Love Bitten (Vampire Blood Royals Book 1)

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Love Bitten (Vampire Blood Royals Book 1) Page 15

by Sabrina C Rose

  “The third?”

  “Primarily inhabited by shifters.”

  “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation right now.” Erica studied the ceiling of the elevator, trying to wrap her mind around what he was saying.

  “It is a lot to take in.”

  “And you’re a prince? That explains the buckets of money and how you handled my parents and their pretentious friends so well.”

  “Thank you… I think.”

  The elevator glided to a stop. When it opened, the entire city came into view. Her jaw dropped.

  Yeah, he was a prince all right. Only royalty could afford something like this. If she thought her parents’ home was a monstrosity of elegance, it paled in comparison to the penthouse suite she currently stood in. She wondered if the toilet was gold too.

  “This is your suite? This is way better than a coffin.” She looked around in awe. There were more doors in it than any hotel she’d ever stayed in. With its own kitchen, dining room, and living area, no expense was spared in its luxury.

  “We do well.”

  Julius leaned behind the bar across the room. Keeping his distance as she made her way to the couch. An anger she couldn’t explain burned across her skin that he was so far away. Close but out of reach. She needed to feel him touch her again.

  “You know, only rich people say that. But it does explain how you were able to buy an art studio with just a little cash laying around.”

  “By the gods.” Julius’s outburst was sudden. “This is my fault.”

  “Come again?”

  “The money I used to purchase your studio was earmarked for Max. If I’d just laid down my pride and given him the money, you’d be safe. Splinters wouldn’t be after you.” Julius looked utterly ashamed of himself. An apologetic sorrow steeped his face. “I am very sorry.”

  She took a step toward him, the call of him making her want to comfort him. “Sorry for what? Not knowing that my ex’s father was in bed with the wrong people?”

  “That’s the problem. I did know. I knew he owed a debt to someone, but I was so angry that he was toying with you. So, when the opportunity to screw him over arose, I didn’t think twice. But now it’s blown back on you. And that is my fault.”

  She’d drifted across the room, leaning against the other side of their en-suite bar, his warmth reeling her in. She placed her palms on the cool bar top next to his, wanting desperately to stroke his hand to give him comfort. The draw to touch him was nearly impossible to resist.

  “It’s still not your fault,” she said. “You didn’t get entangled with Splinters in the first place. Don’t blame yourself for something someone else did.”

  He was silent for a moment. “Why are you such a saint?”

  “I’d hardly call myself a saint. Saints don’t usually have the kind of thoughts I’m having right now.”

  “Hmm.” His voice dipped low. Seductive. “And what kind of thoughts are those, Erica?”

  Once the words were out of his mouth, the pull between them was back. Much more intense now that her nerves had settled.

  “Not the kind you should have when there are people after you.”

  “You don’t have to worry. You’re safe here with me.”

  “I know. I feel it.” Her hand found his, stretched out on the bar. Sharp, shooting pleasure surged through her. Closing her eyes, she groaned and leaned into it.

  “Wait.” He pulled his hand just out of reach. “Before we continue, there’s something I should tell you.”

  “What’s that?” She breathed in the scent of him. Clean. Safe.

  “This feeling you’re having right now, it’s because of my venom.”

  “Your venom? Like a poison?” Erica did a mental check. Completely drawn to him, check. Pain, nada.

  “Yes, but it is my pleasure venom that’s running inside of your veins. It’s what’s been drawing you to me, trying to forge a bond.”

  “How did you get your venom inside of—” She didn’t have to finish. He’d bitten her when he went down on her. Funny, she hadn’t even felt him break the skin. Only a slight pressure, then a lot of pleasure. Her thighs squeezed together at the thought, trying to stay her budding arousal.

  “The closer we are to each other, the stronger it is.” His breathing was slow, controlled. Unlike hers, which was becoming more ragged.

  “You want me too?” She licked her lips.

