by Byrd, Daniel
Max and Jackson were left alone in the yard as a calm breeze brushed past them. Max didn’t want to ask it, but he was angry. Maybe it wasn’t all just sorrow? He hated being weak. He hated that he couldn’t save his loved ones. He hated the world and what it was becoming.
“Hey,” Jackson said, jogging Max from his thoughts. “Let’s get back to bed. Old man was right; our bodies need to be relaxed even if our heads aren’t.”
“Fine.” Max followed Jackson back into the house and upstairs. He kicked his boots off and climbed back into bed, laying on his side and staring at the wall in silence.
“Hey, Max?”
“Yeah?” he replied, not bothering to move.
“Happy New Year, I guess.”
Max closed his eyes. What a stupid thing to hope for. The exhaustion of thinking and lamenting was finally wearing his brain out. “Yeah...Happy New Year.”