Outcast: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (The Pack Prophecy Book 1)

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Outcast: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (The Pack Prophecy Book 1) Page 20

by R. L. Caulder

  Within two minutes we approached the elders' hut, a trail of blood leading straight to the front door.

  I only scent Milo, Seneca, and Nicholas. It should be safe.

  Tentatively, we approached the door and pushed at it with our nose. It creaked open slowly and at the back of the room near the fireplace, Seneca and Nicholas laid on the floor holding hands in a pool of blood with Milo in a fighting stance in front of them.

  Are we too late?

  His shoulders sagged in relief as he recognized me, but then his fear took over as he spotted my own trail of blood. "Kira! What happened to you?"

  I took him in quickly, noting that he seemed to be in okay shape, with only slight tears in his clothes and a light dusting of blood spray on them.

  Good, we can focus fully on the two elders now.

  I couldn't shift back in our current state, and now wasn't the time to have a conversation with Milo, so we ignored him and padded over to the injured couple to examine the extent of their wounds.

  I thought I would break when I saw their bloody, entwined hands. Even at death's doorstep, they clung to one another, each giving what strength and reassurance they could to the other. The depth of their love knocked the breath out of me, as if it were my own lungs filling with blood.

  No, I won't let this happen. They cannot die.

  Nicholas had a gaping slash across his belly, parts of his intestines visible beneath the mangled flesh and blood, while Seneca had a deep cut from her hip all the way down to her calf. There was no visible injury, but the blood pooling around her head indicated that she likely had a wound there too. Fuck, we can't burn the poison out of both of them at the same time.

  Nicholas would want us to heal her, even if it meant sacrificing his life.

  Seneca would want the same for him!

  Pulling from my own despair and turmoil at the thought of it being myself and one of my mates lying there, I knew I would easily give my life.

  It is the way of the shifters, Kira. The men will always put their mate above themselves.

  Knowing we couldn't stand here and argue while their lives hung in the balance, I relented.

  Lux felt my mental shift and placed a paw lightly on Seneca’s stomach. We retreated into our shared space and allowed ourselves to fall into the Shadowscape.

  Peering down at Seneca in the monochromatic void, we saw that her soul burned a pale pink beneath a shroud of darkness, with black lines leaching into the pink and pulsating outwards. This was different than Jameson's had been, and it looked more advanced with the dark lines drifting into her like a network of veins.


  I stroked our inner flame, inviting it to answer my call, and it roared to life immediately, awaiting my command. Reaching out and softly gripping her soul in my palm, I felt how it barely thrummed, the tether weak, and it seemed to beg to leave her body.

  No, you can't leave yet.

  Directing the warmth of my azure flames to encompass her soul and burn the traces of the Daimona's poison out, I waited impatiently to see the flecks of black waft away. But nothing happened. No matter the amount of energy I directed into her, the poison remained.

  It has taken over her body completely, Kira. If it's seeping into her brain, I'm worried that this is the start of transformation. Her soul wants to leave, but this infection is controlling her brain as if not giving her the opportunity to give into death.

  No! I'm not giving up on her!

  Kira. We have to respect her soul's wishes and help her find peace.

  I can do this!

  Straining until the shadows pulsed and my vision became hazy, I continued to imbue her with my flames, screaming in my mind as I did.

  I felt a searing sensation in my palm and released her soul, horrified to see a black shell beginning to form over her soul completely. Just a sliver of pink remained.

  Why is this not working like it did with Jameson?

  Her wounds are too severe for even her to even shift into her wolf in order to heal, Kira. We need to help her in the only way we can.

  I felt Lux’s mind fighting to take over, and I gave in.

  Returning to our normal plane of vision, I saw Seneca's soft eyes gazing up at us as a single tear leaked from the corner. "Free us, Kira."

  Her plea broke me when I realized what she wanted of me. I couldn't kill her.

  Lux enveloped me with pure love and comfort in our mind and gently spoke to me.

