Lucas: A Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 1)

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Lucas: A Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 1) Page 3

by Connie Lafortune

  “We need to do this more often. Seriously, life is chaotic, and hanging out with you girls is the highlight of my day.” Yeah, Cheryl def had too much wine. Beth and I have a full-on belly laugh. It’s not nice, but if you could see her sappy face, you’d chuckle, too.

  Thirty minutes later, I’m sinking inside a lavender bubble bath. Pure bliss. I’m just dozing off when my phone buzzes on the counter. I don’t want to move, and then the thought of Lucas has me sloshing water all over the place as I jump out to grab it. Slipping and sliding all the way. Cold and shaking, I swipe and see my mom’s pic on the phone’s screen. I shouldn’t be this disappointed, but I am.

  “Hey, Mom. I was in the tub.”

  “Sorry, sweetie. Should I call back?” I hear the disappointment in her voice and realize, for the life of me, I can’t do this.

  “No, it’s okay. I’m sliding back in now.” And I do. Praying I don’t drop my damn phone in the water.

  “I just wanted to invite you for dinner tomorrow night. Dad insisted we have lasagna and I know it’s your favorite, so we were hoping you’d come.”

  Everything tells me to make up a lame excuse about why I can’t go, but I haven’t seen them in forever. I can’t do that to them again. Wouldn’t be fair. “Sure, that sounds great. Um, I get out of work at six, is that too late?”

  Say yes, say yes?

  “No, that’s perfect. Okay, sweetie, we’ll see you then. We have so much to catch up on. Hope your bath water isn’t cold by now.”

  “Nope, still nice and toasty. See you tomorrow night. Love you, Mom.” I do so very much.

  “Love you too, sweet girl.” We both hang up and I’m left with dread bubbling in the pit of my stomach. Going to visit my parents shouldn’t make me feel like this.

  I’m grateful for all they’ve done, but I hate that they can’t accept my career choice. I suppose I should be grateful that they care at all. I’ve heard horror stories about friends whose parents worked such long hours that they were never home. I’m hoping that one day they’ll accept my career choice. If not, I take comfort in knowing that they’ll love me no matter what.



  “I’m coming, dammit. Give me a minute!” Holy hell, I don’t know who’s pounding on the door, but whoever it is, they are going to die!

  I’m trying to hold up my pants with one hand and unlock the door with the other. Impossible! Since I live in an old loft with a slider. Fuck it! I have to let go of something so it might as well be my pants.

  Imagine my surprise when I slide the door open and my mother’s standing there.

  My mother!

  She’s never been to my apartment. Ever! Fuck, I didn’t think she even knew where I lived. To top it all off, she hasn’t seen me naked since the day I was born. Don’t laugh. I’m serious. Landon and I both had different nannies. Sweet Sara was the name of mine.

  “Good god, Lucas, pull up your pants! The door could have waited until you were fully clothed.” She storms past me before I do so.

  What the hell’s she doing here?

  “Good morning to you, too, Mother. If you had given me a head’s up that you were coming, I’d have showered and dressed first.” She’s standing in the middle of the fucking room, afraid to sit down because the furniture is old and threadbare.

  “Being your mother means I don’t need an invitation.” Mind you, the entire time she’s speaking, she’s glancing around. Judging my humble abode. And when her eyes finally stop on my disheveled bed with the restraints in plain sight, she groans, shakes her head, and throws her hands in the air. Hey, it could have been far worse if Angel were still here, but thank fuck she left about an hour ago. Still, if I’m being honest, it smells like a whorehouse in here.

  “It’s much too early for one of your speeches, so why don’t you tell me why you came here today.” I quickly reach for a shirt off my messy bed. Normally, I’d smell the damn thing first. Yeah, not doing that with her standing there glaring at me.

  “I raised you better than that, Lucas Knight. Apologize this instant.”

