CELESTIA CHRISTMAS (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 5)

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CELESTIA CHRISTMAS (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 5) Page 7

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Aaron looked completely calm, standing in black jeans and a blue sweater. His hands were in his pocket, and from the angle we were standing in, we could see the side of his face, which held an admiring smile.

  "You wanted to wait for Santa to come." Aaron spoke to the Darkness and it moved its head slightly.

  "Ah. You wished for Santa to bring those you love back home, huh?"

  I frowned and looked at Odion, who's once-blank expression morphed to a sad one. "Its family could have been swallowed by other Forsaken," Odion whispered.

  That made my heart clench in sadness. Momo hugged my neck.

  "BiBo," she whispered. "Lonely. Wants home."

  This scenario was a perfect example of what could have happened to many of the Dark element users. Whether shifter or a being of Darkness, they were easily mistaken for Forsaken and vanquished before they could think.

  It wasn't fair.

  Aaron sighed and pulled his right hand out of his pocket to reach up and pat the side of the blob. "I know a place that others like you are. I don't think your family is there, but they'll keep you company. I can't guarantee I can find your family, but at least you'll be somewhere safe until the day we can walk safely above the surface."

  The blob lowered its head, more pink tears falling from its eyes. Aaron patted its head and whispered. "I know, friend. The world is not like we once knew, but fear not, for change is coming, and you've proved to these individuals that change will bring equality to all elements and shifters alike."

  The others crowded around Odion and me, and we watched as Aaron pulled his other hand out of his pocket, summoning a pure black bow and arrow.

  "Would you like to go to where it's safe?" Aaron asked.

  The Darkness nodded its head and its pink eyes looked to me. Momo wiggled in my arms until I turned her over to face the blob.

  She began to wave her doll-like hands. "BiBo! Bibi Bibibi Bo!"

  "Farewell. Be happy. Safe place home. Loved. See soon."

  Aaron gave the Darkness a final stroke on its head before he moved a few steps back and readied his bow and arrow.

  "Return to our world of acceptance, where darkness can be free to roam and mingle with others of our kind and nature. Be free and love what Mother Nature has made you for one day; we will be free to roam when the time is right. Be free, pure Darkness, and may patience grant you time to see the world we know now become a place for all."

  A dark blue magic circle formed beneath his feet on the cream carpet and without delay, he shot the arrow into the blob.

  I thought it would scream or make a noise, but its eyes closed and its body began to glow and dematerialize. In seconds, it was gone and the presence we had felt vanished with it.

  Aaron lowered his weapon, which began to disintegrate into nothing but tiny blue sparkles until it had vanished as well. Aaron turned to face us and smiled.

  "Sorry. I was going to take care of it last night but it wanted a good look at the Christmas tree on Christmas Day. I don't know its story, but I'm assuming it was once human."

  We were all silent, and Aaron chuckled.

  "Don't look so sad. It goes to show you that we should be thankful for the life we have, and remember we're entering a new era where we can bring change to many. We can't save or change everything at once, but in time, holidays like these will be fun for everyone."

  "BIBO!" Momo lifted her hands up in agreement and wiggled in my arms. I lowered her to the ground and she ran up to Aaron. She jumped up and down and Aaron knelt down to pick her up and gave her a hug.

  "You're welcome, Momo. Are you going to keep playing or do you want to go sleep now?"

  "Bi BiBo BI!!" Momo replied. "Christmas! Box! Box! Cake!"

  Odion snickered, and I smiled at Momo's words.

  "What did she say?" Hunter asked.

  "She wants to open the presents because it's Christmas now and she wants cake," Odion translated.

  "Oh," Caio and Cairus said together. "Well...we could take a tiny piece of cake from the fridge."

  "BIBI!" Momo looked in Caio’s and Cairus’s direction, wiggling in Aaron's arms. He chuckled and let her down, and she waddled over to stand in front of them.

  "BiBo!" she declared. "Cake!"

  "Momo," I warned. She slowly turned my way, her swirling eyes looking horrified as if she knew what I was going to say.

  I grinned. "Tiny piece and you have to let me brush your teeth after."

  "BIBOOOO!" Momo began to jump with joy and we all smiled. Even though Momo didn't necessarily have teeth, it was a good practice for when she grew older. Now that we knew she could take some type of human form, it wouldn't be long before she'd look like a little human girl instead of a doll.

  "Might as well celebrate now then," Finn announced.

  "Hmm. True. Not sleepy anymore," Hunter noted.

  "Presents!" Caio and Cairus cheered and joined in little hops to keep Momo excited as she hopped around the both of them.

  Aaron walked up to me as Finn, Hunter, Caio, and Cairus moved to the kitchen. Theo began turning the lights back on and Odion and Orion remained close to me.

