by Eyal Press
Glore Psychiatric Museum
God Save Texas (Wright)
Goffman, Erving
Goldman Sachs
“good food” movement
“good people”: dirty work and; war and
“Good People and Dirty Work” (Hughes)
Google; AI principles of; Cloud; data collection by; “Don’t be evil” motto of; Dragonfly project of; Gmail; Nolan at; Poulson at; Project Maven of
Gore, Al
government regulations
Gramling, Robert
Graner, Charles
Gray, Margaret
“Gray Zone, The” (Levi)
Great Invisible, The
Green, Kelly
Greene, Diane
Greifinger, Bob
Grimes, Milton
Grossman, Dave
Guantánamo Bay detention camp
Guardian, The; Linebaugh’s op-ed in
Gudmestad, Robert
Gulf of Mexico; Deepwater Horizon oil spill in
Gulf Restoration Network
H1N1 pandemic
Halden Fengsel
Harbin, Martha
Hartford Seminary
Harvard University
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system
Heil, Hubertus
Hempstead, Harold
Heyman, Josiah
Hickel, Walter
Hidden Injuries of Class, The (Sennett and Cobb)
Hirschman, Albert
Hitchens, Christopher
Hitler, Adolf
Hochschild, Arlie Russell
holistic technologies
Home from the War (Lifton)
Homeland Security, U.S. Department of
Homeless, The (Jencks)
Homer, Iliad
Hospital of Salpêtrière
Hotard, James
How Google Works (Schmidt and Rosenberg)
Huayou Cobalt
Hughes, Everett; “Good People and Dirty Work”
human ecology
“human materials”
Human Performance Team
Human Rights in China
Human Rights Watch
Hundley, Daniel
IED explosions
Iliad (Homer)
immigrants, migrants; Asian; Clinton administration and; deaths of; family separation policy and; farmworkers; and immigration officers of Mexican ancestry; niche labor markets and; Obama and; sanctuary cities for; sexual harassment and; slaughterhouse workers; slaughterhouse workers, raids on; in Texas, as “shadow people”; Trump and; see also Border Patrol agents
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
income inequality
independent contractors
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing (I.S.R.)
Intercept, The
interrogation and torture
Invisible (Paglen and Solnit)
Iowa Beef Packers (IBP)
Jacksonian era
Jacobs, James
Jaffer, Jameel
Jencks, Christopher
Jews; moneylending and; Nazis and
Johnson, Calvin B.
Johnson, Matthew
Johnson, Walter
Joiner, Mark
Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure
Jones, Chris
Jones, Gordon
Jones, Julie
JPMorgan Chase
Jungle, The (Sinclair)
Justice (Sandel)
Justice at Work
Justice Department, U.S.
Kauffman, Kelsey
Kennedy, David M.
Kennedy, John F.
Kesey, Ken
Khan, Khalil
Kill Chain (Cockburn)
killing, emotional toll of; drone program and
killing of animals; emotional toll of; Americans’ remove from; see also slaughterhouses
Killing Without Heart (Riza)
Kind and Usual Punishment (Mitford)
Kipling, Rudyard
Korean War
Kraft, Lawrence
Kriner, Douglas L.
Krzykowski, Harriet; childhood of; children counseled by; at Dade; Dade left by; as Dade staff counselor; emotional stress experienced by; psychology degree of
Krzykowski, Steven
Ku Klux Klan
Labor, U.S. Department of
Labor and the Locavore (Gray)
labor unions
Lake Correctional Institution
Landay, Jonathan
Landrieu, Mary
Langley Air Force Base
Larson, James
Latinos; attack on
Lebanon bologna
Leifman, Steve
Leonard, Christopher
Leopold II, King
Letters of Travel (Kipling)
Levi, Primo
Lew, Emma
Lifton, Robert Jay
Linebaugh, Heather; in drone program; Guardian op-ed of
Line Becomes a River, The (Cantú)
Link, Bruce
Litz, Brett
Living Under Drones
Lloyd’s Register
Locke, John
Loflin, Matthew
Los Angeles County Jail
Los Angeles Times
Louisiana: Cancer Alley in; Morgan City; New Orleans; offshore drilling and
Lowell Correctional Institution
Macondo Prospect
Madison, James
Madness and Civilization (Foucault)
Maguen, Shira
Mair, Richard
Mallinckrodt, George
Manning, Chelsea
Marshall Project
Martin, Philip
Martin, Steve J.
