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Wallflower Page 12

by Cookie O'Gorman

  "Thanks," I said, taking the seat beside her. "I didn't even know you'd be here."

  "Of course," she said. "Jovonte's playing. Love watching him and his team kick some butt. This is J's grandma. Gigi, this is my friend Viola."

  I looked past her and shook hands with the lady sitting there. Her white hair was pulled back into a bun. There were laugh lines and wrinkles etched into her mahogany face. She didn't look a day over 60, but I could tell by the way that she moved there was a bit of age in her bones.

  "Nice to meet you," I said.

  "Likewise," she said back. "Do you know my grandbaby?"

  "We all have Lit together."

  "Oh well, isn't that nice. He's going places my boy. I've never missed a game," she said proudly. "Are you here to see J, too?"

  "Oh no," Estelle cut in, laying a hand against my arm. "This is Dare's girlfriend, Gigi. Viola only has eyes for him."

  Clenching my teeth, I sent her a tight smile. "Thanks for that, Estelle."

  She winked, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "You're very welcome," she said.

  "Oh, I love that boy! It's so good to finally see someone here cheering for him. But I didn't know Dare had a girl," Gigi said, examining me again.

  I blushed. "It's a fairly new development," I said.

  She nodded like she'd come to a decision. "You seem nice. Dare's a little rough around the edges, but he's got a heart of gold. I think you two will suit just fine."

  I returned the nod, and all three of us watched as the team jogged onto the field. I saw Dare run out first, as if he were the leader, followed by Tyson, Jovonte and the others. The coaching staff came next with my dad bringing up the rear. He always put his guys first, I thought with a smile.

  Dare searched the stands, and when his eyes landed on me, they lit up like Christmas morning. He lifted his chin in greeting.

  Man, how could any girl resist that look?

  "Well, he's obviously happy to see you," Estelle whispered.

  I shook my head in denial. "No, he's probably just excited since this is the season opener."

  "Oh yes," she said. "That must be it."

  I gave her major side-eye for all the sarcasm, and she lifted her hands.

  "Okay, okay, I'll drop it." She laughed.

  "Thank you," I said. "Ugh, I'm so glad you're here, and I didn't have to sit by myself. I already feel weird enough as it is."

  "Why?" she said. "You're just here to cheer on your man. Or should I say men?"

  I glanced at her, and she gestured to the bench.

  "Looks like someone else is glad you're here, too," she said.

  I looked down and found my father staring back. He was beaming from ear to ear. I waved to him, and he gave an answering wave. It surprised me that he was so glad I was there. I'd never thought it mattered too much whether I came to games. There were so many other people who attended. I just thought I'd stick out like a sore thumb, maybe even embarrass him for a handful of reasons, the least of which was my lack of athletic ability and the top being my outcast status. But maybe, I thought as my dad continued smiling at me, I should've come to a game sooner.

  As the match started, it felt good. Not strange at all to be here watching a sporting event that I never thought I'd be into in a million years. I watched as Dare and the others ran up and down the field, my father calling plays from the bench. Our boys looked good—but none of them were as awesome as Dare.

  "Ooh, did you see that?" Gigi said, clapping her hands. "J shrugged off that defender like it was nothing. He's about to shoot that ball over to Ty who'll pass to Dare to finish. He'll put it right in the net. Just you watch."

  Her words came true a second later.

  Jovonte passed the ball to Ty who quickly got it to Dare, and then it was like somebody lit a fire beneath his feet. The guy was so fast, his kick packing so much power, Mount Tabor's goalie didn't stand a chance. With a swift strike, the ball sailed over the poor kid's head into the net. The crowd went crazy, but Dare just jogged back into position like it was nothing.

  On the next play, it was nearly the same story.

  Mount Tabor tried to run the ball back but were stopped by two of our guys. Both sides were fighting for possession, when Dare came up from behind, managing to strip the ball and dribble it back down the field. No one could stop him on his way to the net. He shook everyone off, and a minute later…

  "Wow," I said as the ball soared past the goalie once again. "That's two goals in the space of five minutes."

