Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK Book 2)

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Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK Book 2) Page 10

by K. Webster

  Stormy flinches at my question. “What do you mean what?”

  “What happened? You were all jokes and smiles and then…” I clench my jaw. “Did Bermuda say something to upset you?”

  “No,” she huffs out. “Bermuda is like a brother. Makes me miss my own brother.”

  “Dragon’s hot and cold attitude problem?”

  She nods. “It’s just…”


  “Can you take me for a ride, Copper? Get me out of this house? Let me think for a minute and gather my thoughts?”

  Having this beautiful bitch on the back of my bike sounds like a temptation I can’t ignore. Before I consider the consequences, I give her a curt nod.

  “Dress like you belong on a bike and not dancing on the table of some trashy bar, little storm. Five minutes.”

  I know something’s up because she doesn’t give me shit for my comment. While she changes, I swap my sweats out for something more road appropriate. Since it’s warm out and my dogs will want to play while we’re gone, I make sure their bucket is filled with water outside and whistle for them to go out. I’m just pulling out my bike, a vivid black anniversary 2020 Fat Boy 114, from my garage when Stormy meets me.


  It doesn’t matter what she wears. She’s always hot as hell. I’d seen her in these same tight black jeans that look painted on when she’d been on the back of Filter’s bike, but I’d never allowed my eyes to linger.

  Now, I can’t take them off her.

  Her black tank top is loose and low cut, showing off her ample cleavage. She’s pulled her golden locks from her messy bun into a loose braid I crave to wrap my fist around. The boots she’s wearing are pretty sturdy and fit for riding, but still look hot as fuck. With the shock collar around her neck, it reminds me she’s mine.

  “We need to take that off,” I call out over the rumble of my engine. “Come here.”

  Her blue eyes light up at getting to take the collar off. She complains about it a lot, but since she can move it up and down along her throat, I ignore most of her bitching. I fish out the key from my pocket and motion her closer. She bends over, her tits nearly in my damn face, and grins.

  Fuck, she’s too pretty.

  Her pretty face and hot body are going to make me do regrettable things.

  Ignoring the way my dick throbs painfully in my jeans, I set to unlocking the collar. My fingers brush along her neck and she shivers. I try not to inhale her sexy-ass perfume she’s spritzed on and focus on freeing her. Once I’ve removed the collar, I toss it onto the grass.

  “Thank you,” she murmurs, bringing her fingertips to her neck. “You have no idea how good that feels.”

  My dick strains, eager to get out and show her what else feels good.

  “Put this on and hop on,” I grunt out, thrusting a helmet at her.

  She dons the helmet, a silly grin on her gorgeous made up face, and then grabs onto my shoulders as she straddles my bike behind me. Krista has ridden with me a few times for fun, but it never felt like Stormy does right now.

  Like her body was made to wrap around mine.

  A perfect fucking fit.

  I like the way her arms tighten around my body, smashing her big tits to my back, as I take off. The wind is warm as we cruise along the road. It’s been too long since I’ve ridden for pleasure. Lately it’s just out to visit Koyn so we can put our heads together as we try to figure out our problem.

  While we ride, I think about Collins and Vidal. Ever since the random phone call to my superior, they haven’t tried any more shit. It’s been quiet. And we’ve been discreetly combing through each guy on Koyn’s list. If he’d put them in a room and let me interrogate them, I’d get the answers I’m looking for, but my brother is big on loyalty and he thinks that’ll just drive a wedge between him and his guys if he starts accusing one of them of hiding important shit from him.

  He’s Prez and calls the shots, even if I don’t agree with what he does all the time.

  I drive down to a secluded park near the lake and shut the engine off. Stormy doesn’t climb off right away. Instead, she lets out a heavy sigh.

  “I know who it is,” she mutters. “I know who’s hiding from Vidal and Collins.”


  My heart hammers in my chest as my mind goes a mile a minute trying to piece all the parts of the past into an order that makes sense. All training I received before becoming a Fed floods my mind. I thrum with the need to figure it all out.

