Waiting for Love

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Waiting for Love Page 9

by Lacey Black

  Conversation around me continues as stories are shared and drinks are consumed. After a few minutes, the chair beside me slides out. I expect to see Theo sit down but am surprised when it’s another man taking the chair. “You’re Penelope, huh? I’m Shane, one of Trevor’s oldest friends.”

  I take the hand he offers, only to be surprised when he brings it to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. It’s a little cheesy, but I don’t call him on it. His smile is friendly and nice, with straight, white teeth, and his dark brown eyes a little sparkly under the multi-colored party lights. “Nice to meet you, Shane.”

  “An absolute pleasure,” he croons when he finally releases my hand. “So, how long have you known the bride-to-be?”

  Before I can reply, I hear a very curt, very annoyed, “You’re in my seat.”

  I look up to find Theo standing behind Shane, his eyes narrowed at the man beside me. “I didn’t see anyone sitting here.”

  Theo sets my drink down on the table, accidentally elbowing Shane in the arm as he goes. When Theo positions himself between Shane and me, a task which isn’t easy, considering how close our chairs are, Shane bursts out laughing.

  “All right, I guess I’ll head back to my own chair before Theo whips it out and pees on you,” Shane states as he carefully stands up, pushing the chair back. “Penelope, it was lovely to officially meet you. I hope you’ll save a dance for me Saturday night.”

  I catch the flash of anger that streaks through Theo’s eyes. It happens so quickly and is gone just as fast, I wonder if I could have been wrong in what I saw. Clearing my throat, my gaze meets Shane’s dark one. “That sounds nice. Pleasure to meet you, as well.”

  Then he’s gone, returning to the opposite end of the table, leaving me with Theo and the weird vibe ebbing from his pores.

  “You didn’t have to run him off,” I state, reaching for the fresh margarita and taking a sip.

  “Yes I did. Shane’s fresh out of a relationship, and not looking for anything but a good time.” His tone is clipped, his gaze cast down at his beer bottle. He looks forlorn and a bit unsettled as he slowly brings his drink to his lips.

  I can’t help but watch the way his throat bobs and his full lips wrap around the top of the bottle. Warmth floods my core in a way it only seems to do when it’s late at night and all I can think about is Theo. I try to cross my legs, but that only seems to make the ache worse by applying a bit of pressure to my under-used lady parts.

  Clearing my throat, I push try to push thoughts of Theo’s mouth and my lady parts out of my mind. “Thank you for the drink,” I end up saying, even though a part of me wants to chastise him for what he said about Shane. Who is he to decide who I can and can’t talk to? Why does it matter if Shane’s only looking for a good time post-breakup? Maybe that’s what I’m looking for too?

  The ache between my legs seems to vibrate through my blood, as if in agreement. The only problem is there’s only one man who causes this reaction, this wild, uninhibited feeling, and it isn’t the one who just walked away. Oh no. It’s the man sitting right next to me.

  The one I shouldn’t want.

  Yet, do.

  Chapter Twelve


  I don’t know why I’m so worked up, but I am. Turning around and witnessing Shane sitting in my seat, his body angled toward Penelope in a way that conveyed his interest, had me seeing red. A spike of hot jealousy stabbed my gut as he kissed her knuckles, and she smiled up at him. I wanted to kill my brother’s friend, and dammit, I can’t even fault him for it. There’s something so sweet, so down to earth about Penelope, I can see exactly why he’d be attracted to her.

  “You’re welcome,” I reply, clearing my own throat as she takes another small sip. My eyes are riveted on the way her small lips wrap around the straw and suck, causing all sorts of dirty thoughts to enter my mind.

  She seems to wiggle in her chair, which doesn’t help my growing problem south of my beltline, as she turns to face me. “How was your evening at the driving range?”

  “It was good. Lots of food and beer. Plus, I won fifty bucks off Trevor in a bet.”

  Penelope’s gorgeous face transforms into one of shock. “You took fifty bucks off the groom two nights before his wedding?”

