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Anointed Page 3

by Sara B Gauldin

  Today the steps and the wide veranda that surrounded the building were noticeably empty. The stream of those requesting an audience from the Council was at a standstill. The Council had scheduled a rare special session. The situation they gathered to address was unique. The possibility that a corporeal entity had returned from their mortal life with a message from the lost guide, Terra, was pivotal. If Terra had truly managed to exist on the planet of matter and was asking for help against a new threat, then every bit of information must be analyzed before the committee could respond.


  “The council of the One calls Liliana forward,” Chairman Maxton’s booming voice reverberated inside the domed chamber. His flowing white robes made him seem like a permanent fixture in the revered council chamber.

  Liliana stood up from her seat with no hesitation; her picturesque beauty covered any signs of doubt she may have had. “I am here.” Her voice was smooth and even. She moved to the podium with spry steps, then turned, meeting the Chairman Maxton's gaze with unabashed candor as she tucked an errant strand of her long dark hair behind her ear.

  “As you know, the council has been considering the strange information presented regarding Carol, one of your mortal charges,” he glanced back at the small panel of ancient council members before continuing. “We were surprised when your fellow guides, Halle, Christopher, and Bruce came forward with such inflammatory information. If so many doubts surrounded the reception of your charge from the mortal world, it would have been more appropriate for YOU to bring these matters to our attention. Instead, we have entertained a stream of concerned guides who have bits and pieces of information.” The Chairman paused to glare down at Liliana.

  “I acted to protect Carol,” Liliana gripped the podium.

  “When the Council last asked you to bring Carol to address these issues, you indicated that somehow you cannot find your charge. Despite your innate ability to follow every thought and emotion of your charge, you claim not to know her whereabouts. You have been given time and space to remedy this situation. Why haven’t you brought your charge with you to clarify this matter as you have been instructed?”

  Liliana fidgeted with a strand of hair as she chewed her lip. “I regret that Carol is unable to join our meeting today. There is a strange turn of events that prevents...”

  “I warn you Liliana, do not mince words here,” The Chairman bellowed. “The situation you have come to discuss is not to be taken lightly.” He leaned over his podium towards the veteran guide.

  Liliana took a small step back as she attempted to meet his gaze. Her attempt to maintain the façade of composed calm was failing. "I... I understand. The thing is I still can’t find Carol.” She looked down at her hands as she grasped them before her.

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand. Your charge has passed successfully into the Tweens following her mortal death. You clearly are aware of that fact, yet you choose not to disclose your charge to the view of this council?”

  Liliana squared her shoulders. “I assure you all that if I could find Carol, I would have brought her here to clarify the situation. Carol arrived in the Tweens after her mortal death. When I connected with her memories, I was shocked to see recollections that could not be her own. I believe that Carol was somehow damaged when the guide, Terra chose to follow her charge, Liam after his mortal transition.”

  At the council table, a woman, dressed in the flowing white gowns of the council suddenly stood. “I would like permission to question this guide.”

  The Chairman nodded his acceptance "Yes, Chairwoman Weslyn, please step forward." Maxton stepped aside as his fellow ancient approached the main podium.

  Weslyn was stout, and her dark complexion stood out in contrast with the stark whiteness of the robes she wore. “Liliana, we know your theories about Terra affecting Carol when she was chosen to give birth to Liam. We have questioned the members of your committee who heard that testimony as well. The question here remains, what is it that you witnessed that led you to such extreme actions? You know it is forbidden to erase or damage the human memories of your charge, yet you chose to act on your own when others would not support your actions.”

  “I, I had no choice,” Liliana stammered.

  “All you had was a choice; clearly, you did not choose wisely. Since you have failed to produce your charge, I demand that you submit your own memories to be searched and evaluated by this council today. We will see for ourselves what you witnessed through your charge, Carol’s memories. And we will understand what part you have in her disappearance.”

  Liliana's eyes widened. “You can’t really be serious. I'm a guide, not a corporeal being. You expect me to submit my memories for inspection?”

  “That is exactly what you will do,” Councilwoman Weslyn met Liliana’s gazed with unwavering authority.

  Liliana looked back down toward her clasped hands. “I only wanted to protect Carol. When I lost touch with her for so long during her mortal lifetime, I thought I would never reach her again. I thought she had become one of the lost ones. But then she returned to the Tweens so suddenly.”

  Councilman Maxton spoke up, “If it is true that your charge returned from the ranks of those who are lost, this council believes that her case merits special attention. The mortal world is changing. While we cannot say for sure what is happening there, clearly each day, more and more souls are lost to their guides. If your memories of your charge’s experiences can shed some light on this phenomenon, then we should waste no more time debating this matter. Step forward Liliana of the Tweens. Join hands with our council and allow us to understand this matter more fully.”

  Liliana’s lips pressed into a line. After a long moment, she spoke, “I will share my memories, in hopes that my charge can be found.” She stepped slowly forward before extending her hands to the waiting council members. One by one the remaining member of the ancient group joined in the silent exchange revealing so much more than the endless debate could have unveiled.

