Notch: The Lost Boys MC #4

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Notch: The Lost Boys MC #4 Page 12

by Rylan, Savannah

  It was time for us to stop spiraling.

  “What the hell’s going on?” Texas asked.

  “Notch, Stone said you found us a personal way in?” Bronx asked.

  “I’m all ears whenever you’re ready to talk,” Asher said.

  “Flap those lips of yours. Now,” Stone said.

  I glared at the man as everyone gathered around me. Boxed me in like a caged fucking animal. It took a few deep breaths to settle my heart rate. To convince myself I wasn’t about to be attacked. That I didn’t have to fight for my life right now. But the look in Stone’s eyes told a different story. They told me that I’d better have information that justified my life. That justified all the times I’d put this crew in danger by leaving and coming back.

  “Want the punchline first?” I asked.

  “Just spit it out,” Stone growled.

  I sighed. “My tattoo artist? The one that has done both of my sleeves, essentially? She’s Harry Cheng’s sister.”

  Everyone fell silent, and even Stone’s face dropped.

  “What?” Texas asked.

  “You wanna run that by me again?” Bronx asked.

  “Are you serious?” Asher asked.

  “The fuck!?” Stone exclaimed.

  “Stone, you need to take some breaths and point your anger elsewhere right now,” Texas said.

  “Or stop being so angry,” I murmured.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?” Stone asked.

  “I said, my tattoo artist’s name is Maya Cheng. And she is Harry Cheng’s sister. She’s dug herself a serious hole trying to come up with answers on her own, and she needs our help,” I said.

  “What hole are you talking about?” Asher asked.

  I drew in a deep breath and launched into the story. How we met. The things that didn’t add up. I even told them about our sexual encounters. Which did nothing more than to make Stone and Texas roll their eyes. An “I told you so” sort of moment. I told them about what I overheard today. How I confronted Maya and all the things I found out about her. About Harry killing their parents. About her leave to the States. About how I thought she was a spy, but it turns out she’s nothing but a victim of misinformation with a fire underneath her ass to find out the truth.

  “She’s a liability,” Stone said.

  “Yeah, well. So is your fiancée’s father. But we haven’t done anything about that,” I said.

  “Let’s tuck in the fighting for another time, yeah?” Texas asked.

  “Can we use her against the Chinese?” Bronx asked.

  “Finally. Some questions. No. We can’t,” I spat.

  “Well, look who’s unwilling to do what it takes now,” Stone said teasingly.

  “Women’ll do that to you. I can’t fault him for that,” Asher said.

  “I refuse to put her in more danger than she’s already in. She’s head-deep in a war she doesn’t understand to exist. I tried explaining a little bit of it to her, but it’s not nearly the fight she thinks it is. In her defense, she was trying to track me down. At the very least, get information out of her brother she could use to track me down so she could help. It was a misguided attempt at protecting us, but that was her plan nonetheless. We can’t overlook that,” I said.

  “No, it was her misguided plan to protect you,” Stone said.

  “And why the fuck is that any different?” I asked hotly.

  “Guys!” Texas asked.

  “Do you believe her?” Bronx asked.

  I slowly turned to the only man I really trusted nowadays and nodded my head.

  “Yes. I do. I trust what she’s saying. I trust the fact that she isn’t a spy. I trust the fact that she’s a wounded woman who’s trying to figure out why her parents died and why her brother is running with the gang who killed them. She’s scared, and she sought comfort in my arms. I get it. That’s my fault. But I’m not fucking sorry for it. She’s a good girl. A beautiful girl. A talented girl. And she’s in danger, in pain, and screaming out for help that won’t come,” I said.

  Bronx’s face softened to me as Texas sighed.

  “She could be playing you,” Asher said.

  I whipped around and looked at the towering man with a stern glare.

  “If that’s the case, I’ll handle it. Personally. But my gut has never been wrong. Stone can vouch for that, no matter how much it wants to kill me right now. My character assessments have been spot-on, always. There’s a reason why I’m the one people come to when they can’t figure something out about a person. I read them. Well. She’s not against us. If anything, she’s trying to be for us because she wants to get out from underneath her brother’s surveillance,” I said.

  “Wait, she’s being surveilled!?” Stone exclaimed.

  “He followed her to San Diego. Right around time we started running guns for them after that bullshit job we took at the last second,” I said.

  I glared at our president as recognition flooded his face.

  “Fuck,” he said flatly.

  “Yes. Harry and Yung have been playing us to their advantage from the beginning. Maya is a victim. And Harry will kill her just like he did their parents if he needs to dig himself out of a hole. As a means of trust. You know how shit like that works,” I said.

