Kit: Carson Brothers #1

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Kit: Carson Brothers #1 Page 13

by Dyble, S R

  “Oh my God!” I gripped hard at his bed sheets and dragged them to my sides as Kit carried on his sensual torture. My insides were tightening and raging insane at his tongue action and I started begging him.

  “What do you want, baby?” he asked, looking up at me.

  “You, I want you.” I didn’t care about Kit wanting to wait, I wanted him now and my body was calling out for the release I knew he could give me.

  “I’m gonna explode,” I said, biting at my knuckle.

  “Yes, you are,” he said, sliding a finger inside of me.

  My panting continued as my hips buckled and lifted into Kit’s face. I knew I should probably have been embarrassed by my desperation and normally I probably would have been, but the impulse Kit had my body under made me lose all reason and he smiled up at me as he continued pumping his finger in and out of me.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Eve,” he said before lowering his face down again.

  “Kit!” I was panting hard and gripping on for dear life. “Oh, God, please don’t stop."

  Kit then dug his finger deeper and with only a few strokes my eyes rolled back into my head and I called out his name as my body let go. Rolls and rolls of pleasure ran through my centre as Kit continued to rub against the spot that had made me unravel.

  I heard Kit moan loudly and it made my orgasm double. Just when I thought the sensations had stopped, I felt another set of ripples and I moaned again.

  Eventually, it did stop and I laid totally spent against Kit’s pillows as he came up from in between my legs and rolled onto his back beside me.

  “That’s the first time since being twelve that I’ve shot my load in my pants."

  At first, I was shocked by what he’d said but knowing he’d done it from watching and tasting me, made me smile and I bit onto my bottom lip as I looked him over.

  “Don’t bite your lip,” he said, unlatching my lip from my teeth. “I’ll end up fucking you right now if you bite your lip."

  As Kit got up, I made sure to have my legs closed. Despite him being between them only seconds before, I felt embarrassed and I placed my hand over my stomach as he looked me over.

  “I’m keeping this as a mental image,” he said before leaning over me and kissing me.

  “You’re welcome by the way,” he grinned.

  I was about to bite my lip but held it together as I sat up and covered myself with Kit’s cover.

  “I need to take a shower, will you be okay?”

  I nodded whilst looking him over. Not only was he exceptionally breathtaking to look at but he was incredibly gifted with his tongue.

  He smirked and walked into the bathroom. Shortly after, I got up and searched for my clothes before taking Kit’s TV remote and settling on his bed.

  When he returned, he was dressed for the gym and had damp hair. He took me in and smiled before heading over to his cupboard.

  He pulled out his gym bag and I frowned as he shut the door and re-locked it. I naturally wondered why he had to lock his cupboard but Kit looked down at me and I lost track of my thoughts.

  “You ready to go, Blondie?”

  I nodded and stood up, only to be hooked into Kit’s arms where he pulled me close.

  “I’d take you with me but not only would you be a distraction to me but the other guys too."

  I rolled my eyes. “We both know I hate gym anyway, right?”

  Smiling, Kit brought his hand around my back and gripped my behind before taking my hand.

  I quickly grabbed my things and ducked under Kit’s arm as he held the door open for me.

  “Your brothers all seem great,” I said casually as Kit drove me home. First, he’d shown me down the Beck briefly and we watched as a set of ducks moved out of the way for a passing barge.

  The Beck was beautiful, at both sides of the water there were houses and pond plants had grown out of the side of the water at only one side. There was a path down each side and there was always someone walking their dog or taking their kid for a walk to see the ducks.

  “Yeah, they’re alright.” Kit smiled, waiting for the traffic lights to change.

  “So, none of them have a girlfriend?”

  Kit looked at me and shook his head, dead set on his answer.

  I nodded and wondered why five blokes in one house had no girlfriends.

  “We’re just not the type of guys to settle down, if you know what I mean."

  I shook my head, “No, but okay. I get that you’re all players but that’s about it. Don’t all players eventually grow up and want a family?”

  Kit’s eyebrows shot up as the lights turned green.

  “I’ll take that as a no,” I said.

  “I donno, I guess I’ve never thought about it. I’m still working on the boyfriend thing.” Kit grinned and reached over to grab my hand.

  “That’s enough to send any guy crazy, let alone a family as well."

  I frowned, “What does that mean?”

  “Keeping guys away from the girl you want to yourself, is hard enough, never mind having a daughter and having to worry about her, too."

  My frown was well and truly indented in my face as I heard what he had to say.

  “What if you had a son?”

  “Then I’d have to tell him it’s not okay to do the exact same thing with women that I’ve been doing since thirteen…”


  Kit nodded.

  “You lost your virginity at thirteen?”

  He nodded again, casually.

  “How the hell did that happen? You were still a kid!”

  Kit chuckled, “You really want me to explain how I got laid at thirteen?”

  I thought about it and shook my head, I guess he was right.

  “And by the way, you don’t have to worry about me with other guys."

  Kit scoffed, “Well, that’s bull."

  “Excuse me?”