  I climb off the bike and try not to lose focus. Copper looks good enough to eat in a tight white T-shirt, distressed jeans, and black motorcycle boots. Where he’d made me wear his helmet, Copper went without. His dark hair is now tousled in a just-fucked way that has me craving to run my fingers through the strands. Brown eyes are intense as they bore into me, searching for answers.

  Answers I have.

  I know I’m right.

  He climbs off his hog and saunters my way. Strong, deft fingers unhook the strap on my helmet and he pulls it off my head to set it on the bike. I absently brush the loose strands of hair away from my face as I gather my thoughts.

  “There’s a bench over here,” Copper says, grabbing hold of my hand and guiding me away from the bike.

  His touch sends a delicious thrill shooting through me. All morning, at breakfast, I’d been unable to take my eyes off him. I couldn’t erase the way his possessive hand felt cupping my tit when he thought I was sleeping. More than anything, I wanted him to strip me down and fuck me in his closet. I would’ve begged for it too if the boys hadn’t shown up when they did.

  The bench offers a sparkling view of the lake. Normally, I’d be eager to go swimming or to admire it, but right now, my focus is on this conversation. Copper sits in the middle of the bench and then surprises me by pulling me on one of his strong, muscular thighs. I wrap an arm around his shoulders, not at all mad that his face is inches from my cleavage. His eyes drop to my tits for a long second until he finally meets my eyes again.

  “Talk, Stormy.”

  I let out a heavy sigh, absently running my fingers through his messy hair. “Dragon.”

  Rather than laughing or rolling his eyes, he frowns. “Of all the people on my list, he wasn’t at the top. Not to mention, when I told him, Koyn, and Filter we had someone hiding within our ranks, he didn’t flinch or show any signs of recognition or fear. He’s a tough sonofabitch, which is the main reason he’s not topped that list thus far.”

  “I agree,” I say with a nod that makes my tits jiggle. “But what do you really know about Dragon? Do you even know his name?”

  “Not yet,” he admits.

  “Have you asked him?”

  “No.” He lets out a heavy sigh. “Koyn is being fucking weird about all this. He wants answers, but he doesn’t want to come right out and ask his guys the questions. Like accusing them will break their trust with him or some shit.”

  Having lived with those guys for so long, I understand the logic. Koyn takes care of those guys, and in turn, they respect the hell out of him. Their loyalty to each other is a big damn deal. I’d been let in their world and broke their trust, which is the ultimate sin to bikers. If Koyn went around accusing his guys of hiding stuff from them, including their pasts that they may want kept hidden, he’d look like a meddling bastard who doesn’t trust the men they are now.

  “I understand that,” I mutter, “and with regular information, that makes sense. But Dragon knows Vidal and Collins. That should trump this loyalty code Koyn lives by. We need to pull Dragon in and interrogate him. Find out everything he knows—”

  “Slow your roll, Agent Gale,” Copper interrupts. “For one, you’re no longer a Fed and we’re sure as hell not doing it that way.”

  “But it’s him!” I snap, growing angrier by the second. “He’s no better than me being a mole!”

  Copper’s hand settles on my thigh and he squeezes. “I know you’re used to going in all guns blazing, but that’s not how
I do shit. It’s not the smart way. The smart way is to connect all the threads so when we pull, it all comes out at once. With these fuckers, they’re slick, which means there’s no room for mistakes.”

  “Throw it in my face,” I bite out, swatting his hand off my thigh. “Thanks.”

  “Just stating the truth, little storm.” He rubs his hand up my thigh, ignoring my weak attempts to push him away. “Now tell me how you’re so sure. He was acting like a dick there at the end, but I don’t think it’s enough to draw that conclusion.”

  I shiver when his palm drifts higher up my thigh. Having his touch on me is distracting because I enjoy it immensely. After having been trapped for months as a bored captive, I’m desperate for his attention and affection.

  “Stormy,” he growls, pinching the inside of my thigh to get my attention. “Tell me how.”

  “Dragon was fine and joking with everyone about Gibson’s videos and all the comments, right?”

  He nods. “Right.”