  “That’s not good,” Bronx said.

  “It’s not. And by the tone of Harry’s voice when they were coming out of her shop? Things are getting really hairy on their end, all puns intended,” I said.

  Asher chuckled, and it alleviated the tension for a second.

  “So, let me get this straight. Your theory is that Harry needed a reason to base himself in San Diego to keep himself close to his sister in case he needed to kill her as a show of trust to his boss for any reason, and came up with a reason by finding us to run guns. Is that what I’m getting?” Texas asked.

  I nodded slowly as my eyes flickered over to him.

  “Yes. That’s my theory. The Chinese are meticulous in what they do. Everyone operates with an ulterior motive. You know this,” I said.

  “She could still be a useful asset. She’s the damn sister of the man hunting us down,” Stone said.

  “Yeah, well. Your fiancée is the daughter of someone else who’s successfully infiltrated our ranks, but you don’t wanna use her as an asset,” I said flatly.

  And before I knew it, Stone’s fist connected with my face.

  “Finally,” I growled.

  I tackled the man to the ground as everyone else around us started yelling. Asher fielded the girls back into their rooms at the back of the safehouse as I straddled Stone. I brought my fight down into his face, making his nose bloody with one strike. He rolled me over and continued pounding his fists into me as I used my forearms as protection for my own face plate.

  “Hey! You two! Knock it the fuck off!” Bronx roared.

  Texas wrapped his arms around Stone and pulled him off me. But not before I landed one last punch against Stone’s eye. Bronx heaved me off the floor and wrapped his arm around my neck, settling me down by constricting the oxygen flow to my brain. I raked my nails against the leather of his jacket. Asher stepped between the two of us, holding out his hands. I stopped struggling against Bronx, knowing damn good and well he’d let my ass pass out if that’s what it took.

  And when I was back on my feet, my eyes pierced Stone with a look I hadn’t had on my face in years.

  A look that made even Asher take a few steps back.

  “I’ll handle this situation on my own,” I growled.

  “The hell you will,” Stone said.

  “You don’t have a say in it anymore.”

  Then, as I slipped my leather jacket off my shoulders, I heard Bronx trying to talk me down. Texas yelled at me as I tossed my leather cut at Stone’s feet. I shrugged Bronx off, making my way for the door as my jaw ached and my fists clamped down so hard into my palms my nails left bloodied crescents behind.

  I got back onto my bike and drove off down the dusty road, maki
ng my way back into San Diego.

  If those men didn’t want to do what it took to save the asses of those they loved, that was their prerogative.

  But I was going to do whatever it took to save the ass of the woman I loved.




  I stood in front of the restaurant and drew in a deep breath. Despite my promise to Notch, I had to come see my brother. Not because I didn’t want to, but because if I refused, it would look suspicious at this point. I knew if I didn’t go to him, he’d come to me. And I couldn't risk Notch being at my place when my brother decided to drive up unannounced. I drew in a deep breath and walked inside. I was nervous. Very nervous. My brother had called only minutes after Notch left the shop, and something in the pit of my gut told me he knew Notch had been there. Someone had been watching, and I wondered what all they saw.

  What all they heard.

  My brother sat in the corner, but he had twice the number of armed goons sitting in booths around the chairs. I sighed as I approached him, watching my brother pin me with his beady, black little eyes. I sat down and a water was promptly dropped in front of me. But I was paranoid. Instead, I ordered myself a glass of wine, knowing that if someone dropped anything into it, I could easily smell it. Easily see it.

  “Anything you want to tell me?” Harry asked.

  Fuck. Holy shit, he knew. Which meant it would be bad if I lied. I was a shit liar, and he would know immediately. And I knew he wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

  Just like he hadn’t hesitated to kill our parents.

  “I think this Lost Boys guy was at the shop when you were there earlier,” I said.

  “He was there, wasn’t he?” Harry asked.

  I nodded slowly. “He came in a few minutes after I chased you off.”

  “Uh huh. And what did Notch have to say for himself?”

  I paused. “Notch?”

  Harry grinned. “Yes. Notch.”

  This was bad. How the hell was I supposed to get out of this?

  “He probably told you his name was ‘Max’, but it’s not. His name is ‘Notch’. Or, so he crew calls him,” Harry said.

  “Max,” I said softly.

  Somehow, it suited him. Though, not as much as Notch.

  I was fond of calling him Notch.

  “What did he tell you while he was there?” Harry asked.

