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Spark Page 54

by J Marie

  wanted and expected.

  Darren glared at me, his tone harsh and unapologetic. “I want you to make a

  fucking choice. Make a decision for yourself. You decide, Jaden, not me. Kill him or

  don’t. It makes no difference to me. Jared will die either way. I just thought I’d offer

  you the right of first refusal.”

  My eyes went back to the gun he held in his hand. What do I do? I didn’t want to

  question his motives any further. I needed to make this decision on my own, and

  the thought had me conflicted as fuck.

  And then the sound of gurgled laughter filled my ears again.

  “Come on, Darren. You’re really going to let the little pumpkin kill me?” He

  chuckled, blood coating his yellow teeth. “Surely, you can do better than that.”

  My eyes turned to him, lit with instant rage at his words. How. Fucking. Dare.


  Soft chuckles and smiles from the men around us surrounded me, and I felt

  myself coming undone, the stitches that held my restraint together slowly ripping

  apart from the seams. I wanted to lash out, to fight, to maim, to full on fucking rage

  until I was exhausted and satisfied, and as my body shook with fury, it became

  harder and harder to contain it.

  I could feel Darren’s eyes on me, his brow raised like he was waiting to see if I

  would react. If I would take that kind of shit from Jared.

  He chuckled again. “Sorry, sweetheart, but I just don’t think you have it in you.

  Leave it to the big boys who can actually pull—”

  I didn’t allow him to finish his sentence. Instinct took over as I swiftly turned

  my body into a reverse sidekick and slammed my foot straight into his mouth,

  knocking him right out of his chair. The moment my foot made contact, the most

  beautiful sense of fulfillment washed over me. The taste of revenge lingered on the

  tip of my tongue, its sweetness filling my mouth like honey. I hadn’t lost it. It was

  still there, waiting to be found.

  Jared grunted loudly, and I felt myself moving in on him, my clenched fist rising

  to strike, but Darren grabbed my arm and held me back. Jared was instantly righted

  back into his chair, coughing up blood and spitting out fragments of his teeth. I

  didn’t think his mouth would be working properly after that. I moved toward him

  again, my fists shaking to plunge them into his face, but again, Darren held me


  “Say one more fucking word, and I’ll make you swallow the rest of your teeth,” I


  Holy fuck, did I just say that? Were those my words that just came from my


  I looked back up at Darren, shocked and horrified at what I had just done, but the

  look he was giving me did not suggest disappointment. It was pride. He smiled

  down at me as if I was everything to him, and it filled me with hope.

  Darren held the gun up again one last time, and it blew my mind that there was a

  smile on my face. But then the moment was ruined by the soft laughter emanating

  from Jared’s fucked-up, bloody mouth.

  “I hope you enjoy the rest of your life, baby,” he mumbled with a cracked

  chuckle. “You’re both so welcome.”

  I suddenly felt something snap inside me, like a rubber band finally giving way

  to its pressure.

  I never wanted to hear that fucking sound again.

  In one motion, I took the gun from Darren’s hand, pointed the barrel at the

  ground to pull back the slide and push the bullet into the chamber, lifted my hand

  to aim, and pulled the trigger without a second thought.

  The sound that left the gun was nothing compared to the sound that followed.

  Darren furrowed his brows in disappointed surprise. “He was three feet in front

  of you, Jaden. How did you miss?” he asked me, irritated.

  I smiled in response. “I didn’t miss.”

  The bullet pierced into Jared’s neck, shattering his jugular, and causing blood to

  spill all over him. His eyes went wide as he began to choke on his own blood, the

  gushing, croaking sounds he made only drew the corners of my mouth up higher. I

  didn’t take my eyes off him until I saw the life leave his eyes. It was fucking perfect.

  Even Darren had a smile on his face with my slight deviation from his plan.

  When it was over and Jared was dead, I released the slide to close again and

  handed it back to Darren.

  “We done here?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said gravely, taking the gun from my hand and holstering it at his hip.

  “Go back to the bedroom. I’ll see you up there shortly.”