  Raised me? Ah, no! Sara did that single-handedly, and I think she did an amazing job. My mother, on the other hand, would beg to differ since I’m a musician and Landon is an upscale lawyer. I can’t help rolling my eyes as I tug the shirt over my head. I know she didn’t see a thing since my back is towards her, but when I spin around, I wonder. Nah, there’s no way.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. Had you called ahead of time, I would have picked up some of your favorite scones and had a cup of Earl Grey waiting for you.” I bite down hard on my tongue when her nose wrinkles at the thought of drinking and eating in my house. I guess dollar store mugs won’t cut it since she sips her tea out of fine bone china. Oh well. So much for trying to kiss her ass.

  After slipping into my shirt, I dust off the only decent chair I own and offer her to sit. It’s a comfy Hyde leather chair that I got for dirt cheap when Trevor’s parents got divorced. It’s the only wonderful piece of furniture I currently own, so I don’t sit in it often. To my surprise, she sits on the very edge of the seat. I sit on the sofa, run my fingers through my unruly hair, and wait for her to begin.

  “I wanted to talk to you about how important this party is on Saturday. Landon assured me he already told you to come alone, but it is imperative that you don’t invite your band members. This isn’t free PR for the band, so I wanted to make myself clear. Is that understood?”

  Is she fucking serious? When the hell did I ever go to one of her events and sweet talk one of her guests? Never! Believe me, I’d love to rub elbows with the rich and famous so we can catch a break, but we decided a long time ago to make it on our own. Not because we know the right people. I can feel my pulse throbbing in my neck as my agitation mounts. Leaning forward, I confront her.

  “If you were so worried about me ruining your precious party, then why the invitation?” She can’t meet my gaze after I call her out. Clearing her throat, she stands and walks towards the door.

  I’m two strides behind her as she struggles to slide the door open. “Mom, it sticks so let me do it.” It’s not lost on me she hadn’t bothered to answer my question. I open the door but block her exit until she has the decency to answer me. She sighs when she realizes I’m not budging until she does.

  “Fine, Lucas. Your father insisted you come, but I couldn't care less whether or not you’re there. Happy now?” She physically pushes me out of the way in order to walk out the door, without even flinching. I’m stunned but not surprised at her outburst. She’s never been nurturing, loving, or caring. So why the hell start now when I’m twenty-three and clearly a disappointment in my family’s eyes?

  It occurs to me as I close the door that I lied when I said no woman has ever broken my heart. Apparently my mother was the first, but she will definitely be my last.

  I’m standing in the middle of my loft, desperately trying to see it through someone else’s eyes. Someone who isn’t rich or judgmental but can appreciate the openness, or even the potential. The brick walls, high ceilings, and sliding door add a bit of character. But I fell in love with the amazing view of the city from the rooftop. A spiral staircase in the far corner leads me to the outside world where I can play my guitar, write lyrics, or enjoy a little peace and quiet. This was a million-dollar penthouse of sorts many years ago and the only purchase I ever made because of my connections. When I make it big, I’ll have extra money for repairs, new furniture, and a real designer. Until then, I’ll make do with the intricate lights that hang from the wooden beams.

  Ah well, enough dreaming for now. It’s time to wash away my sins from last night and exorcise the tension that still lingers from Mom’s visit. I stride into the bathroom, undress, and turn on the scalding water. My hand immediately wraps around my cock, I give it a few solid pumps, and I let the heat and my building orgasm cleanse away my stress.



  Have I told you how much I hate a twelve-hour s
hift? No? Well, I do. The shop was crazy busy and the last thing I wanted to do was go to my parents’ house. God, I sound like such a bitch, but their idea of catching up means trying to convince me I’m in the wrong profession. The reason I’m so exhausted is that I work really hard. It’s very physical. If I used my degree to my advantage, I’d be mentally working. That’s my mom’s theory anyway, and maybe she’s absolutely right. But how do you tell your parents after all these years you were emotionally abused, and they knew nothing about it? How it stripped me of what little self-esteem I possessed? Yeah, I got fantastic at hiding it. Too good, in fact, since sometimes I thought I was making this shit up in my head. Old habits die hard, and just because I have a degree doesn’t give me the confidence to run a company. Failure was never an option and is the reason I never pursued it.

