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Reinstated Page 2

by Elliot Watts

  Increasingly they reached into more aspects of everyone's daily lives. They indoctrinated children into the hive mentality they then pushed. People fought back, but it was too late. They were too powerful. Big Brother was everywhere and intertwined into almost every aspect of people's lives and like cockroaches, they spread further out into the galaxy.

  "We've connected to the docking port and preparing to go in," reported Zulu's team leader. They were running a final diagnostic.

  You had to give it to the Federation Corp., though - they were great at colonization of new habitats. They could make an ice rock in a remote part of the galaxy liveable.

  Common people didn't move around much unless somewhere became overcrowded. This only resulted in a way of exploiting all humanity. People didn't really have a choice though.

  The Federation Corp.'s AI colonization system had a deep knowledge about everyone and placed people according to the current need. They needed no future planning for a bright mind because another one would come along to fill a need at a later time. Such was the life in the Federation Corp.

  The Federation Corp. had expanded to most known habitable planets in the galaxy. Terraforming was a new technology that AI had all but perfected after a few mishaps and theoretically made lives or environments better and more tailored to the advancement of the Federation Corp. Most of the early colonization efforts were the worst places to live.

  This mission should be a cakewalk for the Federation Corp. Done right, a simple mutiny should be easy enough for them to squash. They would lose lives, but the Federation Corp. would live on.

  Zulu team opened the docking port and crossed over into RMPC-28. Lights blinked and dimmed in a random pattern. From the feed some kind of skirmish had occurred. The walls were damaged and blood was on the floor.

  "Captain, are you seeing this?" Zulu's team leader his eyebrows. "Where are the bodies?"

  "What was that?" One of the Zulu team members pointed into the darkness.

  There was a loud noise that sounded like it came from the ceiling and they lost one video feed and then another. The soldiers screamed and fired their blasters. They lost another video feed. There were three left including the team lead.

  "Where are they coming from?" Another Zulu team member fired a stream of blasts into the darkness.

  Captain Greesley tightened his fists. "Zulu team, pull back. That's an order!"

  Just as Zulu team retreated, the lights go out in the hall. Their HUDs instantly switched to infrared.

  "I think they're behind us now, too." Zulu team leader's video feed was fuzzy and green and hard to make out what was being seen.

  One of the Zulu soldiers screamed and fired non-stop into the walls. "They're in the walls!"

  "What are in the walls?" Lieutenant Kamara fired back.

  They lost another video feed and then another.

  "It looks like..." Zulu team leader's voice trailed off. He pulled out a grenade and activated it. His video feed disappeared in a bright flash.

  It was over. Zulu team's effort fell short.

  Lieutenant Kamara tapped on a screen with vigor. "Captain, we're not able to hail the shuttle. The docking port door must have still been open because the detonation damaged the shuttle and AI is offline. We're not able to control it, even from remote."


  "Alpha team, Bravo team, let's get moving. You're up." Captain Greesley's voice boomed.

  Both teams moved with urgency.

  Asher and the rest of Alpha team settled into their seats as the AI pilot closed the shuttle door and prepared to launch.

  Asher pushed away thoughts of failing the mission. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not now. This was his only shot at seeing his family again. The way he and his team saw the situation, failure was not an option.

  "So, are we talking mutiny or something else?" said Johannes.

  "Don't tell me you're thinking aliens or something too?" said Chavez.

  "Admit, after seeing the live stream of what happened to Zulu team, it doesn't seem to be your standard terrorist M.O.," said Walker.

  "Either way, whoever or whatever it is has taken over RMPC-28 and needs to be dealt with," said Dixon.

  "We're gonna crush 'em," said Delaware.

  "Hell yeah we are," said Chavez.

  "You know the drill. Remember to pay attention to your HUDs. They should help you determine who or what is in the area and what choice of weapons and other tactics that could help defeat these terrorists." Dixon adjusted his helmet.