  Shut this out. I can do this for us. You don't need to see it.

  At first I wanted to accept her offer, but then I realized that it would be the weakest decision I could ever make. Seneca had shown me kindness and support when it mattered. The least I could do was repay her in her final moments and respect her wishes.

  I need to do it. I need to watch and say goodbye.

  Our heavy paw moved to lay above Seneca’s heart, and her tears began to fall in earnest as she nodded her head ever so slightly. Closing her eyes, she whispered, "Grant Nicholas the same reprieve so that our souls may find one another in the afterlife. I beg you."

  Dropping our muzzle to her face, we nudged her lightly and licked her cheek, both in answer and as a goodbye.

  "I believe in you, Kira," were her last words as Lux plunged our sharp claws easily into her chest, piercing her heart. Turning to Nicholas, Lux repeated the same process as he whispered, "Wait for me...my love."

  A howl tore from our throat and our souls felt like they shattered as we watched them leave this life. Knowing they left this life together was the only lifeline that kept me above the waters of sorrow.

  I fucking hate the Daimona, and I hate the alpha for allowing this massacare to happen to what was supposed to be his pack! We are killing him. Today.

  Our body has healed enough that our wounds are not life threatening, if you wish to speak with Milo.

  Control of our body easily switched from Lux to me, and the shift occurred with only a faint pain pulsating from my stomach as I stood to my full height. Looking down, I took in the angry red marks, breathing a sigh of relief that the bleeding had stopped.

  My anger and grief morphed into an overwhelming wave of emotions that I didn't know how to process as I stared down at the entwined hands of the now-dead elders I had come to respect so much in the past two days.

  Check to see if the Daimona's grip is still on them. We need to know how the infection works.

  Quickly hopping back into the Shadowscape, we breathed a sigh of relief. The poison seemed to dissipate without the host alive. There was no burning soul and no remnants of the Daimona’s black infection.

  Pulling back to the present, I felt hot tears tracking down my face as warm arms encircled my waist. I leaned back into Milo's comforting embrace, allowing myself just a moment to compose myself. Sniffling and wiping away the wetness, I turned in his arms, preparing to tell him the truth of what transpired since they left me in the Pit.

  With my focus on him now, I suddenly realized how odd it was that he still wore clothes if he’d been fighting. "Did you not shift to fight?"

  His jaw tightened. "We didn't have time. They swarmed out of the tree line like an infestation. Seth and I took off to draw them away from you and ended up amidst the war raging in the village. I managed to grab Seneca and Nicholas and tried to get them to safety while Seth circled back for you."

  Taking a shaky breath, I blew it out and laid it all out there. "The alpha is on their side, Milo. He cornered me and told me everything, threatening to kill my mates if I didn't cooperate." Milo’s mouth dropped open, and his eyes widened in fear and shock as I continued.

  "Seth interrupted us, and the alpha hurt me to make it look like the Daimona had attacked me. I don't have time to get into all of the details, but I need you to trust me. We have to take him out and protect the pack."

  His mouth set into a firm line, and he nodded once as his body tensed. "Let's kill that fucker."

  Relieved by his instant belief in me, we gave into our wo
lves and shifted, taking off for the village.

  I'm tracking Seth and Jameson to the same area.

  Good. Let's hope they're okay.

  As much as it ached, I was done trying to make things work with Jameson—but that didn't mean I wanted him to die.

  Milo's large wolf shot ahead of us, alert and scouting around us for imminent threats as he raced to the central village area. No Daimona were in sight, but wounded shifters in both wolf and human form were being brought in to be treated.

  We need to heal those that aren't too far gone with infection, immediately.

  Jameson and Seth were on the far side of the space tending to a few children, and we ran towards them. A loud voice boomed as I reached them, causing us to spin around in defense.

  "Betrayer!" the alpha screamed, pointing towards me. He was riddled with wounds, blood flowing freely from them.

  He probably did that to himself.

