Brutal Titan: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Golden Olympus Academy Book 3)

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Brutal Titan: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Golden Olympus Academy Book 3) Page 13

by A. J. Logan

  “Did you have any intention of telling him or was being a chicken shit the plan all along?” I keep my voice steady and low, not wanting the conversation to be overheard.

  “I wanted to tell him.”


  “But I couldn’t. I will. I just need some time to figure out how.”

  “And is that why you disappeared on me?”

  “It was one night, Victoria. I just need some time to figure shit out.” His disregard hurts more than if he would just admit to being an idiot. But no, I’m the one looking like the crazy person begging him to care about me.

  “You’re right. It was one night and the one before it was nothing but a mistake.” I move to walk around him when his hand grasps my arm.

  “That’s why I disappeared. Because I figured you would think it was a mistake and bail on me. Again. And I couldn’t take you sending your brother to babysit me again.”

  “Good call. And don’t bother figuring shit out, because whatever it was is over.” Jerking my arm out of his grasp, I continue down the hallway, hurriedly leaving the school. Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t attempt to follow.



  I watch her walk away, regretting every decision I’ve made since I crawled in bed with her. Do I regret a single moment spent inside her? No. But now that I’ve truly felt her, the only thing I’ve craved since was to crawl back in bed with her again. And not just to have sex with her, but to wake up next to her again.

  When Asher showed up at my house before sunrise to go climbing, I was still awake in the lounge chair on the patio, not wanting to go inside and get in my bed—not without her.

  Damn it.

  Walking back into the classroom, Grant gives me a cheesy smile as he nods to the door. “Get your message all wrapped up?”

  “Yep. And I can reiterate the message you’ve received twice if you’re still unclear.”

  There’s some nervousness to his posture as he looks away, but the smile remains intact.

  My attention is quickly elsewhere as I sit back at the desk, resting my head on its cool surface. Sleep and sex. That’s all I want, but I don’t think either will be an option anytime soon because I only want to do both with her.

  Sitting through the tortuous hours, I wait impatiently until we’re finally released.

  Heading to my car, I rehearse the words in my head as I curse myself for being such a chicken shit. I could’ve easily told him when we were climbing this morning. Although scaling up a mountainside to dangerous heights probably wouldn’t have been the best place, after all. Not that there is ever an ideal place to tell your best friend, “Hey, man. I banged your sister and want to do it again, but more importantly, I need her in my life as much as the very air that fills my lungs.” I’m not ready to use the L-word, but I know I need her in my arms, my bed, and my life, and not being with her isn’t an option. I just need to get it over with. Deal with the outcome. And hopefully that includes sex and sleep—lots of it—with her.

  Parking just outside the garage, I purposely walk through the open bay door, thankful Victoria’s car isn’t there since it’s not her I’m here to see even if she will be the topic of conversation.

  “Hey, Mrs. H,” I call out, waving to Monica, who waves back without looking in my direction.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, I swiftly walk down the hallway, knocking on Asher’s door before swinging it open. “Anyone home?”

  Looking around the room, I spot him sitting at the desk, staring to a stack of papers before he looks over to me.

  “Damn, dude. That looks painful.” It had sounded painful, too, when his face smashed into the stone. I was so thankful his dumb ass hadn’t plummeted to the ground that I yelled at him until we reached the top of Chappell Canyon. “I tried to tell you we shouldn’t climb in the rain.”

  “It’s fine.” He brushes off the comment too quickly for my liking. And he’s just listening to me bitch at him without telling me to screw off. Neither is normal behavior for him.

  “So, you want to talk about it?”

  “No. It’s fine. I learned my lesson. We won’t climb in the rain again. End of story.”

  “Yeah. Very unconvincing performance but bravo for the effort. And we both know that I wasn’t talking about your bruised face. What’s got you all puffed up this morning?”

  “Drop it.”

  “I did earlier and that happened.” I nod to his injury that could’ve been much worse.

  “I’m fine. It’s out of my system. Let’s move on.” He stands from the desk, stretching. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

  “Just wanted to check on you.”

