Kit: Carson Brothers #1

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Kit: Carson Brothers #1 Page 7

by Dyble, S R

“Can you go now?” I asked Kit, I then walked away, further into what was the green, now it was dark. I followed some garden lights down a path.

  As I walked, I could hear the mumbles from behind me and I expected that they’d left. Then I heard quick footsteps and I spun around to see Kit jogging after me.

  “Huh, a guy running after me in a suit - like Pride and Prejudice.”

  “Prejudice,” I tried saying again. “Damn it,” my damn tongue wouldn’t work.

  Kit chuckled and it annoyed me.

  “Don’t laugh at me.”

  “I’m sorry, Blondie.”

  I closed my eyes briefly and a flood of emotion washed over me so quickly as I thought about all the times my dad had called me that.

  “Stop fucking calling me that!” I couldn’t help but cry. I had to leave and I started rushing away from Kit and back up the path where we’d come from. To avoid the back door and a ton of concerned looking faces, I headed around the side of the building. Why the hell had I drank so much? I was a wreck.

  Now my auntie was going to be wondering where I was. I still had to leave, I was crying so much that mascara was running. You’d have thought the makeup artist would have used waterproof mascara for a wedding...

  “Eve, wait!” I heard Kit behind me.

  “Leave me alone!”

  “As if I’m gonna leave you alone. You’re walking through a dark passage alone."

  I hadn’t noticed…

  I was just trying to get to the front of the building. I needed to call a taxi and I took out my phone and started searching for the right button to press.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I need to call a taxi.”

  “Just wait, please.”

  Kit got hold of me and held my shoulders as he looked at me.

  “If you think I’m letting you get a taxi alone, you’re mad.”

  “You’re not even supposed to be here. You should be in bed with that lass by now...”

  “And why do you care?”

  “I don’t...” I frowned and looked away from his face, I was afraid that looking at him would reveal that I did care. “Just pointing out a fact,” I added.

  “You hate me remember? And you’re jealous?"

  “No, I’m not,” I said like a spoilt child answering their parents back. I was a wreck and the thought of my parents hurt.

  “Why are you crying? I only called you Blondie.”

  “I know.”

  “So, what’s the big deal?”

  “Because my dead dad used to call me that, okay!”

  Shock covered his face, and then regret.

  It didn’t matter because, in the few moments that Kit had let his guard down, I started walking away, faster than before.

  How long was this frikkin’ passage to the front of the building?

  “Eve!” Kit called after me again but I wasn’t listening, I just wanted to go home.

  This time Kit wrapped himself around me, my back pressed into his front and his arms held me tight around my middle.

  His mouth came to beside my ear where he softly spoke, “I’m so sorry.”

  The closeness of his touch destroyed me and I felt myself cave in with emotion. Kit held me up as I sobbed and he turned me around and pulled me close. The intense warmth from being snug against him made me never want to leave. The last time I felt so safe I was hugging my dad. I felt my body give way and Kit scooped me up into his arms where I started mumbling like a drunken fool.

  “I miss them so much.”

  My eyes were closed and thoughts of my family flew around in my head.

  “I know you do, baby. It’s okay.”

  Those were the last words I heard before I let the spinning in my head take over, it was either that or be sick…

  I woke up feeling so warm and I cuddled further into my pillow only to realise they weren’t my pillows. They weren't pillows at all!

  Oh, fuck! Not again!

  I opened my eyes wide and saw a bare chest. He was still asleep and my head was laid on top of his chest, in his bed, with him! My arm was draped across his chest and I was tucked under his arm. I was so comfy and I blinked a few times as my head started spinning. I remembered yesterday instantly and hated myself for it. Unlatching myself from Kit’s sculptured body, I sat up quickly to see I was only in my underwear and I shuffled away from Kit’s naked body in an attempt to get out of the bed. Instead, I caught my leg underneath my weight and fell hard onto the floor.

  “Fuck!” I cursed as a bolt hit through my arse.

  “You okay?” I heard Kit ask, he poked his head over the side of the bed and I gripped at the duvet for some coverage. I hated my body and I hated showing it off even more. When I turned a teenager my body grew fast and as a result, I had faded stretch marks on my hips and thighs.

  “Did we have sex?” I asked.

  He chuckled then laid back and I wanted to smack him for not answering me straight away but instead, I stood up wrapping the duvet around me.


  He turned serious as if he couldn’t actually believe I’d ask.

  “Passed out chicks aren’t my thing.”

  He sat up in his bed.

  “If we did have sex, you’d have remembered everything.”

  “Why am I naked?”

  He chuckled again and it was making me so mad.

  “You’re not naked. Did you expect me to put you to bed in that pretty dress?”

  “So, you undressed me.”


  Kit got out of the bed and casually walked around in only his boxers. I couldn’t help but stare at his toned back, he looked like a model apart from some scars I saw on the back of his shoulder blades. They looked big and painful, but even with them clear to see, his body looked flawless.

  I chose to sit down on the bed in the hopes that the duvet would cover me better. With Kit out of the bed, I could use it as a safe place.

  “As much as I love seeing you in my bed, you should probably get up and ring your grandparents.”