  "Yeah," Estelle said. "He's really in the zone."

  "Is it always like this?" I asked.

  She lifted one shoulder. "Well…it's Dare," she said like that explained everything.

  And by half-time, I knew exactly what she meant.

  I also understood why Dad couldn't stop talking about him. Dare's talent wasn't exaggerated. The guy's ability was unmatched by anyone on the other team—or ours. And he didn't try to hog the ball either. He spent just as much time passing as he did scoring. It almost made you feel bad for their opponents.


  You could tell how much Dare loved being out there, too. I'd never seen someone so in their element. The team played like a well-oiled machine. DHS's other guys were no slouches either. Dare wasn't the only one who scored, and he had a lot of assistance from Ty and his teammates. They were definitely good on defense as well—which meant Turner Pike (our goalie) didn't see much action. But when he did, he blocked more goals than he allowed to score. Our crowd cheered a lot, and I heard Dare's name more than once. Each time, it made my heart swell with pride—which I knew was stupid.

  We weren't actually boyfriend and girlfriend.

  Heck, even though he'd said it a ton of times, I wasn't even sure we were real friends.

  Though…I thought we might've been.

  Shaking my head, I clapped along with everyone else as Dare scored again. Whatever we were, I thought, I was glad I had come tonight to see this, glad to see him doing the thing he so obviously loved.

  When the game ended, the scoreboard read 10-3. Our guys had decimated the other team, no two ways about it. As the Durham High guys lined up to shake hands with Mount Tabor, Estelle, Gigi and I made our way down the steps. It was slow going since there were so many people leaving at once.

  By the time we made it to the grass, Jovonte was there waiting.

  "Great job, J," Gigi said and pointed to her face. "Now, come over here and give me some love."

  Jovonte planted a kiss right on her cheek and hugged her tight. "Thanks for coming, Grandma," he said.

  But Gigi looked irked at that.

  "You don't ever thank me," she said, giving his shoulder a pinch. "No time for silliness like that. You know I'm your number one fan."

  "I do," he said, wincing. "You always have been."

  "Since you were in diapers." Gigi nodded.

  Estelle held up her hand. "And I'm very glad to be his number two."

  She leaned in, giving him a quick pec on the lips.

  "Good game, baby," she said.

  "Thanks, baby," Jovonte said back.

  Dare joined us then, and I couldn't help but wonder if he'd expect me to kiss him, if that was even allowed. Not that I'd have the courage to do it anyway.

  "Hey guys," he said, looking sweaty but dang if that didn't make him even more attractive. "It's good to see you again, Gigi. How've you been?"

  "Ah, hanging in there. Still getting around, just slower than usual," she said, smiling at him. "Not that you'd know anything about that. You were wonderful, Dare. As always."

  Jovonte nudged her with his elbow. "But not as wonderful as me," he said. "Right, Grandma?"

  "No one's as good as you in my eyes, J." She gave his hand a pat, which made Jovonte grin. But then she added with a hint of mischief, "Though my eyesight's not what it used to be."

  Estelle and I held back laughs while Jovonte frowned, and Dare let out a chuckle.

  "Have I told you lately how much
I love your grandmother?" he asked and placed a hand on Jovonte's shoulder. "Because it's a lot."

  The other boy shoved him away good-naturedly. "You two play too much," he said on a laugh.

  "Seriously, you're the best, Gigi." Dare placed a kiss against her cheek.

  "Ah, you're just saying that because I'm old." She waved him off, but I could see the joy in her face. "That was quite the game, young man."

  "Thank you."

  Dare's eyes fell on me.

  "What'd you think, Vi?" he asked and then waited. As if he really cared about the answer.

  "I thought you were amazing," I said. It was the truth. "Everyone was awesome, but to me, you stood out."

  Dare arched a brow. "So, you liked the match?"

  I thought about downplaying my feelings but couldn't. "I enjoyed it a lot actually. Much more than I thought I would. I'm glad I came."

  "Me, too," he said quietly, almost as if he didn't mean for anyone to hear.

  "Seeing you play was…"

  I struggled to find the right word.