  “But then…” I shiver despite the warm air. “Bizzy was reading all the comments that were funny, but then he read one that was familiar. Vidal said it to me when I was in the office with him and Collins. ‘You’re incomparable, and I can make you a star.’”

  Copper, who misses nothing, frowns. “I thought the comment was familiar, but I couldn’t place it. It’s because you’ve said it to me before.”

  “And Dragon had an immediate reaction. It came off as anger, but it could have been fear. What if he’s the one hiding from them?”

  Copper grows quiet as he stares out at the lake, lost in his own thoughts. I can’t help but touch his hair again. The tension in his shoulders relaxes slightly.

  “I need to call Koyn. We have to figure out what Dragon is hiding and why.” Copper turns his head to look at me. The sunlight makes his brown eyes warm to a honeyed color. “If he really is hiding from them, then the jig is up. They must assume he’s with us since they were already looking into it when you happened to show up at their office that day. Question is, why haven’t they moved forward?”

  “Because they don’t know for sure he’s with the Royal Bastards,” I answer, my blood pulsing with energy to do something productive. “Dragon has remained elusive to Koyn and your secret investigating. Surely if he can outsmart two of the smartest men alive, he can outsmart those slimy creeps.”

  “We need to find out who Dragon really is.”

  “Call him back to your house. We can drag the information out of him.” I scrape my fingernails through his hair along his scalp, making him groan in pleasure. “I have successful means to get information.”

  He tenses at my words. “No.”

  Gripping his hair, I tug his head back and glare at him. “I can do this. I’m good at this.”

  “Spreading your legs for information already bit you in the ass—”


  His brown eyes widen in shock that I’ve slapped him. Serves him right for being an asshole.

  “You will not fuck Dragon to get answers out of him,” he growls. “I won’t negotiate on this, Stormy.”

  “I don’t want to fuck him,” I snap, shoving away from him and walking back toward the bike. “I meant using what I was taught at Langley, not my goddamn pussy.”

  Of course he’d jump right to that conclusion. I haven’t given him any reason to think otherwise. With the men I’ve been with, I have used them for my own personal gain, but it doesn’t mean I was planning to ever willingly sleep with Dragon. Dragon is the type of guy who would be into freaky shit like knife play or something. No, thank you. I like my guys normal in the sack…not fucking freaks who like to make girls bleed.

  I’m more upset that Copper thinks I’d jump into bed with the first guy I need information from. We’ve gone months and I haven’t slept with Copper. That should prove I’m not this whore he thinks I am. Before I reach the bike, a strong arm loops around my front, jerking me backward. My back hits Copper’s solid chest as his mouth finds my ear.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Copper’s hot words against my ear have me melting in his arms. Sorry wasn’t a word I expected to ever come out of his mouth.

  “I’m not a whore,” I rasp out, hating that there’s no bite in my words. Only resignation. And stupid tears welling.

  “I know,” he croons. “I was just jealous.”

  He turns me in his arms so I’m facing him. Guilt flashes in his eyes. His palms find my ass, squeezing before he draws me flush against him. Leaning forward, he presses a kiss to my cheek that’s wet from a leaked tear.

  “I don’t want him,” I murmur. “I thought I made it perfectly clear who I want.”


  “No, idiot,” I grumble, trying to shove away from him, but fail. “You.”

  His lips quirk up into a pleased grin. “Say it again.”


  “I saw how you were looking at Bermuda…”

  He’s serious. Bermuda is cute in a good ol’ Southern boy kind of way, but definitely not the type of man I’m attracted to. I like a man who looks at me like he wants to eat me alive.

  The way Copper does right now.

  “Like a brother?” I scrunch my nose up in disgust. “He’s Bermuda. Don’t be gross, Copper.”

  He brings a hand to my jaw, his powerful fingers biting into it as he tilts my head back. “I will never be an agenda, Brenda.”

  I wince at the use of my name. “And I’ll never treat you like one, Jeremy.”

  He smirks and then lowers his lips to mine in a soft, sweet kiss. All lips and no tongue. I’m about to complain until I realize he’s smiling. Fucking teasing me. Asshole.

