess was a nice one, in actuality the gods and goddesses weren’t all that particular about who warmed their beds.

  In the ancient days, there were many demigods born of these unions who acted as champions for their divine parents. When war broke out, these beings were in the vanguard, and as such suffered the most losses.

  After decades of war, the armies of Khem’et, led by Pharaoh Ketem the First began a campaign to unify the entirety of the Saa people under his own rule, and after decades of war was successful in eliminating the opposition armies.

  A truce was reached in which the gods agreed to retire to the heavens and leave mortal matters to mortals.

  Once their divine parents were no longer in this world, Ketem began a great purge of the empire, rounding up and executing any Saa with any traces of divine blood running in their veins, and erasing any mention of them from history.

  But the purge was not complete, and to this day there are still some who have that divine spark smoldering in their blood, waiting to be fanned into a flame of true power.


  “Well,” I said, shaking my head to clear out the lingering images. “I can see why they wouldn’t want that to spread around.”

  “So what does this have to do with me?” I asked.

  Anpu looked at me as if I was a complete idiot.

  I stood there for a second, lending credence to his look and then it clicked. The Unknown Origins boon.

  My character's grandmother's stories about a "mystical ancestor", her heretical studies and expulsion from the priesthood, and finally the legends of divine bloodlines surviving a purge all fit together into a neat little puzzle.

  “Oh,” I said, and he nodded.

  *** Quest Update: Unknown Origins. ***

  *** You have discovered that for which your grandmother sacrificed her divine gifts. Within your blood resides the spark of a divine ancestor. This spark may be awoken randomly based upon your actions or inactions, by a ritual performed by a High Priest, or by the actions of a Higher Power. ***

  “Now,” Anpu continued, “The question is, will you awaken the spark that lies inside of you?”

  “If given the chance?" I asked. "Of course. Why would I not?”

  He gave me that look again that said I was missing something important. “You do remember that bit about the Pharaoh purging all of those who shared a divine heritage, do you not?”

  “Awakening this spark could lead to some complications for you with the Pharaonic line… although I think they may have other things to focus their attention on shortly,” he said with a hint of worry in his voice.

  I thought about it for a few seconds, balancing the potential awesome against the potential loss of reputation with the Saa Empire and it was almost laughable.

  Since I'd started playing the game almost everything that was ‘Saa Empire’ based was one giant bullshit sandwich. Fuck the empire and the camel they rode in on.

  I gave my answer. “My Lord, I would be honored if you would awaken the divine spark within my bloodline.”

  The god’s eyes delved deeply into my soul once again, and he raised his hand and touched my forehead.

  I felt my blood catch fire and the last thing I saw before passing out from the pain was the beginnings of yet another wall of text.

  *** Quest Update: Unknown Origins. ***

  *** The divine spark has been awakened within you! In the distant past your ancestor shared the bed of the sun god, Ra. Surviving the Purge of Ketem, your family has served the empire for generations, their forbidden past forgotten to history. Until now. Harness the power of your bloodline and develop the unique abilities therein.

  Updated Criteria: Reach Awakened Rank 3 and return to Anpu. ***

  *** You have gained reputation with the Temple of the Restl
ess Dead! ***

  *** Your race has been updated to Saa (Awakened)! ***

  ***Note: Your appearance has been updated to reflect your new race. ***

  *** Congratulations! As a member of an awakened race, your racial abilities will now scale according to your character level. For each five-character levels you will gain one Racial Rank. Currently you are Rank 2. ***

  *** Congratulations, you have gained the Rank 1 Awakened Racial Skill: Son of the Sun I! ***

  *** Congratulations, you have gained the Rank 1 Awakened Racial Skill: Aspect of War I! ***

  *** You have gained 10 hit points from your increased constitution! ***

  *** Congratulations, you have gained the Rank 2 Awakened Racial Skill: Aspect of Light I! ***

  When I came to sometime later, my entire body felt tender and my eyes felt as if I’d been rubbing them raw. When the remaining sensations faded, and I was able to read through the text that was waiting for me in my log.

  I was about to open my character sheet to go through all of the changes when I noticed the god of death looking at me impatiently.

  I cringed and bowed to him. “Thank you, my lord. I hope that these new abilities will help me to serve the temple.”

  “I am sure that they will, Adept. Now, we must complete your training so that you can get back to the world of the living. Time is running short,” he said and tapped my forehead once again.

  This time there was no pain, but I felt lightheaded as more knowledge rushed into my brain.

  *** Congratulations! You have learned a new spell: Call the Dead (Rank 1)! ***

  *** Congratulations! You have learned skill: Aura of the Underworld (Rank 1)! ***

  *** Congratulations! Your Spectral Legion skill has been improved to Rank 2! ***


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