Hard Boiled

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Hard Boiled Page 20

by T L Christianson

  All I could think of was the cemetery at Balaur and my mother's grave. I hadn't seen it because I'd been too angry at her. All this time, those things had been sitting there while Celine was trapped.

  I looked up and met his gaze, anger making me shaky. "So, let me get all this straight. Because Celine was smart, because she wanted to research unknown things, her own father took her dragon away?"

  He nodded.

  "And then, distraught and trying to reclaim what was hers, she miscalculated her anchor and got stuck in the dragon realm?"

  Another nod.

  "But no one did anything to try to get her back? YOU didn’t try to get her back? Why?"

  He frowned and tilted his head to the side.

  "No, no more excuses. Were you afraid?” I shook my head, scanning the trees around me but not seeing them. “Of course, you were afraid. Why didn't you at least go to Evgeni and tell him everything?"

  George shook his head and spat, "You don’t understand. Evgeni never wanted anything to do with her research. He all but disowned her when the Council performed the ritual on her."

  My eyes filled with tears of anger and frustration as I stared up at the tall pine trees above us. "But he didn’t know she was pregnant! We need to get her! Like yesterday! You should’ve gone to Evgeni years ago!"

  I was certain that this was exactly the information Evgeni wanted from George. There were no state secrets or whatever else Ashe thought George knew. Evgeni wanted information about his bondmate.

  George stared at the ground.

  I stood and began pacing. "All right. Where did you do the ritual? Where did she go through?"

  I felt Ashe’s presence and looked to the sky just as two dragons landed in the clearing nearby.

  "Where, George?" I snapped.

  "We did it there at the school, in the sacred cave," he said sadly.

  I nodded.

  Turning, I looked toward the meadow to see Ashe and Taya running toward us.

  As they neared, my soldier called, "What's wrong? Why were you yelling? Are you okay?"

  I ran toward him, throwing myself into his arms, blinking my eyes, trying not to cry, but I couldn't help it. My words came out muffled against his jacket. “What did I expect? Roses and sunshine?”

  "It's okay. Cry if you need to,” he whispered. He was warm and smelled like cedar, the woods, and just his natural peppery scent.

  "Did you get your answers?" Ashe asked, smoothing away my tears with his thumbs.

  I nodded, not trusting my voice as I leaned into his warmth. I let the slow, steady rhythm of his heart calm me.

  Just as I relaxed in his arms, the sound of a vehicle made him tense and turn toward the noise. He stepped away from me and pointed to the bushes.

  "Go, hide!” he ordered as he unsheathed a knife from his calf and called Eondian near.

  I did as he said, finding George hunkering down with me as well.

  Taya had pulled out her knife, and both she and Ashe stood ready to fight.

  When an SUV pulled up, Ashe sheathed his blade and said something to Taya, who did the same. I stood when I recognized one of Evgeni's goons as the driver. He greeted Ashe and Taya in Russian, and astonishingly, Ashe replied in the same language.

  I turned to George and motioned him to join us.

  Hesitantly, he straightened eyeing the Russian warily.

  "I guess this is my ride? You work for Garin, don't you?” he accused.

  The man nodded but didn't speak.

  Ashe met his eye. "George, this is your only chance to escape. Evgeni will treat you way better than they will." He pointed toward Briony. "The entire Dragonborn guard is searching for you. You have nowhere else to go and nowhere to hide. And Evgeni is willing to protect you."

  George gave me an angry look. "After all I've done for you, girl! All the love and care I've given you, and you turn on me like this! Shame. Maybe it's a blessing your mother isn't here to see it!"

  "Quiet!" Ashe ordered with compulsion, forcing the older man to be silent.

  "George, you don't mean that!" I whispered, but he only glared at me until he climbed into the car.

  I refused to look away. I had to watch because I was party to what happened here. If Evgeni hurt him, then that was on me. Ashe and I shared that sentiment as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

  We watched the vehicle bounce up and down as it traveled over the uneven terrain and out of sight.

  "What now?" I asked.