  “That fucker Chris has his eyes all over you, can’t say I blame him."

  I shook my head. “There’s nothing going on with me and Chris."

  “Does he know that?”

  “Yes, of course…” I thought about it and rolled my eyes. “Well, I guess I’ve never actually told him to back off but he knows I’m not interested."

  “Something’s telling me he’s not got the picture, sweetheart."

  I squinted at him, “If I’m with you, then surely that’s enough…"

  Kit sighed and looked down at my legs, “Those skinny jeans you wear are enough to make me worry."

  I followed his eyes to my legs, I wasn’t currently wearing skinnies but they were my usual go to.

  I didn’t really ever dress more than casually, so my converse and skinny jeans were my life.

  “What’s wrong with my skinnies?”

  “Nothing, they’re fucking perfect. They hug your ass and hips perfectly and I’m not the only guy who sees it."

  I rolled my eyes, “You’re paranoid, besides it never bothered you before."

  “That’s because you weren’t technically mine then, I couldn’t stop them, although a few times I couldn’t help myself."

  I thought about the time he called Chris out during our lesson for staring at my arse, I was so embarrassed that day.

  “I’m not an object you get to own you know?”

  “I already own you, baby, I’ve got the key to you right here...” Kit lifted his hand and wiggled his finger.


  “Come on Eve, I’m only joking..."

  “You’re fucking hilarious, you prick."

  He laughed and it angered me more.

  “Don’t laugh at me."

  “Or what, baby?”

  “Or I’ll... I’ll... Hit you.”

  “I’d love that. I’ll give you the first go. Be warned though, after the first go my go will be with you bent over my bed."

  I glared at him as he pulled up beside my house.

  “You’ll have to catch me first."

bsp; “Don’t challenge me, you’ll regret it."

  I smirked and opened the door to get out.

  “Where’s my kiss?” he said as I got out.

  “Enjoy the gym, Princess.” I smiled before shutting the door.

  “Oi, Fat Ass!” Kit called after me from his open window as I walked around the car and I turned around to look at him.

  “Come here,” he ordered, smiling at me and looking me up and down.

  I couldn’t resist even if I wanted to.

  Something about seeing Kit behind the wheel and looking at me like that made me walk back over to him and I bent down so he could kiss me.

  I was tempted to jump back in the car with him but I remembered we were in front of my house and my grandparents were probably ogling us from inside.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said and I nodded before smiling and heading inside.

  I had no idea how I was going to explain why I was wearing Kit’s clothes but I made sure to rush upstairs and change quickly before facing my grandparents.

  “So, you’re officially coating now then?” my grandad asked after I greeted them both and sat on the sofa. My grandad was trying his best to look preoccupied with his paper but I could see the smile edging at his face.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, stupidly. I knew exactly what he meant, I just couldn’t bring myself to answer his question. I’d never had a boyfriend and I knew me having one was a big deal because for a year I’d blanked everyone.

  “You come home wearing his clothes, he’s dropped you off and watched you walk in here like a love-sick puppy, surely you’re dating?”

  I smiled at my grandad’s comment, I hadn’t noticed Kit watching me walk inside.

  “Yes, we’re dating,” I nodded.

  He lifted his head and nodded whilst my grandma beamed at me.

  “It would be nice to get to know him, you should invite him round for tea,” she said.

  I loved how my grandparents were so old fashioned, they weren’t immune to how things worked these days but they still held their old values.

  “So, what does he do? He goes to your college, right?”

  I nodded at my grandad’s question. “He teaches boxing to kids too,” I said and I watched the days of my grandad’s youth flash before his eyes. I knew he’d appreciate it because my grandad used to box before meeting my grandma and he had often told me about how it came in handy a few times trying to bag my grandma. I knew little about how they got together.

  “He seems like a nice kid,” my grandad smiled and carried on reading his paper.

  “Tea?” my grandma asked and I nodded before remembering that I needed to contact Lilly.

  “I’ll be right back, I need to go call Lilly."

  “Tell me everything- every nasty little detail, I want to know it all!” Lilly said as soon as she picked up the phone.

  “I don’t think so…”

  “You’re no fun, you’re supposed to tell me everything so I can endure my boring single life long enough to find my own boyfriend. Everyone knows that."

  “Sorry, I guess I missed the best friend handbook, I’ve been a little preoccupied,” I smiled.

  “You dirty sod, tell me everything!”

  I sighed and made sure my bedroom door was tightly shut before filling Lilly in on the details.

  “My God, the guy is a sex god…” she evaluated and I could almost see her rubbing her chin through the phone. “I wonder if all of his brothers are as gifted."

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “And you! How are you feeling? This is all so new for you, I never thought I’d see the day."

  “Honestly, Lil’, it hasn’t even sunk in yet, I have no idea what the hell is going on."

  “Well, he’s still a cunt, sorry. How dare he carry you off into a taxi and leave me alone to fend for myself."

  I frowned, “Sorry, I kind of let it happen... I was too fucked up to fight him. Trust me, I gave it the best I could but he’s a stubborn cunt."