  Turning to face Aaron, I gave him an appreciative grin. "Thank you, Aaron."

  "It's my duty. It may be something I normally do in the Dark World, but that doesn't mean I can't do it up here either. Duty calls, regardless of the holidays."

  He reached out and patted my head before continuing. "I know a year from now, a lot will change thanks to all of you. Don't lose hope, and remember, there are many cheering you on. Whether it's from this world or the one beneath."

  We nodded. Odion and Orion were headed to the kitchen when Aaron cleared his throat. "Oh look, a wild mistletoe has appeared!"

  Everyone froze and looked in my direction. I tilted my head in confusion. Huh? Wait...mistletoe...what is that again?

  Glancing up, I noticed Aaron was holding a familiar looking plant with three red berries attached. Oh right! A mistletoe is what you...oh WAIT?!

  Aaron grinned and I blushed, trying to think of a way to get out of this, but the mistletoe burst into flames.

  "AH! HOT!" Aaron huffed but didn't let go of the burning thing as he ran over to the patio door, opened it with his free hand, and tossed it out.

  "Hun-AH!" I stared in shock as a powerful gust of wind kicked Aaron right out into a pile of snow. The door closed and I turned to my unimpressed lovers.

  "Can you put a leash on your brother so he stays away from OUR Blessed Love, please," Orion muttered.

  "No leash can hold him. He'd find a way to get out." Hunter sighed.

  "Let's leave him outside to cool off," Theo suggested.

  "Agreed." The rest of them nodded.

  "BiBo?" Momo raised her hands up. "Cake?"

  Finn smirked and reached down for Momo, picking her up and giving her a firm nod. "Yes, cake and presents."

  Everyone looked my way and smiled. "Merry Christmas, Celestia!"

  With a wide gleeful smile, I replied.

  "Merry Christmas, everyone!”

  Cheers to my first Christmas holiday with my loyal men, family, and friends. Though there are many adventures to come our way, I'm sure we'll conquer them all, together.








  * * *

  A life of despair, a heart-crippling desire, and a desperate wish to belong.

  My life was perfect. A successful career underway, supportive family by my side, a comfortable lifestyle, and my hot, hunky fiancé I assumed would become my life partner.

  But then in the span of twenty-four hours, betrayal, rejection and heartbreak made my world crash down around me.

  All alone with no one to turn to, I find myself cradling a lamp given to me by my grandmother, my last connection to someone who loved me. As the clock strikes midnight
, I make a silent plea: Let me find where I truly belong.

  Never would I have imagined that four half-naked men would be the answer to my plea.

  I’m not one to believe in fairy tales, but I’m about to start my own as I travel across the world as Destiny Jinn, granting wishes with four unique men who brighten my once lonely existence.

  I am pulled to a new world where wishes can truly become reality—but at what price?

  I guess the saying is true – Be careful what you wish for...

  Wish For Me

  * * *


  "FIRE! Call 911!"

  I gawked in sheer horror, the smell of smoke and burning wood hit my nose as I stayed where I was. I wanted to move, to run forward into the home I'd grown up in my whole life. Try and save it from its burning demise, but I knew I wouldn't be able to.

  It would be a lost cause.

  Right there, I wished that time would stop. That I'd have a moment to walk down the halls of my family home and enjoy the clean scent of freshly made laundry and listen to the constant meows of my cat.

  I couldn't think any further, wondering if my cat was now in the blaze, trying desperately to get out but to no avail. The image flashed through my mind and only brought tears to my eyes.

  I shouldn't have been crying, or that’s how I was raised to think that way, but my heart felt heavy like I was carrying a weight within my chest.

  Today had been a hell of a day; my family revealed a dark secret to me. The same 24-hours in which my once amazing fiancé called off our engagement and dumped me for another woman.

  I clenched the lamp in my hands, the only memory I had left of my grandmother.

  The woman who truly loved me wholeheartedly, not like the fake of a family I'd grown up in. A family I was foolish to believe and trust in.

  My phone began to vibrate in my pocket, and I held back a sob as I dug into my jean pocket to look at the screen.

  "Work? Why the hell are they even calling at this time?"

  I took a calming breath, my eyes still staring at the blaze and my ears picking up the siren sounds that were still so far away.

  My house filled with memories would be in shambles and ashes by the time they got here.

  I slid my finger across the clear screen of my iPhone, placing the device to my right ear. "Hello?"

  "Good evening, Destiny. How are things this evening?" My boss' voice made me frown while my thoughts spiralled through my mind, trying to figure out why he was calling me so late at night.

  "Good evening, Sir. Not too well. If you can hear the sirens in the background, I'm currently dealing with a fire that's burning my home down. Can you call back when I've left the house? I'm in a sticky situation trying to get out from the top floor!"