  I shrug. “Technically, it was his dumb ass who made the wager, so it’s not my fault. My brother has always had a competitive streak, and it didn’t surprise me he wanted to throw a little money down on a few balls. Too bad for him, mine went farther than his. Don’t worry about him, though. He’s not going to have to cancel the wedding because he lost fifty bucks. My brother would never make a wager he couldn’t pay if he lost. That was one of the things our dad taught us when we were younger.”

  “Huh,” she says, seeming to consider my words. “My dad only taught me that condoms are only ninety-eight percent effective.”

  Her statement catches me off guard. “Seriously?” I mean, my dad stressed the fact they weren’t foolproof, but that seems like an odd lesson to teach your daughter.

  She shrugs and spins her straw around in her glass. “I was the product of a fairly new relationship when my parents were young. They had only been dating a few weeks and had used protection, but oops, nine months later, I was born. They ended up getting married and stuck it out as long as they could, but ultimately, their differences were too great. They co-parented the best they could, but it was hard.”

  “That’s too bad. Sorry to hear that.”

  She waves off my comment. “It’s fine. I’ve had a lot of years to deal with it. Plus, they’re so much better apart than they were together. Both have since remarried, and I even have a half brother who graduated high school last spring.”

  “Are they nearby?”

  Nodding, she replies, “Mom and Craig live in Petersburg and Dad and Jenn are here in Seattle.”

  “Well, that’s good. At least you don’t have to go far to visit family,” I add, referring to the fifteen-minute drive to Petersburg and the two-hour commute to Seattle.

  “And your family? I know your brother lives here. Are you parents close?” she asks, taking another sip of her drink.

  I lean back in my chair, yet somehow angling closer to her. I can feel the warmth of her body against my arm. “Parents are here too. They sold their house a few years back and moved to one of those tiny home subdivisions.”

  “Really?” Penelope’s interest is piqued now. I can see it in her eyes. Most people always wondered about tiny homes. I myself could never actually live in one.

  “True story. It’s actually a great little subdivision near a golf course, so Dad spends as much free time as he can on the range. Trevor and I were worried about them getting under each other’s feet all the time, but they both seem to like it. Mom still has a space out back for her big garden and spends all her free time in the kitchen canning. She sells a lot of it at a big farmers market near Puget Sound.”

  She slurps a little more of her frozen drink, the faintest grin playing on her lips. “That actually sounds kinda cool, but I don’t think I could live in a small space like that.”

  I flash her a quick grin. “Me either. That’s why I’m staying at the hotel and not with them. Their spare bedroom is a futon that takes up about half the loft and wouldn’t comfortably hold my body. As much as I love them, that’s a hard pass.”

  Now all I can picture is my bed, ideally with Penelope in it with me. Talking with her is a double-edged sword. I crave it, but it keeps sparking all these ideas for more.

  More Penelope.

  I’m not ready to let go of that fantasy.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I can’t help but picture his large body trying to get comfortable in a tiny bed. His bare feet sticking out from the bottom of the blanket, legs hanging off the end. He’s not wearing a shirt in my fantasy either, his hard, chiseled chest on full display. I’ve seen enough of said chest over the last two years to have a v
ery vivid picture of it embedded in my mind.

  “Hey, Pen?” When I glance up, I see the table standing up. “We’re going to walk back to the hotel. Are you guys coming?”

  I shoot a quick glance at Theo before standing up. “Oh, yeah. I’m ready to head back.”

  Our group, now including the guys from Trevor’s gathering, heads for the exit. I scoot my chair out, only to have Theo pull it the rest of the way out. “Thanks.”

  He nods, shoving his hands in his pockets and trailing behind me. Shannon looks back, flashing me a mischievous grin, before falling into step with Faith and talking about preschool. When I glance around, I realize everyone is chatting with someone.

  Everyone but me and Theo.

  As we hit the sidewalk, I slow my pace until he’s right beside me. “Gorgeous night, isn’t it?” I ask, wishing I had something else to discuss rather than the weather.

  “I’ve always loved October. Warmer days with the cooler nights. Perfect sleeping weather.”