  He loved seeing me in his bed? Kit closed the bathroom door behind him and I glanced around his room.

  He had a bathroom connected to his room?

  Shit, my grandparents. They slept at the hotel last night but I hadn’t even spoken to them.

  It was 9am according to the clock on the bedside cabinet and I searched around the room for my phone. I found it beside my dress that was laid on top of a set of drawers.

  When I finally got through to ringing my grandma, I was a little breathless and expecting her first words to be a worried set of demands, wondering where I was.

  Instead, she was calm.

  “Did you get home safe? Kit rang to say he’d taken you home. He seems a really nice lad, are you both coating?”


  “I think you mean courting, Grandma. And no, definitely not.”

  Kit had rung them?

  “Oh, it’s just the way I speak,” she chuckled.

  “I just drank too much. That’s why I don’t drink...”

  We both knew why I didn’t drink and I wanted to change the subject quickly.

  “You doing anything good today?”

  “I think we’re going to the beach.”

  I talked to my grandma for a little longer and I heard the shower turn on in the bathroom, so I finished the phone call and got up like a whippet in search of clothes. Only to realise I had none, apart from my dress. Shit, I couldn’t wear that... I had nothing else to wear. I heard the bathroom door open and I sprinted back to the bed and picked up the first piece of coverage I could find.

  “What are you doing?”

  Kit walked forward rubbing his hair with a towel.

  He was wearing joggers and a black t-shirt and I looked down at what was covering me and rolled my eyes. It was Kit’s shirt from the night before and it was doing nothing to cover up my thighs.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  He grinn
ed, “You do realize you’ve been like that all night?”

  “Yes, but it was dark last night.”

  Kit sighed as if this was giving him a headache.

  “Go get a shower, you’ll feel better.”

  “I don’t want a shower. I want to go home.”

  “Shower first, then breakfast. Then I’ll take you home.”

  I frowned, did he think I smelled?

  He sighed again after seeing my face change, “Eve, please stop over thinking this and go take a shower."

  He moved past me and to a set of drawers where he pulled out some clothes then offered them to me.

  “Wear these.”

  I took them from him and nodded.

  “Can I have my shirt back now?” he smirked.

  I shook my head and rushed to the bathroom.

  “Shame that shirt isn’t big enough to cover that ass.”

  I could hear the amusement in his voice and I almost sprinted to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. The smell of Kit’s shower gel mixed in with the steam greeted my nose. I locked the door and turned the shower on. I felt so exposed getting undressed and having a shower in Kit’s bathroom but I rinsed my hair under the water and washed it. Knots had formed in it after yesterday and I washed my body quickly and scrubbed my face when I realised, I had no makeup with me to re-do it.


  I got out of the shower and dried myself quickly whilst walking over to the clothes on the side. Kit had given me a t-shirt, some boxers and some shorts.

  Wow, I was gonna look great…

  I put my bra back on and dressed quickly but gasped when I saw how fitted Kit’s bottoms were on me. They should have been huge on me but instead, they clung to my every shape.

  I hated my arse and thighs with vengeance, this was gonna be so embarrassing. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I looked bland without makeup, a small amount of mascara and eyeliner had stayed on my eyes and I used my fingers to wipe away any panda eyes the shower had created. I found a brush in one of the draws and in front of the mirror I brushed out the knots in my hair and searched in the cupboard again for some toothpaste and smiled when I noticed an unopened toothbrush at the back.


  I brushed my teeth quickly and tidied up before leaving the bathroom. Kit wasn’t in his room when I came out and neither was my dress. I found my phone on the bed and headed for the stairs. I nearly fell down them when I heard a squeal followed by giggling. It was coming from another room and I wondered if it was one of Kit’s brothers with a girl. I took a deep breath, I could already hear that there was more than just Kit in the kitchen and a whistle sounded as I walked forward into the kitchen. Kit’s back was all I could see of him because he was making something at the kitchen counter.

  As soon as he heard his brother whistle, he turned around to look at me. He looked dazed and I wondered if it was because he feared for his clothes.

  “Shut up, man,” he warned his brother. Jason sat at the kitchen island with a bowl of cereal and was smirking, Eric was standing beside a huge American style fridge where he continued to pull food from.

  “She looks like a beaut’ even straight from the shower,” Jason looked at Eric and winked.

  “Don’t make me hurt you,” Kit warned.

  Both his brothers laughed and I felt overly awkward.

  “You gonna come have some breakfast then or dart for the door?” Kit smiled at me.

  “Dart for the door, I think.”

  They all chuckled.

  “Don’t let that knucklehead bother you, cutie, he’s harmless,” Eric said.

  “Bacon?” Kit asked.

  “No thanks. I don’t eat meat,” I answered.

  They all looked at me as if I was gnawing on my elbow and I glanced around awkwardly.

  “You don’t eat meat?” Kit asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Some people don’t, dude,” Eric said.

  “How can you not eat meat?” Kit questioned.

  I frowned at him, what type of question was that?

  “Simple. I don’t put it in my mouth.”

  His brothers laughed and it pissed Kit off.

  “I think we can all tell you’re not one to put meat in your mouth baby, but what about food. How do you cope without meat?”

