Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone

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Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Page 17

by Jacklyn Daher

  "I'm hungry." Evie moaned. "Can we please eat? I'm dying over here." She placed the box of super supreme pizza in the middle of the room and flipped open the lid. "Bon Appétit!"

  Ayla smoothed her dress down, and sat daintily on the bed. "I don't eat junk."

  "It’ll make me sick," Luxor shrugged.

  "A health nut and liar. I think I need to find new friends. Who the hell is allergic to pizza?" Evie demolished her first piece in four bites. "And you Miss Ayla, what's unhealthy about ham, mushrooms, olives, cheese, and well everything else?"

  Luxor retrieved her antihistamine tablets from the front of her bag and passed it over to Evie. Skimming over the label Evie’s mouth formed an ‘O.’

  “So that’s what was up with the soy latte.” Evie passed the tablets back.

  Luxor slipped it back into the front pocket of her backpack. “Yep. I’m not uber chic just intolerant, so unless you want me to be crippled and vomiting, don’t give me wheat and dairy.”

  “Message received.”

  Luxor opened up her wardrobe. All she wanted to do was scoff the whole pizza down, but puffing up like a blowfish was not a great sight. And neither was death. She attached dress after dress on the hangers, as the girls made idle chit chat in the background. She was halted when a hand was placed on her shoulder.

  Evie's eyes widened and dropped her third slice mid bite, scooting over to the wardrobe. After she wiped the grease at the back of her jeans, she raided the cupboard and undid Luxor's work. "Oh, are you serious? Is this really a Sass and Bide?" She held up a red, strapless mini dress slashed like claws across the back against her chest. From side to side she twisted as she admired herself in the mirror, trying to get her best angle.

  "Take it."

  Evie let out a snort. "I'll look like an overstuffed sausage with fat pouring out of everywhere." Evie had a curvy figure, hips, butt, and chest, which Luxor envied. "But look at the price. Were you like rich?" She balked at the price tag.

  "Birthday present."

  "Liar, liar, pants on fire," Evie taunted.

  Lies were part of her life, and she was playing the game. It needed to be done to seal her past.

  Ayla made her way over to Luxor's chest of drawers and got up on her toes about to reach the top. Luxor was closer and beat her to it. Quickly she scooped up a shoe box which contained her memories; photos, mementos, anything that was Ellie. She wanted to laugh at her hypocrisy. Didn't she just condemn Meredith for retaining possessions for the past?

  One of her favourite photos was of her and Verity in their red and white cheerleading outfits, pom poms in their hands, and striking a pose. She wasn't completely sure why she loved the photo as much as she did. Maybe it was because she was genuinely happy. Or maybe it was back then her life was simple and her only worry was choosing the perfect shoes to match her outfit.

  Luxor removed the photo from the frame and placed it in the box with the others that particular memory sealed away. They needed to be burnt, it wasn't a matter of if but when, and right now she didn't have the nerve to do it. As much as she wanted to erase her past and paint a new canvas, eradicating sixteen years was proving harder than she anticipated. Her goal should be creating new memories, but she couldn't start, not yet. And having Evie and Ayla in her room would mean they wanted to be included in her life, no matter how small. Luxor grabbed the box and discretely shoved it under the bed with her foot.

  Ayla swiped her finger across the dresser and dusted invisible dust. She wrinkled her nose at an offending bottle that didn't belong with the perfumes and lotions. "You have sand?" she quizzed, holding up the precious vial from her previous life.

  Luxor hesitated and conjured up a quick answer. "Yep. I need a reminder there's life outside of trees, and more trees." After all was unpacked, they made themselves comfortable on the floor. She had to admit the room looked homier. "One more thing."

  Cradled within crepe paper she fished out a her most prized possession; a dreamcatcher. Baby pink feathers embroidered around an oval lapis lazuli, and encased in delicate lavender netting which hung bottom of the catcher.

  Luxor shivered despite it not being cold; the blissful sensation of the velvet feathers against her fingers tingled.

  Evie dropped a pair of sandals with a thump, her eyes bulging out of her head. "Wow. Where'd you get that?"

  "Long story. Quite strange really."

  "You still having nightmares?" Ayla said casually.