  “So much it hurts. Just being with you drives me insane, but nothing has to happen if you don’t want it to. Tomorrow, the venom will be out of your system, and we can talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk. I just want you.” Erica pushed aside any lingering serious thoughts and launched into just feeling.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” His large hands wrapped around her shoulders. Another shiver of pleasure erupted from them. Like a slow drug, even the pressure from his hands made her want him more.

  His fangs elongated. A swirl of excitement blipped through her. She wasn’t afraid. This close to him, her mind and body could only focus on the pleasure he brought her.

  “I apologize.” Julius’s large hand covered his mouth. “It’s hard to keep them contained when we’re like this.”

  “If I can’t hide from you, you don’t get to hide from me either.” She grabbed his wrists and tugged his hand until his fangs came into view.

  Julius’s eyes darkened slightly as he watched her intently. He was nervous.

  “Your fangs,” she murmured. A vicious need burned through her. “Do they hurt when they come down?”


  “Will they hurt me?”

  He shook his head in the negative.

  “C-can I touch them?”

  “You wish to touch my fangs?” His eyes widened.

  “Is that wrong?” she asked, then wished she hadn’t said anything. Of course it was wrong. That much was evident by the stunned look on his face.

  “Fang touching is a very intimate experience. Usually only done between mates.”

  “Oh. Of course, that would be inappropriate.” Her eyes drifted to her feet as if she found her black stilettos more interesting than the onslaught of Julius’s scrutiny. She didn’t. But facing Julius’s hesitant gaze was more daunting.

  “No, it wouldn’t. I would be delighted.”

  “You would?” Was he saying what she thought he was? That she was his mate? His sexy chuckle pushed the budding questions away and made her insides warm.

  “Of course I would.” Julius whipped around the bar and escorted her to a large plush sofa and sat. Erica shimmied next to him. He grinned. “Full disclosure. It will be a very pleasurable experience. For both of us. Can you handle that, Erica?”

  She nodded and reached up to his fangs. There was no hesitation when she put her finger to one and stroked the length of it. Erica wasn’t prepared for the nirvana that erupted through her fingertips and shot straight to her core. Her body jumped.

  “Don’t stop.” He grabbed ahold of her wrist like he thought she was going to rip away. She couldn’t even if she tried. The pleasure racing through her veins wouldn’t allow it.

  He brought her legs around his waist. Through their clothes she could feel his hardness against her, straining for relief.

  “Wow,” she said. “This feels…”

  “Amazing,” Julius finished with a moan. More than that. It was orgasmic.

  Julius’s large hands dug into her hips and he ground her against him with abandon as she stroked his fangs. She moved in time with him. Her lips pressed against his neck, then nipped at his jaw, aching to feel more of the sweet wash of pleasure that ran through her every place they touched.

  “Don’t stop, Erica.” His voice was guttural and raw. She didn’t. She pressed down on him harder. His breathing went uneven. His head flew back into the seat cushions. His entire body tightened. “By the all gods.”

  Seeing Julius come apart under her touch was the most mesmerizing thing she’d ever seen. His iris
es contracted and widened as spurts of pleasure made him tremor. He ripped her hand from his mouth and pressed his lips against hers. Hard. Consuming. She reciprocated.

  At that moment, she decided she didn’t care if he was a vampire or that the supernatural even existed. All she wanted was him.

  Unfortunately, Erica’s phone had other ideas. It rang inside of her pocket. Ignoring it, she kissed him again. She didn’t want to pull away from his lips.

  “You should get that,” he breathed through another kiss.

  If she must. She shifted, but Julius didn’t let her get far. He hooked his hands on her waist and kept her straddling him. She pulled the nuisance from her pocket. It’d better be good, or she was going to find whomever it was and throw them out of a window. When she looked at the screen, it took her a moment to fully comprehend what she was seeing.

  A name she hadn’t expected flashed across her screen. Her eyes connected with Julius’s for a moment then flicked back down to her phone.