  Damn it. I’m writing it off with the excuse of not wanting to say anything because of whatever is going on with him, but truth is I just crumbled under the pressure. Again.



  “Go away,” I yell over the blaring music while looking at my phone. I get excited because Quinn is actually on her way to the party, and it’ll be nice to have someone to let loose with. Not that I haven’t started doing so already. I spent all week ignoring Elliot’s sad attempts to talk because I don’t want to hear it. He claims he tried to tell Asher, but I’m done because I know he will keep flaking out. Again and again. And I don’t want to think about any of it, which is next to impossible since he refuses to leave me alone. Sure enough, Elliot remains in front of me as I holler at him to back off once again, which he ignores.

  “Slow down, Victoria,” he shouts, eyeing the bottle in my hand after I gulp another shot.

  “Why? Scared I might have a good time and come without you?” I snort, laughing at the thought, but he doesn’t seem amused. “Just go annoy my brother. He is your best friend after all.”

  I pour another shot and look past him, wishing he would just leave me alone already. When I spot Quinn walking in, I wave her over, ignoring the butthead in front of me because he has to give up eventually.

  “Quinn! I’m so hap-py you are here!” I singsong, patting the granite countertop as she hops up next to me, accepting the shot that I’d originally poured for myself but could definitely do without since I’ve had my fair share already.

  “Just keep her from doing stupid shit,” Elliot shouts to Quinn.

  Anger surges through me as I glare in his direction because the only “stupid shit” I’ve done is fuck him. Refilling the shot, I decide I haven’t had enough after all.

  “Worry about yourself, Bah-ass.” I down the shot, refill the glass, then pass it to Quinn. She downs it without hesitation and I promptly refill it so she can take another.

  Cursing, Elliot shakes his head. “Come get me if there’s a problem.”

  My eyes are fixed on him as I pour another shot, swallowing the whiskey down in one gulp before dragging the back of my hand across my mouth to wipe away a drop that trailed down my chin. “You are the problem.”

  I probably should stop, but I don’t want to, so I pour another, his eyes locked with mine. Just before the glass touches my lip, Elliot snatches it from my hand. Whiskey splashes on my bare thighs as he brings the remainder to his lips, gulping the shot with his eyes still challenging me. Asshole.

  I’m so sick of Elliot Bass I could scream. But that wouldn’t make him go away either because he’s determined to make me miserable. Bringing the bottle to my lips, I keep my glare on him, tilting my head back to take a generous swallow.

  Elliot steps forward, his hand pushing up my thigh to wipe the sticky liquor off my skin. Slipping his hand under my skirt, his fingers grip my thigh the same way he had the other night when we were in bed together. Leaning forward, he places his mouth next to my ear and whispers, “Next time, it’ll be my tongue licking the whiskey off your thigh before tasting your sweet pussy.”

  My body tenses, his words eliciting a vivid image of him doing just that. Again. A strong desire to feel his mouth on me rises in my core as his fingers clutch tighter on my thigh. I recognize the nee
d in his eyes, knowing his words aren’t lacking the intention behind them.

  His hand releases my thigh as he turns and walks away without another word.

  Panic fills me when I come out of the sexual haze to realize Quinn has witnessed our entire exchange and there is no way it didn’t look as intense as it felt. “Don’t—”

  “I won’t,” she immediately responds, knowing that I don’t want any of that scene getting back to Asher.

  “Wanna dance?” Quinn asks soon after, thankfully breaking up my inappropriate lust-filled thoughts about Elliot freakin’ Bass. I solely blame the liquor because it’s not a good idea. At all. Even if his stupid words summoned a craving that still surges inside my core, it will bring nothing but pain afterwards. My best bet is to enjoy the night without him.

  “Yes!” Yelling excitedly, I pass the bottle to Quinn before we hop off the counter, dancing our way to the makeshift dance floor.