  Luxor whipped her head to face Ayla, and narrowed her eyes. How did she know about her nightmares? Was she that transparent?

  Evie laughed. "You're holding a dreamcatcher; most people have them for bad dreams."

  "I meant do you have nightmares?" Ayla corrected herself.

  "That would so brighten up my room. I'm not a pink person but I like that colour. Can I feel?" Evie asked as Luxor passed it over. Nobody had ever touched it before. "Whatever bird this comes from I wanna pluck it and make a blanket out of it. I've never seen a bird this colour."

  "It is pretty." Ayla gleamed, her eyes sparkling. "Where did you get it?"

  There was no way Luxor could reveal the truth. The truth was too eerie and the girls would think she was lying anyway. She had it from as long as she could remember, even earlier.

  From the time of her birth Luxor would scream all night long. Meredith being a midwife had witnessed hysterical babies, some more than others. But this instance was different, it was as if this precious baby could sense Meredith wasn't her real mother.

  As Luxor grew older, every night they continued and the bad dreams were diagnosed as night terrors. By the time Meredith came to soothe her, the screams disappeared, and she was sound asleep again. A feather lay beside her head. It happened every single time. From then on Meredith collected them as a sign, that an angel was looking over her, and made it into a dreamcatcher. The night terrors ceased. Luxor hated it that even as far back as then Meredith had lied to her.

  "Luxor, are you okay?" Evie clicked her fingers in front of Luxor’s face.

  "Just thinking if I ever come across another one, I'll buy it just for you. Surely there’s some on eBay," Luxor said quietly, although she knew this was one of a kind.

  Evie jumped up and enclosed her in a hug, toppling her backwards. Luxor laughed at her enthusiasm and hugged her back.

  "You're lucky to have these majestic feathers." Ayla said running her fingers over the lengthy, a smile on her face. "They look like angel feathers."

  “Why aren’t I surprised you said that?”

  "More like polyester trash," Luxor scoffed, downplaying their importance.

  Like pass the parcel, the dream catcher was now again in Evie's hands. "Oh, but so pretty."

  "Yep, they are." Luxor eyed Evie as it was carelessly being passed around. Possessions didn't mean anything anymore but she was possessive of it in particular. Nobody had ever touched them before and she didn't want them to be ruined.

  "Angels, what a load of crock, bad enough I have to hear about it not only in class but every Sunday at church," Evie scoffed, handing the dream catcher back to Luxor.

  Within her grasp she couldn't help but feel safer. With a couple of steps onto the bed she latched it on the hook and fastened it to the ceiling.

  Ayla craned her head to the side and her eyes glazed over. "I'd like to think that we have someone or thing looking over us. Makes us feel less scared. More secure."

  Evie stuck a finger down her throat behind Ayla's back and made a gagging motion. Luxor wasn't convinced. If everybody had someone or something looking over them, why was there so much evil in the world?

  Evie continue to ask endless question, like "Why didn't you wear this?" or "What's your favourite band? Are there yummy guys back where you're from?" When each time Luxor changed the subject, she gave up.

  "What are you going to do with Hunter's number?" Evie retrieved a bottle of coke from her bag.

  "Nothing," Luxor said flatly. Now she'd rather talk about clothes.

  The fact she couldn’t throw it away like trash peeved her off. She needed her schedule and something told her he did it on purpose. Once she photocopied it that would be the first thing she would do.

  Ayla turned up her nose like a school of fish had invaded her nostrils.

  "What do you have against him?" Luxor asked Ayla.

  "Nothing. I don't know him, just his type." Ayla shrugged in a nonchalant manner, but her sour expression hinted there was more to it.

  Luxor knew his type too, she had encountered many guys like Hunter, who had the same arrogant mind-set. But he was different, there was something about him. Something alluring, yet dangerous. Her cheeks flared up by the thought of him. Removing her jumper, she flung it at the base of her bed. She twisted the cap of the bottle of water and took a sip.

  "Wait, you have his number?" Ayla asked, only now catching up.

  "Unfortunately. Oh, here’s the best bit, I’m stuck with sitting next to him in History for the rest of the year," Luxor said grimly.

  "Wonder what his deal is?" Evie ask inquisitively.

  "Easy. He’s a creep and a cocky a-hole who really rubs me the wrong way," Luxor cringed at her choice of words.