  “Go ahead, answer it.”



  THE GLOW OF THE PHONE’S blacklight pierced Erica’s eyes as she stared at Max’s name on the screen. She chewed on her bottom lip, caught between being hopelessly awkward and feeling terribly guilty for being with someone else while her ex may have been in distress. Erica answered the call and put the phone to her ear.

  “Max, is everything okay?”

  He didn’t say anything at first.


  There was a faint noise in the background. She strained to hear it. It sounded like labored breathing. Worry wrenched at her chest.

  “Max? Are you alright?”

  She listened in a daze, immediately jumping to the worst conclusions. Until the sound became louder.


  Max most definitely was not hurt. In fact, he was the furthest thing from it. He was… he was with someone.

  Mortification slackened her jaw as the sound of bodies colliding with one another, punctuated with moans, met her ear.

  She should hang up. That was the sensible thing to do. Erica raked a hand through her hair in astonishment as she listened. Her emotions jumbled into a stew. She was unsure of what to feel. It wasn’t like she and Max were still together. Heck, she was even with someone else herself. But to hear the reality of it was… awful.

  “Yes, Max!” The girl, whoever she was, squealed.

  Julius placed a hand on the wrist that held her phone. “Hang up.”

  She couldn’t. It was as if her hands were permanently stuck to her ear as the woman screamed her release in the background.

  Erica was going to throw up.

  “Jesus,” the girl cried out. “Even after six months, we still go at it like crazy.”

  Wait. Did she just say six months?

  “I told you. I’m an animal,” Max replied with a laugh.

  Six months? She wrenched herself off of Julius in one go and stormed over to the window. Despite the view, she couldn’t see it. Everything was whitewashed and blending together. It felt as if her heart was going to turn itself inside out before it exploded. How could he? How dare he?

  To think, he’d made her feel crazy! Now look at where she was. Standing there with a phone jamming into the side of her face, listening to her ex-fiancé confirm that he’d been cheating on her for months. What was worse, she couldn’t even hang up the phone like she ought to. She needed him to know that she knew. That what they had was completely over.

  “Max!” Erica yelled. Her breaths drove into deep, angry huffs. Of course, he didn’t respond. He didn’t even know she was on the line. But that didn’t quell the anger of his betrayal. “That bastard! I’m going to kill him.”

  She didn’t notice that Julius rose from the sofa and took several large strides toward her until he cupped his hands around her arms. She could feel the pleasure of his touch, but it seemed duller now. Not even his pleasure venom could wrench her out of the onslaught of emotions that gushed through her.

  “Erica,” Julius finally broke through, placing a delicate hand on her shoulder. His head cocked to one side as he tried to get her attention. “Hey. Let me take that.”

  He motioned for the phone. She hesitated, watching him with wide eyes. He could hear it too, she realized.

  “I’ll take it.”

  His words were the grease that unhinged her elbow as she shakily lowered the phone into his hand. Julius ended the call. At a loss for what to say, she turned back to the window and stared out at the city. She couldn’t face him, even though in the reflection of the window she could see a shadow of his expression. He looked hurt for her.

  If he thought she was a saint, he was the epitome of His Holiness himself.

  “Are you okay?”

  No, she wasn’t okay. “I’m a mess.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  She couldn’t respond. How could she even begin to explain it when she couldn’t even reconcile it for herself. She was angry at someone who she didn’t harbor romantic feelings for. Hadn’t she confessed as much to herself? She and Max barely hung on. Their on-again-off-again relationship had been… what? A convenience.

  On paper, Max was everything she thought she should have. He was ambitious. A go-getter. Charming and terribly handsome. With Max at her side, it was the first time since her father’s business started booming that she’d thought she wouldn’t be seen as a disappointment. When she saw the shine in her father’s eyes when she brought him home to the dinner table, it confirmed it. Then, when he charmed her mother into submission, the deal was sealed.

