Real Men Shift Volume Two: Paranormal Werewolf Romance Boxed Set

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Real Men Shift Volume Two: Paranormal Werewolf Romance Boxed Set Page 47

by Celia Kyle

  Warren grabbed the first piece of plywood and she helped stabilize it between their two branches. “Was it a gig between protests?” he asked as he started hammering the wood down.

  Her silence caught his attention, and when he glanced her way, she was busy looking at the spot she was holding onto. “I worked during the summers when I was at school.”

  “Oh? What did you study?”

  “Poly sci as an undergrad and then law.”

  “Law?” He nearly dropped the hammer. “Damn, I knew you were smart, but I didn’t realize we had a lawyer on our hands.”

  “Environmental law,” she spoke casually, as if it were no big deal and not a huge accomplishment that Warren felt secondhand pride for. “You could say this kind of thing is in my blood, y’know?”

  “A woman who knows what she wants. Gotta appreciate that. “

  “You seem to appreciate a lot about me.”

  Her expression held a promise and a warning, and Warren couldn’t decide which excited him more. Still, he’d been trying to play it cool with her, but she’d sniffed him out. Not above flirting with his own mate—even if she didn’t know it yet—he let his lips twist up into a slow, seductive smile.

  “What’s not to appreciate?”

  Heat and attraction vibrated between them, filling the air high up in the tree with tension. As if the risk of falling to their deaths wasn’t enough already. Tree sex would definitely be risky, but Warren was up for it if Persia was. Before he could figure out a way to broach the subject without sounding like a total perv, she got to work nailing down her side of the platform. Then she sang.

  It was a pop song, filled with angst and love and longing. Something he’d heard before but couldn’t place. It was old, he knew that much, but as a country music fan, he couldn’t identify it. Of course, it could have been the delivery. Persia’s rendition was badly off-key and almost painful to listen to. And he loved it.

  “What?” she asked, when she caught him grinning at her.

  “Nothing. What song is that?”

  “Endless Love. Why don’t you join me? You have to know Endless Love. It’s a classic.”

  Nothing would have pleased him more than to join her in endless love, but she was probably talking about the song, not their future together.

  “Nah, no one wants to hear that.” He pushed another board in place. “Besides, I like the way you sing it better. In fact, I wouldn’t mind hearing more. Maybe a private concert somewhere quieter?”

  He lifted a suggestive brow at her, at which she rolled her eyes with the drama of a soap opera actress.

  “Jeesh, didn’t your daddy ever teach you to buy a girl some flowers before propositioning her?”

  Damn, wrong move. He shrugged, trying his best to cover up his sad attempt at seduction, and blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

  “You’ll have to pick your own flowers. Too frou frou for me.”

  He immediately regretted it. If Persia wanted flowers, he’d pick a whole hillside worth, just to get to see her dimples again. He’d only wanted to ease any worry she had about him, not turn her off him completely. Idiot!

  “Nice,” she drawled, her tone implying she thought otherwise. He’d really stepped in it this time.

  They worked in silence after that. He tried to crack a couple of jokes, but she couldn’t even manage enough of a smirk to activate her dimples.

  “Well, this thing looks pretty sturdy.” She climbed into her harness again. “Guess it’s about time for some lunch.”

  Hope flared in Warren’s chest that she might invite him to eat with her, but his rude comment had obviously made her think better of that.

  “Think I’m gonna slip off and grab some frou frou lunch in my van, maybe take a walk and pick myself some flowers.” She began lowering herself to the ground. Before her head disappeared below the platform, she caught his gaze. “Alone.”

  Good god, this woman frustrated him! The scent of her desire clouded his senses, but he had enough of his faculties to know her running off like that wasn’t the way it was supposed to work. Watching every move as she lowered herself down the tree like an expert, Warren knew what he had to do. It wasn’t his first choice, but he’d screwed that up royally. Time to pull out the big guns.

  “She might not like me very much, but I know who she does like.”

  Chapter Six

  “Persia, you didn’t say anything about doing construction work when you recruited me for this gig,” a rail-thin young brunette named Joy whined.

