Guarding the Truth

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Guarding the Truth Page 14

by Becca Jameson

  “Thank God for small favors,” she muttered mockingly.

  He ignored her and concentrated on the loading. “There. All set. Now, come over here in front of me.” There was hardly room for argument. He helped her get into a position with her back once again against his chest, but this time standing. His arms snaked around her, his hands on top of hers. He placed the gun in her right hand.

  “You won’t need your left hand to shoot, but if you feel more comfortable, you can use it to steady your right hand and help line it up, like this.” He placed her hand precisely where he wanted it.

  “Your right hand will grip the handle here.” He wrapped her fingers around the handle. “You will first have to pull the hammer back like this.” Madeline flinched when he pulled the tiny lever back. “This is the trigger. Put your finger on the trigger only when you’re ready to fire. Never beforehand. It’s too easy to get startled and accidentally shoot prematurely. Got it?”

  He paused, but she couldn’t begin to respond. She was more nervous than she’d been at any point in her life. Sweat was gathering across her chest.

  In a moment he continued. “Now, you’ll line up your vision over the sight right at the end of the barrel, and pull the trigger. Like I said, this particular weapon does not have much recoil, so you won’t have to worry about being jolted backward when you fire.”

  “You mentioned that. What the heck is recoil?” Some of the terms he used were making her head spin.

  “It’s the backward jerk you sometimes see on TV when a gun is fired.”

  “Oh, right. That. So I won’t have to worry about it?”

  “Not at all. You should remain relatively steady after the shot is fired.”

  He made it sound so simple. Sure. Just follow these simple instructions and no one will get hurt, except of course, the person on the other end of the barrel.

  If it weren’t for the stupid Godforsaken reason they were engaged in this little dance, Madeline would’ve jumped Parker’s bones by now. Their proximity was extremely intimate, and she never wanted him to move from his position wrapped all around her. Forget the gun. She felt quite safe.

  “Did you get all that?”

  “Umm… I think so.”

  “Well, give it a try.”

  What? Now? “Are you sure. I mean…”

  “There’s no reason to postpone it. Just pull the trigger. Aim for that large tree over there,” he pointed in the direction of a piece of nature that had no idea she was about to inflict permanent damage to it, “but don’t worry too much about this first shot. Just get the feel for it.”

  Sure. Don’t worry. Parker took a step back, and she realized his strong embrace hadn’t simply been a presence, but he’d actually been supporting her to some extent. She had to brace herself to regain her balance.

  Reluctantly, she got into the position he demonstrated, lined up the cursed pistol, and after several seconds, pulled the trigger. The bullet went God only knew where, but Madeline was relieved to discover it hadn’t been as difficult as she’d assumed. Loud as hell, but not unmanageable.

  “Good. Great. Do you see where you hit?” He must have seen her looking around in the wrong direction, because he stuck out his arm to point toward wherever she must have shot. It wasn’t as though she could find the needle in a haystack anyway. Who cared?

  You should, because if you find yourself needing to implement this lesson, you may want to actually hit the target.

  “Ready to try again?”

  “I guess.”

  “Go ahead. Just keep the muzzle pointed away from both of us and remember to put your finger on the trigger only when you’re ready to shoot.”

  “Got it.”

  Madeline lined up her vision, aimed right at the unsuspecting tree, and this time shot straight at it without quite as much hesitation. It felt better than the first time, and he was right—the revolver didn’t make her jump back as she’d assumed from watching too much television. She was excited with her progress. Two shots and this time she felt she’d come closer to the vicinity of the target.

  “Fantastic. You’re a natural. See where you hit this time?” He pointed once again at the intended tree.

  “No. I don’t see a thing. Nor have I ever wanted to be referred to as a natural when it came to handling a firearm, thank you very much.”

  Madeline was only mildly joking. The entire process was unsettling. But Parker was very patient and smiled at her. “Well, you did hit the target. And you are a fast learner. Shoot a few more rounds, and then I’ll let you off the hook.” He stepped back a bit farther.

  Better do as he says and get this over with so you can appease the man. He clearly had no intention of letting the lesson end until he was satisfied with the results of the student.

  The last four rounds in the chamber were fired off with the same approximate results, at least as far as Madeline could deduce from Parker’s reaction and his willingness to put the gun away and end this crazy scheme of his.

  As soon as he had everything back in the duffle bag, Madeline felt her shoulders relax. She hadn’t realized all the tension that had built up in her body from the idea of being able to shoot a weapon.

  Parker traipsed into the little cabin with Madeline following close on his heels. She didn’t want to miss anything with regard to the location of the hated armory. After he secured it safely under the bed, she felt marginally better. Not one hundred percent—her knowledge that the abhorrent items were there beneath them as they slept would not be forgotten.

  The stress caused Madeline to sink into the mattress, exhausted, as Parker finished folding the blankets back down over the side of the bed.

  “Why don’t you take a nap? You look like you could use it.” Always the understanding gentleman. Why can’t he be the teensiest bit disagreeable so I don’t feel the constant need to jump him?