  "Now, we pack up and go back. Unfortunately, Durand said that the Council wants to question you about George's escape, but I'm hoping Evgeni can protect you. He's on his way already with his own plans to meet with the Council… but first, I almost forgot, I have something for you." He pulled Stuff-tee out of his pocket.

  "What?" I breathed out a silent laugh, taking my stuffed lamb from his hand, only mildly embarrassed. "Why?"

  "I don't know. I saw it and just grabbed it. I also brought you some different clothes to wear. I don't think you'll have time to change if we're going to meet up with Evgeni before he enters Briony."

  Taya went to shovel dirt over the fire, but I stopped her. "Wait! I need to burn something first."

  Carefully, I ripped out my poorly executed stitches from the lamb’s back before fishing out George's ruined letter. I didn't even unfold it. I simply threw it into the flames, watching as it caught fire and began to burn.

  Then, Taya, Ashe, and I began taking down the tent and packing everything up. When we were done, I looked at the fire. The letter was gone. Picking up the shovel, I began to smother the remaining embers with dirt.

  "What exactly is the plan?" I asked, looking between Taya and Ashe.

  He made a low dragon growl in his throat. It was so quiet, I would've thought I imagined it if I hadn't heard him do it before. "There's a search going on for George, and the perimeter is tight. I'll need to take you back on Eondian… it'll be easier to hide one dragon versus two."

  I bit my lip and nodded. "What about Taya?"

  "She's fine—she'll ride Diata. But you need to get cleaned up for the Council." He removed the pack he'd been wearing and handed it to me. "I wasn't sure what you wanted to wear, so I just pulled stuff out of your drawers."

  A silent laugh escaped my lips as I looked inside.

  Sorting the items, I found he'd brought me three thongs, one no-show sock, my bikini top, and a pair of hiking socks. Beneath that was the wrinkled sundress that I deemed too light to wear in the caves and a pair of high heeled sandals Katie had given me, but I could barely walk in.

  Ashe stood above me, an anxious expression on his face. "Will that work?" he asked, running his fingers through his hair to smooth it back.

  I wanted to cry. Instead, I grabbed the sundress and shook it out. "It'll work. Thanks."

  But my mind was an open book to him, and he frowned, looking down at the items. "You're unhappy. What's wrong?"

  "You have sisters, right? Two?" I asked.

  He nodded. "Look, I brought you a dress and shoes. And I knew you would want clean underwear, so I grabbed some… but I was in a hurry, and Victoria Angeven called me a pervert when she caught me in your room."

  Taya doubled over in giggles, and I smiled. “It's fine—wait… Victoria called you a pervert?" I laughed, unable to help myself. "Awww. That’s terrible, I’m sorry. I really do appreciate what you did, seriously…” I pawed through the bag some more. “You didn't grab my leather jacket, did you?"

  "No, I didn't see it," he told me, examining the clothes as if they were some kind of puzzle he was trying to figure out.

  I licked my lips. "You want me to change… now?"

  He nodded.

  "And fly after?"

  "Yeah." He checked his watch. "You have about twenty minutes, and then we need to go."

  I jogged down the hill and over to the creek. Pulling off the borrowed sweatshirt and t-shirt, I leaned over the flowing water and splashed my face.

  "I have something that
will help," Taya said, holding out a small bundle of grayish-green grass to me. "This will sound gross, but it works, I promise. Chew this plant, and then spit it out into your hand, and it will work almost as good as soap—just don't swallow it!"

  I examined the long blades before stuffing them into my mouth and chewing. I nearly gagged and wished that I hadn't used the whole bundle as the plant became soap-like and bubbly.

  I finished stripping down before squatting in the ankle-deep creek and splashing myself with the ice-cold water until I was drenched and shivering. Then I spit the lump of grass into my hand. It had a slight sage-like scent. After I scrubbed it against my skin and rinsed, I used the sweatshirt to dry myself. Shivering with bare shoulders in the strappy sundress, I jammed my feet into my trainers before walking back up the hill.

  Ashe turned when he heard me approach, then pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. "Taya?" he called to my guard. "Can you braid her hair?"

  I felt the messy bun that sat like a pineapple on top of my head. "What's wrong with my hair?"