  “Do you sleep with your windows open?”

  “Of course. Don’t you?”

  I scrunch up my nose. “No way. I get cold too easily. I prefer warm pajamas and extra blankets.”

  “Let me guess, you sleep with fuzzy socks, don’t you?” he asks, pulling a face of horror.

  I can’t even deny it, so I don’t try. Smiling, I proudly state, “I do. My favorite is these blue and gray polka dot ones with little kittens on them.”

  He chuckles, a rich, soothing sound. “Let me guess. The kittens look like Annabelle? How is the escape artist doing?”

  “Oh, she’s fine. I mean, she’s probably tearing apart the toilet paper or digging in the trash, but that’s nothing new. Mrs. Gibson is watching her for me.”

  He nods as our group makes its way down the block.

  “How did you guys get here?” I ask, realizing no one drove a car.

  “We piled in a couple of Ubers from the driving range to where you ladies were. Since it’s only a two-block walk, we just figured we’d hoof it back with you all. I guess Trevor and Teagan will call a cab or Uber to take them home.”

  Makes sense since the bride and groom aren’t staying at the hotel yet. According to the agenda we all received upon arrival, Teagan and Trevor have the honeymoon suite for two nights, though Trevor won’t be staying there Friday night. Teagan will have her mom with her, and then we’ll all go up and get ready there on Saturday.

  A few minutes later, we arrive back at the hotel. “Well, our ride is here,” Teagan announces. “Ladies, I’ll meet you at noon down in the restaurant. Elle and Silvia will be here by then, so it’ll officially be all eight of us together again,” she adds before going around and giving each one of us a hug. When she reaches my side, she whispers, “He’s cute and super sweet. I knew you’d like him.” Then, she throws me a knowing wink and walks away.

  I’m left dumbfounded by her comment. Theo? Sweet? He’s annoying at best. Okay, so maybe a tad bit helpful, like when he cut down my tree limbs and assisted in moving them from my yard, but I wouldn’t exactly call him sweet for it.

  Those that live nearby take off in an Uber or cab, while the rest of us file inside the hotel and head for the elevators. The doors open immediately, so we all pile in, floor numbers shouted out to Shannon, who happens to be closest to the buttons. I’m standing in front of Theo, Shane to my left, as the doors close, smooshing us all together.

  “Sorry,” Shane mutters with a crooked grin on his face, his body pressing against my side.

  I try to take a step back to give him more room, only to find my entire backside flush against a very hard body. Instinct has me pulling away, but two strong hands gently wrap around my arms, holding me in place. I’m sure Theo’s actions are just to keep me from stumbling into everyone around me, but there’s this tiny sliver of hope—and maybe even a touch of desire—that wonders if he’s holding me against him for other reasons.

  Before I can dive too deeply into that train wreck of a thought, the door opens, depositing some of our group on each floor. Everyone hollers their goodnights before exiting, and by the time we reach the fourth floor, there’s plenty of room to fan out.

  Yet, we don’t.

  Theo keeps his hands on my arms, and I let him.

  When we finally reach the sixth floor, the door opens. Theo drops his hands, and I’m not really sure if I’m relieved or saddened by this development. Shannon glances at me as Theo and I both make our way to exit. She looks between us with questions in her eyes.

  “We’re on the same floor,” I state lamely.

  Shannon doesn’t even try to hide her smirk. “Interesting.”

  I open my mouth to say something—what, I have no clue—but the door starts to shut. “I’ll see you in the morning,” I mumble, stepping into the vacant hallway.

  “Oh, you definitely will,” she replies, a wide grin on her face as she disappears behind the elevator door.

  We walk in silence toward our rooms. Even though we don’t speak, I can feel his presence behind me. It’s powerful and consuming, my body drawn to his like a magnet to metal. An invisible pull I can’t deny, even if I wanted to.

  I stop at my room and pull my keycard from my small clutch. “Well, goodnight,” I whisper, positioning my body in the doorway to keep the door from latching.

