What He Wants

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What He Wants Page 19

by Jessie Gussman

  Larissa glanced over at the couple beside her. They’d not said a word. “Would you excuse us for a moment?”

  They exchanged a surprised look.

  “If you’d just wait outside here for one minute.” Larissa opened the door, and the confused couple stepped out.

  She waited for them to go and said in a low tone, “Then why don’t you marry him?”

  “Because he was just recently released from prison.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes hardened. “What was he in for?”

  “Vehicular homicide. He was only seventeen, but they gave him a ten-year sentence, and someone made sure he served every day of it.”

  Her brow puckered. “I remember Dad talking about...” She drilled Torque with her eyes. “Did you win the truck pull at the county fair before you went to prison?”

  “Twice,” Torque said.

  “I remember Dad talking about how harsh your sentence was. He couldn’t figure out why, since he said you were a good kid.” She tapped her cheek for long moments. For once, the twins were quiet and still, as if they knew their fate hung in the balance.

  Finally, Larissa’s hand dropped. “If I recall correctly, the only reason you were denied permission to adopt the girls is because you were a single mom and we thought it was too much for you, especially since you already have an adopted son. Is that right?”

  “That’s correct,” Cassidy confirmed. “And I tried to apply with Torque, but we were denied because of his prison record and recent release.”

  Larissa stared off into space for several moments. Finally, she jerked her clipboard up and began writing furiously. “Well, I just changed that decision. If you still want to adopt these girls, you are approved. Right there is the kind of man we want for a dad. My mom couldn’t say enough good about him, and I just visited him at work, where I found everything she had said to be completely true.”

  Cassidy’s mind reeled, and her head spun. Torque’s arm tightened around her. “You’re saying the girls are ours?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” She gave a decisive nod before cringing a little and looking at the closed door. “This isn’t the most professional way to handle this, but this agency is all about the children, finding good homes and parents who will love them and raise them well. That’s what is going to happen here.” She opened her eyes wide and shook her head. “I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. We’ll finalize the adoption as soon as you finalize your marriage.”

  Cassidy let out an excited squeal and took one hop before she froze and checked out how Torque was taking this.

  She needn’t have worried. He was smiling. “Guess I’d better go ring shopping.”

  “I don’t need a ring. I just need you.”

  He pulled her closer and lowered his head, kissing her sweetly.


  Cassidy stood in Miss Angelina’s big yard, her hands on her hips. Actually, it wasn’t Miss Angelina’s big yard anymore. It was hers. Torque’s and hers.

  She twisted the small diamond on her hand. Their wedding was a few short weeks away. Nothing fancy. Despite her privileged upbringing, they weren’t the showy kind of people. Plus, planning a wedding while trying to move and settle three children into a new home all while working part-time was more than either of them wanted to do.

  Torque had allowed her to move in with the kids first. But he was there every day, of course.

  Cassidy laughed as Torque caught one of the twins as they raced down the yard. He picked her up and spun her around. He took three steps to where Jamal had his bike in pieces on the blacktop.

  “Looks good, son. I’ll help you take a link out of that chain as soon as you get it off.”

  He probably should have done it in the garage and would have for sure, if he’d thought about it. Cassidy figured he was just in such a big rush to be just like Torque—his dad. The adoption papers came through yesterday for Torque and Jamal.

  They were waiting until they were married to officially adopt the girls. But everything was lined up and ready to go.

  Torque set the twin down and walked the twenty yards back up to her, where she stood beside Nessa in the play yard.

  “Still sleeping?” he asked softly.

  “Yes.” Cassidy smiled as he strode confidently to her and pulled her close.

  He looked up at the house before he turned and stood with his arm around her. “If you’d told me last year this time, while I was sitting behind bars feeling sorry for myself, that this would be my life, I’d have thought you were the biggest liar I’d ever met.”

  “I can’t believe it either.”

  Miss Angelina caught Nissa as she toddled to the blacktop. Gram and Miss Betty laughed from their chairs where they quilted outside the garage. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and the garage was closed up for the day.

  “Do you think Miss Angelina minded moving to the mother-in-law suite in the west wing of the house?” Cassidy lay her head on Torque’s shoulder.

  “Not at all. She told me that’s the reason she and Tyke built that suite—for them to eventually move into. I thought you were there when she said it.”

  “I might have been. Sometimes I miss things when the twins are talking. I’ll never get tired of hearing them call me ‘mama.’”

  “And you’re a good mama. The very best.” Torque’s arm tightened around her.

  “Okay. Dad.”

  Torque’s teeth flashed white in his tanned face. “You can call me that all day.”

  She laughed. “You know, I thought I saw Tough looking at Kelly the other day when she was here at the house and he was at the garage helping you with that big motor job.”


  “Yeah. He was standing in the garage door, looking up here. I couldn’t see his face or anything, but Tough isn’t usually distracted.”

  “True. He wasn’t distracted for long. I never saw him stop working.” He shook his head and put his hands on her shoulders, turning her to face him. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Kelly has that rich politician she’s with, and I honestly don’t think Tough will ever get married. He’d have to actually ask a question. To a girl.” He laughed. “Tough’s great, but nope. Don’t see him getting married.”

  She laughed with him, although she wasn’t sure he was correct. Tough wouldn’t need to talk. Kelly could speak for both of them.

  “Now, about our wedding. What do you say we move it up?” His eyes darkened as his head lowered. “Like tomorrow? This afternoon, even?”

  “Okay,” she whispered as his lips touched hers. Getting married was a big decision, but with Torque, she wasn’t afraid, wasn’t even nervous. How could she be? After what he did, she was ready to do whatever he wanted.

  TOUGH BAXTER GAVE THE bolt one last tug, then straightened, flexing his shoulders over the big CAT motor. Cassidy had brought supper down. Torque, although dirty and still holding a wrench in one hand, leaned close to her, their faces just a breath apart as they smiled and spoke low, seeming oblivious to anyone else in the garage.

  His heart stirred, happy his brother had found peace. A good woman would do that for a man. And Torque had given Cassidy a strong shoulder to lean on and a companion to walk beside her.

  It was the way life was supposed to go.

  Not for him.

  Much as he might wish it to happen.

  The girl he’d been in love with since elementary school wore another man’s ring on her finger. Which, of course, was his fault. Not that he could do anything about it now. But their courses had been set back when they were about eight.

  Kelly didn’t remember him. Too much time had passed, and he’d been just as inconspicuous then as he was now. He’d been young in years, but wiser than most children his age, and he’d known when he’d taken Kelly by the hand and led her into another world – a world filled with money and glitz and glamor – that she probably wouldn’t return to the one he’d never lea
ve. The world that wasn’t filled with money, glitz and glamor. There was no out for him. But he’d found one for Kelly.

  It was the least he could do for the little girl who had taken his childish heart with her when she left.

  That wasn’t the reason he didn’t talk much. No, he was born like that. But it was the reason he’d never have what Torque and Cassidy had now.

  The rock on Kelly’s hand said she’d soon belong to another man. As much as that squeezed his heart, it was better this way.

  She’d never fall for a man like him, anyway. Especially not with the secret he kept close to his heart.

  TOUGH’S STORY, Tough Talk, is available HERE.

  WANT MORE OF CASSIDY and Torque? Take My Place, which is FREE, is about Cassidy and Torque’s romance up until the car accident, but it’s only available to Jessie’s newsletter subscribers HERE.




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