Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK Book 2)

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Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK Book 2) Page 1

by K. Webster

  Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK, #2)

  Copyright © 2020 K Webster

  Cover Design: Simply Defined Art

  Editor: Emily A. Lawrence

  Formatting: Champagne Book Design

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information and retrieval system without express written permission from the Author/Publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Title Page


  About This Book


  Royal Bastards Code

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Sneak Peek of Dragon



  About Author K Webster

  Books by K Webster

  I’m a Fed.

  Rigid. Rule follower. One of the good guys.

  I uphold the law…when it suits me.

  My loyalty lies first with my brother, Koyn, and secondly with his motorcycle club.

  Jeremy Koynakov was the man I used to be.

  I’m Copper now.

  For a decade, I aided my brother in his quest for revenge.

  We thirsted for vengeance. Hunted the villains together. Killed when necessary.

  He finally found some semblance of peace in a mouthy pageant girl, and all was right in our screwed-up world.

  But a certain blonde within our ranks ruined everything.

  Tried to wreck our home, our lives, and our freedom.

  She betrayed us.

  Because of me.

  It’s my responsibility to deal with this little storm who was set on destroying our world.

  I could end her. It’d be easier. Simple and clean.

  But that’s not the MC way.

  We pride ourselves on being brutal and messy.

  For a man who’s spent the better part of ten years aching to make those who’ve wronged my family suffer, it’s a simple choice: Take her. Punish her. Make her pay.

  I’m done following rules.

  That time of my life is over.

  I’ll finally patch in and become how I’ve been groomed to be.

  I’m ready to embrace this new life where I’m not a good guy…

  Every villain needs a pet.

  And she just became mine.

  Husband—You’re my hero. Always. And you prove that over and over again.

  PROTECT: The club and your brothers come before anything else, and must be protected at all costs. CLUB is FAMILY.

  RESPECT: Earn it and give it. Respect club law. Respect the patch. Respect your brothers. Disrespect a member and there will be hell to pay.

  HONOR: Being patched in is an honor, not a right. Your colors are sacred, not to be left alone, and NEVER let them touch the ground.

  OL’ LADIES: Never disrespect a member’s or brother’s ol’ lady. PERIOD.


  LOYALTY: Takes precedence over all, including well-being.

  HONESTY: Never LIE, CHEAT, or STEAL from another member or the club.

  TERRITORY: You are to respect your brothers’ property and follow their Chapter’s club rules.

  TRUST: Years to earn it…seconds to lose it.

  NEVER RIDE OFF: Brothers do not abandon their family.





  I tear my stare from the scene before me to dig my phone out of my pocket. My brother, Koyn, is finally getting revenge on the assholes who took his wife and daughter from him. They didn’t just kill them. No, the fuckers tortured and raped them.

  Blaire was seventeen.

  Just seventeen when they brutalized that little girl.

  And now he has them, one dead and cooking in the fire. The other, his ol’ lady is helping him get the vengeance he deserves.

  Everyone is here, witnessing this shit. It’s what we’ve all been working so hard to achieve. Marron Genworth and his minion, Randall Putnam, have finally been brought to justice. The good ol’ biker way.

  Knives and lots of blood.

  My phone buzzes again. I read the notification.


  I swipe open my phone and go to the app Koyn created. It’s meant to sniff down any mention of our last name and ping it to us rather than reach its intended destination. My brother is a fucking genius with computers. His program makes us untouchable. Even me—corrupt Fed.

  The information bouncing in isn’t via email. It’s a text from the mole. Whoever the fuck has been snooping within our ranks. I’m confused, though, because everyone’s here and no one’s attention is on their phone.

  Unknown Number: I’m outside of the location. Where the fuck are you? Jared Koynakov has Hadley! I need backup!


  Unknown Number: We can get both the Koynakov brothers at once, but you need to get here now!

  Two texts roll in stating they’re on their way. That they could lose their jobs for this.


  I stalk along the shadows, slipping out of the open slaughterhouse building door. It’s snowing and cold as fuck. I trudge as quietly as I can through the snow, withdrawing my .45 from my holster. I creep across the backyard toward the house. By the time I reach it, I hear voices. As stealthily as possible, I ease around the house.

  “About fucking time,” a familiar voice hisses. “He has her in there and God only knows what the fuck he’ll do to her this time.”

  “Brenda,” a guy grumbles. “We shouldn’t even be here. We’re not Feds.”

  “You’re cops, Brad, and that’s close enough.”

  I know that voice.

  Fucking Stormy.

  “We could get fired,” the other woman says. “We don’t have a warrant—”

  “He’s in there as we speak, probably fucking raping her, Denise! Does that not warrant action?” Stormy practically yells. “Let’s go.”

  I watch, dumbfounded as Stormy charges toward the slaughterhouse, her cop buddies in tow. I’m silent as I stalk them from behind.

