Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss

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Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Letting go of his body, she ran her hand down her front and began to stroke her clit. With each thrust of his cock and touching herself, she got closer to orgasm. She sank her teeth into her lip, trying to keep her pleasured cries from escaping, but it wasn’t doing any good. She was so close, and as she stroked herself, she came hard on his cock.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  If it was possible for Gino to have been holding back, she didn’t realize until he let go and used her, fucking her harder than ever before, but she loved it, relished it.

  She took everything he gave, and as he came, she felt each pulse of his cock as he flooded her body.

  It was a good thing she went to the doctor today. She hadn’t been on any birth control, and with how quickly Gino was fucking her without a condom, they needed the protection.

  He didn’t pull out or try to leave.

  When she looked up, she saw his frown.

  “Did I not do it right?” she asked, feeling overcome with embarrassment. She could now say she’d had physical sex three times. That was it.

  She thought it was amazing, but the look on his face made her doubt her skill.

  “You did.”

  “Oh. So, erm, what was wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing, absolutely nothing.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “I’ve got some things I need to do.”

  He pulled out of her body, and she watched him leave. He didn’t say another word, just left her in the pool. Looking around the empty room, she suddenly felt so cold. Why had he pulled away? What had she done wrong?

  Nothing made any sense to her anymore.

  For several minutes she didn’t move.

  She was tempted to swim again, only, there was no desire, no passion.

  She climbed out, found the supply closet where the towels were, and wrapped one around her. She gathered her own clothes and left the swimming pool, going back to her little prison.

  Entering her room, she saw there was no guard on the door. No one was around.

  Her room still had the television, along with the selection of porn and sex toys. She ignored it, and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

  When had this become so complicated?

  She didn’t understand, nor did she want to.


  By the end of the week, Gino was back in control. He visited Avery every single night, fucked her, and left. He didn’t linger in her room; he played with her like he would a toy. Once he was done, he put her back on the shelf and got back to work. For him, it was working fine, and he needed it to in order to focus.

  He didn’t know what the fuck happened between them in the pool, but something had come over him as he stared down into her brown eyes. Something sharp, deep, and full of … feeling.

  All he needed to do was to remember she was nothing more than a toy. She’d given herself to him, and he had to remember it was nothing more.

  Each day, he dealt with the upcoming Cartel threat, dealing with his men who kept trying to sell their drugs. He was tired of the constant threat, and he’d already gone to The Boss with the problem. There would be punishment meted out soon enough. He couldn’t wait. It had been too long since he had any real bloodshed.

  He stared at his reflection and smiled. The suit he wore hid the ink that showed the world exactly who he was. There were always rumors or gossip, but no one ever asked him to his face if he was part of the mafia.

  No one had ever gotten close to that level of disrespect, apart from Avery. With her, he had found it cute, and he’d treated it as such.

  Avery, what was he going to do with her?

  Her father was never going to earn him the kind of money he needed. There was nothing else either of them could offer, but knowing this, he didn’t want to break that trust she had in him.

  How fucking stupid was he? He was a man of his word, and her father had broken his end of the deal.

  Putting his Avery problem to one side, he made his way toward her room and knocked.

  He didn’t wait for an answer and simply opened the door. Why the fuck did he knock in the first place? He owned this house. This room, and everything in it, including the woman, belonged to him.

  Avery stepped out of the bathroom. She ran her hands down the dress. There was a rose at the nape of her neck. He had some beauticians in earlier to get her ready. They had left a little while ago.

  She looked stunning. She didn’t look like a toy, but like a sophisticated wife about to go to a charity gala.

  “I clean up nice, huh?” she asked. She held her hands out and gave him a twirl. She smiled at him, but he saw her nerves.

  Avery wasn’t good at hiding her feelings. He saw every single night when he left her that it hurt her just a little more. He hated hurting her, and that was why he had to leave.

  She wasn’t someone for him to care about. He was using her for his own ends.

  “You look beautiful.” He wasn’t going to lie to her tonight. She did look amazing.

  The smile she gave him melted his freaking heart.

  He had to keep a distance otherwise he’d lose himself.

  “I’m ready to go. Do I need a purse?” she asked.

  “You hold onto me. That’s all you need to do.”

  “Of course.” She rolled her eyes and walked toward him, putting her arm through his. “Like this?”


  They left the room and made their way down to the waiting limo. His men would be there, blending in with the other guards.

  He helped Avery into the back seat of the limo.

  “Do you think you’ll be in danger tonight?”

  “I don’t know. Only time will tell. You can never know when an attack is going to happen. The best thing to do is to prepare for it and hope for the best.” He kept hold of her hand. He didn’t like the sudden sweep of emotion that washed over him. The thought of anything bad happening to her filled him with fear.

  The fear he remembered from a long time ago of being a little boy.

  He didn’t want to lose her.

  Squeezing her hand, he let her go and pulled out his cell phone.

