First Kiss

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First Kiss Page 12

by Bernadette Marie

  Olivia burst out in a laugh despite the tears that streaked her cheeks. “I remember that. I wore an old curtain for a veil. And we pulled flowers out of your aunt’s planter, and she was going to kill us all.”

  “I hadn’t remembered. Not until I read it.”

  She nodded. “You always said you’d be married to me someday.”

  He chuckled. “I did?”

  She sat down next to him. “I know it was dumb to think a boy would keep that kind of promise, but I always hoped you would.”

  “Then why do you keep turning me down?”

  “Because men don’t mean the things they say when they’re eight, and I don’t want you to hate me again.” She rested her hand on his knee. “You always said you’d take care of me, especially that day we hid out in the tree house when I was moving away—when you kissed me. The moment I climbed down from that tree because my stepfather was coming after us, you stopped taking care of me. I figured that was the end of us forever. Our friendship meant nothing.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “But it was true. You had your life away from me. You had your friends. You had Patsy.”

  He let his shoulders drop. “And today I realized how stupid I had been.”

  She reached for his hand and interlaced their fingers. “Do you really want to take care of me forever?”

  “I do.”

  “I have a lot of baggage.”

  He touched her face. “I know.”

  “Gage is a Carter. He should have the name.”

  “That would be an honor.”

  Olivia smiled. “If you’ll have us, I’ll marry you.”

  He’d anticipated the joy that came from her saying those words. He’d pulled her into his arms and just held her. What he hadn’t known would come was the unease that settled over him. What did he know about being a husband and a father? He’d been the worst son, so why take this on?

  He looked down at the box on his lap. There was something else in the bottom of it. He reached inside and pulled out a key.

  Olivia grabbed it from him. “The safety deposit key.”

  “I have everything now, right? The papers? The key?”

  She gripped the key tight in her hand. “And when you’ve closed out his life…”

  “I’m not leaving you.”

  She sighed and fell into his arms. He’d spend the rest of his life proving that to her.

  When Gage woke up, Cade had gone to him. Olivia didn’t interfere or step in when she heard Cade gag at a dirty diaper. He’d offered. She’d accepted. She needed to let him play daddy for a few minutes. It wouldn’t kill him.

  Olivia walked out to the back porch and sat in the old, plastic chair. A breeze blew through the yard and the branches on the trees swayed. She closed her eyes and breathed in the bliss.

  How had she gotten so mixed up with all the Carter men? She figured some people collected snow globes, others were addicted to alcohol, and she was a sucker for those blue eyes.

  “You look content.”

  She opened her eyes and saw the two loves of her life standing in the doorway. Gage clung to Conner’s teddy bear, and Cade held tight to Gage.

  “I am content. I have you here. He has a silly grin on his face, and that ratty bear makes him happy. I have a home, a job, and a marriage proposal on the table. What more could a girl want?”

  “Where do you want to get married?”

  “In town on Monday morning at the justice of the peace.”

  He laughed. “Very specific.”

  “If I’m not specific enough, you’ll leave me again. I need to wrangle you in while I can.”

  His smile had diminished and his eyes grew narrow. “Are you going to do this the rest of our lives? If you want to be my wife, you have to trust me.”

  That was true, and she was fighting it with all she had.

  Olivia stood and took Gage from him. “I’m sorry. I do trust you.”


  “So Monday doesn’t work for you?”

  Cade rubbed the back of his neck. “Not really.”

  She felt the disappointment creep through her. “I see.”

  “I need to head back to Green Bay for a few weeks and settle everything there.”

  Olivia moved in closer to him. “You’re not staying there?” He’d said he wasn’t going to make her move, but she hadn’t let the thought completely settle into her mind.

  “You’re here. He’s here. Our past is here.” He smoothed her hair with his hand. “We belong here. But I have to go back and take care of everything.”

  “And you’ll be gone a few weeks?”

  “Yes. When I come back, I don’t want to have to leave you again.”

  She wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t. She’d waited all these years to marry him—again. She could wait three more weeks. “Will you marry me under the tree house?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “I think it is.”

  “Then we will marry under our tree house.” He looked at Gage. “Will you be my best man?”

  “Dad,” was how he replied and Olivia’s knees went weak when she realized he hadn’t said Dade.

  Olivia had slept in his arms all weekend. Every moment they had while Gage was asleep, they made love.

  One moment Cade’s kisses were warm and soft. He kissed every inch of her bare skin and touched her in ways she didn’t know existed. And in the dark, most quiet times of the night, there was lust that awoke in them both. Mouths were hungry. Hands grabbed and bruised tender skin, and cries were muffled—but complete ecstasy was had.

  She wondered if that would be how it was from now on. She knew she’d found heaven on earth, and who would have thought it would be having Cade Carter in her life forever?

  But then he was gone.

  The first few days without him, once he’d returned to Green Bay, had been horrific. Gage hadn’t had any night terrors the entire time Cade was with them, but the moment he’d gone back, Gage was up all night.