  “Night, Pen,” he says, his hands shoved in the pockets of his blue jeans once more. He opens his mouth, as if he’s about to say something else, but shakes his head softly and heads for his room.

  “See you tomorrow at the rehearsal,” I quickly add. I’m not sure why, but a part of me wants to keep him talking.

  Theo stops and faces me. There’s something raw and hopeful written in those gorgeous chocolate eyes of his that sends my heart fluttering. “Definitely.”

  I let the door close before I can invite him inside, something a few days ago, I never would have considered. Yet, there’s something budding here. Something taking root and growing. An attraction, yes, but could it be something more?


  Thump, thump, thump.

  A loud banging wakes me from my deep sleep. I blink a few times, trying to get my bearings, and figure out what that noise was. Is Annabelle tearing something up? Did I leave the bathroom door open again? Is there a burglar in my house who’s currently robbing me blind?

  Then it hits me where I am.

  I lay in the semi-uncomfortable bed, trying to determine what it was that just woke me up. After another minute, I hear it again. A loud banging sound, reminiscent of someone hitting a room door.


  Was it my door? Is someone knocking?

  I quietly slip from the warmth and tiptoe to the only exit in the room. I glance through the peephole, not seeing anyone on the other side. Just as I step away, I hear it again. The sound of a knock.

  Putting on my brave face, I slip the chain off and unlatch the knob. Carefully, before I can talk myself out of it, I silently pull open the door and peek my head out. The hallway appears to be empty, which surprises me. I guess I expected to find kids running up and down the halls, knocking on all the doors.

  “Huh,” I say to only myself, slowly closing the door. Except when I get ready to shut it, I hear it again. Thump, thump, thump.

  Ripping the door back open, I peer into the vacant hallway. This time, before I can close mine, another door opens. I turn, just as Theo’s head pops out. His hair is a little messy, standing on end, as he yawns and runs his hand down his face. “Was that you?”

  Before I can answer, it happens again. Thump, thump.

  “What is that?” I ask.

  As Theo goes to open his mouth, a loud moan fills the hallway, followed by more banging. Thump, thump, thump, thump.

  My eyes fly to the door across the hall, and that’s when I see it move. It’s subtle, probably in light of the weight of the hard wood, but it moves, nonetheless. Every few seconds, the door rattles and vibrat
es hard against the frame, causing the hallway to fill with unexpected noise.

  “I do believe someone’s having sex against that door.” The words he speaks shock me almost as much as having him say them right next to me.

  I didn’t realize Theo had walked my way, but I’m aware of his close proximity now. I’m also super mindful of the fact he isn’t wearing a shirt. “What?” I gape at the door, watching it move, doing everything in my power to not look at his chest.

  “Sex. Well, wall sex, if you’re going for specifics.”

  My eyes are surely as wide as hubcaps right now. “Seriously? It’s like two in the morning,” I mutter, keeping my voice down.

  Theo leans back against the wall and shrugs. “Good sex knows no time restraints.”

  All I can do is stand there. Not that I want to listen to that couple go at it, but because I can’t seem to make my legs work. There’s a hint of fresh soap lingering in the air, which only makes me think of Theo in the shower, and his arm keeps brushing against mine, as he stands beside me.

  “Did they wake you up too?” I finally ask, trying to keep my focus on the man beside me and not the banging across the hall.

  “They did. I wasn’t sure what it was at first. I thought someone knocked on my door, though I knew that wasn’t right. It didn’t sound close enough. Then I worried something was wrong with you since it appeared to be coming this way down the hall.”

  I huff out a deep breath. “Nothing’s wrong. Just woken up by my neighbors having sex.”

  When I turn my attention back to him, my eyes drop to his bare chest. His sculpted arms are crossed casually over his pecs, but there’s still plenty to feast my eyes on. Suddenly, he’s too close.

  “Well, it is a hotel, you know?” he says, humor lacing his statement. After a few seconds, he asks, pointing over his shoulder at his door, “Do you want to come in? I mean, until they’re done, you’re probably not going to get any sleep, right? You’re welcome to come to my room and hang out for a bit.”


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