  All week, he’d expected her to disappoint him, to run off and do something that would mean a punishment. She had kept her word to him, and now he was unsure of what to do next.

  Avery didn’t try to make small talk for the rest of the journey, and he welcomed her silence as he worked on his cell phone.

  The threat from the Cartel was serious. More of their men had been spotted, and he’d put in a request for some of The Boss’s soldiers to help. In the next couple of days, more men would be arriving. This was how they all worked. They all protected each other, and in doing so, it kept them strong as a unit.

  When they arrived at the charity gala, he pocketed his cell phone, waiting his turn to be let out.

  “Wait. There are press here?” Avery asked.

  “Yes. I’m a businessman. I donate a great deal to charity.”

  “But, what about me?”

  “You’re the daughter of one of the men who works for me. To them, it could be a whirlwind romance. Or however they spin it, I don’t exactly care.” His door opened. “Remember to smile.”

  He climbed out, buttoning up his suit and smiling for the flashing cameras. This was always part of his job he hated, but it was necessary. He wasn’t only in the illegal businesses of drugs, sex, and money, but also had several companies and corporations. He was wealthy and didn’t have to work again, but in his world, wealthy didn’t mean he could be lazy.

  The cameras went into a frenzy as Avery climbed out of the car. The dress he’d picked for her was designed to get this kind of reaction.

  She was beautiful, but not prepared to flash her body for the cameras. As he took her arm, he made sure they got that, showing his possession.

  There was a chance his enemies would use this against him, but she was a woman whom he was using as well. There was no real connection, but if it also helped to use her
as bait to draw his enemies to him, he’d do it.

  Entering the gala, he felt her shaking but didn’t let her go. There were vultures all around, waiting to pounce. There were a couple of women he’d slept with. Someone who had wanted something from him, and had tried to get him to bend to their will.

  Sleeping with him didn’t make him bend. They always provided him the ammo for him to hang them by. He was always the biggest shark in this ocean of monsters.

  He spotted the mayor the moment he entered the main room. There were so many businessmen along with actors, actresses, models.

  “This is a really fancy gala,” she said, whispering. “So, what’s the plan? Are you killing someone tonight?”

  He laughed. “You’re charming.”

  “I can help. I mean, I can’t kill anyone, but I can provide a distraction. Have you ever tried to walk in these heels?”

  “I can’t say that I have.”

  “My distraction won’t look good on you though. Your date will look like a huge klutz.”

  “I’ll take my chances.”

  She offered him a huge smile. “Good.”

  “You don’t need to provide any distractions tonight.” He grabbed a glass of champagne from the waiter. “Enjoy the night.” He sipped the liquid and handed it to her.

  “We’re sharing?”

  “Tonight, yes.”

  They stopped and talked as they passed so many people. He was so bored, but this was what it meant to do business.

  Some of the men were interested in Avery. She was fresh meat, and some liked her innocent allure. He knew she was anything but, or at least by the time he was done with her, she wouldn’t have an innocent bone in her body.

  If the men tried to flirt with her, Avery clearly didn’t see it as she didn’t respond. She wasn’t rude to anyone, merely offered them that smile of hers without flirting back. He’d noticed she didn’t like it when they took her hand and kissed her knuckles. He didn’t like to see her on edge.

  After a time, he held his hand out for someone to shake whenever they tried to touch her.

  She did belong to him after all, and no one was going to make his date uncomfortable. Not once did she let go of his arm, and rather than be angry at her attention, he rather liked being the crutch she needed.

  Get your fucking head in the game, Gino.

  She wasn’t someone he was supposed to have feelings for, and he had to stop thinking of her as someone he did.

  Chapter Nine

  Avery stayed by Gino’s side throughout the evening. The men and women didn’t exactly fill her with comfort. Not all of them, some were really nice, and seemed genuine. She did tire quickly of the kissing of the hand. Their lips against her fingers did nothing for her, and she had to wonder who they were kissing beforehand or what.

  By the time they got to the mayor, she felt how tense Gino was.

  This was the reason they had to come to the gala.

  “Ah, Mr. Mazza, as always, a pleasure to see you here. As always, you are one of our highest donators.”

  Gino’s charitable side was something she was a little … shocked by. He didn’t strike her as the kind of person to donate to charity, but he had.

  The mayor’s cell phone went off.

  “I’d get that if I were you,” Gino said.

  “It’s rather rude to take a call or a text at an event like this.”

  “If you don’t look at it in the next five minutes, whatever is on there will be out for the entire world to see.”

  Avery glanced up at Gino. There was no softness to him tonight. He was cold, waiting. This was the businessman she’d dealt with.

  The mayor was on his shit list.

  The man before her looked like he wanted to hurt Gino. It would be a wasted effort. No one could hurt Gino. He was invincible.

  He looked at his cell phone, and Avery watched the color disappear from his face, and he looked like death.

  She was a little taken aback by his sudden change.

  “What is the meaning of this?”