  "Try not to go in too cocky and have an open mind. If we do that, we just might win this fight and make it home to see our loved ones again," said Asher.

  “Can I get an ‘hooah’,” exclaimed Chavez.

  "Hooah!" the team echoed.

  Bravo team's shuttle docked at the right side docking port near the primary docking bay. This was just on the other side of the docking bay where Zulu team met its fate.

  Alpha team headed to the far side of RMPC-28. It would be another 5-10 minutes until they reached their destination.

  Alpha team remained silent the rest of the way to their destination. Each member focused on the upcoming task. None of them wanted to fall short of their goal to defeat the terrorists and reclaim RMPC-28, but going home in a body bag was definitely off the table. They would need to stay alert and sharp to defeat their common enemy.

  Asher's squad had been on plenty of missions together where it looked like they might not make it out alive, but this one topped them all as the grimmest situation they had ever been assigned to.

  Their freedom and lives were at stake. They were a great team, one of the best teams in the Federation Corp. military, but history shows that being exceptional at one thing doesn't mean you'll be acceptable at something else. This scenario was unique, and they knew it.

  Usually the shuttle AIs would handle flying and docking, but without comm connections to RMPC-28, manual control was necessary. Delaware's approached too fast - he flinched as the shuttle banged hard into the dock. His shuttle flying skills were rusty, but he managed a successful handshake with the docking port.

  This side of RMPC-28 was dark, and even though he and his team's body armor had climate control, he felt cold. He felt like something watched them from a distance.

  Chavez gripped her rifle. "Let's do this."

  Everyone checked their gear one last time.

  The docking port doors swished opened and Alpha team stepped through the threshold. The outer docking port door shut and the depressurization protocol started.

  "I never liked this part," said Walker.

  "Nobody does," said Delaware.

  "Two minutes until depressurization is complete," said the computer's notification system.

  Walker's right leg bounced up and down.

  "Almost there," said Chavez.

  Johannes held up his hand. "Wait, do you hear that?"

  Everybody leaned forward and tilted their heads to pick up what Johannes heard.

  Chavez heard it next. "What the... is that air leaking?" They heard a high-pitched whistle like noise.

  An alarm sounded and red lights alerted them to the danger. The computer's notification system alerted them of the issue, "Warning, there is a risk of failure for the depressurization procedure. The outer docking bay door can not seal properly. Two minutes till depressurization is complete." Their HUDs are of no use in this kind of situation.

  "Point in case, this is why I hate this procedure." Walker's eyes widened. "Holy shit! There's a crack in the glass."

  "Can we plug it up with anything?" asked Johannes.

  "Sure, let me whip out my can of 'Seal it Tight' or a roll of duct tape might do the trick," quipped Chavez.

  "That's it!" Johannes ran over to a cabinet on the wall, opened it, then pulled something out. It was a med kit. "Should be able to use the combat skin adhesive in this kit to seal that crack and stop it from leaking. This shit's supposed to be super strong."

thinking, Private Johannes. If we make it through this, I'm putting you in for a medal," said Dixon.

  "I'll name my first born after you," encouraged Delaware.

  "Thanks, guys." Johannes stands up as though he's about to do an acceptance speech at the Academy Awards.

  "Johannes," prodded Asher.

  "Yeah, Sarge."

  "The adhesive, the crack in the glass..."

  "Oh yeah," Johannes grabbed the can and read aloud. "1. Shake can for 30 seconds. 2. Spray wound liberally."

  The computer's notification system broadcasted again. "One minute till depressurization is complete."

  All the soldiers yell at Johannes in unison, "Shake it!"

  Johannes shook the can vigorously. About 15 seconds go by.

  "Spray it already," said Walker.

  "Anytime now," jabbed Delaware.

  "Just a little more..."

  "For the love of... just spray it, Johannes!" yelled Chavez.

  "And 30." Johannes smiled as he ripped off the can's cap and sprayed the crack.