  “Hansel gives better kisses than you—”

  The words are chased back down my throat as his tongue thrusts into my mouth, possessive and greedy. The groan that follows sets my blood on fire, eliciting my own moan. His hand slides away from my jaw and spears roughly into my hair, tugging at the strands so he can keep me tilted up and prone to his delicious attack. He nips at my bottom lip as though it’s personally wronged him but then sucks away the hurt. I clutch at his T-shirt, pulling him closer to me, needing this kiss more than any kiss I’ve needed in my entire life.

  “So sweet,” he rumbles, his breath tickling my wet, swollen lips. “This is such a bad idea.”

  But he must not think it’s that bad of an idea because his lips are back on mine, bruising and owning. All I can do is allow this sexy, older man to claim me. Technically, I’m his captive, but right now, I feel like we’re on equal footing. Two people desperate to have the other.

  He breaks from our kiss to peck his way along my jaw and to my neck. His tongue slides along my flesh, sending shivers down my spine. I wish we were home.


  I almost laugh at that thought.

  “What?” He pulls away, his brows pinching together in concern. “What’s wrong?”

  My stupid heart does a squeeze in my chest. I hate that being trapped with Copper for so long, I’ve become this watered down, weaker version of myself. Not meeting his stare, I shrug.

  “Goddammit,” he rumbles. “Tell me what I did.”

  Snapping my head at him, I pin him with a glare. “I’m your captive. For a moment there, I almost forgot.”

  His jaw clenches and his brown eyes flare with fury. “No, little storm, you’re just mine.”

  Again, I want to melt at his words. This is the same man who insists on making me wear a shock collar. The one who handcuffs me to a bed each day so I don’t run away. God, I am so delusional.

  “Whatever,” I murmur. “Can we leave now?”

  He studies me for a beat. “Actually, not until you hear what I have to say, woman.”

  A rise of fiery anger swells inside me. Before I can open my mouth, he presses his thumb to my lips, shutting me up.

  “I took you, Stormy, because I didn’t want to see your ass end up in the fire beside Putnam and Genworth.”

wanted to punish me,” I accuse, shoving his muscular chest.

  “I wanted to find out what the fuck was going on with you,” he bites back, “but I wasn’t eager to have a fucking prisoner. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s quite a damn chore keeping you alive and well.”

  “You poor baby.”

  He grabs my hips, yanking me back to him. “You’ve been living in my house for months and it’s fucking with my head. I’m no longer interested in what I can get from you. I just want you.”

  I relax against him, hating that he can play my body like he owns it and my mind with all the right words. “I hate you,” I lie.

  Smug bastard grins. “Pout all you want, little storm, but I find it sexy as fuck.”

  “I can’t do this with you. I’m still the girl who was spying on you and your brother. You’ll never be able to trust or respect me. Hell, when we get home, you’ll probably take great satisfaction in cuffing me back to my bed.”

  His jaw clenches, annoyance glittering in his gaze. “Next time I cuff you, it’ll be in my bed. And it’ll be because I’ll want the freedom to explore you without interruption.”

  Heat flares across my chest and pools in my belly. “Your brother will be pissed.”

  My words hit their intended target because he flinches. I start to pull away again, but his large hands find my ass, keeping me flush against him.

  “Koyn will be on a need to know basis. Right now, whatever happens between us, is between us. Got it?”

  “Your secret side chick?”

  “A secret side chick would imply I have a wife, which I don’t.” His brow lifts. “You applying for the job?”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Take me home.”


  Ugh. Fucker.

  “Now, Copper.”

  He slides a hand into my hair, tightening his fist around it and tugging. “Last night was the last straw. Seeing you prance around without your bra and listening to you sass me was too much. Keeping you at a distance still wasn’t working. All day long, I think about your ass. I worry about you. I’m happy my dogs love you and that you’re no longer afraid of them.” He presses a kiss to my mouth. “I liked sleeping with you in my arms. It felt right, little storm. And when the guys showed up, flirting with you, I wanted to throttle each and every one of them. Know why?”


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