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Wallflower Page 9

by Cookie O'Gorman

  "I like you Ty. I like you a lot. I think I may even love you."

  My heart dropped, but I couldn't look away as my confession played out before my eyes. It looked like it had been recorded from behind Ty, so of course, you got an awesome shot of all my facial expressions. At the beginning, I looked nervous/lovestruck/determined, but my face froze in shock when he told me he wasn't moving, and then continued to fall as he gave one of the nicest rejections ever.

  "Where did you get this?" I said.

  "Someone posted it to the school website."

  I winced.

  "I'll give you one guess who," Dare added.

  But I already knew who was responsible. It was well known that Whitney ran the DHS site behind the scenes. She was the head student moderator. Why the school admins thought it would be a good idea to give her that kind of power, I'd never understand. The video was filmed at an angle, as if the person holding the camera had come out of the girl's locker room and leaned around the corner to record. The only question was had Ingrid decided to do it on her own—or had someone asked her to? Zooming in on Whitney's face in the background, I could see her smirk toward the camera as if she'd known exactly where it would be.

  "Ugh." I threw up my hands as the video ended then started replaying again. "Please make it stop."

  Dare took the phone away.

  "Gah, this is so humiliating." I groaned. "Whitney and Ingrid suck, but I can't believe they would do this to me."

  "Really?" Dare asked. "Because I can."

  Okay, he had a point. They didn't like me, took pleasure in my discomfort, but—

  "But why hang onto it?" I said. "Why not just release the video our first week back? What made them do it now?"

  Even as I asked the question, I realized the answer was standing not three feet away. Estelle had said Whitney stormed off after Dare kissed me—and that she'd had a crush on him since ninth grade.

  "Good grief," I muttered.

  "The video went up ten minutes into class. I got a notification," Dare said and shoved his hands into his pockets. "That's one of the reasons I pulled you in here. To save you from the walk of shame."

  "Thank you, I—"

  "But I gotta say, flower, I'm not too happy that you lied to me."

  I looked up at him, momentarily distracted. "What do you mean?"


  "What about him?" I asked.

  "Thought you said it wasn't to make some guy jealous," he said, and when I looked closer, I could tell Dare was pissed by the way his jaw clenched. "I wouldn't have agreed to be your fake boyfriend if I knew this was about my best friend."

  "Wait a minute," I said, "I don't have feelings for Ty."

  Dare gave me a look. "The evidence suggests otherwise."

  I huffed. "Well, I don't like him anymore, okay? I really thought I did—which was why I said all that to him—but now I only see him as a friend. This isn't about making him jealous."

  "I don't like being lied to."

  "It's not a lie," I said. "My need for a fake boyfriend has absolutely nothing to do with anyone but my father and his misguided attempts to make me less pathetic. Which is obviously impossible. I'm a total lost cause."

  "Hey," Dare said, his voice softer now. "You're not pathetic, Vi."

  I was this close to crying. "Can you stop being mad at me for a second, and just focus on the train wreck that is my life right now?"

  "Okay," Dare said. "What can I do?"

  "Do you have some Polyjuice potion or a skin suit because I'd really like to be someone else right now," I said.

  It sounded like he was fighting back a laugh as he said, "No Clarice, I don't have a skin suit. No Polyjuice either, sorry. If you give me a second, though, I'm sure I could find an invisibility cloak somewhere."

  I swallowed past the lump in my throat. "Did you just make a Harry Potter joke?" I asked.

  Dare smiled. "Never heard of the guy."

  Oh yes, he had, I thought.

  "Being invisible sounds pretty good," I said, frowning down at myself. Whingrid couldn't have planned this better if they'd tried. "I can't believe I'm wearing the same shirt."

  Dare's brow furrowed in question.

  "The one from the video." I sighed, straightening from my slouch, gesturing to my top so he could see. "It's my favorite, was supposed to be good luck. So much for that, huh?"

  Dare eyed my face and then my "Must Love Dogs" t-shirt.

  "I have an idea," he said.

  "You already spared me from the initial embarrassment," I said and gave him a small smile. "Thanks for that by the way. But now, I have to walk out there and face the music."