  Swaying to the beat, we’re enjoying ourselves, and I let the music overtake my thoughts. It’s actually exactly what I need. A guy I don’t recognize shifts in front of me, matching his movements to mine, undulating to the upbeat music in sync with me. He’s a really good dancer, but when his eyes fill with panic, I wonder what the hell is wrong with him. I find out a split second later as I’m lifted off my feet, a strong arm around my waist. I thrash against Elliot. “Let me go.”

  He ignores me as I look over, spotting Asher hauling Quinn off the dance floor too as Elliot yells to him, “I got this one.”

  “What the actual fuck?” I shove away from him, stumbling backwards as he releases me once we are off the dance floor. Why’s he gotta ruin my good time? “Go find someone else to fuck with because I’m done.”

  Turning back toward the dance floor, he counters my movement, stepping in front of me. “I’m not.”

  Throwing my head back, I laugh, no doubt looking as crazy as I feel before the laughter fades. Shaking my head, I look to him. “It’s a little too late now.”

  I push past him, no longer in the mood to dance because I know he’s not going to let me be. Heading upstairs, I slip into my room, tossing the door closed behind me. Before the latch clicks into place, the door flings open and Elliot steps inside, slamming it closed behind him. “What do you want from me?”

  The desperation in his voice fuels my rage. He is not going to make me feel anything for him other than anger. He knows exactly what I want—him. But that isn’t an option, not without sharing him with the rest of the world. Because he won’t give me all of him; he needs to be the ringmaster of the damn Golden Olympus circus—always putting on a show for his audience, while I’m relegated to be one of his fucking clowns. And yet, here I am. Still yearning for his mouth on me and it’s driving me insane. Just like he is, and just like I’m about to do to him.

  “Not a fuckin’ thing.” Stepping back, I keep my eyes on him, sitting on the bed as I spread my legs, skimming my hand up my thigh. As expected, his eyes follow my hand as it slips under my dress. “I’ll take care of it myself.”

  He swiftly moves forward. Towering over me, he fails to mask his fury, which makes me want to push him further. “Stop playing with me before you get exactly what you’re asking for.”

  “Like you know anything about what I want.”

  A seductive laugh escapes his lips as his hands fall to my knees. His palms glide up and over the sticky, leftover whiskey on the inside of my thighs before sliding under my skirt. Coasting around my hips, they move to my ass, gripping as his mouth nears mine. “I’d bet you’re wet already.”

  “You’re such a jerk.” Because he’s absolutely correct.

  His hands release from me, and he drops down to sit on the bed next to me, leaving my head spinning from more than just the liquor.

  “I’ll let you have it your way, then I’ll have it mine.”

  Standing from the bed. I glance to him as he looks up at me with a sexy smile. I made the mistake once, and I know I’m about to do it again, but he’s pissing me off. “You don’t know what you want.”

  His hand grasps my wrist as I move to step away, and he pulls me easily onto his lap, his fingers threading in my hair, gripping tight. “Stop it, Victoria. You’re the one who ignored me all week, so just tell me … do you want me to fuck you or not?” He swipes his tongue across my lip, nibbling, teasing as he continues. “I’m waiting.” He presses me down, his hard cock digging into my backside. My lips crash to his.

  Reaching under my skirt, his finger hooks on my thong, pulling it off and then tossing it to the floor. His hand moves back under my skirt, his fingers slipping inside me as I rock against his fingers. My mouth brushes against his, shaky breaths escaping as I bite back my words.

  “Say it, Victoria. Tell me that you want this.” He removes his hand, a smug smile against my lips. “I didn’t hear anything.”

  Squeezing my thighs together, I want to throttle him. I instantly miss the sensation of his fingers inside me. I want him inside me. Before I can say anything, his hand grips my hip, flipping me over to my stomach so I’m lying across his lap. He lifts my skirt, exposing my backside before spanking my ass cheek. I look over my shoulder at him as he gives me a devilish smile. “I’m waiting.” He smacks my ass again, not hurting me, but it’s just enough to leave a sensation where his hand slapped.