  “I’ll finally nail their asses. Johnson will have to bring me back because I was fucking right,” Stormy snarls.

  “You’re on leave,” Brad starts, but Stormy snaps at him.

  “We fucked, Brad, and now you think you know me? Know everything? You don’t know shit. These men are dangerous. They’re te
rrifying. If I sit around waiting for cops to get their thumbs out of their asses or Johnson to do his fucking job, then Hadley dies. That’s it. Now shut up and back me up.”

  The three of them quiet down as they approach the slaughterhouse door. I’m right behind them, waiting them out. I don’t know what this dumbass trio thinks they’re going to accomplish. My brother has already destroyed one of the rats on the chopping block and the other is as good as dead. Stormy and these shady-ass cops can’t stop what’s been set into motion. It’s done.

  And she sure as fuck isn’t taking Hadley away from Koyn.

  I know my brother. He’s never letting that girl go.

  Stormy is fucking herself in the worst way right now.

  The dumb bitch, though, has no fear. She trudges forward through the snow, into the slaughterhouse, her weapon drawn. The pussy cops follow behind her like they’re a match for the Royal Fucking Bastards.

  “FBI! Nobody move!”

  The room is silent aside from the crackling and popping of the bodies in the fire. Cooking flesh stinks something awful, but we’re used to it. These two fuckers aren’t the only bodies we’ve burned in here.

  “Stormy?” Hadley rasps out from the mattress on the floor. She looks like shit, covered in blood and vomit, but Koyn is cradling her like she’s the most precious thing on Earth.

  I tear my gaze from Stormy and Hadley, seeking out Filter. He’s going to be fucking livid. This is his woman. She’s the goddamn mole. Koyn is going to want answers. Like how the fuck he didn’t know shit about this.

  Filter steps out of the shadows, a murderous look on his face telling me everything I need to know. She got us. She pulled the wool over our eyes and we never expected the blond bombshell to have this shit up her sleeve.

  “Agent Brenda Gale,” Stormy spits out. “Everyone on your knees, hands on your heads. Hadley, honey, I need you to make your way over here.”

  Koyn’s eyes slide to mine for the briefest second, acknowledging my looming presence, before hugging his girl tighter to him. “Agent Gale,” he growls. “Hadley stays with me. Run along, Stormy, before I sic Filter on you.”

  Filter cracks his neck, his body rippling with malevolence. I pull my phone out and use my access into the system that Koyn helped rig up to find out what I can from her. I find a document that tells me everything I need to know.

  Brenda Stormy Gale.


  Administrative leave.

  Stormy isn’t some weak bitch, though. She doesn’t even flinch at his fury. Her anger and determination are fueling her.

  “No,” she snaps. “I thought I could do this, but I can’t watch you ruin this girl. You’ll kill her.” She straightens, aiming to look taller and fiercer. “She’s pregnant with your kid, but that doesn’t mean her life needs to end.”

  My brother’s patience is wearing thin. It’ll snap at any moment.

  “What do you want from me?” he demands. “Spit it the fuck out. You take Hadley and I’ll find a way to take her back. You know this.”

  He’ll stop at nothing.

  It’s the Koynakov way.

  “I want you to go to prison where you belong,” Stormy bellows.

  Koyn rises to his feet, hauling Hadley up with him, using her as a shield. “Where’s your backup? Just these two?”

  “It’ll be enough until the rest arrive,” Stormy lies. No one else is coming.

  I shake my head at him and he mutters out a “hmm.”

  This bitch will be joining those fuckfaces in the fire soon, because there’s no way in hell Koyn will let Stormy walk away from this.

  “Please don’t kill her,” Hadley begs.

  Except that.

  Hadley has him wrapped around her little finger.

  Koyn, toying with Stormy, says, “Why are you investigating me? Why can’t you leave well enough alone?”

  Filter takes another step closer, the hate burning from him much hotter than the fire. His voice shakes with anger. “You fucking played me, Stormy? Why?”

  She refuses to take her eyes, or her gun for that matter, away from my brother. “It’s my job,” Stormy yells at Filter. “You were the closest I could get.”

  “But why do you want Koyn?” Filter demands.

  I take a step closer, the snow crunching loudly, causing Denise and Brad to both tense at the sound.

  “Not Koyn—” Stormy starts.

  Bang. Bang.

  I put a bullet in each of the crooked cops’ heads. They shouldn’t be here. Stormy shouldn’t either. This is club business—family business—and I won’t have this bitch or her ex-boyfriend or whatever the fuck he was ruin this for us.

  “Me,” I growl, stalking the rest of the way up to Stormy as her friends bleed to death at her feet. “She’s investigating me. Am I right, Agent Gale?”

  I’d known we had a mole. Genworth even threw that in our faces. I was working on it. With time, I would’ve figured it out, but lucky for us, Stormy showed her cards early.