  "You're just so impressive," I finished, feeling my cheeks fill with heat as he stared at me. But he deserved to hear this. "I can tell you love soccer. And it definitely loves you."

  Dare's smile reached his eyes. "Thanks, flower."

  He'd opened his mouth, but Tyson interrupted whatever he was about to say.

  "Man," Tyson said, the smile never leaving his face as he dropped an arm over Dare's shoulders. "I hope you had as much fun as I did. Not gonna lie, it felt nice to get that first win."

  The two fist-bumped, and Dare grinned. "Any win is a good win."

  "Ain't it the truth," Jovonte said.

  "My aunt's around here somewhere. I need to find her, but I came by to let you know Coach wants us back in the locker room before we head out," Tyson went on. "Something about mindset and using this win to drive us to more." His gaze moved to mine. "Oh, and Viola, Coach also wanted me to say he was so glad to see you, and that he can't wait to hear what you thought of the game."

  "She loved it," Dare said.

  "Naturally," Tyson said.

  "Who wouldn't?" Jovonte supplied, and once again, the three took turns giving each other guy hugs and pats on the back. "We rock hard."

  Estelle rolled her eyes. "Okay, well, we'll just leave you three to bask in your glory," she said, linking arms with me and Gigi. "Catch you all later."

  "Bye," I said over my shoulder to Dare as she began leading us away.

  "Thanks again, flower," he said.

  Once we were out of earshot, Gigi laughed. "Not sure I've ever seen Dare smile so much before or after a game."

  "Yeah, me either," Estelle said.

  "But I thought he and the team win all the time," I said.

  "They do." Jovonte's grandmother threw me a wink. "But I think that reaction was all for you."

  Estelle grinned. "I agree."

  "Oh come on," I said. "It's normal to be happy when you win."

  "I'm just saying," she laughed, "he never gets that excited to see me and Gigi."

  A sudden thought entered my mind.

  "Aren't his parents here?" I asked as we walked from the field out to the parking lot.

  "No, they don't come," Estelle said. "Never have from what I understand."

  Her answer surprised me.

  "But that's crazy," I said.

  "I haven't seen them at a match," Gigi confirmed. "Which is a crying shame. Not only because they're adults who should support their child. But the boy is just so dang gifted."

  Estelle and I hummed in response.

  "That is a shame," I mumbled, wondering how in the world his parents could stay home when Dare was so incredible.

  On and off the field, my mind supplied, a thought I tried my best to ignore.

  But it was getting harder.

  Thoughts like that kept popping up out of the blue over the next few days. Between driving and talking with Dare in the mornings to him doing nice things like opening my door and carrying my cello to inviting me to his games, I could feel the shift in my feelings toward him. Especially when he sent me random texts like this.

  Secret Boyfriend: Hey, flower. Just wanted to check-in and see how you're doing.

  Or this.

  Secret Boyfriend: Heard a song last night, made me think of you. Cello's not so bad—especially when you play it ;).

  Or this.

  Secret Boyfriend: How you doing? Need me to come save the day?

  I'd received that one as I was waiting in line to get lunch on Friday. Penn Cavendish, his buddies, Whitney and Ingrid had cued up behind me. It worried me at first. I didn't like them being at my back, so I'd turned around, prepared for anything. But all Whitney did was roll her eyes, say "ugh, must you take up so much room?" and reach past me to grab a bottle of water. They left shortly after. I was surprised she hadn't said more—or quite frankly that Penn and his crew hadn't barked or something. The reason behind that was cleared up later when I was discussing the strange encounter with Estelle.

  "I just don't understand why Whitney held back," I said. "She hasn't before."

  "I heard Dare threatened to break Penn's nose," Estelle said.

  My eyes widened. "No…he confronted him, told him to cut it out or he'd tell my dad. But that was a while ago."

  "This was more recent."

  "How recent?"

  Estelle had shrugged. "I don't know. Like yesterday? Jovonte told me Penn was showing that video around again, badmouthing you in the halls, and Dare wasn't having it. He got all up in that jerk's face. Whitney witnessed everything, of course."