  Growling at the alpha’s proclamation, our hackles raised, ready to defend ourselves and our mates behind us.

  "I told you all that she was a loose cannon! She attacked me, and look at her now, snarling and ready to attack me once more!" he yelled, faking a wounded expression as he did.

  I'm taking over. I will expose his traitorous ass.

  Shifting once more, I stared down the true traitor. "You attacked me! You cornered me in the Pit and sliced into me when you were about to be exposed!" I gestured down to the red lines across my stomach, not giving a shit about my nudity on full display.

  A chorus of voices yelled out, defending the alpha.

  "He would never hurt one of our own! Even you."

  "How dare you accuse our alpha of such atrocities!"

  "You are so ungrateful for everything he's done for you! He should have never taken you in."

  Their adamant defense of him made me quickly realize that I would never convince them of the truth. Only one option remained.

  To kill the fucker.

  My voice rang out for all to hear, unwavering and full of steel, "I challenge you for the position of Alpha of this pack."

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  The pack went silent, everyone halting their movements to turn and stare at me with gaping mouths. With their attentioned riveted on me, the alpha allowed the darkness to leak onto his face for a brief moment as he sneered at me.

  "You're a pup. I will not kill you in a duel. Instead, I will outlaw you from this pack. You are banished to be a lone wolf, effective immediately." His response dripped with feigned benevolence, and I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

  I refused to go down without outing him. "I may not have been treated and raised as a shifter in my time here, but I did learn a few things. You are not allowed to decline a duel. Your allegiance truly lies with the Daimona and their master, and as such, you are unfit to lead this pack."

  I'm so proud of you.

  Whispers and gasps sounded in response to my words, and I pushed on. "You killed my parents and took me in, knowing I was the prophetess and savior mentioned in The Dark Prophecy. You let Maya be killed in hopes that the Daimona you sent would also kill me. And today, you allowed this massacre to happen while you attempted to threaten me into submission so you could force me to mate with your master."

  I heard Jameson's strangled gasp as the alpha stared at me with pity in his eyes, continuing his charade.

  Stalking slowly towards him, I hammered the nail in the coffin. "Did you tell your pack that the Daimona are turned shifters who become infected by other Daimona during an attack?"

  Seth piped up behind me, “It’s true. He told me that himself while we were down in the Pit after the Daimona we held prisoner attacked Kira.”

  No need to correct him on who actually attacked me right now.

  The alpha didn't respond, and I threw the gauntlet one more time, "Fight me! It is my right to challenge you."

  Suddenly the pack emerged from their frozen shock, and his underlings moved to stand in front of him defensively. "You must go through us first," the stocky man in the front stated.

  Shaking my head, I sighed heavily. "I don’t wish to hurt anyone else in the pack. We’ve been through enough tonight. Please step aside."

  The alpha had the audacity to chuckle at my words. From behind his pack of underlings, he answered, "Coming from the person who tried to hurt the pack tonight by killing their alpha. That's rich, Kira. Please step aside men, I have this handled. I appreciate your loyalty though."

  The men parted instantly, revealing the alpha’s smug face once more.

  I want to rip that look off his face with my claws.

  I'm right there with you. I want to burn it off with my fire.

  "Your words are blasphemous, and I can prove your lies right here and now. I didn't want to do it this way, as it should have been a private moment, but you leave me no choice." Looking off to the side he called out, "Maya."

  My stomach leapt into my throat. He’d called out her name like he was summoning her. But that wasn’t possible...was it? I heard shuffling feet, then the smell of pine assaulted me, alerting me to Jameson’s presence just before he brushed past me.

  Seeing his face in passing broke my heart. So much hope shone through the tears welling in his eyes as he shook with nerves.

  It couldn't be Maya. I knew in my heart that there was no coming back. I had witnessed firsthand what Daimona could do and what they truly were beneath the darkness.

