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Royal Bear (P.O.L.A.R. Series Book 5)

Page 7

by Candace Ayers

  “Isn’t it? I feel like I don’t know my own brother. You work for the government? You’re some spy?” I shook my head. “I thought you were doing illegal stuff this entire time. I thought you were…like Dad.”

  Gray tensed. “Do not compare me to that man.”

  “Then stop running. Stay here and face this, so you don’t have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life.” I gestured out at his back deck, visible through French doors at the back of the house. “Look at this place. It’s beautiful. A good place to settle and put down roots.”

  He just shrugged without looking at the view. “You know, as well as I do that a view can change in an instant and there are beautiful ones all over the country.”

  “Gray, I want to stay.” I blew out a rough breath. “I want to stay here and I want you to stay, too. We haven’t seen each other in years. Don’t you miss me?”

  He leaned forward and squeezed my knee. “Of course, I do, Gracey. Just ‘cause I leave Sunkissed Key doesn’t mean we couldn’t visit in other places.”

  “It won’t happen. You and I both know it. We both leave here, who knows when I’ll see you again. The next time you don’t email me, what if you’re not just hiding? What if these people find you? I want this to be over. I want it to be over and I want us to be a normal family.”

  With a giant sigh, Gray leaned back on the couch. “Come on, Grace. You know that’s not us.”

  My mocking sigh was just as loud. “Don’t you think it could be? I mean, if we wanted? If we tried?”

  He didn’t say anything. His eyes shut and he let his head rest on the cushion behind him.

  “Gray, I made friends here—five amazing women. I have friends for the first time in my life. And we even had a sleepover! I had my first sleepover at the age of 28.” I pinched my thumb and forefinger together. “I’m this close to having friends, family and a regular life. What if we both stayed and you and I didn’t run anymore and instead we got to be like a normal brother and sister.” I sucked in a huge breath and blew it all out just as fast. “There’s only one problem with that. Neither of us can stay if we don’t settle this mess.”

  “Fuck, Gracey, you know I’d do anything for you.... I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Don’t be like him. Don’t run from this.”

  “I’m not fucking like him, dammit.” He stood up and stomped to the kitchen. “This is bigger than our daddy issues. Staying here could put people in danger. You could be in danger.”

  “You said yourself that I can handle myself, Gray.” I stood up and marched over to him. “Want me to show you that I can still handle myself?”

  He stepped back. “Grace, don’t. I’m still healing.”

  I sent him a dark grin and nodded. “That’s what I thought. Scared of me. Ha! I’m not some helpless damsel. If it came down to it, I could hold my own.”

  He stared at me for what felt like forever and then grunted. “You really like this place, huh?”

  My shoulders sagged. “I do. More than that, though, Gray, I love you. I need you in my life—more than what we’ve had. I didn’t even realize how lonely and isolated I’ve been until I got here and was surrounded by people. I’m thinking that maybe there’s more to life than moving from town to town never really knowing anyone or letting them know me.”

  “In all the years since you could talk, you’ve never asked me for anything.” He wrapped me in a hug and sighed into my hair. “You know that? All these years and you never needed anything. Or, if you did, you didn’t mention it. Which is probably more likely what it was, right?”

  I just shrugged.

  “Hell, you gave way more than I ever gave back. You fought for me when no one else would.” He pushed me away and held my shoulders. “You remember that time in Kansas City? I was getting bullied and you ran in like some miniature badass and tried to fight boys five and six years older than you. You would’ve willingly gotten your ass handed to you for me.”

  “You shifted, though. Scared the meanness right out of them.” I grinned. “It can still be like that. We can deal with this together.”

  “Ugh.” He threw his hands up and looked up at the ceiling. “Fuck it. Fine. We’ll stay. I won’t have you getting in the middle of this fight, though. Understand me? It’s not happening.”

  I started to argue but stopped myself. Best to quit while I was ahead. “Fine.”