  Apprehension surfaces as I pull into their driveway. They still live in the same house my brother and I grew up in, and that might be why I hate coming here. Remembering all the nights I hid in my room and buried my face into my pillow so I could stifle my screams for the injustice of it all.

  I wasn’t ugly!

  I wasn’t fat!

  I wasn’t stupid!

  Those mean girls had no right to treat me that way! When you’re young and impressionable, it’s so easy to believe everything they tell you. Body shaming and bullies go hand in hand, since bullies have no self-worth. I don’t realize I’m clutching the damn wheel until my dad raps on the window. One look at me, and his face falls. Dammit.

  With a deep inhale, he steps away from the window. Giving me the space I need to open the door. “Hi, Daddy. Did you put in the request for lasagna, so Mom would ask me over for dinner?” Guilt all over his handsome face has me tearing up.

  “Abigail, we both know you don’t enjoy coming here, but your mom and I miss you. We don’t expect Adam to come since he’s all over the country with his business, but you live less than ten miles away.” God, there’s so much pain in his voice that my knees tremble.

  Am I a selfish bitch?

  “Dad, I work forty-five hours a week and it’s my choice, but if I were in the corporate world, I’d be working more since I’d be on salary. If it’s about the money for college, I can pay you back…”

  I flinch when his hand comes up to stop me. “Stop right there, little girl. Never once did we regret sending you to college or complain about paying for it. You did all the hard work. God, Abby, you graduated valedictorian!” When his hands pull at his hair, I sob. I’ve let him down. I get it.

  Strong arms wrap around me as I cry in his arms. How can I make them understand without telling them why I’m like this? It’s a fucking man’s world, and being a woman, I feel like they wouldn’t take me seriously. I can’t and I won’t put myself through that. Not now. Never!

  His shirt’s soaked by the time I feel my mother’s arms envelop me from behind. “What’s going on, you two? You’re scaring me.”

  “It’s all my fault. I wrapped on the window and scared Abby. We were just coming in. Are we ready to eat?” Dad squeezes my waist as I swipe at my teary face. I must look like a hot mess, but I’m grateful he didn’t tell her what happened. She’s oblivious as she waves her hand in the air, proclaiming she was waiting on us before setting the table. I send up a silent prayer that I can get through the night without too much conflict.

  Dinner goes rather smoothly, since my dad deflected a ton of questions my mother threw my way. She continuously changes the topic. My dad knows all he needs to do is bring up her charity work and she’ll be so absorbed with it, she’ll forget what we were talking about beforehand. Now that I’ve had my little meltdown, maybe he’ll eventually be able to convince my mom to let it go. Allow me to live my own life as I see fit. I know that avoiding my fears isn’t helping my cause any, but at twenty-three I remind myself that it’s too late now. After all, a leopard will not change its spots by wishing it could.

  After dinner, we grab our Tiramisu and head into the living room. The conversation is going so well that I relax and let my guard down. Big mistake. Mom sees an opening and pounces.

  “I ran into Sadie yesterday. She mentioned that she went into Java Joe’s for a latte and you waited on her. Abby, I’m sorry, but I was a tad embarrassed that she spotted you in there…”

  “Carol,” Dad interrupts. “That’s enough. I don’t give a rat’s ass what she said or how embarrassed you were, because that’s on you. Abby is doing what she loves, end of story. Not once did our parents tell us how to live our lives, and we won’t do it to our daughter anymore!” Clearly, Mom is flustered. This is the first time I’ve ever heard them argue, and I hope it’s the last. Especially about me. Her mouth is gaping like a fish out of water and I feel sorry for her. I don’t want them fighting so I apologize, make my excuses, and run out the door.



  After my mother’s unexpected visit yesterday, I cleaned my apartment from top to bottom. It’s not that I’m ashamed of where I live, quite the contrary. I thought a bit of cleaning would be good for both me and my place is all. And what better way to celebrate all of my hard work than to have two willing women visit me today for a booty call? Hell yeah! After the shit day I had on Wednesday, it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. It’s been ages since I’ve had a threesome, and I just know it’s going to be an epic day.