  “I think I will.” It was a reasonable response, even if it didn’t quite touch the surface of her actual feelings. Madeline stared at Parker, who made no move to leave her side. What was he thinking? There was a crease between his eyebrows. She wanted to stare at him for the rest of the day, but she couldn’t hold her eyes open for more than a few moments longer…

  Chapter Thirteen

  Parker stood by Madeline’s side for a long time, watching her drift into a peaceful sleep, knowing he’d pressed her limits in the last few hours. He hated reaching beyond her comfort zone, but knew it was necessary for her own safety and his peace of mind. The nap would do her good.

  Finally he quietly moved away to fiddle idly with their supplies and assess what items they were soon going to be in need of.

  As evening approached and Madeline still didn’t stir, Parker decided she may very well be out for the night. The moon was high in the sky, and the night air had a chill similar to the previous evening, a breeze whispering through the tree branches, calling him outdoors.

  Feeling confident they were indeed alone and no one could possibly find them out in this remote location, Parker decided to head to the little hot spring and soak his tense muscles.

  He wrote a note to Madeline and laid it by her side, hoping she would discover it if she woke up, but assured he would find her in the same position as her current one when he returned from his soak in the water.

  Parker grabbed one of the several flashlights they had acquired from Christine, left another on top of the hastily scrawled scrap of paper next to Madeline, and made his way the short distance to the natural spring.

  As soon as he rounded the bend, opening up his view of the water, he could see the inviting steam rising up out of the small rock pool. He kicked off his shoes and wasted no time stripping off his jeans, T-shirt, and underwear, making a little stack on a log near the water.

  Parker slipped into the soothing pool with an audible sigh. It was the best feeling in the world. The only thing that would top the experience would’ve been if Madeline had been awake to join him.

  Parker luxuriated in th
e warm water without making a sound for several long minutes, his head leaning back against a natural rock pillow of sorts, his eyes resting closed. The night air was nearly silent, with the exception of the branches rustling in the slight breeze.

  A sudden crunch of leaves broke the serenity of the moment and made Parker jolt in surprise. “Madeline? Is that you?” He could make out a figure coming toward him, but only the silhouette. His heart beat quickly, not aware of the absurdity of his fear. Who the hell else do you think it is, idiot?

  “Yes, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I awoke and saw your note and headed straight here. I wasn’t thinking…”

  “I’m glad you did. Come on in. The water’s wonderful, perfect.” Or it will be after you get in.

  “Okay, I’ll just… Are you wearing anything?” She was so endearing when she was embarrassed.

  “Well, no. I guess I’m not. But keep your shirt on if you’ll feel more comfortable.” What’s the matter with you, Parker? Are you nuts?

  “Oh, okay. Sure. That’s a good idea.”

  Dammit. No, it’s not. Why did I even say it?

  Madeline removed her tennis shoes and slipped her sexy legs from her jean shorts, both of which she lay next to his clothes on the makeshift log bench. In the perfect glow of the moon, she was breathtaking, even with the bikini panties and T-shirt. Parker could see the outline of her figure and ached to run his hands all over her body as he had several nights ago.

  His dick rose to attention, and he adjusted his seated position on the rock ledge under the water.

  Keep your grubby paws to yourself, or she’s liable to jump out of the water and walk away into the night.

  Madeline eased in next to him. “Ahh, that feels fantastic. I didn’t realize how tense I was.” She kept slipping down into the steaming liquid paradise until it reached up to her shoulders.

  Parker was particularly glad that if she had to be wearing a shirt, at least it was a pale one. He held his breath, waiting for her to rise up enough for him to see the fabric clinging to her curves.

  “How long have you been in the water already? Aren’t you hot?”

  Oh, I’m definitely hot. “Just a short while. You must have woken up right after I left you. I thought you were out for the night. I didn’t want to disturb your peaceful slumber. You were sleeping so soundly.”

  “Oh…I didn’t even think… Am I disturbing you? Maybe you wanted to be alone.” She froze with a slight look of horror on her face. The pool was quite small, but she’d somehow managed to find a way to sink in next to him without so much as brushing against his skin. She must have her sweet body suction-cupped to the wall.

  “Of course not. I love having you with me… You know that by now, don’t you?” He wanted to test the waters, so to speak. The double meaning didn’t escape his thoughts.

  “Well…I… I guess. I just don’t want to impose. You’re being so incredibly gracious helping me out… Saving my life, actually. And I feel like I’m…sort of…taking advantage of you, I guess.” She lowered her gaze to the water. He wanted her and he wanted her to understand that he wanted her, her body, her mind, and her soul.

  “Come here.” He held out his hand, but not so far that she would be forced to grab it if she truly didn’t want to. Please, God, let this awkward wall between us fall away. Let us get back to the business of loving each other.

  After a long pause, during which Parker was not at all sure Madeline would take him up on his offer, she finally reached tentatively for him. As soon as he had her hand, he knew he had her heart. He could feel it. The electricity flowing from each of them to the other. The heat.

  Parker pulled her into his embrace, into his lap, and held her against his chest, his chin resting on her head. He needed to make a bit of a speech, a well-thought-out statement to end the stalemate once and for all and bridge the rift that had formed between them three and a half long days ago.