  She assumed her lack of energy and constant state of tiredness was because Gage kept her up all night. Even if she told him Cade was coming back, he still searched for him.

  Cade called every night to tell them goodnight. He emailed her pictures of the bay when there were boats sailing across. And he’d even sent her a dozen roses because it was a Thursday and she just might need something nice to look at on her desk.

  These were the little things she looked forward to having in her life daily. His time away from her couldn’t pass fast enough.

  Parker tapped on her office door late in the afternoon just before closing. “The flowers are nice.”

  “Thoughtful, huh? Who would have thought?”

  “I didn’t get to tell you congratulations yet on your engagement.”

  She wasn’t sure he was sincere about wanting to, but she smiled. “I almost can’t believe it myself.”

  He stepped in further and closed the door. “I heard my sister wasn’t very gracious at the festival the other day. I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t hold it against you personally. There is no need to apologize.”

  “She’s a nasty woman. I can’t believe we came from the same set of parents.”

  Olivia wanted to laugh, but no matter what, Patsy was still Parker’s sister.

  He stood behind the chair in front of her desk and gripped the back of it. “I just really wanted to touch base with you about Cade closing out the accounts Austin has.”

  She nodded. “We found the safety deposit box key just the other day. So as soon as he gets back, we’ll close everything out.”

  “Sounds good. Oh, and I heard he got a coaching job. That’s going to be wonderful.”

  She felt the tension in her forehead as she narrowed her stare on him. “Where did you hear that?”

  Parker’s face lost its color, and he backed toward the door. “Around. Hey, I have a phone call I have to make. I’ll catch you before you leave.”

nbsp; Olivia sat at her desk wondering what Parker had gotten so worked up over. If Cade had a coaching position, he’d have told her—wouldn’t he?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Olivia waited for Cade’s call, but the night grew later, and still he hadn’t called.

  He’d told her the night before that he’d be buried in meetings the next few days. He was a big part of the community there. He’d need to close out many things to move back to Aspen Creek.

  But still, at nine o’clock at night, what kind of meeting could he possibly be in?

  Olivia sent a text message, but it went unanswered. She called and left a message, but by eleven, he still hadn’t called.

  There was an uncomfortable tightening in her stomach, and she didn’t like the uneasy feeling she was getting from it. Worry had brought on sickness. Confusion had countered with cold sweats. In the end, there was a panic sending her to the bathroom to get sick.

  By midnight, she crawled into bed—exhausted and drained of emotion—and still sick.

  By one in the morning, Gage was screaming.

  When the sun rose, Olivia squinted against the brightness. A glance at the clock, from where she sat in the rocking chair in Gage’s room with him on her shoulder, proved that the morning had come, and she’d missed it. She was already late for work.

  Olivia rose, laid Gage back in his crib, and ran for the phone.

  “Parker, I overslept. We had a bad night.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “No. I’m sick, I’m tired, and now I’m late. I’ll be in in an hour. Parker, I’m so sorry.”

  “I’ll see you when you get here. Take your time.”

  She dropped Gage off at the daycare and profusely apologized to Michelle, explaining that her usually calm and sweet son was a monster. Michelle had laughed at her accusation, lifted Gage into her arms, and given Olivia a hug. Perhaps his day wouldn’t be so bad. Hers, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be getting any better.

  The moment she’d walked into the bank, another chill ran through her body and her stomach uncomfortably churned. Instead of going directly into her office, she headed straight to the restroom and got sick.

  Kat was quickly on her heels. “Are you okay, sweetie?”

  “No,” Olivia called out to her from the stall where she leaned against the cold, metal wall.

  “Why are you here if you’re sick?”

  “Because I’m a single mother with a child in daycare. I can’t miss a day of work because of the flu or some stomach bug.”

  She flushed the toilet and walked out of the stall. Kat stood there and watched as she washed herself up.

  “I think I’m okay now. I feel much better.”

  Kat nodded her head. “Cade hasn’t made it back yet?”

  She wasn’t going to stand in the restroom discussing her uncertain relationship with Cade because now she didn’t know where they stood. She hadn’t spoken to him. He didn’t return her calls or texts, and at the very moment, she wasn’t even sure she trusted his being gone.

  “Cade has a lot to do in Green Bay before he can move back here.”

  Kat nodded again. “Then I hear you’re getting married.”

  “That is the plan.” Olivia wet a paper towel and wiped the back of her neck. “Okay, I think I’m ready to get to work. Thank you for checking on me.”

  “I hope you’ll feel better. I know how this can drag on.”

  Olivia didn’t quite know what she meant by that, but then again, she’d learned to not pay much attention to Kat. At some point, it all turned into idle gossip.

  She left the restroom and walked quickly past Parker’s office. Once in her office, she shut the door. Perhaps it would be possible to just be left alone to get her work done. There wasn’t one ounce of her that felt like being social.

  After an hour of making phone calls and processing loan applications, she pulled out her cell phone. There were no calls or text messages from Cade.