  "He can rub me anyway he wants." Evie let out a wicked laugh.

  "Evie!" Luxor and Ayla said in unison.

  Evie slapped her thigh and held her side, tears streaming down. "What, he's hot. Don't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing?" She wiped a tear from under her eye and calmed down.

  "I can tell you a million percent Hunter and rubbing have never entered my mind. Your mind is utter filth." Luxor said.

  “But in all seriousness, why is he creepy?” Evie asked.

  Hunter unwillingly streamed in and out of her mind. The way he insinuated he knew her gave her chills, even though every piece of information was true. But last night’s bakery break-in proved he was trouble and from the looks of his friends they were too. No, she was steering so far away from him she might as well be in another country.

  “His tattoos for one,” she said. In all honesty the imprints on his knuckles intrigued her. “What the hell is G.E.N. anyway?”

  “That’s hot! I wanna look next time I see him. I reckon it’s his girlfriend’s name. Or ex. Whatever, it is it’s a great homage.” Evie said.

  “Or idiotic.”

  “It’s not an exes name, it’s a cult of sorts. They’re a band of Lost Souls.” Ayla quietly flipped the pages of a magazine in her lap and didn’t look up.

  “If you say so.” Evie waved her hand about. “What else makes him creepy?”

  Luxor chewed her bottom lip and contemplated not revealing what she saw last night. She had to put a stop to Evie’s infatuation. “He’s a criminal.”

  Evie snorted. “That’s harsh. How so?”

  “Last night I went to the library to study, Hunter continued on with the ‘I know you crap,’ and as I was leaving, I saw him break into the Blazin’ Bakery.”

  “No way!” Evie shrieked.

  “Told you about his type,” Ayla said, putting the magazine to the side.

  “There has to be a logical explanation. Mistaken identity? I mean you did say it was dark.” Evie said.

  Luxor shook her head. “It was him.”

  “I believe you. Tomorrow just stay clear of him. We can go speak to Principal Wright to get you to change seat places.” Ayla said.

  “That solves one problem. But wouldn’t you be freaked out if a guy guessed things about you?” There was no way Luxor could confess her conflicting emotions.

  “I’d say it’s an impressive talent. Why don’t you even out the playing field? Let’s investigate McHottie.” Evie said.

  "Ayla what's up with the MBT's. Do you think you could steal files like you did with mine?" Luxor said.

  Evie did a double take and widened her eyes. "You stole her file? Ayla, you little sneak."

  "I peeked, not stole, and for the greater good. I wanted to help." Ayla defended herself without an iota of remorse.

  "Aha." Evie bounced up on the edge of the bed, bypassing Ayla's head by an inch. "I got it!"

  Ayla scowled, and scooted over at almost being toppled over. "Can you warn us before you do that?"

  "But then it wouldn't be a big aha." Jumping off the bed in a leap, Evie was wired up, a wild expression on her face.

  Luxor held her chest. "You are so weird."

  "Then I’m in good company,” Evie arched an eyebrow. "Hear me on for this idea. Imagine you are new and—"

  "I am new," Luxor said bluntly, leaning back now that it was safe.

  "Can you shut up already?" Evie huffed. "I'll rephrase, imagine you are in enemy territory, wouldn't you wanna get the upper hand and know everybody's secrets?"

  It was a logical explanation, one that made too much sense, but it also scared Luxor. What if her secret got out? Her name would be exposed, everything that happened, the theories and conspiracies.

  A mischievous smile danced on Evie’s lips, a promise of trouble on the horizon. "Why don't we unnerve him? Play a little bit of female Sherlock Holmes." Evie rubbed her hands together. "I'll be fun, fun, fun." She held up an imaginary camera and clicked. “Might as well put my photography class skills to use."

  "No, I'm not stooping to his level. He wants to play games, he can play by himself." She scrunched up her nose and did a virtual face palm. Once the words were out she realised her mistake.

  Evie snorted. "Now that's dirty! I'm going to have pleasant dreams tonight."

  "I swear Evie you are becoming a verbal Scarlett," Ayla said.

  Evie stuck out her tongue.

  “There has to be another way. Trouble is the last thing I need,” she said fearing the fallout and repercussions.

