Unexpected: A Love Story

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Unexpected: A Love Story Page 8

by J. Nichole

  To keep myself from falling asleep I pet my girl, getting her ready for his return. “I’m sorry I kept him away from you,” I said, my voice low so only she could hear me. “Don’t hate me.”

  “Are you talking to yourself?” I heard Nick but couldn’t see him through the darkness of my room.

  My girl was ready and she wanted to respond, but I kept her in line. “Not to myself, but to pretty kitty.” The sheets were lifted from me and I could feel his presence. I looked up and saw his silhouette beside the bed.

  “What were you saying?” he asked as he slid under the covers beside me.

  “I owed her an apology too.” A low rumble left his throat and the moisture between my legs began to pour. “Like you, she’s kind.” His hand met mine and stayed there while I continued my apology tour. “She forgives me.”

  “Let me hear her say it.” He moved my hand and slid down the bed. With my leg over his shoulder he found her and instead of listening he began talking, in tongues. Whatever he said had her rejoicing within minutes.

  And when he was finished he re-introduced her to long dong, and they went back and forth with small talk till she was tired of talking and wanted to dance, sending shivers down my limbs. Tingles in my toes, tension in my jaw. “Nick, fuck,” I screamed.

  Soon after, his body stiffened, and we both laid there panting. I’d call it an apology tour success. “Yeah I missed all of that, and especially pretty kitty,” he said as he laid beside me tucking me close into his side. Before we fell asleep he said, “I’m glad we’re back.”

  “Me too,” I said. “Me too.”

  Lunch at a nearby Italian spot, tacos in my car, late lunch at the bar while he worked. For weeks we made it work, only going a couple of days without an interaction instead of the once a week visits as before. And the new routine hadn’t wreaked havoc on my studying. I actually found myself more focused. Nick was a perfect study partner, reading through my notes quizzing me as we laid across the bed or cuddled on the couch.

  As well as it was going, I was still surprised when he asked, “Are you ready to make this official?” He waited till I had my mouth wrapped around a hot dog, mid-bite.

  “Was it the hot dog in my mouth that made you think you wanted to make this official?” I asked with my eyebrow cocked.

  “Beautiful mind,” he said with a smile. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Just thought it was as good a time as any.” We met at a Coney Island styled restaurant near the clinic, and it was bustling. The noise level was typical for a lunch time audience, but his words were crystal clear, like we were the only ones there, together in that moment.

  I had no reason to not make it official. In fact, I already considered us official. But it’s always good to have a common understanding. “I’ve been ready,” I said with a smile. I knew I only had a few minutes before I needed to rush back to the clinic, but I wanted to make them last. “Wish we weren’t here in the middle of a restaurant so I could show you how ready I am.”

  “There’s always tonight,” he said with a wicked grin.

  Nick walked me to my car, but before he let me leave he pulled me into a hug. With his hands firm on my ass we kissed, for the first time as boyfriend and girlfriend. I moaned into his mouth and didn’t want him to retreat. When he pulled away my eyes were still closed. “You should get going before I find a spot for us to get in a middie,” he whispered in my ear.

  I considered it, throwing caution to the wind, and trying out the trend the ladies were raving about. But he opened my car door and helped me inside. He stood there looking after me till I drove off, back to the clinic.

  The afternoon had a steady flow of patients, old and young alike. Women of all colors with a variety of issues. My favorite patients were the expecting mothers, because most of our visits were short and sweet. Sometimes the worried mother had questions about her growing baby bump. Other times I was able to witness a moving hand or foot across an enlarged belly.

  With Madeline, a middle aged woman, it was the same. She had read all the What to Expect When You Are Expecting books, her husband was well versed in them too. He accompanied her on the majority of her visits, and it was the few times we’d have men in the clinic, when they were with a pregnant partner.