  Ever since then, she’d been holding onto him so tightly, she hadn’t realized she’d been living for her parents. But after spending time with the businessman behind her, things had changed. She’d found confidence in herself again. She knew she could stand on her own two feet with or without their approval.

  Julius wrapped her in a strong embrace. Every bit of him providing her with just the right amount of comfort.

  “We can kill him if you want to.”

  She snorted. “Believe me I want to. I have people after me, and he has the nerve to put me through—”

  In a sudden motion, Julius jolted upright, then turned around in a blur.

  “What?” Erica looked at Julius’s alarmed face.

  “Something’s not right.” He pulled her behind him and faced the elevator. The same alertness he’d had when they’d raced away from the men at the nightclub was back. It only took a moment for her ears to catch up. As the elevator rose to their floor, she could hear the noise growing louder. It sounded like someone was giving it a good throttle. She clutched at Julius’s shirt and tried to peak behind him, dreading what was inside.

  The elevator doors opened and the commotion inside spilled out. It didn’t take long for either of them to assess the situation. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

  “What happened?” Julius immediately rushed to the elevator.

  “Your highness, Master Evan has met a poisoned blade.” A vampire of severe girth and more muscles than she’d ever seen up close looked to Julius in desperation.

  “Let me see, Asher.” Julius sidestepped him to reach his brother. “Bring him in.”

  Julius glanced at Dani, who looked just as distraught. Between the two of them, Dani and Asher strung Evan between them, shifting their weight to drag him inside of their suite. As they moved, Evan let out a howl of pain—a strange screeching that settled somewhere between a dog’s howl and a bat’s sonic screech—and bucked against them.

  “Be careful with him.”

  When his body came into view, she gasped. A long knife jutted from his gut. Dark red-black blood, much too dark for it to be the right color, stained his clothing. Julius lifted Evan’s shirt to assess the wound, then jumped back. A dark black resin spread from the knife and up onto his torso like tar spread through his veins.

  Erica gasped. “Oh my God. He needs help.”

an contorted in pain when they set him down in the middle of the floor. His fangs had elongated, his eyes pooled to black.

  “He needs blood.” Julius raced to the bar and swung a large black box from under the counter onto the granite slab.

  “What are you doing?” Erica looked between them. “We have to take him to the hospital.”

  Asher wasted no time on pretense. “You’ve seen what he is. He cannot be fixed there.”

  “Where’s the blood?” Julius asked, digging through the box. The room filled with silence. “Dani, where’s the rest of the blood?”

  “You’re asking me? You’re the one who went on a binge,” she said, unwilling to take the blame.

  Julius swore and threw the box down with a heavy thud. Several black packages scattered at their feet.

  “Evan.” Dani shook her brother when he’d gone too still. “Look at me.”

  Evan lulled in and out of consciousness.

  “What about the synth blood?” Dani asked.

  “On flesh wounds, sure, but this is poison. It doesn’t have the same effects.” Julius shook his head.

  “Do you know this for certain?”

  “No, but—”

  “We have to try something!” Dani’s voice cracked with desperation.

  Julius plucked a package from the floor and was at his brother’s side in an instant, murmuring something only they could hear. He ripped open the side of the bag and put the corner to Evan’s lips. “Come on brother, drink.”

  With some coaxing, Evan’s pale pink lips suckled the bag. It didn’t take. The blood came back up in a cough.

  “He may be too far gone to save,” Asher said with a shake of his head.

  “No, he isn’t. We have to encourage his body to heal.” Julius grabbed the hilt of the knife and yanked it out of his brother’s stomach. Erica flinched. Evan’s pain-filled growls gnashed his elongated teeth together as his body convulsed.

  “Hold him down.”

  Asher and Dani moved to either side of Evan and bound his limbs to the floor so he couldn’t move. He fought against them, teeth gnawing, trying to get to his stomach.


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