  I’ve showered, paid close attention to my man-scaping skills, and now I’m sitting back with a raging hard-on as the girls come a knocking. The anticipation is killing me, and I hope I don’t blow my first load before they get here. My palm itches to take hold of my shaft and pump it with a tight fist, but why should I do all the work when the girls will do it with their warm, wet mouths?

  A knock on the door has my balls tightening and my cock twitching. Down boy. Soon. Very soon.

  “Door’s open, come on in,” I call out as I lean against the pillows, naked as the day I was born. I know it’s a bit much, but it’s nothing they haven’t seen before. Literally.

  Am I a bastard if I let them struggle to open the door? Maybe, and I make a mental note to apply some WD-40 to make it easier to open. But it’s so worth the struggle when they huff and puff and it slides open. Both walk in together and when their tongues dart out to moisten their lips, my cock twitches. This, right here, is what I live for. Well, music is foremost, but sex is a very close second.

  No one bothers closing the door, they’re too busy stripping off their clothes to bother with such trivial things. The scent of pure woman wafts through the air, and I can’t wait to get lost in the middle of these two lascivious beauties.

  Nadia doesn’t wait for an invitation, she kneels in between my spread thighs and takes me inside her mouth without fear. I hiss when my cock bumps the back of her throat. Playing ping-pong with her tonsils. When she pulls away, I want to grab her head, lift my hips, and play ping-pong again. But I hold back because Darcy is now gripping the headboard and straddling my face.

  Fuck yes!

  My hands automatically part her lips, while my tongue laps, licks, and fucks her pussy until she’s a writhing mess above me. When she bucks her hips, I stick out my tongue and let her ride my face. It’s a great diversion, since my cock wants to blow inside Nadia’s warm and exciting mouth. For now, I concentrate on Darcy’s delectable pussy.

  My mouth latches onto her clit while I pump two fingers inside her tight hole. “Fuck, Lucas. I’m going to come all over your face.” That’s an aphrodisiac to my ears, so I plunge one more finger into her pussy and she detonates. Legs trembling, body shaking, I don’t stop plunging and sucking until I’ve milked every drop of her essence from her body. Limp and sated, she slides off and joins Mia on my nether region.

  My eyes roll in the back of my head when someone sucks on my balls, but when I hear the tear of a foil packet, curiosity gets the best of me. I take a peek and see and feel Nadia sliding down my length until she’s sheathed around me. I grab her hips and plunge upwards until she’s balls deep an
d my cock’s buried to the hilt. She tosses her head back and a guttural moan of pure ecstasy escapes her parted lips. So fucking erotic! Darcy pays close attention to her nipples by suckling on one while pinching the other. Nothing on this earth feels better than a woman’s pussy squeezing my cock.


  Until I focus on her sweet ass as she bounces on my rock-hard shaft. Now, I have a carnal desire of a different kind. She screams as I sit up and I hiss out a breath. She’s impaled on my cock and for an instant, I don’t want to move. “Lucas, I’m so close.”

  Oh, how I want to scream, “So am I,” but I refrain. Her ass is too tempting not to fuck.

  In one swift motion, she’s on her knees and I’m on mine directly behind her. She tenses for a split-second until I rub my cock up and down the crack of her ass. I’m not an asshole, so I press the tip against her puckered little opening and when she presses back, I slide right in.

  “Oh fuck, yes! You feel so good, Lucas. Mmm, I want more.” So I give her what she wants.

  “Darcy, I want you to lie down and suck her pussy while I’m fucking her ass.”

  I’m so lost when I glance down and see Darcy wedged between our widened thighs. Nadia’s screams of ecstasy are muffled into the mattress as Darcy’s tongue works her into a frenzy. Not long after, I feel Nadia clamp down around my cock as her orgasm detonates with such force that my cock expands, twitches, and pumps inside of her. Over and over again until my balls are empty.

  I never stick around to cuddle or make small talk. Never! Bolting out of bed, I strip off the condom, tie it in a knot, and throw it in the trash. After locking the bathroom door, I turn on the shower and step inside. One hand rests against the cool tiles, while the other wraps around my shaft. I allow the scalding water to cleanse my body and pray that there’s someone out there who can purge my soul.


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