The Alaska Sunrise Romances: A 9-Book Sweet Romance Collection

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The Alaska Sunrise Romances: A 9-Book Sweet Romance Collection Page 45

by Melissa Storm

  Louise gasped and shook her head. "Fine, fine. You win, but, just so you know, it's because you fought dirty."

  Brady had no idea what they were talking about, but he loved the pinkness that rose to Louise's cheeks as her friend teased her. And he loved that Missy seemed to be helping to push them together. That would make things so much easier. He smiled and looked from one woman to the other. "Does this mean I can drive you two home?"

  "Sure, but we're taking my truck." Louise thrust the keys into his chest and sauntered toward the door. "Now, c'mon. We haven't got all night."

  On the contrary, Brady thought. The night is just getting started.

  Brady drove the two women back to their rental home and walked them to the front stoop. He didn't want to leave them just yet, but he also knew Louise hadn't liked it when he'd been too forward the other day. He'd have to play it cool and gentlemanly if he were to stand even a prayer of a chance.

  "Here we are! Home sweet home!" Louise pushed past him and fell into the front door while jamming her key in the knob. "So long, Brady. Thanks for the ride."

  Missy gasped. "That's not very nice. He drove us all this way and didn't even get to finish his beer. The least we can do is invite him in for a nightcap."

  Louise's eyes threw daggers her friend's way, but she just shrugged and said, "Fine. Come on in."

  “Umm, is Sprite good?" Missy asked holding up the bottle of soda and reaching into the high cupboard for a glass.

  "It's my favorite. How'd you know?"

  "Apparently, it's Weezy's favorite, too. She's the one who made sure to pick some up."

  "Don't call me that," Louise scolded.

  Missy laughed and handed Brady his glass. "So… Louise tells me you two used to date?"

  She'd set him up perfectly. Now he just had to deliver.

  "Yup, she was my first love, this one. It's good to see you again by the way. I'm sorry about before."

  Louise's entire face turned red and she sank back into her armchair as far as it would take her.

  When it was clear she wouldn't be contributing to their conversation, he added, "You sure turned out nice. A lawyer, right? I always knew you were smart, and you're more beautiful than ever, too, by the way." He meant every word. He just wished he had a more poetic way to state his feelings. He had an inkling that type of thing would impress her.

  Louise's face scrunched up as if too many emotions were fighting to make their way out. Part of him was thankful she'd had so much to drink, because it meant she was willing to give him this second chance, but another part of him desperately wished she was sober. He refused to take advantage of a drunk girl, no matter how much he wanted her—no matter how much he knew she wanted him, too.

  Louise brought a hand to rest on her collarbone. "Th-thank you. You're not too hard on the eyes yourself."

  Did she remember that was the same exact thing she'd said to him when he'd first told her how beautiful he found her? Did she remember when they first kissed on the playground after school, or when she'd let him hold her hand at the school assemblies?

  The flush extended from her face down both of her arms. She clearly remembered, and now she was turning beet red before him.

  "You look a little flustered, Louise. Maybe you'd feel better if we all took a nice soak in the hot tub?" Missy suggested.

  "A hot tub, huh? Well, I'm definitely going to want to check that out," Brady said, watching as Louise got up and stormed away.

  "Don't mind her," Missy apologized. "She really does like you. She just has a hard time letting herself relax sometimes. She's a good person. Actually, she's the best."

  "I don't doubt that." Brady took a long drink from his soda and chuckled.

  A few moments later, Louise reappeared, wearing a black halter-top bikini. His engine revved as he took in the sight of her fair skin contrasted with the dark fabric that left just enough to the imagination to help him maintain his composure.

  She'd let her hair down, too. The short bob cut curled around her chin, reminding him of the shy girl he'd once loved, the woman he could see himself beginning to love again. How was it that every single time he saw her she looked more beautiful than the last?

  She tossed a pair of towels their way. "Surf's up, kids." Then walked out onto the deck, trailing a Betty Boop beach towel in her wake.