  How could his silence break her heart so badly? She hadn’t talked to him in years. Why did a few days matter?

  But she couldn’t help herself, and she texted him one more time. After five minutes of staring at the screen, she tucked the phone back into her purse without an answer.

  Olivia worked through lunch, though that didn’t do well on her ailing stomach, but she’d desperately needed the peaceful day.

  It was nearly closing time when Parker opened her door and stepped in. “You’ve been very quiet today.”

  “Gage and I had a bad night. I’m sorry I was late. It won’t happen again.”

  Parker closed the door behind him. “Olivia, I know things have been hard since Austin died. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “I’ve told you, everything is fine. I’m sorry…”

  “Stop.” He walked to her desk, but didn’t stop on the other side. He walked around until he stood next to her and reached for her hand. He pulled her to her feet. “I don’t care that you were late. I don’t care that you’ve needed time off. I only care that you’re okay, and I don’t think you are.”

  “Parker, I don’t understand.”

  “Kat told me about your condition.”

  She stepped back from him. “My condition?”

  “I know that Cade went back to Green Bay. And I’ve known him as long as you have. Do you really think he’s coming back here? Do you really think he’ll settle here when he finds out about the baby?”

  “The baby?”

  Parker moved in closer and raised his hand to her cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb. “Marry me, Olivia.”

  “Parker, what is going on?” She reached for his hand, but she didn’t move it from her cheek.

  “I know you’re pregnant. Kat told me. Marry me and let me take care of all of you.”

  This time she yanked his hand from her cheek. “You have lost your mind.” She pulled open the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out her purse. “I can’t believe you listened to her. I can’t believe you’ve come in here saying all this.”

  “You know how I feel about you.”

  “Are you kidding me? You’re standing in my office saying this to me?”

  “I can’t seem to find a better time. Let me take care of you.”

  Fury pumped in her veins. “I don’t need anyone to take care of me. Ever.”

  “I know you don’t need it. I want to do this.”


  “Because I love you.”

  The entire world had gone crazy, and she was in the middle of it. Why would he say something like this?

  “I have to go pick up Gage.”

  She moved past him and he reached for her, stopping her before she reached the door. “Olivia, don’t leave here mad.”

  “You’re making accusations you know nothing about. And you’re being foolish.”

  “I may be being foolish and you might not want to marry me, but don’t leave here angry at me.”

  She let out a breath. “I’m not angry. I don’t understand your motivation.”

  He let his hand fall to his side. “I don’t have any other motivation other than I’ve been crazy about you my whole life.”

  “Is that why you gave me this job?” She stepped closer to him. “I thought I was hired because of my skills.”

  “You were. Of course.”

  “Of course?” She narrowed her stare on him. “Did you hire me because of this silly crush you have on me?”



  “Olivia, this has gone the wrong way. I shouldn’t have…”

  “Did you give me this job because of your feelings for me?”

  Parker wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “No, but…”

  “Oh, don’t stop now.”

  “Austin asked my father to give you a job.”

  She was sure she’d stopped breathing for a moment as she stared in disbelief at Parker who fidgeted with his tie, loosening it as if he too couldn’t breathe. />
  “I can’t believe this.” She adjusted her purse on her shoulder. “I guess then I will be writing up my resignation tonight.”

  “I won’t accept it.”

  “I don’t think you have a choice.”

  “Olivia, listen.” He pulled the tie from his neck. “You’re a huge asset to this bank. I was stupid to come in here and think that what I said was going to change your mind on things.”

  “Parker, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you won’t quit. Say you forgive me for being so stupid.”

  She stood there a moment and tried her best to comprehend what had just happened, but there was no way to wrap her head around it all.

  “I won’t quit.”


  “Thank you for wanting to take care of us, but…”

  “You’re in love with Cade, and you’re still hoping he’ll come back and marry you.”

  She dropped her shoulders. “It may be foolish, but I’m going to keep believing it.”

  Parker nodded. “I admire that.”

  She was glad he did. With everything that had been said since Parker Woods walked into her office, she wasn’t sure it was admirable to be that stupidly in love with someone. Perhaps Parker’s offer wasn’t so bad after all.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Michelle had ensured her that, though he was exhausted, Gage had had a wonderful day. Olivia was glad to hear it because her day was still on the rocks.

  As they drove through town she’d seen an old Ford Bronco with Wisconsin plates. That had boiled her blood—just thinking about the fact that Cade was still in Wisconsin. She hadn’t even driven by Austin’s house since he’d left. Seeing it emptly would only further depress her.

  She’d finally received a text from Cade: busy, will try to call tomorrow. That had had her nearly driving off the road reading it. But it was Parker’s comments which had her wringing her hands on the steering wheel at the stop light. To find out that Austin had begged to get her a job, she didn’t like that. That didn’t sit well with her. But then to assume she was pregnant—that just pissed her off.

  She most certainly wasn’t pregnant. She took precautions against things like that, even though she hadn’t been with anyone else in nearly two years. But…


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