  Her boyfriend, Rustle—not Russell, but Rustle—joined her, oh-so-eloquently agreeing. “Yeah.”

  Pretty soon Persia was surrounded by the group she led, some complaining about physical labor, some wanting to know the best tree to build in, and a couple bitching about hurting the trees by pounding nails into them. Normally, she wouldn’t have minded being bombarded with questions and gripes, but her nerves were already on a razor-thin edge. Especially after being in such close proximity to a certain sweaty, impeccably ripped, handsome as hell redneck. It was all she could do to hold her temper at bay.

  It took a good fifteen minutes to hear everyone’s concerns, but Persia counted herself lucky they hadn’t insisted on a peace circle, where they all stood around holding hands and voicing any and every thought that came to them. They were good people—for the most part—but damn, they could be exhausting. As most of them wandered off, Leaf hovered around the perimeter, shooting sly glances her way.

  “What is it, Leaf?” She released an annoyed sigh. The woods were calling to her, and the thought of having Leaf beg her take him back got on her last nerve.

  “You, uh, never came back last night,” he ventured, his tone soft and maybe a little sad.

  She didn’t want to hurt him, but she didn’t dare show any vulnerability or he’d try to take advantage, as he always did. “Very astute.”

  She turned on her heel and headed for the woods. The sandwich she’d left in Warren’s truck could wait till she was calmer. She wasn’t about to stand there and let her ex-boyfriend shame her for living her life the way she saw fit, even though she’d spent the night in a clinic rather than a certain someone’s bed.

  “Were you with that guy?”

  She stumbled slightly and looked at the ground, pretending to search for the root that had jumped out to trip her. Glancing back, she shot Leaf a dark stare.

  “What I do, and with whom I do it, are none of your business, Leaf. Now if you’ll excuse me…”

  Leaf snorted, a hateful sound she’d never heard come from him before. “You’re fucking him. Aren’t you?”

  This time Persia stopped cold, darting a quick glance up her tree—no sign of Warren. He must have slipped past as she dealt with the mob, thank goodness. Having him hear Leaf’s accusation would have killed her with embarrassment.

  She slowly turned her fiery glare on Leaf. He didn’t even wince. Instead he jammed his fists on his hips in a defiant move. A few of the other protestors leaned toward them, trying to hear the latest juicy gossip.

  “Not that it’s your business—” she skimmed her gaze across the others “—or any of yours, but no. I’m not fucking him.”

  If they’d asked if she wanted to, she’d have a hard time lying because her fair skin would turn beet red, revealing her true feelings. Stupid passion skin!

  “He’s a guy who has a vested interest in keeping Wolf Woods wild, just like us. He and his friends wanted to help, so I invited them to join us. They’re good people and we’re lucky to have them. Not only are they doing most of the work y’all should be doing, but it’s always best to have locals on our side. Don’t you think?”

  Leaf glowered and a few others exchanged skeptical looks, but no one uttered a word. Persia didn’t waste the chance to get the hell out of there. The woods enveloped her quickly and before long she could breathe again. Slowing to an easy stroll, she let the tensions of the past twenty-four hours melt from her shoulders. The bump on he
r head was still tender, but other than that, she felt fine.

  More than fine.

  Something about Warren called to her, just like nature. She’d always felt whole walking in the woods, sitting on a pristine beach, or hiking up a magnificent hillside. Like a missing part of her had finally been found. Inexplicably, Warren had a similar effect on her, only with the added delight of sexual tension.

  Recalling the way he manhandled that sheet of plywood turned her fifty shades of tingly. When he’d tugged his shirt over his head, she’d nearly tumbled out of the tree ass over teakettle. Taut, flat muscles spread across his chest and down his belly. Not bulging muscles like a bodybuilder’s, more like a swimmer’s or a guy who’d achieved such magnificence through physical labor instead of a gym.

  “Get a grip, Persia,” she snarled at herself.

