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The Voyage: Edited by Chandani Lokuge & David Morley

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by Silkworms Ink Anthologies

  The Voyage

  Journeys in creative writing

  New writing from the Universities of Monash and Warwick

  edited by

  Chandani Lokuge and David Morley

  A Silkworms Ink Anthology

  Published by Silkworms Ink

  Find more Silkworms Ink titles here

  Copyright 2011 Chandani Lokuge and David Morley


  First published 2011

  by Silkworms Ink

  Highlands, Whatlington, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0NL

  Selection and Editorial Matter Copyright Chandani Lokuge and David Morley

  Individual Contributions Copyright the Contributors

  The right of Chandani Lokuge and David Morley to be identified as Editors of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.

  ISBN: 978-1-908-64400-8 (ebk)

  Typeset in Times New Roman




  East Sussex

  TN33 0NL

  Table of Contents


  Chandani Lokuge & David Morley


  Peter Blegvad

  Cinematic Mash-up: The Sublime Genre of the Internet

  Lauren Bliss


  Elleke Boehmer

  Ostrowski’s Superbus

  Halina Boniszewska

  Emily's Utopia

  Janine Burke

  Airport delay

  Ed Byrne


  Peter Carpenter

  Hanging Around

  Maryrose Casey


  Philip Caveney

  Three Poems

  Jane Commane

  The Cat Swindle

  Rebecca-Anne C. Do Rozario

  Great Big Baby

  Will Eaves

  Views from Above

  Elin-Maria Evangelista

  Power of a Poster Girl

  Peter Forbes

  The Plot

  Maureen Freely


  Elsa Halling

  Emily Street

  John Hawke

  Raqs Sharqi

  Angie Hobbs


  Gruffydd Jones

  The Little Mermaid

  Sue Kossew

  Awaiting The Toofaan

  Raj Lal

  Three Poems

  Nick Lawrence

  Pea Soup

  Anna Lea

  Aubonne, Spring Day

  Chandani Lokuge


  Anna MacDonald

  Resolute Bay

  Elizabeth Manuel

  Phantom Europe: A Mosaic

  Adrian Martin

  To Effigy Mounds, Iowa

  Michael McKimm

  The Circling Game

  David Morley

  Looking Home

  Catherine Noske

  A fifteen minute delay at a provincial Italian train station

  Leila Rasheed

  A Gallipoli Story: Imagining History

  Bruce Scates

  How Cats Land on Their Feet

  Ian Stewart

  Driving to Saturday’s Rally for Refugees

  Jenny Strauss

  ‘My Journey from Kumasi’ by Matthew Tipple, Class 4TF, Oatlands Junior School, Harrogate, UK, July 1982

  Nicholas Tipple

  Hotel Jugoslavija

  Dragan Todorovic

  Mutilated Images

  George Ttoouli

  The Lord of the Limbo Line

  Ndaeyo Uko

  Eka honda wedak, neda?

  Robert JC Young



  Welcome to The Voyage, an innovative new anthology of writing by staff and postgraduates from both Monash in Australia and Warwick in England. We believe all writing, at its best, is creative writing. To that end we have drawn our distinguished contributors not only from English and Creative Writing but also from other departments in Humanities, from our Faculties of Science and Social Science, and from our Administration. What's more, we invited writers and scholars who have some practical connection with Warwick and Monash from both within and outside the academy.

  We were open to all forms and genres: poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction including scholarship and biography, drama and most other forms of creativity you might imagine. We were happy for our contributors to write on any theme but we think that the core of the book is what it means to journey. These might be imagined or remembered journeys, physical or metaphorical journeys, or journeys into knowledge or across time.

  There are over ten thousand miles between the universities of Monash and Warwick. Our writers live and work on the opposite side of the planet to each other. This book has been a voyage in space and time zones. It is part of a larger project between our universities. We are developing creative and practical research and teaching links for the benefit of staff and students. We have carried out workshops in Australia and England and our postgraduates have developed a superb anthology of student writing, Verge 2011: The Unknowable, which will be launched at Melbourne Writers Festival.

  We thank all our contributors and colleagues at Warwick and Monash Universities, our innovative publishers Silkworms Ink for their inventiveness and attention, and Melbourne Writers Festival for their support. We also thank the Monash-Warwick Strategic Funding Initiative for Joint Research and Education Programmes for financial support. We apologise for any errors or omissions that have occurred during the editing process: these are entirely our responsibility. The copyright of all the pieces in this book remain with the authors.

  Chandani Lokuge, Monash University

  David Morley, Warwick University


  Peter Blegvad


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