  He rolled his eyes and pushed me away from him. “Get out of my face now. I need to shower and change into something that doesn’t smell like week old dead fish.”

  “I didn’t want to say anything…”

  “Hardy-har-har. Funny.” He got to the doorway to his bedroom before looking back at me over his shoulder. “What’s up with you and that prince guy?”

  I felt my cheeks redden. “Nothing.”

  “Didn’t look like nothing to me.”



  My brain was melting. There was no other explanation for the headache that was blooming behind my eyes. Valentina’s voice and constant yammering were slowly killing me and I’d only been in her presence for twenty or so minutes. Twenty minutes that felt like twenty million years.

  As I sat listening to Valentina, the boner-killer, and my nuts tried to dig their way up inside my groin to get away from her, my thoughts kept straying to Grace. The way her arms had swung around me, her soft body pressed tightly against mine in gratitude as though we were two halves of a whole coming together. God, I wanted that woman.

  Valentina was pacing the room, her hands gesturing wildly as she continued to speak animatedly. “…and we must have a festival to celebrate the coronation. We owe it to our subjects. I’ve already hired a personal photographer of my own for the event to be sure my social media pics are from the best angle and with the best lighting…”

  I had hated the composed, almost embarrassed way Grace had retreated from me once she realized she’d had her arms around me. I hated that almost as much as I hated the empty ache in my chest that followed.

  “…wedding dress, of course, will be a Givenchy, but I’ve found a marvelous up-and-coming designer for the gown I’ll wear to the formal engagement party. She’s…” Valentina’s voice had not changed in all these years. Astonishingly, it still hit the same abrasive pitch as when we were kids—nails meet chalkboard.

  The pained look on Grace’s face when Valentina had stepped out of the office was one I’d never forget. I’d watched her cheeks instantly flush before she’d turned toward her brother. That hurt so much my lungs constricted to the point it was hard to breathe. I couldn’t stand it that I was responsible for her pain.

  “…an off-shoulder cream satin with handtied lace. It will be the envy of every she-bear alive. Let them eat their hearts out is what… Prince Konstantin, are you even listening?”

  I blinked, trying to make sense of what she was saying. The idea of spending the rest of my life with the woman was about as pleasant as shoving thumbtacks through my eyeballs.

  Valentina’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “I asked how soon you can be ready to leave. Estelle can have my things packed in ten minutes. I’ll be relieved to be rid of this place. It reeks of a zoo.” She picked invisible lint off her tailored skirt. “Honestly, I have no clue how you’ve managed for so long. These bears are all so…simple. And what is with the fascination with humans? Between you and me I find it vile how the lower classes behave.” She huffed indignantly. “Prince Konstantin?” This time she stomped her high heel on the carpet. “Are you listening to me?”

  “Hmm? Er, no. No, I’m not listening. Lady Valentina, I’m afraid this isn’t going to happen.”

  Valentina jaw dropped as she stared at me. Then her face turned a nasty shade of crimson and she looked as though her head might explode. “Excuse me? Wha—which part?”

  I stood to my full height. “All of it. The formal engagement party, the wedding, the reception, the coronation…none of it is going to happen.”

bsp; Valentina’s look of complete and utter indignation said she’d have liked to have a flame thrower right about then to create a new dish—Konstantin flambé.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you’ve come all this way, at my father’s insistence no doubt, but the whole idea of this betrothal is archaic, not to mention cruel. We hardly know each other. We damn sure don’t love each other.”

  Her face contorted in a furious death stare. “You cannot do this! I will not allow it!”

  “It’s done. And done.” I stood up and moved towards the door.

  “It’s that human, isn’t it?! With the dog brother. She’s weak, Konstantin. No backbone and the genetic clarity of a sponge!”

  I growled willing to ignore her insult to Grace only because of the shock breaking our engagement must be to her. Not that she gave a rat’s ass about me. I knew she only craved the title and power becoming my mate would grant her.

  “I hope you find your true mate, Valentina.” I also hoped the poor guy had a hearing problem. “And I apologize for any embarrassment this may cause you or your family.”