Martinez, Flor; breast cancer of; COVID infection of; poultry slaughterhouse work of
Massachusetts prison system
Mazzetti, Mark
McAndrew, Ron
McDonough, James
McGill University
Meadows, Joe
Meat Inspection Act
Meat Racket, The (Leonard)
medical workers, in COVID-19 pandemic
mental illness; Community Mental Health Act and; criminal justice system and; deinstitutionalization and; disability benefits and; Florida and; homelessness and; state budgets for services for; see also prison psychiatric wards; psychiatric institutions
meritocracy and meritocratic hubris
Merrill, Bryce
#MeToo movement
Mexican immigrants: farmworkers; immigration officers; poultry plant workers; see also immigrants, migrants
Mexican Revolution
Miami Herald
Michaels, David
military service; draft; “other 1 percent” in; paid substitutes in; shared sacrifice and; socioeconomic status and; see also drone program; veterans
Mills, Charles
Minerals Management Service (MMS)
Mitford, Jessica
Montejano, David
Mooney, Chris
moral burden of dirty workers
moral careers
moral inequality
moral injury; drone operators and; meaning and magnitude of; PTSD and
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan, Matthew
Morgan City, La.
Morgan Stanley
Morris, David
Morris, Glenn
Moyn, Samuel
Mutindi, Catherine
National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals
National Association of Manufacturers
National Coalition on Ergonomics
National Commission on Correctional Health Care
National Employment Law Project
National Environmental Policy Act
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
National Security Agency
National Sheriffs’ Association
Natural Resources Defense Council
Nazi Germany
NDAs (nondisclosure agreements)
New Jim Crow, The (Alexander)
New Orleans, La.
New York, N.Y.; COVID-19 pandemic in
New York City Council
New Yorker, The
New York Times, The
New York University
Nicholas V, Pope
9/11 attacks
1984 (Orwell)
Nixon, Richard
Noem, Kristi
Nolan, Laura
nondisclosure agreements
Nowell, Jackie
Obama, Barack; drone program and; immigration and; oil industry and
O’Brien, Tim
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
O’Connor v. Donaldson
Ogle, Alan
oil industry; BP; California and; COVID-19 pandemic and; government revenue from; Louisiana and; OPEC embargo and; regulations and; Trump and
Oil in Troubled Waters (Freudenburg and Gramling)
oil rig workers; accidents and; process safety and; roustabouts; Stone; whistleblower protections for
oil spills: Deepwater Horizon; environmental groups and; Exxon Valdez; The Great Invisible film on; pelicans and; in Santa Barbara Channel
Omega Institute
Omnivore’s Dilemma, The (Pollan)
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey)
one percent; “other one percent”
On Killing (Grossman)
Orlando Sentinel
Orwell, George; 1984; The Road to Wigan Pier
Oxfam America
Pachirat, Timothy
Page, Larry
Paglen, Trevor
Paine, Thomas
Palm Beach Post, The
Panetta, Leon
Paris Agreement
Park, Robert
passive democrats
Patterson, Robert
Patterson’s Axiom
Patton, George
Pence, Mike
people of color; see also African Americans; immigrants, migrants; Latinos
“people work”
peracetic acid (PAA)
Perez, Cristina
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Phelan, Jo
Pichai, Sundar
Piketty, Thomas
Pilgrim’s Pride
Piper Alpha
Pizzella, Patrick
police officers
Pollan, Michael
“polluting persons”
Poulson, Jack
poultry plants, see slaughterhouses
Powell, Colin
Pratt, John
prescriptive technologies
presidential elections
Prince, Lillian
Prince William Sound
prisoners of war
prison guards (corrections officers); African American; COVID-19 pandemic and; Curtis; at Dade; in France; as invisible population; life expectancy of; as “the other prisoners”; PTSD among; reasons for becoming; at Rikers; shame felt by; suicide among; wages, benefits, and hours of; women as
Prison Officers and Their World (Kauffman)
Prison Policy Initiative
prison psychiatric wards; culture of violence at; “dual loyalty” felt by psychiatrists at; jobs at; privatization and; survey of practices at; see also Dade Correctional Institution, Transitional Care Unit of
prisons; Africa Americans in; building of; “civilized punishment” and; COVID-19 pandemic and; in Florida; geographic isolation of; Halden Fengsel; humane; mass incarceration in; in nineteenth century; population surges in; privatization of health care services at; Progressive Era and; racism and; recidivism rate and; Rikers; in rural areas; sentencing laws and; solitary confinement in; transparency lacking in; in United Kingdom