  "No really," he said. "I can help."


  "Like this."

  Before I could blink, Dare had reached down, pulled his shirt up and over his head. He stood before me now completely shirtless, his chest and abs on display. My first thought? Thank you, soccer.

  "What are you doing?" I gasped.

  "Getting naked," he said.


  "Jeez, relax. I was kidding, flower." He laughed, the movement making the muscles in his stomach contract, and I could do nothing but stare. "You should've seen your face."

  My eyes flashed back to his. "Did I look stunned and appalled? Because that's what I felt when you ripped your clothes off in front of me like that."

  He tsked. "Funny. The only thing I saw was appreciation."

  Ugh. Any "appreciation" I had quickly flew right out the window with that comment.

  "Again, I repeat, what the heck are you doing?" I said.

  "I may not have a cloak of invisibility," Dare said and held up his shirt, "but I have this. You can wear it if you want."

  "That's actually kind of sweet," I said, feeling a flutter in my stomach at the kind gesture. "But my face and voice are clear as day on that video, Dare. It's not like people won't recognize me. The shirt just adds insult to injury."

  "Still," he said. "You should take it. This might help with the gossip, make it end faster."

  I eyed the proffered shirt again. "And you'll just what? Walk around half-naked all day?"

  Dare gave me a grin. "I could. That would definitely take some of the attention off you. I'm sure some of the girls would like it."

  "Hmm, thoughtful," I said, "if not a little conceited."

  "I'll take that as a thank you." Dare rolled his eyes. "But seriously, I can go to the locker room and get the spare I keep in there. No big deal."

  He lifted his hand again.

  "Just take the shirt, Vi."

  I did. Maybe it was because my mind was addled by the way his forearms flexed as he held the shirt out to me or how his beautiful body moved with such masculine grace. Holy wow, one glimpse of Dare's amazing upper body, and I was a freaking poet. My reaction was strange, though, since I'd seen my share of shirtless guys on book covers, TV, and even sometimes when I had to go see dad as his team practiced. I'd never been quite this close to one before, though. And none of those guys had stared at me the way Dare did now, as if he were drinking in my reactions to him, couldn't get enough.

  "Can you turn around?" I mumbled.

  It was stupid really. Dare had been perfectly comfortable stripping in front of me. But I didn't think I'd ever have that kind of courage.

  Dare blinked, and then I swear I saw his cheeks flush.

  "Yeah," he said and flipped right around. "Yeah sure, sorry."

  If it had been any other situation, I might've laughed. Dare hardly ever sounded embarrassed.

  I checked one more time to make sure he wasn't looking before grabbing the edge of my shirt. With a deep breath, I started to slowly raise it up over my stomach, my ribs, chest—

  "Are you done?" he said.

  "No," I said quickly. "Please don't turn around."

  Dare's voice sounded a bit strained. "No worries, flower. I'll be good."

  Would he? Dare was known for a lot of things, but "being good" wasn't one of them

  Checking once more, seeing his back—his gorgeous, muscled back—was still to me, I tugged my shirt the rest of the way off. A feeling of adrenaline rushed through my body, goosebumps appearing on my skin at the chill in the room. Yeah, Dare wasn't looking, but…something about our proximity was heady. If he decided to turn, he would see me in just my bra. Thank goodness it was a pretty black one I'd bought for myself last year. I smiled as I tugged Dare's shirt open and ducked my head through. Wow, his shirt smelled good, I thought, taking a deep breath. Like soap, evergreen and something uniquely him. As my head cleared the hole, I noticed movement near the door and caught my reflection in the glass.

  I also caught Dare's eye for a moment, and my jaw dropped.

  Oh my gosh.

  He could totally see me.

  I wished the Earth would swallow me whole. I wanted to find my voice and scream or reprimand him, something. But before I could do anything, the door to the classroom suddenly flew open, the lights flipped on.

  "Oh," Mrs. Clemmons said, who was quickly followed by Ingrid and a few other students. "What are you two doing in here?"