  Suddenly, Chairman Maxton stepped back in awe. “Earth has been breached! Assemble a team; volunteers only. They will be dispatched to the mortal world immediately!”

  “Will they be sacrificed?” another councilman spoke up. “The ancient knowledge suggests that their energy will not survive the exposure to the matter of Earth. The corporeals are protected by their bodies.”

  “If what Liliana witnessed in Carol’s memories of the world of the mortals is true, then that belief was misguided. We have sat in an omniscient stupor too long! Today we must act. If Terra battles this Scourge force alone, humanity will not last. We cannot leave her to fight this enemy with no support any longer!

  Brendan spoke out from the back of the council chamber, “I volunteer. I've witnessed these memories for myself, and I'm not afraid to go to Earth.”

  “Brendan has volunteered, are there any others here who would like to step forward?”

  “I'll go to Earth,” the pretty, petite guide was the antitheses of Brendan. “I want to help her.”

  “Elise and Brendan have stepped forward. I believe both are of your committee, Liliana. Will you volunteer your own service?”

  “I feel my obligation is to my charge,” Liliana said. “I will remain here and continue to search for Carol.”

  “A noble sentiment, but my concern is for Carol,” Chairman Maxton said. “Your good intentions have come at a high cost for one who you claim to protect. No, not you; we will send out a search party for Carol as well. For now, you should return to your own home and remain there where you can cause no further damage! We will arrange for you to be escorted there. Now, leave this chamber so that we can focus on the task of repairing the damage you have done.”

  “If the numbers of corrupted, evil entities on Earth are so great, sending Elise and Brendan to Terra’s aid will not be enough,” the second chairwoman spoke with the wheezy voice of someone who did not normally use their effort to speak aloud. “We will need more volunteers immed
iately. We will need a way to send these brave guides to earth safely.”

  “I may know where to find a few more willing volunteers,” Brendan said. “Let Elise and me try to find others to help us.”

  “Very well,” Chairman Maxton proclaimed. “We will investigate what must be done for you to make this journey.”


  As they left the Council Chamber, Brendan rushed toward the common area with Elise a step behind him. His silent footsteps against the crystalline pathway through the Tweens were barely visible in his haste.

  “What's your plan?” Elise asked. “The other guides won't understand. To them, going to the mortal world means certain destruction.”

  “I think they'll come,” said Brendan, “if they really understand what is at stake.”

  “I thought you had a plan,” Elise complained.

  “Be patient; let me try to appeal to the guide’s need to protect their charges.” Brendan climbed on to a low stage platform at the center of the common area. The structure itself was made of the same crystalline material as the pathway, yet it stood above the terrain as though it had grown there organically. The singer who was in mid-performance gave Brendan a startled look but did not break from his song. Brendan approached him and spoke into his ear: “I need to make an announcement, there is an emergency situation.” The singer nodded and stepped back, yielding the floor to Brendan. As he did, the band realized that there was a change, and the music dwindled away. As Brendan turned to the crowd, he realized that his knees were shaking.

  “I’ve come here today to ask for your help,” said Brendan. He paused as he looked out at too many eyes evaluating his every word. “There's a situation in the human world that we are just learning about. We have all known for some time that a force; many of you have nick-named the “Scourge,” is spreading evil in the mortal world. We have blamed so many tragedies on this catchphrase. I think most of us thought of it as an unpleasant side effect of the baser side of human nature. I'm here to tell you that this assumption is only a part of the problem. The Scourge is a real force of unseen creatures who are taking over innocent people’s lives while we look on. We've been wearing blinders. These creatures cannot be seen through human eyes, so they've been hidden from us, until now. This problem should never have been allowed to get so far.”

  A voice from the audience rang out. “What makes you an expert on unseen things on Earth? Have you been there yourself?” a chorus of laughter among the crowd followed the rude remark.

  “No; like all my fellow guides, I've been led to believe that visiting Earth was impossible. It made sense when we were told that our Tweens-based energy wouldn't survive the flux of matter without a body. We now believe that idea to be false.”

  "We, who?" one voice yelled.

  "Everybody knows that's true, it's the first thing guides are taught!" Another heckler interrupted the original one.

  “I never knew you were a comedian, Brendan!” a female voice rang out.

  Brendan stepped back; he opened and closed his mouth, but the heckling left him momentarily speechless!

  “Brendan's right,” Elise’s voice startled Brendan back to the reality of the moment. “How many of you have been missing charges? How many of you would do anything to get them back? You want to at least understand what has happened to them. I know you all feel a sense of loss. When you, as guides lose contact with a charge, the silence is a glaring sore that will not heal in your consciousness. Today, we have the chance to go there, to the world of our corporeal charges and find out for ourselves what happened to them.” A grumble from the crowd did not deter Elise. “I know it seems impossible, but we've witnessed Terra’s survival in the mortal world through the memories of Carol, a corporeal who knew her well: the same mortal that returned from the ranks of the lost before transitioning here to the Tweens. She may be the only one who has managed to return from those who are lost. If her memories of Terra’s struggles on Earth against these Scourge forces are not enough, then Carol's return to this realm should also be considered.”