  "You're meeting with the Council, so you need to look nice,” Taya said, checking her watch. "We have time."

  After getting my hair nearly yanked out, I was left with a sore scalp and two French braids down each side of my skull.

  Ashe had clipped the duffel onto Eondian and sat on the beast's back, waiting for me to join him. I picked my way across the soft forest floor, trying to walk on my toes to keep the heels from sinking into the ground.

  Looking into the large Harrow’s multifaceted dragon eyes, I hesitated. "You're going to be nice, aren't you, Eondian? No trying to kill me today."

  The beast's voice rumbled inside my brain, Silly creature, if I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead.

  I gave him a stony expression.

  "It's okay, Syd. Climb up." Ashe patted Eondian hard on the neck before telling the dragon, "Be nice!"

  Aaraeth nudged me to fly, but I reminded her of the plan.

  Stepping up onto the beast's paw, Ashe gripped my arms and pulled me up in front of him. I tucked my dress around my thighs, hoping for the best.

  Large spikes trailed down Eondian's neck like on Choryth, but Ashe ran his hand over them, making them lie flat.

  He then interlocked his fingers with mine before guiding them to the spikes on Eondian's head. "See, look," he said, making the points lay flat with our combined touch. "He's not as mean as he looks."

  I felt Ashe’s mental nudge to his beast and the dragon bent before flinging himself into the sky. I found that I could almost see through Eondian's eyes like I did with Aaraeth.

  I knew that we were going into a difficult situation, but being with Ashe filled me with a sense of peace. I wanted to stay like this, wrapped in his arms forever.

  I couldn't imagine anything better… until I did.

  For the first time in my life, I dreamed of having a family—of holding a fat infant up and kissing its tummy while it giggled.

  I dreamed of watching our children play in the ocean and Ashe teaching them how to surf. Then watching our daughter grow with her own dragon…

  But something was off.

  These weren't my thoughts… these belonged to Ashe.

  My heart began to race, and I struggled to catch my breath. I felt so happy, but those feelings belonged to Ashe.

  Sensing my alarm, he pressed his palm flat in the middle of my chest in a gesture of comfort and kissed my hair.

  "It's okay," he whispered, his face next to mine. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just… I could feel your mind so clearly, and…" his voice was thick with emotion. "You were so happy."

  "I am happy," I said, turning to look up at him. His eyes were glossy, but I told myself it was from the wind.

  "I wanted to show you what I think about. What I want… someday."

  I wanted that too, but at the same time, it scared me.

  Just like completing the bond scared me.

  But Ashe understood, maybe he understood better than I did.

  I had a lot of bold words, and I'd wanted to be ready for anything, but Ashe understood me better than I understood myself. He knew I was still this scared girl… and yet he still wanted me.

  I thought about how he'd brought Stuff-Tee, knowing I'd find comfort in the lamb… but not so much anymore.

  My comfort was in Ashe.

  My faith was in him.

  And in an uncertain future, I knew that if we were together, then everything would be all right.



  Sydney trembled in my arms, and I pressed her tighter against me as we flew.

  Instead of landing at Briony, I guided Eondian high, skirting the valley, before darting downward toward the outer gate. This was a dangerous maneuver, but I wanted no chance of intercepting the patrol or other Dragonborn before meeting up with Evgeni.

  Syd sucked in a breath as we dove, but I kept her tucked between my dragon and me. As the ground flew toward us, Eondian's wings spread wide at the last minute, catching the air and leveling out before gliding into the valley. Slowing, we landed near the small gatehouse.

  Taya and Diata landed only seconds after us, the wyvern's feet running along the grassy field to stop.

  The pasture was empty. No Evgeni, no cars and no dragons, just the sound of aspen leaves and shrubby oak bushes as they rustled in the mountain breeze.

  "Where's Evgeni?" Syd asked, looking around in worry.

  I pressed her against me, my hand spanning her stomach.

  "Don't worry. He'll be here," I told her quietly.

  A noise from the dwelling alerted us to someone nearby, and we both turned toward it.