  "Let's play." Ayla beamed, a sudden boom of enthusiasm infectious. Out of the trio, Ayla would have been the least likely to agree. “It’ll be easy peasy.”

  Luxor shifted her attention between them both of them; crazy and sweet, and a combination she could use. She threw her arms in the air conceding defeat. "Fine."

  "Yay." Evie bear hugged Luxor throwing her smack bang against the floorboards, her elbow digging into her ribs. "Mission H, all set."

  Luxor wriggled out from underneath her. "If we're going to do this, a better name is needed. Subtle even."

  Evie drum rolled on her knees. "Let the games begin."

  Ayla eyed the mess on Luxor’s bed. She picked up the laptop and studied the screen intently. “Somebody is interested in this subject. Why?”

  “It’s interesting, considering its biblical and I steer clear of anything that has religious connotations. My study session last night piqued my curiosity.” There was an unusual need for answers, Luxor’s thirst to find out as much as she could had blazed like the fire. And considering she avoided school work like the plague the fact the subject stuck in her mind was worrisome.

  Evie swiped the laptop. “What’s this about?”

  “The Grigori,” Luxor said.

  “Wasn’t class enough?” Evie said.

  Luxor shrugged. “I’m attracted to the weird and wonderful.”

  “Hunter being a case in point,” Evie said smartly.

  Luxor ignored her even though she hit the nail on the head. "Back to the topic. What do you think of The Book of Enoch and the Watchers?”

  Evie tapped Grigori in the google search engine. A whole list came up and she clicked on the first site, which was Wikipedia. “Hear this…In the Book of Enoch, the watchers are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans. They soon begin to lust for human women, and at the prodding of their leader, Samayza they defect en masse to illicitly instruct and procreate among humanity. The offspring of these unions are the Nephilim, savage giants who pillage the earth and endanger humanity.”

  “Bloody half-breeds,” Evie said.

  Luxor bit the dry skin off the side of her thumb and ripped it from the cuticle, her eyes glued to the screen. “It’s something like out a supernatural movie. But I do
n’t know, it’s out there and what if…?”

  “Wikipedia is people just adding things in there. A lot of stuff in there is pure B.S. This info, is a prime example,” Evie said.

  "I was once told if something is said enough times there had to be some truth to it. Besides if it completely untrue it would have been taken down," Luxor said.

  The final site Luxor clicked upon was Angelology which revealed more. The Watchers, or Grigori, meant "Those Who Watch", “Those Who Are Awake". or "The Ones Who Never Sleep".

  "What's the sudden interest again in the Grigori? If you want to know about hybrids let's watch Breaking Dawn, might be vamps, but in the end, same old fictional bullshit."

  Luxor exaggerated her disbelief, slapping a hand on her chest. "You have Twilight? I learn something new about you every day."

  "Yeah I was a tween who went through a hard-core vamp stage."

  “Twilight and hard-core vamp shouldn’t be in the same sentence. It’s like vampires for pre-schoolers with all that sparkly shit.”

  Evie snorted. "I blank out, seriously there's only so much holy crap I can ingest. I’ll take sparkles any day."

  “Unbelievable,” Ayla huffed.

  "I wish I drank because I need alcohol to deal with this mumbo jumbo," Evie said.

  “Because that ended well last time.” Ayla scowled.

  Luxor stared at the screen bit too intently. The first suggestion popped up with a daunting image. Moulting blackened angel’s wings were brought to the forefront. "How about if they're fallen angels having children with daughters of men?" Luxor laughed at the notion, yet there was substance. She didn't want to admit she'd found the concept appealing, and wondered exactly what that mixture would resemble. Would they be beautiful? Or hideous?

  Evie nudged Luxor. “What would be the point of them, there’s enough sickos in this world. I'm going to stick with biblical cult.” Evie got up to stretch her legs.

  To veer her mind off the subject Luxor closed down the laptop and leaned over to the side. She picked up a black briefcase and clicked the gold locks open. Cylinder after cylinder she removed the pieces and lined them up on her bed from smallest to biggest. Piece by piece she clicked the cylinders tight Luxor and set it on the tripod. She shut one eye and with the other peered out of the lens, to get a good line of vision in the direction of the paddock.


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