  After all of her self-righteous declarations about being done with men, here she was fantasizing about a brawny good ol’ boy she’d just met. The last thing she needed was a distraction, especially in the form of a sexy country boy who knew how to handle his tools. Definitely not at such a pivotal point in the protest against McNish. It was too much of a risk.

  She’d been playing her protest game long enough to know better than to let a couple of minor victories make her complacent. Men like Dick McNish prided themselves on operating above the law. He’d wait and watch for her to lose her edge. The group needed to keep their eyes on the prize. Her people, as nice as most of them were, needed her to keep up the momentum and energy. They all looked to her for guidance and leadership

  It was a lot of responsibility, which she generally relished. She was a born leader, one of the few benefits of her schooling, but sometimes it weighed her down. That was when she found some way to commune with Mother Nature. No matter the setting, she always felt small in a way that comforted and inspired her. Like she was a tiny piece of a massive, beautiful jigsaw puzzle.

  Taking her familiar route, Persia broke through the dense underbrush and into her favorite clearing. To her delight, the same sandy-furred wolf sat in the center, his intelligent blue eyes tracking her every move as he panted and wagged his fluffy tail. What were the odds a human woman and a wild wolf would be in the same exact spot on two different days? Astronomical, which planted the completely illogical seed that the wolf had been waiting for her, as if he knew she was on her way. It was stupid, utterly ridiculous, but she couldn’t shake the feeling.

  “Hi, handsome.” She grinned broadly as she walked toward him. Too bad the charm of dimples were lost on animals.

  He met her halfway, pressing the side of his huge body against her legs. She patted his soft head, but he continued pushing against her legs, as if wanting something from her.

  “What is it?” She only understood what he wanted when he pushed what should have been a terrifyingly huge muzzle against the backs of her knees, nearly toppling her over. “Okay, okay,” she laughed and sat on the bed of grass.

  A groan of satisfaction rumbled out of the beast as he laid his head in her lap and looked up at her with big puppy dog eyes. Persia ran her fingers across his snout and along his cheeks, ending up with her fingers wrapped around the softest fur she’d ever felt.

  “Oh, you like that, don’t you? Me too.”

  The wolf rolled onto his side, totally blissed out by her attention. Unafraid, Persia planted one hand on the other side of his body and leaned against his bulk. He was like a giant, living body pillow, and after the last couple of days, the physical contact soothed her.

  “This is really weird. You know that, right? I mean, it’s almost as if you understand me. Which would be a first,” she snorted and then sighed. “Well, except maybe that sexy construction guy.”

  The wolf slapped his tail to the ground and rolled onto his back underneath her arm, his forepaws limp above his chest, looking for the world like he was begging. Persia tucked a red curl behind her ear and smiled down at him.

  “Only… what kind of guy refuses to buy a lady flowers when he knows she likes them? That’s kinda shitty, right? Selfish, too.” The attitude Warren had given her about flowers—not that she expected any from him in the first place—seemed contradictory to his kind and generous personality. “Good thing I’m not interested in dating or that might have hurt my feelings.”

  Her friend whined softly and bent his head far enough to lick her hand a few times until she acquiesced and petted him.

  “Besides, I have to stay strong. Can’t get distracted, even if he is very distracting. I’m here to effect real change, my friend, not hook up with the local boys. I want to keep these woods around for creatures like you, as well as the locals who use them for recreation. Condos can be built anywhere, but once these woods are gone, they’re gone forever. I need to focus on stopping Dick McNish and nothing else.”

  She’d almost convinced herself, but Warren’s smile flickered in her brain, sending sparkles and fireworks bouncing along her nerves.

  “It’s a lot to take on, I know, but no one out there knows McNish like I do. I’ve studied him for so long. I know all of his strengths, weaknesses, and tricks he uses to turn those weaknesses in his favor. I’ve tracked his path of destruction all over the state, but no matter how hard I try to get people to see him for what he really is—a cold, greedy monster—he keeps getting away with his atrocities. No one seems to understand, but I do. That’s why I can’t let it go or do something else that might be productive. If I don’t at least try to stop him, nobody else will.”

