Chester Rand; or, The New Path to Fortune

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Chester Rand; or, The New Path to Fortune Page 13

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Chester felt that it was necessary to be on his guard. The bookkeeperwas already his enemy. There were two causes for this. First, Mr.Mullins was naturally of an ugly disposition, and, secondly, he wasdisappointed in not securing the situation for his cousin.

  At noon the latter made his appearance. He was a thin,dark-complexioned boy, with curious-looking eyes that somehow inspireddistrust.

  He walked up to the desk where the book keeper was writing.

  "Good-morning, Cousin David," he said.

  "Good-morning, Felix. Sit down for a few minutes, and I will take youout to lunch."

  "All right!" answered Felix. "Who's that boy?" he inquired, in a lowvoice.

  "The new office boy. Wait till we go out, and I will tell you aboutit."

  In five minutes David Mullins put on his hat and coat and went out withhis cousin.

  "Stay here and mind the office," he said to Chester, "and if anybodycomes in, keep them, if possible. If any tenant comes to pay money,take it and give a receipt."

  "All right, sir."

  When they were in the street, Felix asked:

  "Where did you pick up the boy? Why didn't I get the place?"

  "You must ask Mr. Fairchild that. He engaged him without consultingme."

  "What sort of a boy is he?"

  "A country gawky. He knows nothing of the city."

  "Is he a friend of Mr. Fairchild?"

  "Fairchild never met him before. Some beggarly artist interceded forhim."

  "It is too bad I can't be in the office. It would be so nice to be inthe same place with you."

  "I did my best, but Fairchild didn't seem to fancy you. I think he tooka prejudice against you on account of your smoking cigarettes. He musthave seen you with one."

  "Does the new boy smoke cigarettes?"

  "I don't know. That gives me an idea. You had better get intimate withhim and offer him cigarettes. He doesn't know Mr. Fairchild'sprejudice, and may fall into the trap."

  "How can I get acquainted with him?"

  "I'll see to that. I shall be sending him out on an errand presently,and you can offer to go with him."

  "That'll do. But you must buy me a package of cigarettes."

  "Very well. My plan is to have the boy offend Mr. Fairchild'sprejudices, and that may make a vacancy for you. By the way, never lethim see you smoking."

  "I won't, but as he is not about, I'll smoke a cigarette now."

  "Better wait till after lunch."

  About ten minutes after Mr. Mullins left the office, a man offorty--evidently a mechanic--entered.

  "Is the bookkeeper in?" he asked.

  "He's gone to lunch."

  "He sent me a bill for this month's rent, which I have already paid."

  "Please give me your name."

  "James Long."

  "And where do you live?"

  The address was given--a house on East Twentieth Street.

  "Haven't you the receipt?" asked Chester.


  "Didn't Mr. Mullins give you one?"

  "Yes; but I carelessly left it on the table. I suppose he found it andkept the money," he added, bitterly.

  "But that would be a mean thing to do," said Chester, startled.

  "Nothing is too mean for Mullins," said Long. "He's a hard man and atricky one."

  "He will come in soon if you can wait."

  "I can't. I am at work, and this is my noon hour."

  "I will tell him what you say----"

  "Perhaps I may have a chance to call in this afternoon. I feel worriedabout this matter, for, although it is only ten dollars, that is a gooddeal to a man with a family, and earning only twelve dollars a week."

  Presently Mr. Mullins returned.

  "Has anybody been in?" he asked.

  "Yes," answered Chester. "A man named James Long."

  A curious expression came into the bookkeeper's eye.

  "Well, did he pay his rent?"

  "No; he said he had paid it already."

  "Oh, he did, did he?" sneered the bookkeeper. "In that case, of coursehe has the receipt."

  "No; he said he had left it here on the table, and did not think of ittill some time afterwards."

  "A likely story. He must think I am a fool. Even a boy like you can seethrough that."

  "He seemed to me like an honest man."

  "Oh, well, you are from the country, and could not be expected to know.We have some sharp swindlers in New York."

  Chester was quite of that opinion, but he was beginning to think thatthe description would apply better to David Mullins than to James Long.

  "By the way, Chester," said Mr. Mullins, with unusual blandness, "thisis my cousin, Felix Gordon."

  "Glad to meet you," said Felix, with an artificial smile.

  Chester took the extended hand. He was not especially drawn to Felix,but felt that it behooved him to be polite.

  "You boys must be somewhere near the same age," said the bookkeeper. "Iwill give you a chance to become acquainted. Chester, I want you to goto number four seventy-one Bleecker Street. I suppose you don't knowwhere it is?"

  "No, sir."

  "Felix, go with him and show him the way."

  Chester was quite amazed at this unusual and unexpected kindness on thepart of a man whom he had regarded as an enemy. Was it possible that hehad misjudged him?

  The two boys went out together.

  When they were fairly in the street, Felix produced his package ofcigarettes.

  "Have one?" he asked.

  "No, thank you; I don't smoke."

  "Don't smoke!" repeated Felix, in apparent amusement. "You don't meanthat?"

  "I never smoked a cigarette in my life."

  "Then it's high time you learned. All boys smoke in the city."

  "I don't think I should like it."

  "Oh, nonsense! Just try one for my sake."

  "Thank you, Felix. You are very kind, but I promised mother I wouldn'tsmoke."

  "Your mother lives in the country, doesn't she?"


  "Then she won't know it."

  "That will make no difference. I made the promise, and I mean to keepit," said Chester, firmly.

  "Oh, well, suit yourself. What a muff he is!" thought Felix. "However,he'll soon break over his virtuous resolutions. Do you know," hecontinued, changing the subject, "that you have got the situation I wasafter?"

  "I think I heard Mr. Mullins say something about it. I am sorry if Ihave stood in your way."

  "Oh, if it hadn't been you it would have been some other boy. How doyou think you shall like the city?"

  "Very much, I think."

  "What pay do you get?"

  "Five dollars a week."

  "You can't live on that."

  "I will try to."

  "Of course, it is different with me. I should have lived at home.You'll have to run into debt."

  "I will try not to."

  "Where do you live?"

  "I am staying with a friend--Mr. Conrad, an artist--just now, but Ishall soon get a boarding place."

  "I live on Eighty-sixth Street--in a flat. My father is in the customhouse."

  "How long has your cousin--Mr. Mullins--been in this office?"

  "About five years. He's awfully smart, cousin David is. It's he thatruns the business. Mr. Fairchild is no sort of a business man."

  Chester wondered how, under the circumstances, Mr. Mullins should nothave influence enough to secure the situation of office boy for Felix.

  They soon reached Bleecker Street. Chester took notice of the way inorder that he might know it again. He was sharp and observing, andmeant to qualify himself for his position as soon as possible.

  At five o'clock the office was vacated. Chester remained to sweep up. Apiece of paper on the floor attracted his attention. He picked it upand found, to his surprise, that it was James Long's missing receipt.It was on the floor of the clothes closet
, and he judged that it haddropped from the bookkeeper's pocket.

  What should he do with it?


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