  “Madeline… We… I…” What the hell do I say to her? What is the right thing that will make the chasm disappear?

  He cleared his throat and began again, knowing the words had to be said, and that she was waiting, deliberately, for him to lay everything on the line.

  “I know we discussed this a bit in the car on the drive here the other day, but I think some things need to be said.” A deep breath for fortitude. “First of all, I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “I know I don’t have to do anything. But I want to. Please…let me finish. I’m not that great with words. But I do have feelings, and I want to try to get them out of here,” he pointed to his heart, “and into here.” He pointed to her head and tapped it.

  Madeline tipped her head up toward him and smiled. A smile that gave him the courage to continue.

  “First, I want to say how sorry I am. Deeply sorry. The minute you walked up those stairs and literally ran into me, I knew I was in trouble. I thought I could handle it. I thought I could ignore the sparks flying through the hall, the tingly sensation filling my body.

  “I had a job to do. Never in all my years have I quit a job. Never in all my years have I fallen for the person I was hired to watch.” Parker was getting it all off his chest. The words were flowing more freely now. He rubbed his hands up and down her back, the material of her flimsy T-shirt glued to her skin.

  “I wanted you from the moment I set eyes on you. I may have denied it for a while, but I knew you were the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And that made my decision all the more difficult. If I’d have quit the job, then someone else would’ve been sent, someone else to protect you. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t dare trust any other person with your life. I wanted you that bad.

  “And selfishly, I also knew I would’ve had to leave. Not just turn you over to another man to follow you around night and day, but leave. It was an easy choice.”

  She stared at him, and tears ran down her face, her blue eyes glistening.


  “Wait, I’m not done. I was a coward. I know that. I kept up the ruse because I wanted to be with you for as long as possible, knowing full well that as soon as you found out, I would be the vilest creature in the universe in your eyes. It wasn’t fair of me. It was wrong on so many levels, but the reality was I not only wanted you to be safe, I also wanted to spend whatever time I could with you. It was going to have to last me a lifetime, and I wanted every second to count.” Parker stared at Madeline, holding his breath.

  “You know… You had me at hello.” She smiled up at him, saying nothing more.

  “Well,” he began, feeling much more sure of himself, “I’m no Tom Cruise, but if you’ll have me, I sure do want you in my life.”

  “Is it my turn yet?”

  * * *

  Madeline’s heart was overflowing. He loves me. Well, he didn’t say it like that, but she knew he did.

  “I suppose, but make it quick, because I’m about three seconds from kissing you into oblivion. And I don’t intend to come up for air anytime soon.” His grin was infectious.

  “Sounds fair.” She took a deep breath and continued. “You do realize I was making choices too during our relationship. I knew, of course, that I was playing a role, a role that was going to end abruptly the moment my attacker was found. And I would disappear into the ether as fast as I had arrived in your life.

  “I knew I was living on borrowed time, that I couldn’t have you in the real world. You didn’t even know who I was, and frankly, neither did I. So talk about selfish. That was the most selfish act of my life. I was so caught up in the idea of living a normal existence for a while and having a normal relationship that I couldn’t possibly let you go. I’m sorry too. Will you forgive me if I forgive you?”

  “You don’t even have to ask.” Parker’s eyes were filled with all the love she could feel radiating off her. His hands had been resting rather loosely around her waist the entire time, and now they moved up to cup her cheeks. “Now, will you shu
t up and let me kiss you?”

  Without another word, Parker leaned into Madeline and began a slow sensuous kiss, a kiss that felt almost like a first kiss, but this one was the first kiss they shared as Madeline, the heiress, and Parker, the private agent, as opposed to Maddie and Parker, the post-graduate students.

  If she’d been allowed to come up for air and speak, she would’ve told him so. Instead, she sank into the kiss, his warm mouth and tongue. She gripped his forearms, twisting in his lap. Her chest got tight, and her breasts bounced on the surface of the water, aching to have Parker take them in his grasp. The wet shirt she wore sucked itself to her skin, bringing her awareness to her overly sensitive nipples.

  Finally, Parker pulled back his mouth about a quarter of an inch and asked, “Do you think we can start over here? Or do you think we’re in a surreal setting that’s not close enough to real life to make our feelings valid?”

  “Hmm. You may have a point, but there’s only one way to find out.” She wanted him inside her so badly.

  “What do you have in mind, Ms. Cooper?” His gaze was every bit as suggestive as Madeline wanted it to be, but she had to goad him a tiny bit.

  “You’ll just have to come and knock on my father’s door when this is all over and see if I receive you or not.”

  His momentary shock was replaced with raucous laughter. And the next thing Madeline knew, he resumed the intimate kiss and deepened it to devour her. He seemed to suck her soul right out of her, and she let him. Wanted him to.

  His hands ran up and down her back until he grasped the hem of her now-see-through shirt and quickly divested her of it.

  Parker took a moment to skim his fingers over her shoulders, her back, her abdomen. She was going mad with wanting him to touch her more intimately.

  Finally, he reached for the front clasp on Madeline’s bra and popped it off as if he’d been doing this to her every day for twenty years. He did choose the bra, after all.


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