  Madeline was four weeks out from delivery, so I’d be around when she gave birth. She had started her delivery planning, and asked whether I’d be present with her doctor during the birth. I hadn’t witnessed a birth yet and had all intentions of being present. How else would I confirm I wanted obstetrics to be my specialty? I looked at her face, glistening with moisture, and said, “I’ll definitely be there.”

  “Great, you have such a calm and cool vibe,” she said while she rubbed her belly. “Oh, she’s moving,” she added, her eyes wide.

  “Let’s get you out of here. She may be hungry,” I joked. Madeline had complained about her growing appetite, although she had gained an appropriate amount of weight over her pregnancy. “We’ll see you next week,” I said as I departed the room.

  I went over to her doctor’s office to be sure I’d be on the call list when she went into labor. “Dr. Jacobs,” I said lightly to grab her attention. When she looked up I continued, “Madeline is looking good.”

  “Yes, her vitals and measurements are on par for thirty-six weeks.” She held up the iPad to indicate she was reviewing her chart.

  “Just wanted to ask if I could be put on-call when she’s due.” Unlike with Dr. Slater, Dr. Jacobs wasn’t as approachable. She was an amazing doctor, but had little time for small talk or little interest in getting to know me outside of work.

  I was worried she may decline my request, but grinned and thanked her when she said, “Of course. It’ll be a requirement actually.” Of course it would be, I needed to be on-call for a delivery. I needed to feel that rush of leaving whatever I was doing to get to the hospital when it was go time. “I also think you’ll enjoy it. There’s nothing like delivering a baby.” I agreed with her whole-heartedly.

  On my drive to my apartment, I called the girls to tell them the news about my new title. “He put that shit on lock,” Nicole said as the others laughed. “Now we can finally extend him an invitation to Vegas.”

  I still wasn’t too excited about the fact that Nicole decided to have a couple’s bachelorette party. I mean, how could I watch dicks slanging with guys around? I couldn’t. So most of the events I had planned for her included exclusive lounges and fancy dinners. I hadn’t considered inviting Nick, I didn’t know if we were ready to be meeting friends and what not. “I guess it would be appropriate for him to come,” I said. “But I’m still holding out for you to change your mind ‘bout this whole thing.”

  “You just want to go to that show you sent us details about,” Jennifer added. I had sent them videos and pictures of the Thunder Down Under show at the Excalibur.

  “I mean, it is a bachelorette weekend, right?” I asked with thick sarcasm.

  “Damn right,” Nicole said. “And we’ll do all that. The guys can go to a titty bar.”

  “Hold up,” Laila interrupted, “I don’t know if I need Chris in a titty bar.” We went back and forth about trusting the guys and them trusting us before we all agreed we were all in for Nicole’s scandalous weekend.

  Chapter 12

  I was sitting at the bar listening to blue-eyes sing a Bruno Mars song before last call. After studying, I grabbed Thai food and came right over. The bar was busier than usual, indicative of the warmer weather we had been having. People were out and about flexing their bodies that weren’t quite ready for summer.

  Nick called me earlier in the day and told me he had some good news to share. I wanted to tell him he should have just waited ‘cause I didn’t do well with the ‘I have a secret but I can’t tell you now’ game. I was actually the absolute worst. I texted him in between patients trying to guess the good news. After my first couple of guesses, he stopped responding.

  Just because he stopped responding di
dn’t mean I stopped guessing. My last guess was that he was going to be off for the weekend and he could help me study for my certification I had to take the next week. That guess was wishful thinking.

  The bar cleared out, and instead of taking a seat next to me he asked, “Your place or mine?” It was the weekend, and I could bring my books to his apartment so I picked his. “I’ll follow you home so you can grab a bag.” I nodded and we walked out of the bar together.

  “So are you still holding out on the good news?” I asked before I sat behind the wheel. He kissed my forehead and didn’t respond. “Alright,” I sighed. “I’ll see you in a few.”

  I didn’t need much for a weekend at his place, so I quickly packed and we headed to his apartment. “Take a shower with me,” he said after we were inside. I stepped out of my clothes and started pulling off clothes on my way to his bathroom. He wouldn’t have to ask me twice.