  "Go," Missy urged. "I'll go grab my suit, and be right down."

  Well, she didn't need to tell him twice. Brady slid open the glass door to the patio and found Louise already in the gurgling tub, an arm thrown up on either side of her as she continued to pull at her beer.

  "You going to keep me waiting, or what?" Shedding her clothes also seemed to have shed her inhibitions. She kept her eyes fixed on him as he stripped down to his boxers and waded in to meet her.

  "So, riding keeps you in shape, does it?" Her gaze flitted down to his chest before quickly averting in embarrassment. "They don't make them like you in New York,” she mumbled.

  He chuckled. "They don't make them like you anywhere in the whole wide world," he said as Louise drifted closer.

  "So, you still think I'm pretty?"

  He nodded. "Prettier than ever."

  "And smart?"

  "As a whip."

  "And beautiful?”

  "Unbelievably b—“ He couldn't finish his short sentence, because the moment the question left her lips, she grabbed his face and pulled it toward hers for a kiss.

  It took all his strength to push her gently away.

  Hurt reflected in Louise’s eyes as she studied him. "I don't understand. Don't you like me?"

  “I like you so, so much. That’s why I can’t do this. Not while you’re drunk.”

  "I'm not too drunk to know what I want," she protested.

  “No, not like this. It's been fifteen long years since I saw you last, and I still can't get you off my brain. If we're going to do this, we've got to do it right. C'mon, I'm putting you to bed." He helped her out of the tub and wrapped the oversized towel around her.

  She didn't put up too much of a fight as he coaxed her upstairs and led her to bed.

  "Where are your pajamas?" he asked, rifling through her suitcase and dresser, but coming up short.

  "I haven't got any." She bit her lip and crossed her legs, glancing up at him from beneath long, dark lashes.

  "Oh, no. You're not getting off that easy. Here." He threw his own T-shirt her way. "Put this on."

  She giggled as the cotton fabric pooled around her. Somehow seeing her in his simple white T-shirt was even more attractive than her little black bikini. He pulled on his jeans and flannel over-shirt, then tucked Louise under the covers and gave her a quick peck on the forehead.

  "Good night, darlin'," he drawled, turning off the light behind him and making his way back through the house to the front door.

  The warm summer air greeted him as he slipped out into the night, but he was still keyed up from the unbelievable encounter with Louise. Luckily, he had a several-mile walk back to the bar to help him cool down.

  And, oh, how he needed it.

  Chapter 6

  The smell of freshly brewed coffee rose up through the ventilation system. A moment later, footsteps sounded on the stairs with a series of soft thuds.

  "Knock, knock," Missy called as she padded into Louise's room to set a bottle of Aquafina and a cup of black coffee on the nightstand.

  "Rise and shine!" she trilled, tugging at the blinds and letting the horrid sun into the room.

  "Here, looks like you'll need this." She tossed a small bottle of pills Louise's way, and they hit her in the chest.

  "Ugh. It's too early for this."

  "Early? What time do you have to be in the office?" Missy plopped down at the end of Louise's mattress and pulled her feet up underneath her.

  Louise twisted the lid off the water and downed a small fistful of Tylenol before even venturing a glance at her clock.

  Crap, it was already eight o'clock. She had an hour to pull
herself together, shake off her hangover, and arrive bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at her temporary office for another fun-filled day of estate work.

  "How late were we up last night, and why don't you look nearly as tired as I feel?"

  "Me? I went to bed around midnight. I have no idea what time you went to bed, though. Hey, is Brady still around? I didn't see him when I got up."

  Slowly, the events of the previous night started clicking together in Louise's mind. The drinks, the mechanical bull, the hot tub, going up to her room together.... "Oh, no... We didn't?"

  Missy shook her head. "Don't look at me. I have no idea what happened once the two of you got in the hot tub. But knowing you, I doubt you have anything to worry about.” She snickered for a moment before getting up and heading over to Louise's luggage.