  “Mayor or not, title or not, you owe me money. My men will be by to collect this evening. If you do not pay, that will go around every single news network within ten minutes. Your life, your career, it will all be over.”

  “I have dirt on you, Mazza,” he said.

  Avery winced.

  “No, you don’t. If you did, you’d have used it by now. I warned you of the consequences of getting involved. Now it is up to you on how to deal with them.” Gino turned on his heel and walked away.

  “I’m not going to lie, I think that was incredibly hot what you just did,” she said.

  “You like me blackmailing people?”

  She didn’t ask if they were leaving as they were headed toward the front door. She had no reason to stay behind.

  “Well, not the blackmailing part. I never voted for that guy anyway. He always looked too seedy for me. What did you send him?” she asked.

  “A video of him fucking men and women that weren’t his wife.”

  She gasped. “Really?”

  “Yep. That kind of footage would ruin him.”

  “I knew he was seedy.” She giggled.

  Their limo was already waiting for them. She climbed into the back seat as Gino held the door open. The moment he sat beside her, she decided to do something stupid. She straddled his lap.

  His hands ran down her back, cupping her ass.

  “You’re turned on?”

  “So much.” She pulled her dress out of the way and took his hand and placed it against her wet core. “That’s what you do to me.”

  “I think I’ve turned you into a sex addict.”

  “You’ve turned me into something, and I can’t get enough of you.” She pressed her body down on his cock, feeling him tighten against her.

  She attacked his pants, pulling his cock free. He was already hard and the tip leaking pre-cum. Like this, she was the one in charge for a change.

  All week, he’d fucked her, brought her to mind-blowing orgasms, and then left. Each time she saw him leave, the door close behind him, a little part of her died. She hated watching him walk away. To her, it didn’t seem right, and her feelings when it came to this man terrified her.

  With the tip of his cock at her entrance, she sank down until he filled her. He grabbed her hips roughly and slammed her down, lifting her up, only to pull her down again. She cried out his name, hungry and desperate for more.

  “If you’re going to fuck me, Avery, do it properly.” He took over, and she gripped his shoulders, kissing him, forcing him to do the same. He didn’t break from the kiss. All week he’d tried to deny her, and tonight she wouldn’t let him.

  The grip he had on her ass tightened, and she cried out. She was quickly becoming addicted to the pleasure and pain he could evoke within her body.

  “You’re so fucking tight. It doesn’t matter how many times I pound this pussy, you don’t stop being tight.”

  She held onto him as he let her go, his fingers moving between her legs to tease and stroke her clit.

  It felt so good, and she moaned, allowing each pleasured cry to fill the car.

  When she came, Gino followed her, filling her once again with his cum.

  Afterward, she didn’t move. Keeping his cock deep inside her, she leaned back to stare into his eyes.

  “I enjoyed tonight.”

  “We’ll see if it worked.”

  “What is your favorite charity to donate to?” she asked.

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “I’m curious.” The more she knew about Gino, the more she liked him. He was a hard man to get to know. He played his cards close to his chest, and refused to give anything without taking something in return.

  She never expected anything less from him.

  He was a man used to getting what he wanted. She wondered if there was a small chance he wanted her, even just a little bit.

  “Children and animals.”

re the two you enjoy donating to?”

  “They’re the two causes I don’t have an issue with giving money to. They are the most important as far as I’m concerned.”

  “You like animals?”



  “I hope to have one of my own someday.”

  She remembered their previous conversation.

  “Which charities did you donate to?” he asked.

  He’d given her two checks to use. She could donate to whoever she wanted. The amount had been shocking to her.

  “Children and animals.”

  He looked surprised.

  “We did the same. What are your reasons?” he asked.

  “Simple. Children need help no matter what. Animals, they also need help. They don’t have a voice and need protecting.” She teased the hairs at the back of his neck. She felt his cum starting to spill out of her, even with his cock, which was now flaccid, still inside her. “I think I’ve ruined this dress.”

  “I’ll buy you another one.”

  “Why do you keep leaving me?” she asked. She wanted to cover her mouth and curse her own stupidity. That was one question she really didn’t want to ask, and now she had, she felt so stupid.

  She had promised herself she wouldn’t ask him, even though it upset her constantly to watch him leave.

  He sighed. “Avery, don’t mistake this for anything but fucking. You and I, we’re not going to be anything.”


  “No, buts. You offered yourself to me. You are my toy. It would do you good to remember that and to not think this is something that could be more. You and I, will never happen.”

  His voice was so stern.

  She nodded, and, feeling mortified to get the stripping down like that, she climbed off his lap.

  The journey back to his home was a quiet one. She held the tears and the pain inside. She didn’t know when it happened or how, but she liked Gino. Deep down, she knew she shouldn’t. He was a monster, but he was right. This wasn’t a love match. Tonight, she had forgotten about that, and for a short while had thought they could be something more, something special. It was a mistake she wouldn’t be making again. Once they arrived home, she excused herself.


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