  “Yeah, well it’s a good job he gave you a mind overload on orgasms, seeing as he stole you from me."

  “Lilly!” I laughed.

  “You need to have sex, Eve, you’ll think more like me once you do."

  I thought for a second what it would be like to have sex with Kit. I was ready to give him my virginity when he had me riled up to a point where I was going to explode, he had held my virginity higher than I did at that point.

  I chewed on my lip and thought about the previous night.

  “How the hell did you start fighting with Maddison’s friend, by the way?”

  Just thinking about Maddison riled me up. Not only over what she’d said and the friction she’d caused between me and Kit, but I actually felt bad because the whole ordeal was just pathetic.

  “Honestly, I think we just looked at each other and lunged purely because you and Maddison were trying to kill each other.”

  “My God!” I couldn't help but laugh.

  “That’s crazy."

  “I never said it was the smart thing to do."

  I agreed there, the whole night had been fucked up and the only positive to come from it had been what I selfishly gained at the hands of Kit Carson.

  “I was thinking of coming around and pigging out together for tea, you up for it?”

  Was I up for it? I was craving hangover food more than ever.

  “Hell, yes, but bring some good movies."

  “Noted, see you later."

  * * *

  The rest of the day I sat and drank tea with my grandma in the garden whilst also working on my college work.

  My grandad pottered around in the garden and it looked the perfect English past time.

  That night, Lilly and I decided to have a night together. We went way overboard on the take-away and as per usual we swore to eat healthy for a full two weeks and attend gym the next day. I groaned at just the thought.

  I hated exercise with pure vengeance. I wasn’t fat but I was in no way skinny, either. My thighs were enough to show that. Exercise and I just didn’t mix and the next day I proved that after about half an hour on the treadmill.

  * * *

  I sat on the floor beside Lilly’s treadmill which was still going full pelt with Lilly running like a frikkin' cheetah whilst I sipped at my water and brought my legs up to my chest, checking my phone.

  “He texted you yet?” Lilly asked between heavy breathing.

  I shook my head and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

  “He’s probably working,” I said, trying to convince myself as well as Lilly that there was a good reason.

  Unfortunately, our gym memberships weren't at the same gym Kit worked at otherwise I could have seen for myself.

  She nodded and I felt my phone buzz as if fate was helping me out for once.

  I shot my hand into my pocket so fast that my phone flung out and I flipped it in my hands a few times before catching it and cursing.

  Lilly snorted and I tried to gather myself so I didn’t look like a total pathetic excuse for a girl with no self-respect.

  “It’s probably my grandma…” I said casually and Lilly grinned.

  “Sure…” she continued to smirk and lowered the speed on her treadmill as I unlocked my phone.

  * * *

  Hey, you. I’ve been meaning to text you all night but got off work late, you busy?

  * * *

  I smiled and thought carefully about my reply before speed typing on my phone.

  “I see you’re not going for the keep ‘em waiting, keep ‘em keen approach…"

  “How long do you suggest I wait, Master of Relationships?”

  Lilly smirked at me and got off of her treadmill.

  “At least until we leave. Can you hold out that long?”

  I frowned at her, surely that wasn’t the best way to maintain a relationship but she was right, I didn’t wanna turn into one of those love-sick girls who hung on their boyfriend’s every word.
/>   Instead, I turned the treadmill back on and stared at myself in the mirror in front, daring myself to keep focus.

  “That-a-girl!” Lilly grinned at me in the mirror and tapped her hand against my arse.

  “Talk about motivation…” I said.

  Lilly nodded and took her chance to take a break.

  “So...” I tried to occupy myself because beating my arse on the treadmill wasn’t cutting it and I wanted to answer Kit back.

  “I saw the way you looked at Nick the other night, why didn’t you take the opportunity to hang out with him?”

  Lilly took a gulp from her bottle and eyed me.

  “He intimidates me, he’s too hot, if you know what I mean?”

  I knew exactly what she meant, that was exactly how I felt with Kit. Although my body leapt at just the sight of him, he also had my senses on high alert at all times.

  I nodded and turned the treadmill off, feeling physically exhausted all the way to the depths of my bones. I’d definitely done way more exercise than I usually did at the gym. For once, I felt I had actually made full use of the gym membership I got months ago with Lilly.

  “The girls from work have invited me out next weekend, do you wanna come?” she asked as I stepped off and gathered my water bottle.

  “I’m not sure my body can take any more alcohol just yet. I’ve gone from a recovering alcoholic to drinking more than my body can handle in a blink of an eye."

  Lilly laughed and agreed.

  “I’ll have to let you know nearer to weekend, things may have drastically changed by then and I may need to indulge to settle my nerves."

  Lilly laughed and nudged my arm with hers. “You’re so dramatic, Eve. Stop thinking everything is gonna go wrong for you and just allow yourself to be happy."

  Thinking about what Lilly had said landed hard on my conscience because she was right. Since losing my family I was always waiting for something else to happen, like I was destined to be unhappy.

  I couldn’t say I’d been truly happy since losing them and Kit coming into my life acted as the first distraction since their passing.


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