  The pack released another collective gasp as she emerged from the trees, and my breath caught at the sight of her milky skin, beautiful auburn hair, and hazel eyes. She looked flawless, her loose curls bouncing around her glowing skin. A soft smile curled her lips, and her gaze locked onto Jameson.

  How is this possible? She looks exactly like she did sixteen years ago.

  We know that some Daimona have a higher level of thought than others. Perhaps there is a more advanced stage of the infection where they are able to shift like we are, but with the Daimona always in control mentally. Just using the human skin.

  Fuck. There's no way we can prove that when no one wants to listen to a word I've already said. They hold him in such high regard that they can't even wrap their brains around the idea of him betraying the pack.

  Jameson fell to his knees as he breathed out, "How?"

  "As you can see, Kira's words are false. Obviously I would never have sacrificed my mate and she has not turned into one of those demons despite her wounds that day. Maya has returned to us being held captive all these years. She managed to escape when they all rallied to attack us tonight.”

  Tears fell freely down Jameson's face as everything he'd ever wanted stood in front of him. His mother. Alive. At least that's what he thought she was. Why would he think any differently?

  I itched to go to him and comfort him—to tell him that this was a farce—but I couldn't bring myself to. He had hurt me one too many times and made his loyalties clear in our last parting. My heart squeezed with pain and yearning, but I wouldn't continue to lay myself at his feet for him to use as a doormat when he saw fit.

  Maya walked over and fit herself under the alpha's outstretched arm, and he tucked her firmly against his side. Pinning Jameson with a pained look, he brought fake tears to his eyes as he spoke. "You have a choice to make, son. Stay with us and let us rebuild our family. Or leave with that pathetic child who betrayed us all today by attacking me."

  I refused to look at Jameson as I felt his stare burning a hole in the side of my face. I already knew what he would choose, and I refused to allow any spark of hope to light within me. This would hurt enough as it was.

  Make your thoughts clear to him so you can walk away with peace of mind.

  Jameson stood, taking a step towards his parents as Maya moved towards him, arms outstretched in welcome.

  Nerves and sorrow rattled me internally, but I didn't let my voice waver. "If you choose your father's side after everything I've told you, and if you allow him to exile me, I w
ill never give you another chance. Because I promise you this: A time will come where his atrocities are laid bare, and you will see the monster that lies beneath that facade. But it will be too late."

  I felt the presence of Milo and Seth at my shoulders, and their support gave me strength to stand tall when Jameson glanced back over his shoulder.

  Seth softly added, "The same goes for me, brother. I saw his lies for myself today."

  Confusion blanketed Jameson's face as he glanced back and forth between his two possible futures, each so drastically different. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he looked to the ground and bit his lip. His eyes closed tightly as he nodded, coming to a decision.

  Looking up to meet my gaze, he broke my heart for the last time. "We were doomed from the beginning. We're better off without each other." To Seth he added, "I'll miss you, brother."

  With those parting words, he walked to Maya and held her in his embrace, rocking back and forth from foot to foot. He’d made his decision.

  Seth and Milo entwined their fingers with mine and squeezed at the same time.

  "We'll get through this, Kitten."

  "I love you, Kira. It’ll be okay."

  Fighting to hold the tears at bay and not crumble from the pain and finality of Jameson's rejection, I tried to focus on my other mates’ words. Milo's admission of love held together those pieces of me that threatened to break, like he’d sworn he'd do for me: hold me together so tightly that I couldn't shatter.

  Seth's line in the sand with Jameson and unwavering devotion over the past few days felt like a lifeline keeping me afloat.

  You're not alone.

  A wicked smile lit the alpha's face as his green eyes glinted with malice, and my blood boiled. He thought he'd won.

  "You are not worthy of a duel as a traitor to the pack. Leave now and say a prayer to Selene that the Daimona aren't lying in wait for you, child." His words probably sounded normal for an alpha expelling a shifter from the pack, but I heard the underlying menace and intent behind his words.

  He had the Daimona waiting to pick off my mates and capture me so he could complete his delivery to his master.


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