  "I'll find you something to wear. Why don't you hop in the shower and wash off that hangover scuzz?"

  Louise yawned and stretched, but didn't want to think about the workday ahead—at least not until she'd made sense of the night behind her. “Missy, seriously, what happened last night?"

  "I told you, I don't know. I saw you two flirting in the hot tub. Where you went from there, I have no idea."

  "Why didn't you stop me? You knew how drunk I was!"

  "Yeah, and I also knew how much you liked him and how much you just needed to let go and have some fun. What's the big deal? It's not like you have to see him again... Unless you want to?"

  She ventured a smile. She knew exactly what she was doing, and unfortunately for Louise, once Missy set her mind on something, there was no turning back.

  Still, it didn't mean she had to sit back and allow Missy to play chess with her love life. She was a queen, and she could make her own moves, thank you very much.

  It was time to take charge of this situation with Brady once and for all—and she knew just what she needed to do.

  “Of course, I want to see him again. In fact, I want to see him right now. He's got some major explaining to do." Louise took another swig of water and climbed out of bed. Much to her chagrin, she found that, rather than her favorite tank top and pajama bottoms, she was wearing an oversized white T-shirt that smelled like barbecue smoke and sweat. Brady.

  Then it was officially decided. She was never ever drinking again.

  "Is that his...?" Missy’s voice trailed off, leaving the question to linger between them.

  Louise hoped the annoyance that spread across her face was enough of an answer for Missy, because she needed to get out of there and find some answers for herself. She only hoped she’d be able to handle whatever truth she found out.

  Brady hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, but that didn't stop his body from waking up with the sun like a well-oiled machine, or a strutting rooster, or something like that. He smiled as the events from the night before replayed in his mind.

  A true saint, that's what he was. Louise had thrown herself at him, but, like a gentleman, he'd declined. Still, he had a feeling it would all be worth it when he saw Louise again.

  He let his mind linger on her killer curves and gorgeous smile before climbing out of bed and jamming his feet into his favorite pair of running shoes.

  He had a feeling today would go down in history as one of his most epic days yet, but he couldn't let it get started without his morning run. A quick jog around the neighborhood would help clear his mind, energize him, get him ready for whatever sweetness lay ahead.

  The morning sun shone bright as he made his way out the door. Brady turned to the left and headed toward the loop of the cul-de-sac. He'd been doing this same run for more than a decade, yet somehow it never got old.

  As he passed his mother's home, he noted that she needed a fresh coat of paint on her shutters and vowed to return later that week to help her get the job done. Things hadn't been the same since his father passed a few years back, but luckily, he had been able to buy a home nearby and keep watch over his mom without invading her space too much.

  While he was there for a visit, maybe he could plant some flowers in her window boxes as a surprise. She'd always loved tending to her peonies, but he hadn't seen any new blooms this past year. Yes, it was the little things that made the biggest difference when it came to his mother, or any woman for that matter.

  He just had to figure out the best way to see Louise again. She was in town closing up some estate—maybe if he stopped by her office with a fistful of wild flowers....

  Another turn to the left, and he was approaching the main road. The scents of fresh-baked bread and cinnamon rolls permeated his senses as he trod through the tiny downtown. He'd have to stop by later and see how business was doing for Chuck and his bakery this year. Of course, he could snag a treat or two while he was at it. He'd turned down enough treats the previous night to last him a lifetime.

  As he neared his next turn, a yellow Silverado rolled into view. He recognized the truck instantly. After all, he'd been the one to drive it last night when neither Louise nor her friend could.

  Sure enough, the vehicle slowed to a crawl and drove beside him as he continued his run. The window rolled down, and Louise called out to get his attention, unaware that she already had it.

  He certainly hadn't expected to see her so soon after last night's encounter, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He knew horses well enough to understand you had to look them straight in the eye and be forthright if you wanted any hope at all of taming them.

  Women, too, actually.

  "Good morning, darlin'," he called, keeping up his pace but turning briefly to smile at her.