  "Nothing," Dare said, moving slightly and doing his best to cover me while I struggled to pull his shirt down the rest of the way. It took only seconds, but that was more than enough. "We were just talking."

  Nobody bought it, least of all Ingrid whose stare shifted back and forth between the two of us.

  "Ah." Mrs. Clemmons nodded. "And what happened to your shirt, Mr. Frost?"

  Dare looked down. "Well, Mrs. Clemmons, I got a little hot last period."

  The girls in the room sighed while I held back an eyeroll.

  "That actually happens a lot. Viola was just telling me the best ways to cool off."

  Mrs. Clemmons's eyes moved to me.

  "Is this true, Viola?" she asked. "Were you two just talking?"

  My forehead began to sweat. I'd never lied to a teacher before in my life, and I didn't want to start now. I focused on the question, though, and realized with relief that I wouldn't have to.

  I nodded. "We were," I said.

  "Well, the late bell's about to ring," the teacher said. "You'd better get to class."

  "Yes, ma'am," I said.

  As I went to walk past her, she leaned in and whispered, "I saw the video, Viola, went straight to the office to have it taken down. It's why I'm running late. I'm so sorry. That shouldn't have been put out there like that."

  I nodded. "Thank you," I murmured.

  "But this is your only pass. I don't want to catch you in my classroom alone with a boy again," she said quietly. "Understand?"

  "Yes, ma'am," I said again.

  In a louder voice, she said, "And Mr. Frost…please do find a shirt."

  My cheeks flushed as I remembered the reason he didn't have one.

  "You got it, Mrs. Clemmons," Dare said.

  "Try not to cause a riot in the halls," Mrs. Clemmons said wryly.

  "I'll do my best." He threw her a wink as he walked past, strolling down the halls, not seeming to be shy at all about his state of undress.

  Mrs. Clemmons leaned down once more. "Be careful with that one," she said.

  I could only nod.

  My heart was still racing from our bizarre encounter. I'd gone from humiliated about the video to moved when Dare offered me his help to stunned when he'd removed his shirt. And I was still trying to figure out how I felt about him watching me change through the glass. Part of me was absolutely embarrassed but another part was excited that he'd wanted to look at all? Gah. I didn't know what I was feeling.

  But I did know one thing. Mrs. Clemmons was right.

  I'd definitely have to be careful where Dare Frost was concerned.

  My still racing heart told me that much.


  I'd never really been the subject of rumors. My profile at Durham High had always been low key. Plus, there was always someone or something more interesting to talk about. But I was pretty sure gossip never traveled faster than it did that day. The administration was able to take the video down before the start of third period. But by then, the damage was done.

  The reactions were mixed.

  People I didn't even know kept coming up to me between classes, saying things like (and I kid you not):

  "Wow, that rejection was brutal. Would you mind if I repost it to my Instagram?"

  My answer: It was. And yes, I would.

  "Tyson is so hot! You go girl!"

  I'd nodded and smiled awkwardly as the girl gave me a high-five.

  "That video of you and Ty? Most hilarious thing I've ever seen. I must've watched it at least ten times. So funny."

  Me: Glad it amused you.

  "Tyson McCormack? Keep dreaming, Dog Girl."

  That last one was from Penn, and I had ignored him completely.

  "Hey, we don't know each other, but you're my new hero. If a normal girl like you can work up the nerve to approach a god like Tyson and be caught making out with Dare in the girl's bathroom, it means we've all got a shot."

  Me: Thanks…I think. Also, Dare was with me in a classroom, and we were just talking. Not making out.

  The girl had winked. "Sure, you were."

  She left before I could correct her again, and as the day went on, I realized there were two rumors going around. The video was being talked about for sure, but that little interlude between Dare and I had made the rounds as well.

  Estelle even mentioned it in Lit, though she was much nicer about it than anyone else.

  "I thought the video was romantic." She shrugged as she took the desk next to me. "You just said how you felt. I don't see why everyone's blowing it so out of proportion."

  Jovonte nodded. "Yeah, people get rejected every day—just not as publicly as you did."

  Estelle elbowed him in the chest, and he grunted.