  The system announced another notification. "30 seconds till depressurization is complete."

  Everyone in the room held their breath and stared at where the crack in the glass was. Johannes emptied the can and stood back from the glass. The room was silent and nobody moved.

  “5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Depressurization is complete.” The inner door hissed and opened. Alpha team scrambled out.

  Delaware shut the door quickly. He turned to Johannes and held his hands up in disbelief. "You shook it for the full 30 seconds?"

  "Yeah," Johannes was sure of himself.

  There was a loud crack and everybody watched on as the depressurization room glass shattered and got sucked into space. Their shuttle floated away.

  Everyone turned and glared at Johannes.

  "It said 30 seconds. I cut that shit short in my combat first aid class at AIT and Drill Sergeant Anderson almost bit my head off."

  Everyone blinked at Johannes.

  "What? Oh, wait... you're welcome."

  "Good job, Private Johannes," Dixon got out.

  "Yeah... we're still alive, but our shuttle is floating away into the darkness and we have no way back," said Chavez.

  "Yes, we do." Asher scanned each member of his team. "We're gonna take this rock back! Who's with me?"

  "Hooah!" the rest of the team whooped in unison.


  Alpha team's celebration ended when the computer notification system declared, "Pressurization compromised. Overriding default protocol with emergency procedure."

  "That doesn't sound like something I want to experience," said Chavez.

  "What does that mean?" said Johannes.

  Delaware glanced over his left shoulder and saw a door closing in the distance. "Run!"

  The team sprinted for the door but they were too late. The door had sealed itself shut. Delaware slammed his fists against the door. His head dropped.

  "What do we do now?" Said Walker.

  "I think crying might be in order," said Chavez.

  "I've shed all the tears I'm gonna to shed on this trip," said Dixon.

  "We can't go out like this. Everybody think," said Asher.

  A few minutes went by.


  "We could override the emergency protocol," said Delaware.

  "Not possible from here. Only RMPC-28 Command Center could do that." Said Dixon.

  "I say we pound the friggin' door with our blasters till it gives," said Chavez.

  "They make the door and walls of an alloy impenetrable with a standard issued blaster," said Asher.

  "That's it," said Johannes.

  "What's it?" said Chavez.

  "We're gonna run out of air," said Walker.

  "No, I mean, if we can't go through the door then we go through the vents," said Johannes.

  "Didn't you hear the Sergeant? Ship's made of kryptonite or something. We aren't getting through," said Delaware.

  "The doors and walls are, yeah, but not the air vents." Everybody starred and waited for Johannes to continue.

  "Never told anybody this before because I didn't want to get in trouble or something, but when I was in Basic, a few of the guys in my platoon and I couldn't stand being cooped up, so we snuck out... through the vents. One guy had vent cleaning detail. With proper clearance and a key, we got through," explained Johannes.

  "The vents are closed and locked, numb nuts, and we don't have a key," said Chavez.

  "Yeah, we didn't either. He couldn't keep the key checked out, but they aren't made of vibranium or whatever it's called. We were clueless, so we used the blow torches on the ends of our rifles to cut a hole big enough for us to squeeze through," said Johannes.

  "Is that correct, Sergeant?" said Chavez.

  "If that's true, that's the biggest gaping hole in security I've ever seen my entire career in the Federation Corp. Let's hope he's right. Besides, might be more advantageous to not be strolling down the halls."

  "I second that motion. Shit didn't work out so well for Zulu team when they strolled down the hall," Chavez said.

  Delaware and Walker moved a small podium used for greeting visiting parties or something. They positioned the platform under the vent closest to the door.

  "Let's roll, Johannes," said Delaware.

  Johannes pulled himself up on top of the podium. He stood on his toes and raised his rifle and jumped repeatedly. Each time he pushed on the vent cover a little more. "This first one is easy. Just pops out." He pushed the vent cover to the side.

  "So far so good," said Chavez.

  "I'm gonna need a boost," said Johannes.