  Louise did not smile back. In fact, she scowled. He was just about to ask what had gotten her down, when she supplied a very loud and angry answer for him.

  “Just what did you think you were doing last night?"

  She paused and let out a huff.

  He sputtered for an explanation. “I—“

  "I'm not finished yet! You think that it's okay to take advantage of someone when they’re drunk? I was clearly out of my mind and you know I’m not that kind of girl, but that didn't stop you from making your move, did it?"

  "You seem to be under some kind of false impression here. We—"

  "I know exactly what we did. Here, take your shirt back." She tossed the white cotton bundle at him, and it fell to the sidewalk.

  Well, if this is how she was going to play it, he would definitely need to cut his run short to address a few key misunderstandings. He scooped up his shirt and put a hand on the passenger door of Louise's truck.

  "I'm coming in." He reached through the open window and pulled up the lock.

  "Like heck you are."

  But he had already slid onto the bench seat and closed the door behind him.

  Louise kept her eyes on the road as she accelerated through the light the moment it turned green. "I thought I made my feelings clear, but I guess they need to be repeated.”

  Brady chuckled.

  "This is funny to you?"

  "Well, for all the strife you're giving me, I almost wish I hadn’t been such a gentleman.”

  “What?” Her tone softened, and she shot a furtive glance his way.

  “Nothing happened. Not even a kiss. Although, believe me, you tried. Weezy, you were drunk as a skunk, and I like you too much to take advantage like that."

  "Well, good. Thank you." Now her eyes softened, too. "Look, I'm sorry. Can we start over here?"

  "Let's start over altogether. Let me take you out tonight on a proper date, one you'll remember on your own." He knew just where he wanted to take her, too, provided she said yes.

  Louise was silent for a few beats. Probably thinking of the most diplomatic way to turn him down. But then she smiled and said, "Yeah. I'd like that."

  Chapter 7

  That night's date with Brady helped Louise to pull through another long day of mucking about in her late aunt's incredibly tangled estate.

  Aunt Madeline had such a long list of assets, it was
ridiculous—and more than half of these assets were ones Louise never even knew she'd owned. Like the small farm out in Iowa, or the stake in a tech start-up in Silicon Valley.

  Add to that her even longer list of debts and conditions, and they still hadn't even begun to tackle the will. Soon. They'd get there soon enough. For now, Louise could just enjoy her trip down memory lane with a certain debonair cowboy.

  And by the time five o'clock rolled around, she was all too eager for a change of scenery.

  "See you tomorrow, Bill," she sang as she stuffed her files back into her briefcase and strode toward the door.

  At home, she found Missy sitting cross-legged on their large, leather ottoman with her computer perched on her lap. A bridal website was pulled up on the browser.

  She startled as Louise closed the door behind her with a heavy thud. "Oh, it's just you. Is it evening already?"


  Missy groaned. "I've spent all day looking for the perfect wedding dress, wedding theme, wedding favors, wedding whatever, and I still haven't settled on a single thing."

  Louise dropped her briefcase to the floor and sat across from her friend on the couch. "Why not hire a wedding planner? You can certainly afford it."

  "I've thought about it, but that's so impersonal, you know?" She pressed the laptop shut and pushed it aside. "Anyway, talk to me. I could use a change of pace."

  Louise's voice trembled. "Actually...."

  Missy rolled her eyes, but smiled. "You're ditching me for a date with Brady, right?"

  "What—how did you know? I'm sorry, Missy, I feel awful, but—"

  "But you really, really like him. And I'm really, really happy for you!" Missy looped her arms around Louise and gave her an affectionate squeeze.

  Louise frowned. She deserved Missy’s irritation, not her understanding. She'd been a horrible friend this week, probably longer if she really stopped to think about it. Still, she couldn't deny the pull of her heart toward Brady. She needed to see this through, if for nothing more than to get it out of her system, to finish what they'd started so many years ago. She glanced up at her friend.


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