  One of the guards stepped out of the main door, gawking at us and probably wondering what the hell we were doing on this side of the mountain.

  I raised a hand before jumping down from my dragon's back. Syd watched me but stayed quiet as I reached for her to help her off Eondian.

  I could've trotted Eondian closer to the gatehouse where the guard stood on alert, but that would've been an aggressive maneuver. Instead, it was best to call the beast to me, which was what I did. Even through the tension of the moment, I smiled a bit as Syd watched my dragon merge with wide eyes and awe on her face. It was easy to forget how remarkable dragons were, but everything was fresh and full of wonder when I saw them through her eyes.

  "Prime Carrick," The on-duty officer called out in recognition to me before eyeing Sydney. "And Prime… uh… Are you Prime Lambert?” he asked uncertainly.

  "Yes?" Sydney answered, confused, before whispering to me, "Do you know him?"

  I shook my head. "No, but that's not unusual. Everyone knows the Primes."

  She scrunched up her nose at me and said, "I hate that."

  I lifted a shoulder. "It's life."

  "Sir and uh… ma'am, this is an unauthorized landing as well as a no-fly zone.” he continued, holding a hand up to stop us from coming closer. Then he darted a glance toward the small dark-haired medic. "Identify yourself, soldier!"

  "Sergeant Taya Warren," Taya bellowed from behind me.

  He entered something on the touchpad he carried before gawking openly at Syd, almost as if he were mesmerized to see a female Prime. Annoyed, she widened her eyes and stared back at him.

  "I'm here on personal business to escort Prime Evgeni Garin into HQ," I told him.

  His eyes flicked to the device in his hand, confirming Evgeni had requested to enter Briony. Then his gaze darted back to Syd. "That may be, but you should've made prior arrangements. I'm going to have to report this."

  "Hey!" I called out, my voice deadly, "don't look at her. We're talking. Look at me."

  The man's eyes trailed back to his touchpad as he began nervously scrolling again. Then he looked up, pointedly meeting my eyes across the twenty feet or so between us.

  "I don't have you on the list," he said.

  I sucked in a deep breath, about to argue, when something rumbled in the distanc
e, making the four of us pause and listen. I recognized it as the sound of multiple vehicles as they approached on the jeep trail.

  "That's Prime Garin, and he's expecting us." I pointed northwest, to where the road entered the meadow. This was pissing me off now. "I arranged clearance this morning through the Colonel."

  The guard crossed his arms, looking as if he were about to argue, but I nudged him to obey me. I knew it was lazy, but I was too tired, irritated, and sick of bullshit to deal with anything else. I had put in the proper paperwork, and I wasn't about to be fucked with because someone else hadn't done their job.

  "It must be here somewhere. I just can't find it." He frowned. "Don't worry about it, I'll straighten everything out."

  "Thank you," I told him.

  The soldier leaned against the rough railing of the cabin's porch as he waited for the cars to arrive.

  I kept my arm around Syd, tucking her into my side as we stood in the grass.

  She looked up at me, the fingers of her right hand trailing over my collar as she whispered, "Did you push him?"

  I frowned and nodded, "Was it obvious?"

  She shook her head. "No, it was really subtle… it's just that ever since you healed me, I get stray thoughts from you… like your mind is so full that they run over, and I hear them."

  I smiled at her analogy, "What did you hear?"

  "I felt guilt, and… you're exhausted…" she trailed off before giving me a teasing smile.

  I stared down into her changing eyes, blue one moment, green the next. Desire pushed at me, called to me, demanded I kiss her.

  "For the love of the ancestors!" I murmured as I turned away and adjusted my pants.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I stared out over the field and began listing my access codes in order starting with the recent ones. The numbers diverted my thoughts, helping to ground me against the pull of my baser instincts.

  Sydney watched the road, worry in her eyes as several cars and SUVs snaked their way through the pasture, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

  "It's okay," I whispered, leaning over to kiss her temple. "Everything will be okay. Evgeni is just coming here to talk to the Council about what happened yesterday with the dragons. We'll ride with him, and hopefully, he can keep you from getting questioned about George."


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