  “Oh, no you don’t. This mating is going to happen Konstantin. It’s going to happen because I have your father on speed dial.” She waved her cellphone back and forth in front of her face. “His Majesty has assured me that either you come back and this mating takes place or both you and your little army buddies will never be allowed to set foot in Siberia again. And your precious P.O.L.A.R. unit will be disbanded and defunded as of yesterday. YESTERDAY!”

  The smug, humorless grin—vicious and malicious—that spread across her face reminded me of a gaping wound. But, she had the upper hand and she knew it. She’d just played her trump card. Either I followed through with this ridiculous and archaic mating, go back to my homeland and ascend to the throne or I hang my team out to dry. I loved those guys like brothers.

  I slammed the door so hard as I left that it cracked the frame. I didn’t care. What I really wanted to do was go back in and throw Lady Valentina out of my bedroom window.

  * * *

  Despite Serge suggesting I stay away, I went straight to Gray’s cottage. I didn’t know what I was going to say to Grace, but I had to see her. I needed to at least explain that none of this was my choice. I’d never meant for her to be hurt by anything.

  I looked up at the house and saw Grace peering out at me from behind a curtain. Her eyes widened and then she was gone. Swearing, I held out my hands to Serge, conveying I meant no harm. “I just need to talk to Grace.”

  “You’re soon to be mated to a woman who’s been spending all of her time making us absolutely miserable. Wonderful lady, that one.”

  “She’s not my choice, man.” I looked back up, hoping to catch another glimpse of Grace.

  “She your true mate?” When I looked at him in horror, he laughed. “Grace. Not Valentina.”

  I blew out a deep sigh and nodded. “Yes.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Not much I can do.”

  “Bullshit.” Serge appeared concerned, but he didn’t know the whole story.

  “Look, about keeping everything from you and the guys…”

  He held his hands up gesturing me to be silent. “I was pissed as hell at first. We all were. Except Alexei. We figured that all this time we didn’t know you. But that lasted all of about five minutes. Then we realized we didn’t know the title you carried, but we know you. Better than anyone else knows you. We’ve seen the real you. Hell, you’re one of us. We’re a team.”

  My throat suddenly clogged with a huge lump. Even after deceiving and keeping my identity from them, they stuck by me. I had mad respect for that kind of loyalty and they deserved my loyalty in return.

  I headed towards the stairs. “We’ll talk later, okay?”

  He grinned and rolled his eyes. “Later, brother.”


  I took the stairs two at a time and knocked much louder than I meant to. When Gray opened the door, he looked like he was ready for a fight until he saw it was me.

  “Grace, Prince Boytoy is here.” He walked back to the couch and dropped onto it.

  Grace peeked out from the kitchen and frowned at her brother. Her arm snapped out and a wet rag flew across the room and slapped Gray in the back of the head. “Don’t be an asshole.”

  Gray acted as if she’d poured a bucket of spiders on him, squirming to get away from the rag. “That’s disgusting. You cleaned the floor with that!”

  “He had you scrubbing floors?” I stepped farther into the room and scowled at the wolf.

  “She wanted to. She’s weird like that and who am I to get in her way?” He rolled his eyes at me. “Stick around some. You’ll learn that, too.”

  “Why the fuck is everyone rolling their eyes at me?”

  Grace let out a breathy snicker and then smiled. “I can think of a reason, or two.”

  I fought the smile that tugged at my lips. I didn’t deserve her smiles. They were like Cupid’s arrow through the heart. Her beauty was a beam of sunshine radiating, lighting the room. “Go for a walk with me?”

  She nodded. “Okay.”



  I was probably a fool for agreeing to go for a walk with Konstantin. The truth was twofold. One, I felt sorry for him because I didn’t for a second believe that he was in love with the wicked witch from the North. And two, well, he was just tough to resist.