  “It's impossible,” yelled a heckler. “Besides, it isn’t like we could all be born on Earth and be ready to fight some invisible force!”

  “You’re right,” Brendan found his voice once more. “There’s no way we could help that way. But if we go as we are, there is a way to fight these creatures. I've watched memories of Terra destroying them. I know that this is something we can all do. The Council of the One is working to find a way to send a group to Earth as we speak. This is your chance to find the charges you've lost. If the Council did not believe the memories, they wouldn't ask for volunteers to go.”

  Another wave of murmurs went through the crowd. Many of those assembled continued to laugh and jeer, but a new tone was interspersed with the cruel responses.

  Brendan looked out at the gathering while the crowd took in the information. He braced himself to speak one more time. “This is your opportunity to change things! This is your one chance to step forward and take a chance that may help you find your lost charges and to protect those who are in danger. The time is now! If we wait, humanity will be lost and we each will have to accept our part in that loss! Not acting is deciding to allow this invasion! Elise and I will return to the Council Chamber now. We expect to be sent to Earth soon after. If you are brave and are ready to do what we are meant to do as guides, to protect our charges, then meet us there.”

  The crowd did not applaud Brendan and Elise’s desperate request. The low murmur increased in volume as the pair descended from the stage area and made their way back toward the Council. The crowd parted to allow them through. As they walked side-by-side bits and pieces of conversations surrounded them. The pair moved forward with determination; they knew that if they appeared unsure, then how could they expect anyone to follow their lead into the unknown realm of the mortal world?


  Brendan and Elise moved away from the common area. “Do you think any of them will volunteer to go to Earth?”

  “You were right, appealing to their sense of loss and duty towards their charges got their attention.”

  Brendan glanced at Elise as he walked by her side. “I had a feeling that it would. It's been weighing on me for a while now. It's asking a lot of them though. There is a risk…”

  “That’s what worries me,” Elise said. “Terra took the risk when she jumped into the transition portal after Liam, but she acted out of a sense of love and a connection that was much more than that between a guide and a charge.” Elise glanced back at the crowd one last time as they rounded a corner obscuring their view of the commotion they had created. “We're asking a much bigger commitment without the promise of finding a soul mate in the other realm.”

  “True, but do you think that Terra knew she would be born into a human body?”

  “I've wondered that quite a bit lately,” Elise said. “Honestly, I think Terra thought she would be destroyed by following Liam. She had no will to exist without him.”

  “If that's the case,” Brendan said, “then we need to be cautious of her motivation now. She may not be able to be rational when it comes to Liam.”

  “I can’t understand why she's so tied to that one Corporeal,” Elise said. “It’s almost as if he was created just to make Terra ... Never mind, that can’t be it.”

  Brendan made a right-hand turn down a smaller pathway.

  “Where are you headed? The Council Chamber is this way,” said Elise. She pointed toward the direction they had been traveling.

  “I know, but there are a few guides who have witnessed the evidence that Terra still exists, who may want the chance to help.”

  “Of course,” Elise said, “Halle and Christopher!”


  Elise knocked on the door of Halle’s humble cottage with too much intensity.

  “Don’t knock down the door!” said Brendan, “I'm sure they heard you.”

  “Then what is taking them so long?” Elise sa
id. She fidgeted on the doorstep as the slow seconds passed by.

  “Don’t worry Elise, the Council won’t send anyone without us. We may be the only volunteers!”

  “Somehow that's not as comforting as you would like for it to be.” As Elise spoke the door, shook slightly and opened a few inches. “Halle, thank goodness!”

  “Elise, Brendan, what a surprise. I’m afraid you've caught me at a bad time...” Halle mumbled as she began to close the door.

  “Please wait!" Elise said. She touched Halle’s wrist in a pleading gesture. Instantly Elise was connected to Halle’s thoughts and feelings. Recent images of Terra on Earth swirled in Halle's panicked thoughts. “Oh, no, we may be too late!”

  “What? What's going on?” asked Brendan.

  “Terra has found Liam, but the situation looks dangerous,” Elise said.

  Halle pulled her hand away from Elise protectively. “Those thoughts were private. You had no right!”

  “You're right. I apologize,” Elise said. She held up her hands in a disarming gesture. “But right now you need to hear us out!”

  Halle took a step back but did not close the door. She eyed her guests with raised brows.

  “We are leaving immediately for the mortal world,” Brendan said. “The Council questioned Liliana and they want to send a group of volunteers to find Terra and to fight back against the Scourge. We came to tell you about the decision and to ask if you would like to volunteer!”

  “Volunteer?” Halle asked. “I don’t know if I could destroy a creation of the One, but I want to help. If there's a chance we could save Terra, I want to be part of that. I could show you where she is, the mortal world is a big place.”


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