  Walker and Delaware squeezed on top of the podium with Johannes. The two soldiers squatted down. Johannes stood on top. The top of the podium didn't have much real estate. The platform swayed under the strain of the unbalanced weight. Johannes reached upward for the hole in the ceiling. He was a little shy and still couldn't reach the edge of the vent.

  "I can't reach, you're gonna have to stand up more to get me high enough," said Johannes.

  Johannes had one foot on each soldier's shoulder.

  "I bet you're enjoying this," said Walker.

  Johannes smiled.

  Delaware and Walker grabbed each other's arms and with a huge effort, stood high enough and Private Johannes climbed in the vent.

  Johannes turned around and popped his head out of the vent and said, "I'll be right back, wish me luck."

  Alpha team waited and listened as Johannes worked on cutting through the sealed air vent.

  A few minutes later he once again popped his head back out the square hole in the ceiling. "I'm sorry," he said.

  "Don't say that," said Delaware.

  "You couldn't cut through?" said Chavez.

  "No, I got through but I don't think I made it big enough for PFC Walker's fat head," said Johannes.

  The team glared at him.

  "So, that's two medals we're talking about now, right Sergeant?"

  "You're not gonna receive a single one if we don't get a move on, Private," Sergeant Dixon emphasised the word 'Private'.

  "Roger that, Sergeant."


  Even though it was a tight fit, Alpha team was moving at an acceptable clip considering all the gear they were wearing and that they were crawling.

  Delaware lifted his right hand and flicked off a sticky substance. "I hate small spaces and what the hell is this goop I keep putting my hands in? Shit's all over my trigger finger."

  Dixon looked down and flung a bit of goop he wiped off his knee. "Must be buildup from the air unit system or something."

  "How old is this place?" Chavez asked.

  "Old enough," said Walker.

  "Well, don't blame me. I don't remember this crap. They need to do a better job of PMCSing their shit," Johannes said.

  "I'll put it in my report," Asher said. "Sergeant Dixon, maybe now would be a good time to do a little recon."

  "Corporal Del
aware, at the next vent pull out your flex-cam. Check for hostiles."

  "Roger that, Sergeant."

  Delaware shimmied ahead. When he reached the next vent, he pulled out his flex-cam, got into low crawl position and fed the end of the device through the air shaft grate. When it was through, he powered it up.

  Delaware shared his video stream of the flex-cam to the rest of the squad. No inmates, no RMPC-28 personnel, no terrorists, the hall was empty.

  "Kinda creepy being on this rock with nobody around," Chavez said.

  "Too quiet," said Asher.

  "Maybe they left," Walker said.

  "What was that?" Chavez peered into the darkness.

  They all got quiet and still.

  At the end of the hall where it T'd off, the flex-cam video feed showed movement. It was far away, so Delaware zoomed in.

  When the camera finally focused, Sergeant Asher's eyes got big. It was two inmates of RMPC-28. They appeared to be just hanging around. They didn't appear to be watching out for anything or even talking. Could it be this easy, he thought.

  "This will be a breeze," Delaware said.

  "Zulu team thought something similar, too... remember what happened to them?" said Chavez.

  "Zulu team didn't go in half cocked and overconfident, they had no idea what they were up against," said Asher.

  "Okay then, how do we do this? Do we mosey on over to where they ambushed Zulu team hoping to figure out how to take these bastards out?" said Walker.

  Asher could feel the tension but knew the next plan of action was unavoidable. "That's precisely what we're gonna do."

  The team looked at Asher in surprise. Dixon spoke up, "Sergeant, are you sure about this?"

  "I'm not sure about anything, but doing a little recon to gather Intel that can help us defeat the bad guys, I'm all for it. The way I figure, we'll end up just like Zulu team if we don't. Anybody have any better ideas?"

  The rest of Alpha team remained quiet.

  "Corporal Delaware, map out a route to Zulu team's last location and lead the way."


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