Prison World (Fassin)
Privatization Decision, The (Donahue)
process safety
Progressive Era
Project Maven
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The
psychiatric institutions; asylums; prison, see prison psychiatric wards; social control and
psychologists, elite
PTSD; in corrections officers; moral injury and; in veterans
Pugh, Charles
punishment: “civilized”; corporal; technologies of
Punishment and Modern Society (Garland)
Purdue Pharma
Pure Food and Drug Act
Purity and Danger (Douglas)
racial contract
racial violence
racism; crime and; prisons and; see also African Americans; immigrants, migrants
Radack, Jesselyn
Rainey, Darren; murder of
Randolph, John
Rangel, Charles
Reagan, Ronald
Redfield, Robert
“Regulation by Shaming” (Johnson)
Republican National Convention
Republican Party
Resource Matters
Responsible Raw Materials Initiative
Richardson, Lovita
Ricketts, Pete
Rig Museum
Rikers Island
Riza, M. Shane
Road to Wigan Pier, The (Orwell)
Rojo, Libia
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rose, Arnold
Rosenberg, Jonathan
Roshto, Natalie
Roshto, Shane
Rothman, David
Roulet, Thomas
Rundle, Katherine Fernandez
rural areas: ghettos; prisons in; slaughterhouses in
Russell, Bertrand
Ryan, Jill Hunsaker
Saez, Emmanuel
Safe Streets program
Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies
Sandel, Michael
Sanderson Farms
San Mateo, Calif.
Santa Barbara Channel
Sarthou, Cynthia
Scalia, Antonin
Scalia, Eugene
Schama, Simon
Schmidt, Eric
School of Aerospace Medicine
Scientific American
Scott, Rick
Scratching Out a Living (Stuesse)
secrecy; drone program and
Securities and Exchange Commission
Sennett, Richard
sentencing laws
September 11 attacks
Sessions, Jeff
“shadow people”
Shay, Jonathan
Shen, Francis X.
Sierra Leone
Simpson, Quinsey
Sinclair, Upton
Slaughterhouse (Eisnitz)
slaughterhouses; African American workers at; ag-gag laws and; and Americans’ remove from killing; bathroom breaks at; chemicals sprayed in; in Chicago; COVID-19 pandemic and; cows in; cruelty to animals at; division of labor in; Foer’s
book and; in Germany; “good food” movement and; government regulation and; and hidden costs of meat; immigrant workers at; immigrant workers at, raids on; injuries at; inspections of; labor unions and; locavores and; Martinez’s work at; OSHA and; pigs in; “plantation capitalism” and; pollution from; poultry; rights violations at; in rural areas; Sanderson Farms; sexual harassment at; Sinclair’s book and; Trump and; unions and; U.S. animal protein consumption; virtuous consumption and; wages at; white workers at
slave traders
Sleasman, Peter
smartphone batteries, cobalt for
Smith, Michael Patrick F.
Smithfield Foods
Snowden, Edward
social control
social media
Social Problems
Social Relations in Our Southern States (Hundley)
Society of Captives, The (Sykes)
Soleimani, Qassem
solitary confinement
Solnit, Rebecca
Some Thoughts Concerning Education (Locke)
Soul by Soul (Johnson)
Southern Poverty Law Center
Soviet Union
Spiegel, Der
Spinaris, Caterina
spoiled identity
Stanford International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic
Stanford University
Stigma (Goffman)
Stone, Sara Lattis; filmmaking of; paintings of
Stone, Stephen
Stuesse, Angela
Sullivan, Kenneth
Supreme Court, U.S.: Estelle v. Gamble; O’Connor v. Donaldson
surveillance; Project Maven
Sweatt, Loren
Sykes, Gresham M.
Tannenbaum, Frank
targeted assassinations; see also drone program
Tea Party
technologies, holistic versus prescriptive
tech sector; Apple; cobalt mining for batteries in; corruption in; diffusion of responsibility in; Google, see Google; nondisclosure agreements in; supply chains in
10-20-Life law
terrorism: September 11 attacks; war on; see also drone program
Texas; Bryan; migrant farmworkers in; “shadow people” in
Texas Education Agency
Theriot, Jason
Things They Carried, The (O’Brien)
This American Life
Thompson, Chris
Thompson, Judy
Thurman, Cameron
torture and interrogation
total institutions
Treatment Advocacy Center
Trumka, Richard
Trump, Donald; drone program and; immigrants and; meatpacking plants and; oil industry and; Scalia and
Tyson, John
Tyson Foods
Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees
United Food and Commercial Workers International (UFCW)
United Kingdom