  I knew he was either going to explain that he was engaged and I was a mistake, or tell me that I was nice and all, but he just wasn’t that into me. I was waiting for the formal rejection, but he shocked me. He just silently took my hand in his and walked with me down the beach.

  I took off my sandals and carried them in my other hand, settling in for a longer stroll. I knew he was not mine, but with our hands intertwined…was it so wrong that I pretended for a few minutes that he was? Ugh, yes! Yes, it was. It was certifiable. Pathetic. And I knew better, but my dumb, stupid, moronic, idiotic heart was stupid as fuck.

  Minutes passed without him saying anything and I let out a little sigh. I wanted to know what he was thinking. Why was he there, holding my hand, and where was his mate-to-be? Did she know where he was?

  I guessed I’d need to be the one to break the ice. “So, you’re a prince.”

  “Grace, about Valentina—”

  “I understand.”

  His brow creased and he turned to look down at me as we kept walking. He looked surprised. “You do?”

  “Yeah, well, no…I don’t know. Explain it to me?”

  He nodded and stared down at his feet as we slowly strolled through the sand. “Shifter traditions are strange and archaic, but as heir to the throne, I have always known I had certain obligations. Adhering to old world traditions including mating a pre-selected female of suitable stature and breeding is just one of the sacrifices that will be asked of me in my lifetime.”

  He looked so sad that I gave his hand a little squeeze of support. “But you don’t even seem to like her. Are you really expected to take her as a mate?”

  The corner of his lips turned up in a wry smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “It takes incredible effort to even be in the same room as her, but that doesn’t matter. My life is not my own. Because of that, I’ve kept myself remote and unapproachable where women were concerned, knowing that romance could have potentially negative consequences…until you. You, I couldn’t resist.”

  I felt a blush streak my cheeks. The whole situation was just awful for him. Awful for me—for both of us. We walked along in silence for a few minutes. Neither of us seemed to know what to say next.

  “I’m glad your brother was okay.” He glanced down at me and then looked away. “The team will stay around until it’s clear that he’s not in danger anymore. Neutralize any threat that comes his way. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  I knew he was attempting to change the subject, but I didn’t want to talk about Gray. I loved my brother and I was be
yond grateful that he was okay, but he was safe and sound in his house with Serge guarding him. He was fine. What wasn’t fine was that I was walking along with a soon to be married man, holding hands—and hearts—like he wasn’t already taken.

  “He’s lucky to have someone like you.”

  I grunted. “He’s lucky I don’t shoot him myself.”

  “We all make mistakes.”

  That statement hung in the air between us and felt to me like a growing, pulsating living organism until I couldn’t stand it anymore. “Was I a mistake? Is that how you’ll think of me? I mean, if you think of me at all. You probably won’t think of me…”

  Kon let go of my hand to grab my waist and pull me into him. “You could never be a mistake. Never. You have been the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. And saying goodbye to you will be the worst. I’ll think of you often, every day, and every day I’ll consider myself the luckiest bear in the world that I got to spend even a single second in your presence.”

  I wanted to be strong. I wanted to be the type of woman who would put another woman’s needs over her own, but at that moment, I wasn’t. I was selfish and greedy and I wanted Konstantin for myself.


  Like he was reading my mind, he swept me into his arms and carried me. His long legs ate up the sand and in seconds we appeared in front of my van. I hadn’t realized we were that close to it, but I was sure glad we were. I didn’t care if it had been his intention the whole time, or if it was just a beautiful coincidence. I just needed him touching me.

  He didn’t put me down as I reached to open the door for us before he could break it again, and hurried up the steps inside. Before I could turn around to face him, Kon was on me. Pressed against my back, his arms latched around my stomach. He buried his face into my hair and growled as he brushed it aside so he could kiss my neck.

  I gripped his forearms as he raked his teeth over my tender flesh and left more marks on me. His large hands moved up to knead my breasts, his thumbs instantly finding my hard nipples. Stroking and squeezing me through my clothes, he nipped my ear and growled louder.


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