  I nodded and then immediately turned to head for the door, but before I could

  take another step, Darren snatched my wrist and pulled me to him. His hands

  gripped my face tightly and then leaned down to kiss me with enough force to

  strain my neck. But this wasn’t a simple good night kiss. This was passion mixed

  with what felt like relief and excitement. Had I made him happy with my decision?

  Fuck, I hoped.

  “Welcome back, princess. Fuck, have I missed you,” he whispered against my

  face. I didn’t know what he meant by that, but I didn’t deliberate much when he

  released me, and I was escorted back up the stairs.

  Each step I took brought me deeper and deeper into the understanding that I had

  just killed someone. For the very first time, I had personally taken a life. And

  Darren was right—there was no walking away from that.

  I found my breath coming faster, weariness fogging my brain while the contents

  of my stomach twisted and churned inside me. Bolting forward, I grasped a tree,

  bent over, and threw up all over the bushes.

  “Miss Jaden, are you okay?” Owen asked, his voice full of concern while Clive

  came to my side.

  I spat out the nastiness on my tongue and wiped my mouth with my sleeve, the

  horror of what I had just done leaving me like the contents of my stomach just had.

  “I’m fine. In fact … I’m great,” I said, meaning it.

  My hands were officially dirty now, bloodied with darkness and death. I was no

  longer innocent in this game. I was officially a legit player. No longer the sheep

  among wolves, but finally a fucking wolf with the marks on my arm and blood on

  my hands to prove it.

  I suddenly felt alive now more than I had in a long time. I didn’t know how to

  explain it or where it had come from, but knowing I had finally, after all this time,

  succeeded in one small portion of my need for vengeance was enough to ignite

  something I’d forgotten was there to begin with.

  To see blood spilled in my honor by my own hand was a treasure to behold, and I

  planned to extort the shit out of it. I would not shy away from this; I would embrace

  the hell out of it. The goal was to become a wolf, and I was officially inducted, and it

  felt fucking fantastic. I hadn’t felt this elated in so long, and I didn’t want to let it

  go. After all the shit I had gone through, I’d somehow found myself again, and it

  was in the most unlikely place.

  After seeing how pleased Darren was with my decision, I instantly knew he’d

  wanted that. During my retreat, I had forgotten why Darren chose me to begin with.

  I’d forgotten it was because of how strong I was, how resilient, and how goddamn

ging he loved me to be. That was the girl he wanted. And when I had pulled

  that trigger, he couldn’t have confirmed it any better than the kiss he gave me


  Sid’s words suddenly echoed in my head from our conversation on the island.

  “You can choose to be a victim, or you can choose to be something else


  I was finally that something else entirely. I was the fucking phoenix rising from

  the ashes of her despair and taking flight into victory. From within the shadow of

  death, I was ready to breathe fire again.

  I lifted my head from the bushes with a wide smile and looked into the darkness

  of the woods, seeing for the first time all the stars between the branches in the

  distance. Light could be found in the dark, and I was going to extract that shit like

  diamonds from a mine. I wouldn’t lose myself in this. I’d conform, but I wouldn’t

  forget. Not this time. That mouse of a girl Darren had tamed was irrevocably gone

  and would never be heard from again.

  The bitch was back. And she was thirsty as fuck …

  To be continued …


  Thanks so much for reading! If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a

  review on Goodreads or on the site of where you bought it.


  J. Marie has been writing since she first learned the alphabet, but it wasn’t until 27 years later that she finally

  decided to take the deep plunge into the depths of independent publishing. Her written work conveys the

  darker side of writing, bringing in to light what most may shy away from and she loves every moment of it.

  Her inspiration comes to her in the form of a minefield on top of a snow-covered mountain. One step and a

  new idea explodes in her head, and then before you know it, it's an avalanche of ideas rushing through her head

  and it does not stop!

  When she's not writing until the late hours of the night, she's working as a legal assistant at a personal injury law firm in Michigan and studying hard as a night student in law school. She also likes to spend time

  with her fiancé, ride her little Honda Grom motorcycle, shoot guns, and make messes around the house.


  If you'd like to learn more about the author, her series, or to donate to charities for

  victims of human trafficking, check her out below:




  Document Outline

  Title Page




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Author’s Note

  About the Author

  Connect with J. Marie




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