  His shower was definitely made for one, everything in his efficiency apartment was made for one, but we made the most of every single inch of it. Between the hot shower running down my chest, his hands massaging my shoulders and his dick pressed against my ass, my senses were on overdrive.

  “Today I met with the owner of the bar,” he said as he worked suds into my back and down my legs. “He found an investor that would like to meet with me to talk about my bar concept.”

  “What? You been holding that good news from me all day?” I shouted before turning around to face him. I grabbed his face and pulled him down for a kiss. “That’s amazing, Nick.” The most beautiful smile spread across his face, and my heart swole as his joy radiated. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I would love for you to come with me to the meeting.” He was staring me down and in that moment, I would have agreed to anything.

  But especially being by his side during an important meeting. “I’m there, tell me when and where,” I said. He thanked me and took my mouth in for another kiss. My hands slid down his torso and found long dong. I began to stroke it, sliding it through my hand with ease as the stream from the shower rained on us.

  Before we continued down our path of pleasure, I grabbed the soap and lathered him from his shoulders down to his toes. When I finished he did the same for me, hitting the spots he missed earlier. “We better get out before the water turns cold.” I nodded my head.

  We didn’t bother with clothes. Wrapped in our towels, we headed straight for his bed where we continued the assault on each other’s bodies. Rubbing and touching, hunching and kissing, until I couldn’t take any more of the foreplay. I needed the real deal. I whispered in his ear, “Give it to me.” He obliged, grabbing a condom and bending me over the bed.

  He slid in, wrapping his arm around my waist while he teased my clit with his finger. My ass clapped against him and the beat he was making with his strokes was music to my ears. His strokes quickened, and I threw my ass back harder until we collapsed onto the bed breathless.

  We laid beside each other and he told me more about the meeting with the investors. “If they go for my concept this all could move quickly. They’ll probably want to find a location and get things rolling in the next couple of months.”

  “Do you have a location in mind?” I asked as my finger traced circles around his chest.

  “I haven’t started looking yet.” I sat up on an elbow and stared at him through the darkness. “I know, I know,” he said. “I have everything else thought out, a business plan, but each time I scoured a location it would be off the market soon after.”

  He pulled my head to his chest and I listened to his heartbeat. “I get it,” I said. My eyelids became heavy and I said, “Sweet dreams.” Soon after, his breathing became louder and I drifted off.

  The next morning, instead of cooking breakfast we ventured out to brunch with my books in hand. “Okay, I read through these notes.” I handed him the notebook turned to the page of notes. “I’m just about finished with the material for next week’s test.”

  “You got this,” he said with a deep smile as he scanned the page. He drilled me until our food arrived and when we finished eating we returned to his place and settled on the couch where he drilled me more.

  “Lock up after me,” Nick said as he headed for the door. I had no plans of leaving his apartment till Monday morning when I needed to go into the clinic. While he was at work I poured over my notes and the highlights in my text.

  I felt a hand brush against my face, but I turned over, a book falling from my hands. “Beautiful mind,” he said and I peeked over my shoulder. “You should climb in the bed before you end up with a sore body.”

  I sat up and laid my head on his shoulder. “Hey, let’s go to bed.” He grabbed my hand and directed me to his room.

  “Ugh, the weekend went by too fast,” I said as I shuffled around Nick’s bathroom. Although he didn’t have to go into work, he was going to check out a few rental locations for his bar. “I could use a few more hours of sleep.”

  Nick glanced at me and mouthed, “I’m sorry,” with a mouthful of toothpaste. We went to bed early, but he woke me with a hard dick pressed into my back, and I couldn’t resist him when he started rubbing my chest.

  “Good luck today,” I said before I walked out of his apartment. The waiting room of the clinic was packed. I looked for our receptionist as I sat my bags down and asked, “What’s going on?”

