WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 4

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WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 4 Page 22

by Varnell, Brandon

  Kari’s blue eyes were so close I could see my reflection in them. My heart was thumping against my chest like a Kangaboxer—a C-Rank Demon Beast with powerful legs. Her eyes slowly fluttered closed as she tilted her head up.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I placed my hands on her hips and leaned down. Our lips finally met, and I felt like I was going to cry. These were the same lips I remembered, the same lips I had shared my first kiss with. Kari’s mouth was warm and soft. As we continued to kiss, I couldn’t stop myself from leaning in just a bit and nibbling on her lower lip.


  A startled gasp made me jerk back. I stared at the blushing Kari in concern.

  “Was that too much?”

  “N-no,” she mumbled, embarrassed. “It wasn’t too much. I was just surprised.” Her cheeks gained even more color. “It… actually felt kind of good.”

  “Then would it be okay if we kept kissing?” I asked.

  “J-just for now. Um, you know it’s late, so we have to go to bed eventually…”

  Just for now was enough for me. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her closer, pressing my lips against hers. Kari seemed shocked for a moment. Her body became stiff, but then the tension in her shoulders and spine relaxed as she leaned into me and kissed back.

  That night, the twin moons, the stars, and the still dozing Lamia girl were the only witnesses to our passionate embrace.

  To be Continued…

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  Hello and welcome to the afterword. I hope you all enjoyed WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior volume 4. If you did like it, please consider writing a review. Reviews are imperative for an author’s growth. Books live and die by the reviews they have, so if you’d like to help this book and series continue living a wholesome (ha!) life, please consider helping me out.

  I’ve got a lot I want to talk about now that this volume is finished, so please bear with me as I pontificate for a bit.

  Volume 4 marks the end of Act I for my series. I think I mentioned this before, but I wrote WIEDERGEBURT using a more web novel format, so you unfortunately can’t skip volumes and still know exactly what is happening. The story is just one long continuation of linear events. I ended up breaking my Act into four volumes because of that, and each volume focused on something specific.

  Volume 1: Eryk travels back in time, decides to redo his past, and comes across a girl (Fay) who has a unique problem that only he can solve.

  Volume 2: Eryk needs money to buy training supplies. He works out a deal with the Alchemist Association and Stelys Valstine.

  Volume 3: Eryk has challenged Grant in the Spiritualist Grand Tournament, but Grant has no intention of letting Eryk even enter and uses assassins and his friend to try and defeat him.

  Volume 4: The Spiritualist Grand Tournament takes place. Eryk wins.

  Each volume dealt with one specific problem that was connected to the underlying story of Act I. You can probably think of each volume as parts of a play.

  One thing I’m sure everyone noticed about volume 4 was the lack of flashbacks. I only had two this time. I’ve mentioned it before, but it bears mentioning again: the importance of the flashbacks is not just that they are memories of Eryk’s past (which will play a greater role as the series continues), but that they are dreams that Eryk experiences when he is sleeping. The dream aspect is probably the most important part about them.

  Now that I’ve talked a bit about some of the themes in my story, allow me to talk about what I really wanted to discuss in this afterword.

  The harem.

  With the end of volume 4, the harem is officially a go. Kari has given Eryk the idea, and now he’s got no choice but to take that idea and run with it.

  There are many reasons the idea of having a polyamorous relationship needed to come from Kari and couldn’t come from Eryk himself.

  The first reason is that Eryk Veiger is a commoner. Polygamy is a privilege of the nobility. It is seen by nobles as a sign of status and wealth. Having multiple spouses is basically a way for nobles to proclaim: “Look at me! Look at how desirable I am! Look at how capable I am of pleasing my men/women! Aren’t I awesome?!” It’s bragging rights. Pure and simple. Being able to have multiple spouses shows not only that you are desirable, but that you are attractive, have the sexual prowess to satisfy multiple partners, and have the money to care for them all. This is very much a nobles way of thinking. Commoners like Eryk simply don’t think like that because they are struggling just to survive.