  His fingers trail over my ass, rubbing my clit before sliding inside me, pumping furiously as his other arm presses me down on his lap. A long moan escapes my lips as my head drops forward, relishing in the pleasure he’s providing me. Abruptly, his hand deserts me. He shifts back, bringing me up to straddle his lap. One arm is around my waist as the other holds my lips to his. “Damn it, Victoria. Do you want this or not?”

  My head spins, I’m speechless for a moment while still recovering from the sudden withdrawal of his touch. I need it back, even if I will more than likely regret the choice later. But tonight, I know the decision has been made on my part long before the words are spoken. “Yes. I want you.”

  His mouth crashes to mine, kissing me feverishly. “It’s about fucking time.”

  “Shut up.” This is not the time for him to be a bigger ass than he usually is. I just want to feel him and forget that we both know it’s only temporary.

  He laughs against my lips. “Now you want to talk.”

  Insanity. That is the only definition I can relate to him because he is the only one to pull such desires out of me while making me want to strangle him at the same time.

  His fingers clutch the hem of my dress, lifting it up and over my head before tossing it to the floor. Expediently, he unhooks my bra, and as it falls, his hands immediately cup me while I rock against him.

  He lies back on the bed, guiding me up until my knees come to rest on either side of his head, straddling his face. Lifting his head to meet me, he licks my clit, lightly teasing as a moan escapes my lips. Leaning forward, my hands drop to the mattress. His fingers dig into my hip, pulling me down, closer to his mouth. Leaving my hip, his fingers slide into my pussy, pumping and stroking, as his tongue circles my clit. Rocking my hips, my fingers clutch the sheets as his tongue flicks against my clit. In perfect coordination with his tongue, his fingers pump inside me, bringing me over the peak. Moaning, I freeze, absorbing every sensation Elliot inflicts on me as his tongue slowly stokes my pussy as I ride the wave of pleasure floating through my core.

  I shift onto my side as he rolls out from beneath me. Standing next to the bed, desire burns in his eyes as he takes in my nude body. I move to the edge of the bed to unbutton his jeans as he yanks his shirt over his head, tossing it aside while keeping his eyes intent on me.

  Shoving his jeans and boxers out of the way, I take his cock in my hand, stroking it as his jaw muscles tighten. Smiling, I release him, smoothing my palms over his tight, muscular ass as I push his jeans and boxers down until he kicks them off. I grip his cock again as his fingers thread in my hair, clasping tightly. I look up to meet his fierce eyes, keeping my gaze lo
cked with his as I sense him struggling to maintain control. But it’s all mine right now. Leaning forward, I roll my tongue over the tip of his cock, gliding my other hand up his taut abs, loving when he tenses under my touch.

  A smile on my face, I tease his cock with my tongue as he watches intently. When I take him into my mouth, his hand pulls my head forward as I suck him, then he hastily moves my head back, removing his cock from my mouth. Unmoving, he breathes heavy for a few seconds. “We’ll save that for later. Tonight, I want to be inside you when I come.”

  Leaning forward to kiss me, he grabs my hip, then flips me onto my stomach before lifting my backside as he moves over me, his stomach against my back. His cock teases my entrance for a moment before thrusting inside me, driving me into the mattress. I grip the smooth sheets, moaning in pleasure as I push back against him. I’m met with another thrust, filling me as his fingers dig into my hips, gripping me possessively as he pounds into me.

  Suddenly he pulls out, emptiness overwhelms me for a miserable second as I want him back inside me. His arm wraps around me as he quickly flips me on my back. Moving over me, he grips my thigh, hooking it over his hip as he thrusts forward, filling me.

  His mouth moves to mine, kissing me passionately as he continues rocking inside me as my hips lift to meet him. Speaking in a strained voice, he rasps, “Stay with me, Victoria.”

  Kissing me again, he drives into me one hard, final time before tensing and hoarsely groaning in satisfaction.

  He remains inside me, feathering a kiss on my lips as he asks, “Are you still with me?”

  “Yes,” I say breathlessly against his mouth. I want to be with him and nowhere else.

  Pulling out of me, he moves on his side as his hand strokes up my body. We lie there for a few minutes, unmoving.


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