A Stranger's Fear Edited

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A Stranger's Fear Edited Page 8

by Beth Hoyer

towards him “Stranger! You heard me!”

  Jinks heard Steven speak “Come with me please.”

  He angrily brought his fist into Steven’s face connecting with the man’s forehead who flew up in the air flying a foot away and hit the ground on his back while groaning loudly as he felt a body ramming into him from behind knocking him to the ground followed by steel of metal felt on his head from behind.

  He heard Stonehawk’s voice with annoyance in the voice speaking “Put your hands behind your back now! You’re spending a night in the jail for that! Behavior like that punching towards people isn’t tolerated around here!”

  He obeyed putting his hands on his back and felt metal steel clipping onto his wrists keeping them locked behind his back followed by hands pulling him up to a standing position. He heard voices chattering coming closer as he saw towns’ people walking towards his position.

  Jinks formed a frown on his lips willing aside the Master as Stonehawk he heard yelled “Get a medic to attend Steven will you?!”

  He saw towns’ people breaking into a run going past him as Stonehawk pulled him away going to a building with steps on it which he recognized as the police station despite the sign of it blared on the front. He felt himself fuming from his behavior towards Steven as Stonehawk hauled him inside the building where he saw an area of desks scattered around with computers on them.

  He saw a white haired cop with tan skin and brown eyes come out of a doorway in the wall towards Stonehawk who loudly spoke “I caught this guy punching out the new guy Steven in the face. I aim to book him for a night in jail.”

  Jinks saw the white haired cop nod his head whose name plate read “Walker.”

  He stared at Walker who walked forwards hands aiming towards his face which he jerked from the man taking off his hat off of him spilling out his hair.

  Jinks saw recognition form on Walker’s eyes and face who spoke loudly “I know this man.”

  He felt fear hitting him as Walker spoke “It’s the missing guy from the hologram who Steven showed me said that he was a bounty hunter hired from some family who have been seeking him for awhile.”

  Jinks formed nervous expression on his face as Walker added “There must have been something bad going on with this guy’s family hence he punching Steven and resisting the bounty hunter’s attempts to go with him quietly which I saw the resistance out the window of my office.”

  He heard in response “You want me to book him or not?”

  He stared at Walker with his blue eyes narrowed as the male spoke “Do it. A night in jail should cool this guy’s temper enough to listen to the bounty hunter’s reasons for seeking him.”

  Jinks felt Stonehawk haul him through the desk area to a door way which he saw was stairs leading up and down in both directions. He felt the man pull him down the stairs to a door which Stonehawk kicked open with a foot and he found himself in a hallway with a series of gated barred doors on both sides. He felt himself pausing as Stonehawk waved a hand in his line of sight at a console on the door which slid opened with a creak sound. He felt the handcuffs off of his wrists and he pushed inside the room and heard the door slam behind him. Jinks eyed the some what small rectangular room illuminated by a round overhead light shining above him while sensing a camera recording his every move that was stone cement all around with a high barred window high above his head on the wall facing him while feeling himself nervous again. He saw below the window was a toilet with a sink next to it and besides it was a metal bed with a mattress and a pillow on it along with a blanket. He felt sleepiness hit him hard yawned loudly to go to the bed pulling the blanket up and got onto the bed lying on his side pulling the blanket over his head shutting his eyes falling asleep. He dreamed of ocean water showing three flower plants in the color black rising from water unfurling their petals recognizing them as the Dream Goddesses on Terra spoken to people through dreaming states showing them as always roses rising from the ocean waters.

  He heard three feminine voices speaking in different tones in unison “We're the Dream Goddesses.”

  The female voices continued speaking in unison “Lance Richard believes you’re your behavior towards believers is driving you away from them. He has informed us to talk to you that the behavior of running away from people isn’t tolerated. Lance has made it clear that the running behavior you are doing wasn’t being tolerated hence you failing to listen to him trying to help you.”