  The bushes she’d pushed through to enter the clearing rustled loudly. Something big was coming, and before Persia could react, the wolf had leapt to his feet and stepped in front of her, as if to protect her. His head dropped threateningly low, and every muscle under his fur rippled with tension. Even the darker stripe along his spine had risen, and the snarl coming from deep inside him put her even more on edge.

  “What is it, boy?” she murmured as she jumped to her feet, vaguely aware she sounded like a character out of Lassie.

  Before she could really get frightened, a man and woman emerged from the tree line—a pair of lovers out for a romantic stroll. It would have been downright adorable, if a very large, very angry wolf wasn’t ready to pounce on them like they were his next meal. Persia was about to lunge for him, to hold him back, even if it meant she would be his next target. Before she could, though, the wolf dropped to his haunches at her side and let out a soft, “Rumph.”

  “Please don’t be afraid,” she called out, even though the couple looked more amused than anything. “He’s actually really nice.”

  The man, a tall, handsome fellow with brown hair that glimmered with copper glints in the sunlight, shot his companion a smirk as they approached. “Oh, we know. We’ve seen him around.”

  “You have?” Suddenly Persia didn’t feel quite so special anymore. It was silly, but she’d rather enjoyed the fantasy she’d somehow tamed a wild animal.

  “A time or two,” the woman spoke. She was almost as tall as her fella and nearly as muscled, as evidenced by her shorts and tank top. Her black hair was pulled into a tight ponytail that highlighted her high, tawny cheekbones and keen dark eyes.

  “Sorry if we, um, interrupted you.” The man was clearly trying not to smile. “I’m Zeke Soren.”

  “Hi, Zeke. I’m Persia Moonshadow.” She extended her arm for a handshake, which she repeated with his wife, who he introduced as Valerie.

  “I’m the, uh, mayor of our little village just up the road. I think you’ve met Max and Trina, as well as her brother Warren.”

  Persia laughed. “Wow, word sure spreads fast out in the country. “

  “We all keep an eye on each other,” Zeke confirmed.

  “Then you must also know I’m sort of the ringleader of the protest against the McNish Development Corporation.”

  “Trust me,” Valerie’s eyes turned stormy, “we know more about Dick McNish than we want to.”

  “Then just think of me as his natural enem
y,” Persia replied, smiling proudly. She loved finding kindred spirits—or at least ones with shared enemies. Her fingers found their way to the wolf’s head and buried deeply into his thick fur.

  Zeke tilted his head as if he was assessing her. “We also heard you’re a lawyer. That true?”

  When folks found out she was a lawyer, they often peppered her with questions about things she knew little about, so she was always hesitant to share that detail about herself. But Valerie and Zeke seemed savvy enough to not ask how to sue their great-step-uncle’s estate for not putting them in his will.


  “Great,” Zeke brightened. “We were wondering, since we’re on the same side and all, if you could file some kind of injunction against McNish or something?”

  Persia’s shoulders slumped and a defeated sigh escaped her. “I really wish I could. I’ve tried time and again, but he covers his bases too well. So well I have yet to find a solid legal reason that a judge wouldn’t laugh me out of court, even if he wasn’t on McNish’s payroll.”

  The pair exchanged one of those psychic looks couples develop over years and years together, though they looked awfully young to have been together that long.

  “Actually, we might be able to help on that front,” Valerie offered. “What if we had evidence that an endangered species of stink beetle inhabits Wolf Woods? Think that would do the trick?”

  Persia’s jaw nearly dropped to the ground and her eyes grew wide. As her heart sped up, her fingers clutched the wolf’s fur. But instead of whining in complaint, the beast sort of hummed with excitement, as if he either felt her emotions or understood what was happening. Obviously, it was the former, but it certainly felt like the latter.

  “Oh my god, that would be huge! Of course, I’d need to confirm their existence, maybe call an entomologist I know, but if what you’re saying is true, that might actually work. Courts tend to err on the side of caution when the continuing existence of an entire species is at stake.”


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