A Stranger's Fear Edited

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A Stranger's Fear Edited Page 12

by Beth Hoyer

forget this lesson again. I don't want to have you go through that life risking path mess you took to get away from your problems so don't ever do that again."

  He mentally spoke "You have my oath Father."

  Jinks heard nothing in response to his words sighed figuring out that his father wasn't going to comment due to saying what he wanted him to say in the first place as hinted by his parent.

  He heard from Father Barry in the car unexpectedly as it traveled in the city over roads "Master with due respects on calling you by that worded name, there's a member group meeting happening later today as called by me two days ago while you were out asleep. I insist that you show up despite your feelings of fear."

  He stiffened from the words as Father Barry continued talking "I aim to give the members a lecture on the lesson you and I both learned from each other. The lesson is you’re a person with feelings despite your vessel status causing members to treat you inappropriately and unusual abilities Humans aren't known to have that needs people to listen whenever there's a problem hitting you. My lecture will involve the subject of people staying and confronting others on their problems hitting instead of running away into hiding which I will use you as an example of that situation."

  He groaned softly from Father Barry's words a the male paused to clear his throat then saw the man looking at him with a narrowed eyed look indicating him to speak.

  Jinks spoke "I didn't think clearly when I suffered my problems hitting me. I let fear control me and ran away into hiding as a solution towards my problem hitting me. I should have thought smartly on solving my problem instead of what I wound up doing in the first place."

  He leaned back in the seat folding his arms and eyed Father Barry who spoke "I sympathize with your feelings of fear Master. I and the leaders of the Master Organization were alerted of you displaying unusual abilities unnatural for Humans to have along with an ability that Human males don't seem to achieve despite females having it after some training done. This was witnessed by people claiming to see that happen from you doing them in front of them. This talk involving members' treatment towards you was told to us soon after it became known by a descendant of a good friend of yours sympathizing with your situation that the members were treating you inappropriately. I admit we didn't do much about the inappropriate behavior till members came forwards to us with recorder evidence of you displaying your unusual abilities which got us to become very afraid of you due to thinking you would be dictatorial like with your status as the vessel. It was my idea to have you knocked out and contained into a glass box for observation by various means which I apologize for that idea. It was fear that controlled us to cause us to put that containment order in place."

  He felt himself disgusted hearing Father Barry's admission gave off a disgusted sound as the male paused from talking then continued speaking "The containment was to see how you would react due to fears of how you would treat people with your unusual abilities. You were observed to display some fear emotion along with making no fighting attempts to get out of the glass box and with seemingly willing to cooperate to training methods in getting you to do things while in there."

  Jinks frowned but continued to eye Father Barry who added "Your behavior after you got out of the box was recorded along with reports of witnesses seeing you in the city and confronting you on being the vessel of our deity and your responses along with you reportedly getting out of the city and found in another town was also recorded which a doctor specialized in analyzing Human behavior and mental problems a part of the group did an analysis. Her findings indicate that you were of a very scared Human who had some kind of fear that was controlling you hence you found out in Wolf's Howl instead of hiding some where in New York City. Now I admit it I was wearing a recording device on my person when I talked to you lying in bed after the doctor told me her findings. The doctor told me specific questions to ask you due to saying you had some fear which your answers were analysis after you were knocked out unconscious."

  Jinks sighed as Father Barry kept talking "It was the doctor who insisted on you being back contained into the glass box due to thinking that you needed to get over your fear but it was my idea to have traps set to knock you out. The doctor managed to get me and others in my leadership position to admit our feelings of fear towards you which we were told off on our treatment towards you including members reportedly admitting to us doing inappropriate behavior towards you as well."

  He again got Father Barry's familiar facial expression sighed softly and spoke "I'm not mad at what you told me. I'm feeling ranges of emotions all over the place from what you said besides who's this doctor that told you this analysis anyway? I'm surprised that one would be brave enough to analysis me and my behavior despite it known that people in the group are scared of doing that along with known to be acting scared whenever I give off friendship behaviors towards them."

  He frowned as Father Barry spoke "I believe you already met this doctor whose nicknamed Jinnee but real name is Jennifer McDaniel and it's no joke that she's Janel Knight's descendant."

  He gasped hearing that from Father Barry who added "Doctor McDaniel is very well known among the Master Organization for her specialty towards Humans and have been known by myself and two others in leadership position to be treating members for various mental problems. She reportedly spoke on your behalf to myself and the other leaders of the group due to family history of having a family member having a lifelong friendship with you."

  Jinks clamped his mouth shut as Father Barry kept talking "Doctor McDaniel admitted recently after you were again contained in the glass box that Janel confessed to her on her deathbed just prior to your arrival a detailed account of your abilities and that you were seen by her as a good friend all her life despite others' influences to make her change the view which she has balked on doing. Janel according to Doctor McDaniel confessed that the friendship view was from sensing that you needed someone to be friendly with and willing to listen to you venting things along with giving advice with problems hitting you. It was reportedly Janel on her admittance who coached you through you having manifestations of abilities activating within you and that it was her who helped you figure out how to use them and what their purposes were."

  He sighed and spoke as Father Barry gave him a familiar look "Doctor McDaniel or Jinnee as she's nicknamed isn't kidding on what she said to you and whoever. Janel did help me with the power abilities activating within me which the coaching and abilities became known to start when she was a baby recently born to a homeless Human female sick with an illness that later died from the birth from me helping her in an abandoned underground train track in the city."

  He sighed and continued "I admit it that I unofficially adopted Janel and raised her till she was a year old which New York City's group Child Protective Services interfered due to reportedly having this view of single males raising offspring alone inappropriate according to them and got her out of my hands via a lawsuit in a court of law which the judge sided with them. They managed to keep the name of Janel and got her adopted by a childless couple in the city. The Child Protective Services I admit had an office in the city which I used some mental ability involving hypnosis recently discovered playing it onto some thugs to get out of being mugged which was used to get the workers to give me the information on Janel's adoptive parents which every single detail was shared with me."

  He saw Father Barry bob his head as he paused from talking to clear his throat then kept talking "As a result I've been hanging around Janel protectively guarding her due to still seeing her as my offspring while hiding myself from others but only seen by her by her whole childhood life. She has always seen me as a friend regardless of my protective views towards her along with my no aging status and adult status which I have always seen her in the same view despite feeling parental towards her. She insisted later once she was full grown that I stop the hiding after she recently got married privately with me as the only official witness to a male known in
the public eye for holding a government position of senator helping better people's lives in the city. I obeyed to her wishes but our meetings for friendship talks haven't been much due to how well profiled her husband is in the public so I have been using email correspondence with her for over the years talking on various things including my unnatural abilities manifesting within me which she has shared advice to me including parts of her life private and public with me in return."

  Jinks sighed as the car entered an underground parking lot in a building he recognized belonged to the Master Organization's headquarters kept speaking "We finally got face to face meetings done after her husband passed away from an illness involving old age which the public's scrutiny stopped. The public didn't bother us when we met in public for talks on various subjects including my abilities were brought up which we discussed them clearly detailed while visiting a park in the city of Hartford where we both lived separately till she got too old to take care of herself and had to live in New York City with her children's family. I still kept up the friendship by reportedly visiting her from time to time when it was

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