  Jinks frowned hearing the females' words with recognition within him as they added again speaking in unison “Lance has asked us to tell you that you should be putting your problems in him to solve and not keeping them to yourself or solving them by yourself by that way. He feels that you have forgotten that he is powerful enough to influence people and help them with their problems like the caring god leader he is. He has said that when you have trouble you should turn to him for help with the problem and he’ll help you for he is being there for you to help solve your problem. Put your faith in Lance for he'll always help you as long you need him.”

  The dream went black followed by himself standing on a beach wearing clothing that felt girlish to his body. He stood staring at the water as he felt a hand on his arm and looked at his left to see Steven with a frown on his face.

  He stared at Steven who spoke “I arrived in the area nearby town closest to Wolf’s Howl several days ago from Connecticut seeking you as ordered. I went around trying to find you and felt like I was getting no where so I asked Lance for help via prayer method in some place of religious worship despite it focused onto some other god. He gave me a dream one night of the town of Wolf’s Howl and you dressed in animal skin clothing while appearing to be crying in some graveyard in front of a gravestone with Janel Knight’s name on it. I was there at this beach with several others sighted but not seen clearly who I’m not sure who they are when he comforted you as you complained about your life.”

  Jinks frowned hearing Steven’s words as the man paused then continued to speak “I’m sorry that you’re in pain, Jinks. I just wish there was some way I could help you with your suffering.”

  He lowered his eyes to stare at the water turning his head away as he felt Steven’s hand gently rub his arm with a pat and again looked up to discover Steven gone. He sigh eyes staring at the water feeling peacefulness arriving within him. He felt a hand touch his arm looked to see a female with facial appearance of Janel but her eyes were brown while wearing a white dress. He stared at her seeing recognition in her eyes and a frown on her face as she wordlessly walked till she was in front of him and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her feeling her hands rub his back in a gentle motion. He sighed loudly from hugging her as she pulled herself a bit backwards to stare at him in the face. Jinks stared at her as she gently brought a hand to his cheek gently rubbing which he felt her other hand going to his forehead followed by it forcing his eyes closed as the dream went black.

  Jinks came to with his eyes closed to feel himself lying in the bed in the cell with blanket over his head. He kept his eyes closed and adjusted his position till he was lying on his stomach and felt himself not that fearful despite the confinement of the room.

  He mentally spoke "At least I'm safe for now."

  He heard "Jinks please put your faith into me in helping solve your problems as spoken by the Dream Goddesses."

  Jinks groaned softly hearing Lance's voice spoken in his mind mentally spoke "You didn't need to use the triplets, my sisters acting as Dream Goddesses to tell me that you're referring to the problem of me running away from people instead of solving my conflict with them."

  Jinks heard in response "At least you get it what I've been trying to tell you. I tell you as my son and I your father that you're going with Steven where he wants to take you period. And don't give me any whining about not wanting to go for your going. I don't give a care if you're afraid or not for I insists you get over your fear and face whatever problem you have involving yourself and your people. It's a hi
gh time you do what I've been trying to tell you since you started this ridiculous journey trip."

  He groaned softly feeling himself nervous mentally spoke "Please Father assure me that facing my problems won't be too bad despite having nightmares of containment in the glass box repeatedly keeping me up awake for nights."

  He heard from Lance "Jinks, your problems whenever they come up in your life will always be either good or bad from time to time. I oath to you my son that there'll always be a solution to solving those problems which you just have to look for the solution and think it up along with making sure it’s the right one."

  He again groaned as his Father continued "That's something you haven't bothered to be doing lately despite me repeatedly yelling at you that I figured out a way of solving your problem so next time listen to me for I'm always there for you regardless of problems hitting."

  Jinks mentally spoke "Fine Father."

  He heard mentally in response "Jinks sleep you need it anyway."

  He obeyed willing himself to pass out unconscious finding himself doing it.

  Jinks came to feel a hand on his shoulder gently shaking him awake. He opened his eyes and rolled over on his side as the hand stopped touching him to look at Steven who had an upset look in his

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