  "Ignore him," she said. " Jovonte wouldn't know romance if it hit him in the face. He isn't trying to be rude."

  "Sorry," he said to me. "I really wasn't."

  "It's okay." I sighed. "Trust me, I've heard worse today."

  "Speaking of," Estelle said, "I heard a little something-something in the halls before class. And it didn't have anything to do with you and Tyson."

  "Oh?" I tried my best to sound innocent. "Well, this is high school. You can't believe everything you hear."

  "Yeah, I know," she said. "I also know that my bestie would tell me if anything had happened between her and a certain someone."

  "She would," I said slowly. "If there was anything worth telling."

  Estelle eyed me speculatively. "Maybe we have a different definition of what that means."

  I just shrugged.

  "Nice shirt," she said with a smile playing about her lips.

  My eyes dropped to the garment in question then came back up to her. "Thanks," I said.

  "It's a little big in the shoulders," Estelle went on. "A bit unexpected with the big soccer ball and DHS Varsity written across it, since I remember you saying something about not liking the sport. Still, the blue looks nice. Hey, Jovonte?"

  "Yeah baby," he said.

  "Weren't you wearing one just like it the other day?"

  Jovonte studied the shirt more closely then nodded. "Yep, everyone on the team has one. Coach Kent likes us to wear them on game week to get a little school spirit going. I thought it was only for the players, but I guess your dad got you one, too, huh, Viola?"

  I hummed noncommittally, and Estelle's smile grew.

  "What's the D.F. stand for?" she asked.

  Her face looked curious, but her tone was anything but innocent. Estelle knew perfectly well what the initials stood for but wanted me to admit it. Too bad I wasn't quite ready to go there.

  I gave her a flat look. "Dogs Forever."

  Estelle nodded. "Oh, that makes sense. And the little #28 right next to it?"

  "That's the number of pets I hope to have in the future."

  Her laughter sounded like wind ch
imes as Jovonte's eyes went wide. He'd finally caught onto the fact that I was wearing his buddy's shirt. Awesome.

  "Hey," he said, pointing at my chest, "is that—"

  "Miss me, flower?" Dare interrupted, taking a seat right as the bell rang. "No need to answer. I'm sure you did."

  Giving him a look, I leaned forward, whispering so the others wouldn't hear.

  "Actually, I'm waiting for an apology," I said.

  Leaning back toward me, he said, "For what?"

  "Breaking your promise."

  "What are you talking about?"

  Leaning even closer, I hissed, "You said you wouldn't look, and then you totally did!"

  Dare angled his body fully toward me and met my gaze straight on. "No, you told me not to turn around. That was all you said, and I did as you asked."

  "But you—"

  "I couldn't see anything anyway. The lights were off, and it was just your reflection."

  I felt my lips turn down. "Really?"

  He nodded, but a second later added, "And you know what? I should be the one asking for an apology. As far as looking goes, it's not like you have room to talk."

  "Excuse me?"

  "Are you going to pretend you weren't checking me out right before that?"

  I stuttered. "B-but you undressed without any warning!"

  "You could've looked away, and you didn't."

  "Yes, okay, that's true, but…" I shook my head. "I thought you said you'd be good."

  Dare's smile was slow, his gaze fixed on my face. "Never said I was a saint."

  He gave me a quick once-over.

  "You look good in my clothes by the way."

  I couldn't believe he'd just said that.

  Estelle cleared her throat, and I looked over to find her and Jovonte staring at the two of us like they were watching their favorite sitcom. Sitting back in my seat, I tried to act like everything was normal.

  "So Dare, I was just telling Viola how much I like her shirt," she said, giving me a grin. "Blue is really her color. Don't you agree?"

  Dare took his time answering. "Blue's good," he said finally. "But I'm thinking black might look better against her skin."

  My eyes shot to his at that.

  So much for not seeing anything, I thought as a blush stole up my neck. I mean sure, I loved wearing black, half my wardrobe was probably black. But Dare was so obviously not referencing any of those clothes. My lacy black bra suddenly felt tighter, my skin feeling hotter, than it had moments before.


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