  With a handful of charts she said, “Every now and then we just get slammed with patients, and today must be one of them.” She was right, I didn’t have a moment to breathe between patients, let alone stop for lunch. That threw a wrench in my plans for the day, as I wanted to get some studying in before meeting up with Nick for dinner.

  At the end of the day, I was exhausted, but I still had to study. I had to cancel with Nick, and sent him a text to let him know about my day. Thankfully, he understood. The next couple of days went the same way, and by Wednesday night I was praying for relief when my phone rang on my way home.

  “Monica, I’m headed to the hospital. Meet me there.” I paused before responding, and she continued, “Madeline is in labor.”

  I agreed to meet Dr. Jacobs at the hospital but it couldn’t have come at a worse time. Fuck. Madeline was a couple of weeks early and I was supposed to be cramming for my certification test. But this was what life as an obstetrician would be like, I thought as I navigated to the hospital.

  When I started the rotation I had a tour of the hospital, and I was familiar with the maternity unit. I walked straight to the nurses stand and asked, “Is Dr. Jacobs around?” They directed me to Madeline’s room.

  Dr. Jacobs was between Madeline’s hoisted legs, undoubtedly measuring her cervix. “Three centimeters,” she said as she removed her glove. Madeline looked to be in agonizing pain. With her head bent towards her chest, she was grunting and pulling on her husband’s outstretched hand. It was definitely a sight to see, like scared straight for anyone considering kids before they were truly ready.

  Madeline made eye contact with me after her contraction eased up. “You’re here.” She tried to sound cheerful but I could tell she was out of energy. Her husband stood beside her rubbing her shoulders.

  I followed Dr. Jacobs to the hallway where she explained Madeline’s condition. “Her water broke a few hours ago.” She looked from me to Madeline’s room. “At only three centimeters this could go quickly or drag out. There’s a staff waiting room where you can wait until we need to check in again. The nurse will continue to monitor her, and I’ll be back when she’s further along.”

  She directed me to the waiting room and after, I went to my car to grab my notes to study while I waited. Before I opened my notes I sent a text to Nick.

  Monica: At the hospital, my patient is in labor and it’s go time, or maybe not for a while.

  Nick: Let me know if you need anything, hope all goes well.

  I didn’t put my phone on Do Not Disturb just in case I got the call for Madeline, but I didn’t chat back and forth with
Nick. That text was the last I sent for the night. When I finally left the hospital the next morning after a happy, healthy baby girl was delivered, I was exhausted.

  I went to my apartment to shower and take a quick nap before my certification. My alarm buzzed, because I set it, but I looked at the clock, around my room, and at my clothes to try to figure out where the hell I was. I didn’t know what day it was, and what I needed the alarm for until my phone calendar alert pinged with “Certification.”

  The test administrator logged me into my test, and I looked over the first questions relieved that I immediately knew the answers, and then I scrolled to the second page. I looked from the monitor to the administrator thinking there was a glitch with my test. I scrolled to another page and knew only a few answers. Fuck.

  A few hours later I walked out of the building deflated. I didn’t even make it into the clinic; all I wanted to do was bury myself under the covers. To date, I hadn’t had to retake any of my certifications. And studying for this one all over again would be hell.

  I had fallen asleep on the couch in my scrubs. My mood was still screwed from the day before when I woke up to get ready for work. I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom, my mouth dropped when I saw the missed calls and texts from Nick. Before even reading the messages I knew what they were about, I missed his dinner, the dinner with the investors.

  On my way into the clinic I took a deep breath and called Nick. “Are you okay?” was the first thing he said.

  “Nick, I’m so sorry.” Out of all the days for me to have a shitty day, it would be the one day when I should have been there for him. “Yesterday was hell, I fell asleep on the couch.” I didn’t tell him about my test, and the fact my studying was far from over.

  “I was worried something happened to you, Monica. You didn’t answer my texts or calls. I haven’t heard from you since the night before last.” He exhaled a deep breath and I knew he was as aggravated as I was disappointed in myself.


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