  I was dumfounded. "I didn't hear about that."

  "He was just being a good guy, standing up for his girl," she said.

  And if that wasn't enough—him sending nice messages, defending me even when I wasn't present—there was this text from earlier today.

  Secret Boyfriend: Watched a few episodes of The Office last night and LMAO. You are so Pam. And I'm Jim. Obviously.

  I'd smiled at that and his next message.

  Secret Boyfriend: Hey, I'm not still Dwight in your phone, right?

  When I didn't answer, Dare sent another.

  Secret Boyfriend: Come on, flower. I'm dying of boredom listening to Mr. Wexler drone on about parabolas. Tell me you don't see me as a Schrute?

  My reply was quick and succinct.

  Me: Dwight's actually my favorite character. But okay. I've now changed your contact to Damarco. Happy now?

  Secret Boyfriend: Ah, I'd prefer Jim or…you know, my name.

  Me: Which is???

  Dare sent three of what I called the stank-eye emojis, each one looking annoyed.

  Me: Also, I'm in class, too, and Mrs. Busbee has a strict no texting policy. Are you trying to get me in trouble?

  Secret Boyfriend: Ah sorry, I'll let you get back to class. Just wanted to chat with my girlfriend ;). Bye, flower.

  And that was another thing. He kept calling me "girlfriend", which affected me every time even though it was all pretend. I knew what was happening. But it was like I was powerless to stop it. With each day that passed, I was starting to like Dare more and more.

  I could admit that much to myself.

  I wasn't willing to give up on the revenge plot just yet regardless of my growing feelings. Dad still hadn’t gotten the message—and if I was being honest, I didn't want to give Dare up so soon. I just hoped at the end of this thing my heart was still intact.


  "Ready for phase four?" I asked.

  Dare walked around the car to my side and shrugged. "Sure. What did you have in mind?"

  "Okay, Dad should be home in a few minutes. This time to avoid any confusion," I said, and tossed him a stern look as he laughed, "I thought I'd just position you to set the scene, make sure it's less awkward, more romantic."

  He gave me a look. "You think I can't be romantic?"

  I didn't answer.

  "Alright," he said, holding his
hands out from his sides. "Do what you want with my body."

  "Wow," I commented. "That was strange."

  It really sounded a little dirty, but I didn't want to say that.

  Dare grinned. "Okay, how about this then." He looked at me through lowered lashes and said, "Will you paint me like one of your French girls?"

  I blinked. "You're quoting Titanic now?"

  "And you thought I knew nothing about romance."

  "Hate to break it to you," I said as he allowed me to rearrange his limbs, trying not to let on how much touching him was moving me. "But Rose and Jack are a tragedy."

  "No"—he shook his head—"their story is the romance within the bigger tragedy of the Titanic. Just because it ended sad doesn't mean it's not romantic."

  I froze. "Are you actually trying to teach me something about romance?"

  He shrugged which prompted a scoff to leave my lips.

  "Inconceivable," I muttered.

  "Hey," he said, "I know a thing or two about flirting. Maybe I could teach you something."

  "That remains to be seen."

  I raised a brow then stepped into him, placing both of his hands in the proper position at my upper-back/waist. My hands drifted to his neck, but I made sure to keep a safe amount of space between us.

  "There," I said.

  He looked down at the gap between our bodies and said, "Uh, flower, you could fit a tank in there. Don't you think we should be a little closer?"

  I shook my head. "Nope. I think we're exactly how we should be to communicate the proper idea to my father."

  "Were you going for middle school dance?" Dare said, and I shot him a glare. "Cause that's definitely what this pose says. I'm pretty sure I've never been this far away from a girl I dated."

  "Have a lot of experience with that, do you?" I rolled my eyes but moved in a few inches. "There. I've closed the gap."

  Dare scoffed. "Yeah by about an inch."

  I scooted forward the tiniest bit, and he rolled his eyes.

  "Seriously flower, he's going to think we're practicing for that imaginary theater class again."

  "I'll have you know a variation of this pose is on several of the book covers I love as well as in my favorite movies," I said.


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