  Another reason Eryk couldn’t come up with the idea on his own was also because of Grant Leucht. I think we can all agree that Grant is a disgusting little shit-stain. As both a person and a villain, he’s pretty pathetic. He’s very much the standard wuxia villain whose sole purpose is to let everyone see how much better Eryk is than him. His role is to elevate Eryk in the eyes of others and mask the more sinister forces at work behind the scenes. Because Grant was trying to force Kari and Fay into marrying him, Eryk was immediately turned off to the idea of polygamy. He didn’t want to be like Grant. Even if the idea of polygamy occurred to him, he would dismiss it out of hand.

  Of course, the biggest reason Eryk couldn’t decide to become the harem king on his own is because he just never thought about it. Part of that is his commoner background, but another reason is because he’s a straight shooter. At the time when Stelys Valstine suggested that Eryk marry Fay, he was only in love with Kari, and Eryk is not the type of man who would marry someone he doesn’t love. While his feelings for Fay do change over the course of these four volumes, his heart still belongs to Kari.

  Part of the reason I show off Eryk’s past is so you can see how much Kari means to him. When Nevaria was destroyed, Kari and Eryk became dependent upon each other for survival, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Neither one could live without the other. And they spent decades together. Those aren’t the kind of feelings that can be changed with the snap of someone’s fingers. Compared to the 30+ years Eryk spent in a 100% monogymous relationship with Kari, the 2-3 months he spent with Fay is like the blink of an eye. It would have been out of character if Eryk accepted Fay’s affection so easily.

  In short, Eryk could never come up with the idea to marry multiple women.

  But Kari can.

  Unlike Eryk, Kari is a member of the nobility. She is of the highest order of noble. Her mother is the freaking empress. What’s more, Hilda Astralia has three husbands. Kari has spent every day of her life seein
g the greatest example of a working polyamorous relationship. She knows a polyamorous relationship can work because she has that example. Not only does she know that polyamorous relationships can work, but Kari has the motivation to suggest it in the present timeline that she didn’t have in the past.

  Kari wants her best friend back.

  It’s a simple motivation, but I think it works because Kari has spent the last several years of her life friendless after she and Fay had a falling out. You never know how much something means to you until it’s gone. Kari understands this better than anyone. She has wanted her best friend back for far longer than she’s been in love with Eryk (in the present timeline). Having Fay studiously ignore all of her attempts at reigniting their friendship again and again has caused Kari to become desperate, so when she discovered that Fay was in love with Eryk, she created a plan. If Eryk courts both her and Fay, then Fay will have no choice but to be friends with her again.

  A simple but effective strategy.

  One of the reasons I write harem novels is because I really enjoy coming up with these kind of relationship dynamic and scenarios. I like trying to think of ways in which a polyamorous relationship could work without seeming contrived. The relationship dynamics in a harem series is also something you cannot find in any other genre of fiction. Saying all that, I really hope the way all this happened felt natural instead of forced.

  I’ve got some last minute thank yous to say before I stop writing, so please bear with me. We are almost done.

  First, I would like to thank Mykel for her continued awesome artwork. She is doing a wonderful job with the covers and interior art. I cannot express enough how much I love her work.

  I would also like to thank Crystal Holdefer for being my copy editor on this series. My books undergo between 3-5 rewrites/self-edits before I hand it off to her, but I always make mistakes and some of my sentences are structured oddly. She helps smooth my rough edges a lot, and I greatly appreciate it.

  Finally, I want to thank everyone who read this book, reviewed this book, and shared it with their friends. You’re all incredible people. If I could thank each one of you in person, I would completely do that. I’m actually wondering how much it will cost me to attend cons so I can talk with some of you. Maybe some day, this dream of mine will become a reality. Until that day comes, please accept this heartfelt thanks from me to you. Thank you very much for your support. It means the world to me.

  I plan to begin solidifying the harem in the next volume. I hope everyone will stick around to see that happen!

  ~Brandon Varnell

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