  Might as well lie about being stuck for the sake of shortening the phone call. It wasn't like we had any neighbors around us, so there was no way my boss would know I wasn't in the home.

  I thought I'd get some sympathy, but instead, all I received was a sigh. "I'm terribly sorry to hear that, Destiny. I guess I'll have to be the bringer of more bad news while you figure out how to get out of your burning house."

  "What?" I replied, not liking his deadpan tone. "What could possibly be worse than my house burning down as we speak with ME IN IT!?"

  "Well, I called to let you know we're laying you off."

  I was silent, my mind not registering the words he'd just declared. "Excuse me? Wha- WHY?! I didn't do anything. Everything was fine when I left work today!" I snapped.

  "Well, my dear. Your contract was in place because of your fiancé. However, since he's informed me that you two have split, there's no need to have you with us."

  "What?! But…but! HE called off the engagement! That's not my fault! I've been an amazing employee for years! I got employee of the month JUST LAST WEEK! How can you be firing me because my ex-fiancé decided to dump me for some rich chick who showed up from nowhere?!" I screamed.

  My blood felt like it was boiling, and I knew it wasn't due to the intense heat of the blaze before me.

  "I understand your frustration, Destiny, but this is just how things work around here. Your fiancé...or well, EX- fiancé is the one who put a good word in for you. Now that its non-existent, we have decided there is no need for you. We've deposited your last pay an hour ago and cleared your desk. His new fiancé will be taking your position as of tomorrow, so please don't come into work and cause a scene. I know your "family" is known for drama."

  "Drama? Family! They're not my fucking family!" I screamed.

  "Oh, I know my dear. I guess you're the last one to know about that? What a shame. Would have been nice to know you're adopted before everyone else. Anyway, that's all I had to say. Thank you for your contribution to our company and foundation. I hope things work out with the fire situation. Actually, it shouldn't matter since they're not your family. Ciao, Destiny."

  The line went dead, and I bit my lip hard, tears rolling down my cheeks as I held back my sobs. I looked one last time at the home that I'd thought was where I belonged, the place where I was raised thinking I was loved and my parents and siblings were of the same blood.

  All of that was a lie.

  I turned around, forcing my legs to move forward. Step by step, I wished I could turn back time. Grandma...I guess you weren't my granny either?

  My eyes drifted to the gold lamp in my hand, and I gritted my teeth, lifting it up to smash it against the pavement, but I found that I couldn't.

  Even if my grandmother wasn't of blood, she'd loved me. She’d supported everything I did, comforted me when no one else cared, and this lamp meant everything to her.

  A piece of her life that granted all her wishes and brought happiness to her. I can't...there's no way I can destroy this.

  That would feel like I'd destroyed the last of her presence in this world. With my sad resolve, I lowered the lamp and tightened my grip around it.

  I pulled off my backpack, opening it up to see what I had left. A few clothes, my wallet with cash, and one credit card I'd made sure to keep under my name. I dug through to find the package of documents that had my real last name, social insurance number, and true birth certificate.

  I placed the lamp inside, rolled it up in one of my sweaters, and closed the bag, placing the bulky bag on my shoulders.

  The sirens were closer now, and I glanced over my shoulder to see the flashing sirens and three large fire trucks approaching.

  I need to go.

  With haste I began to run away, and my mind started to put the pieces together. Was this all a setup? A trap to blame me for something I didn't do? How can my fiancé break up with me, my family bombard me with the reality I wasn't their child, and I wake up from my nap with the house in flames and barely escaped?

  No...maybe they wanted me dead. Why else would they put the house on fire? If I survived, they would blame it on me; if I died, they would pretend to cry and make money from my death?

  This can't be real..." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheek as I ran faster.

  My life went from perfect to hell, and as I ran down the street and into the woods, I realized that I was dead to everyone around me.

  I wish for a new life.


  Yumoyori Wilson is a full-time author who has a “slight” addiction to bubble tea.

  She previously was a Pediatric Registered Nurse, working her night shifts away and reading her kindle during her breaks. She decided to take the chance at becoming an author and is now working on multiple projects in various genres, including Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and more.

  She lives in Toronto, Ontario and loves to bother her lovely Mother (also known as her Queen) and has many projects and plans for her readers.

  ~Books by Yumoyori Wilson~


  Dark Wish

  Tainted Rose


  Poisonous Dream


  Forgotten Fairytale

  Forgotten Fairytale 2


  Visionary Investigator

  Visionary Awakened


  Visionary Christmas

  Starlight Christmas

  Visionary New Years


  Visionary X Starlight- Chapter One

  Visionary X Starlight- Chapter Two

  Visionary X Starlight- St. Patricks Day


  Taming the Storm

  Calming the Storm

  Facing the Storm


  The Legend Of Crimson Storm (Summer 2019)


  Reflections of You

  Reflections of Me

  Reflections of Us



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