  She doesn’t answer, so I press my .45 to her temple and yank her gun from her hand. I toss it away with a clatter.

  “Dirty Fed,” she sneers. “I smelled your stink from three states away.”

  She should have stayed far away from us. The bitch fucked up.

  “You should have known better than to fuck with a Koynakov,” I growl, shaking my head. “We cover our tracks.”

  “I was gathering proof!”

  “At the expense of your career. I may be a dirty Fed, but I am one. You, little storm, were put on administrative leave for disobeying a direct order.”

  She trembles with rage. “They told me to let it go! That you were clean! I knew you weren’t. I knew I could gather so much shit, they’d beg me to come back. I’d take you and your brother down along with the entire Royal Bastards MC.”

  “We’re still here, bitch,” Filter snaps. “All that dick sucking you did didn’t get you anything but a gun pressed to your head.”

  Koyn’s features twist into a cruel smirk that has Stormy losing some of her fire, leaning slightly back against my chest as though I’m going to save her ass from him. Yeah fucking right.

  “No one will ever do anything when it comes to the Koynakovs,” he booms. “I wrote programs years ago and put them out there so that any time anyone saves even a simple web page with my name on it, it’ll encrypt it. CIA. FBI. NSA. Every goddamn police station in a five-hundred-mile radius. Any reports or files with the Royal Bastards Tulsa chapter or my family name, the programs lock it down. They’re retrievable with a password only I know.”

  I can smell her defeat. Sweet and cloying. Hadley must sense it too, because she pipes up, using her unusual powers over my brother.

  “Please don’t kill her,” Hadley begs.

  It would be much cleaner to put a bullet through her head too and toss her pretty ass in the fire. I cringe, though, when I see the look on Koyn’s face. He’ll complicate shit for Hadley because he loves her. He gives me a nod, confirming my thoughts. Which means Stormy is my problem now. Fuck.

  “If it’s not me, it’ll be someone else,” Stormy says, her voice weak and shaky. “The NSA will catch wind and they’ll hire people like Genworth. Someone will crack your stupid codes and dump out everything you’re hiding.” She lifts her chin in faux bravery. “Just put a bullet in my head. Don’t do psychopathic, disgusting shit like you did over there.”

  I bite back a laugh. Even on death’s door, Stormy is still her usual bitchy self.

  Hadley breaks free of Koyn’s hold, rushing over to Stormy. They hug as Hadley cries.

  “Why did you do this?” Hadley whimpers. “Why would you sacrifice yourself for me?”

  Stormy kisses Hadley’s head. “Someone had to look out for you. I just wanted you to be safe.”

  Filter’s knife glints in the reflection of the fire, reminding me that I have a job to do before he does the wrong one for me. Koyn moves toward us, the same understanding reflected back in his dark eye

  “Time’s up,” I bark, hooking an arm around Stormy’s waist to pull her back, just as Koyn grabs Hadley.

  “Don’t kill her!” Hadley screams.

  I shove my gun into the front of my jeans before tossing Stormy’s little ass over my shoulder. She kicks and screams to no avail.

  “Copper,” Koyn booms. “What are you doing?”

  I glare back at him. “Dealing with my problem.”

  She was here, investigating me, and wanted to take my brother down in the process. It’s every bit my problem.

  “And what way is that?” Koyn challenges.

  “I have my methods,” I bite back. “Don’t worry, PG, the bitch isn’t going to die tonight.”

  On my way out of the slaughterhouse, I meet Blake’s hard stare. My son is a fuckin’ prospect, and because he wears a leather cut and I don’t, he acts like he’s got say over me when it comes to club business. At the end of the day, he’s my kid and I’m his goddamn dad.

  “Don’t, Nees,” I warn. “Just don’t.”

  He clenches his jaw but doesn’t say anything else on the matter. Stormy, on the other hand, is bitching like it’s her goddamn job. By the time I reach my truck, she’s gone silent. I dig my keys out of my pocket and hit the fob, unlocking my gold Ford Super Duty King Ranch truck. How in the hell am I going to keep her in it, though?

  A chill creeps up my spine when a voice calls out, too close for comfort.

  “Need a hand?” Dragon asks.

  “Oh, fuck no,” Stormy hisses. “Do not let that sadistic freak near me!”

  I smack her ass hard over her jeans. “Shut up.”

  Dragon climbs into the back seat of my truck and his green eyes glow with violence. Couple that with the blood splattered all over his face and he looks like a goddamn psychopath serial killer. Stormy clings to me as though it’ll keep me from tossing her to him.


  “Don’t kill her,” I warn as I yank her from me.

  Like a viper, he strikes, latching onto her and drawing her into his powerful hold. “There, there, bitch. I’ve got you now,” he says in a deceptively calm tone. “Shhh.”


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