  His brothers both snorted and it infuriated me that he was taking the piss out of me. He was right, I’d never given anyone a blowjob, the thought alone made me feel sick. The fact that he was using me to make his brothers laugh, pissed me off.

  “How much meat have you had in your mouth? Or is it just yourself you prefer to suck off? You love yourself that much...”

  “Ohhh!” both of his brothers sang together.

  “What’s going on?” I heard Nick behind me.

  “Hey,” he smiled at me and I moved out of the way so he and his girl from the wedding could move around me.

  “Eve is owning him,” Eric said.

  “Is she fuck. By the way,” he looked at me, “I could suck myself off. My cock is that big..."

  Nick’s girl giggled and each of the guys snorted and chuckled. It had me raging.

  “Isn’t that usually what people with small cocks say?”

  “Well, you should know. Why don’t you tell everyone how big it is?” he threw back at me.

  “I haven’t seen it! We didn’t have sex!” I spat, glaring at him.

  “Yeah, only because I stopped it from happening. If I hadn’t, there’d be no confusion on your part about how big my cock is, baby.”

  So, he’d replaced Blondie with baby?

  “Don’t bullshit.”

  “I’m not. You were all over me last night. Why do you think you ended up in my bed?”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Please cuddle me in your bed you said...”

  He even attempted my accent and I was left speechless. I was hurt and I didn’t know why, no one was laughing now and Kit stared at me and as the silence grew his face softened.

  “I owe you a toothbrush,” I said before turning and heading for the front door.

  “Now look what you did, bro,” Eric said.

  “Eve, wait!” Kit called after me.

  “Don’t flatter yourself, Escort, you were merely keeping my drunken self warm,” I said to him as I got to the front door.

  I turned around to look at him and he looked pissed again, just like I wanted.

  “Don’t lie, baby if I hadn’t had stopped you, you’d have begged me to fuck you until you were screaming out my name. I lost a lay last night taking care of your drunken ass, the tears you left on my shirt are still drying. If I wanted you, I could have had you - ”

  To my ultimate shock, I lost it and smacked him.

  “Don’t ever come near me again,” I said through gritted teeth and I started walking down the path when I heard a commotion at the door.

  “Leave it, man,” I heard one of his brothers say.

  A few tears escaped as I headed down the Beck, I couldn’t walk to a bus stop like this so I called a taxi and paid for it once I was home.

  Kit’s words had kept me awake most of the night and I skipped college the next day, something I never did. I felt like crap and all I wanted to do was eat rubbish and avoid Kit at all costs. When I got a text from Maddison, asking where I was, I told her I wasn’t feeling well. It wasn’t a complete lie…

  After the wedding, I felt like crap. My body wasn’t used to alcohol at all, never mind the cocktail of it I’d consumed at the wedding.

  “You not feeling well today?” My grandad walked in from outside, wiping his hands on a towel.

  I shook my head. “Grandma is gonna kill you if you have your wellies on.”

  “She’s at the shops, besides my feet aren’t even... Oh.”

  I looked around to see my grandad staring at the floor.

  “Someone’s in trouble!” I chimed.

  I put my bowl of crisps aside and went into the kitchen to fill a b
owl with hot water then I grabbed the cleaning stuff from under the sink and ordered my grandad to vacate the building.

  He grinned and rushed away with his muddy feet, at least he kept me occupied.

  By the time my grandma got home, I’d cleaned the living room, kitchen and bathroom.

  “I thought you were ill?” my grandma asked and I grabbed the bar of chocolate she’d bought me.

  “Thanks.” I held it up.

  Chocolate was needed.

  “I just had a rush of energy."

  “A rush? The place is spotless,” she laughed.

  With that, the doorbell rang and I picked myself up with a groan to answer it.

  When I did, I had to blink a few times before I practically screamed.

  “What the hell!” I burst as I plunged forward to hug my best friend, she squealed too and the commotion brought my grandma rushing to the front door.

  “Jesus, I thought it was something serious!” my grandma scolded.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  Lilly wasn’t meant to be back for another two weeks, funnily enough she’d been on holiday in Australia- being the birthplace of number one dickhead, Kit Carson.

  “My grandma is ill- or was ill. We had to come back to be with her, but she’s fine now. Sorry, I should have rung you. It’s just been so manic.”

  “So, your grandma is okay?” I asked as she walked in. I loved Lilly’s family, the thought of anything happening to her grandma had me worried.

  “She’s fine,” she smiled.

  I pulled her further into the hallway and hugged her again.

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Only with Lilly could I act like a complete girl and she giggled, “I missed you too, Eves.”

  “That’s the happiest I’ve seen you for a while, perhaps you can cheer her up Lilly,” My grandma said.

  Lilly looked me in the eyes then as if to say ‘what’s wrong?’ but I hadn’t told my grandparents about what had been happening with Kit, and I didn’t intend to.

  “I’ve brought presents!” She held up a plastic bag and I grinned.

  Upstairs in my room, I opened them like a little kid. Lilly had bought me a new bag (which I loved) and some little knick-knacks.

  “I love them!”

  “I could have bought so much more. There was so much cool stuff!”


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