  I cleared my throat as the wine touched down in front of me.

  “He was murmuring nonsense, honestly. He looked kind of shaken. I tried to get him to talk, but he kept talking about having to get out of town. Needing to settle his tab with my shop. Being watched,” I said.

  Harry nodded slowly. “Did he say anything about a group called the Celtic Riders?”

  “Uh, not really. I don’t think so, at least. He was talking pretty quickly. Said something about getting out of town? Maybe they’re getting out of town with that crew?”

  “Impossible,” he said, chuckling.

  I shrugged. “Well, I tried helping.”

  “Not enough,” he said flatly.

  I didn’t like the tone of his voice.

  “Look, I called you. Remember? I gave you what I knew, and when you called saying you wanted to meet, I figured it was because someone had seen that man come into my shop. Which means you’ve got men stationed around watching me even though I told you not to. The man was up in arms when he came into my shop. Mostly to settle his tab. He was babbling on about leaving town and how he had to pay me now, so I let him pay. I’ve got my own business I’m running. All I did was do you a courtesy of reaching out,” I said.

  “A courtesy, huh? Well, did Notch do you the courtesy of letting you know that we’ve got police on our side?” he asked.

  Wait. Was Harry talking about the detective Notch mentioned? The one that had the thing against motorcycle gangs? Either way, this was something I could use to turn the tables and get my ass out of here.

  Time to test your lying skills.

  “No. But, he did do me the courtesy of telling me a specific detective is on their side now. Something about interests being aligned,” I said.

  I watched Harry’s face fall, and I knew it struck a nerve. I logged the information away, knowing I’d call Notch later to figure out what the hell was going on. Specifically, who this detective was and how he was related to the gang other than his general dislike for them.

  “What?” Harry growled.

  He slowly stood up and I mocked his movements, not wanting to be caught off-guard.

  “How the fuck do you know about the detective?” he asked.

  “Harry, I do tattoos for a living. I know things I’m not supposed to because people usually talk to get rid of focusing on the pain. I know everyone’s greatest secrets,” I said.

  I eyed him hotly, hoping damn good and well he could read my mind. I knew without a shadow of a doubt he killed our parents now. Especially with how he postured above me. I sucked air through my teeth as he clenched his fists. The men slowly stood from the booths, surrounding us as the kitchen staff quickly disappeared.

  Then, Harry held up his hand. Telling everyone to back off.

  “People talk when a needle is punching their skin,” I said flatly.

  “Maya, if you are fucking lying to me—”

  “What? You’ll deal with me the way you dealt with Mom and Dad?” I asked.

  I knew I shouldn’t have said it, but there it was. And the look on his face broke my heart. It confirmed my greatest fears. It confirmed every nightmare I’d had since all of this shit fell into my lap. I stayed strong on my feet, but inside I was dying.

  Maybe dying wouldn't be such a bad relief from the hell my life had turned into.

  “Yes. I’ll deal with you,” Harry said plainly.

  “That mean you’re going to kill me, too?” I asked.

  “No. Much worse. That means I’ve got places to put you where you’ll have no way out. Places where you wished you were dead. Places where people will buy you just to teach you a lesson about keeping your fucking mouth shut on shit you don’t understand.”

  “Did—you say, ‘buy me?’” I asked.

  “Don’t you dare speak about things you don’t understand, and don’t you dare think you’re speaking about things you’re knowledgeable about. If there’s one issue you’ve always had, it’s keeping your mouth shut at prime time. You’ve exposed yourself, Maya, and I’ll be coming for you,” he said.

  He spat at the table, hitting it directly into my wine glass. Time stood still around me as he drew the weapon off his hip. He pointed the gun at me and my life flashed before my eyes. I saw my parents. I saw the backyard where Harry and I used to run around playing tag. I saw the crime scene photos after my parents had been slaughtered and I saw the gate terminal for when I got off the plane to San Diego.

  Then, I saw Notch.

  I saw the whole of Notch as my brother thrusted a gun into my face.

  “Get the fuck out of here, and don’t you ever look in my direction again,” Harry glowered.

  I let out the breath I was holding as the gun lowered back to his side.

  “What?” I asked breathlessly.

  “Ten,” Harry said.

  “Harry, what—”


  “I don’t—”

  “Eight!” he exclaimed.


  “We’ll be watching, sister of mine,” he warned.

  I stumbled over the chair and sprinted away from the restaurant. I had finally seen my brother for who he was. A monster. A carcass of the boy I’d grown up with. His voice echoed out of the doors, counting down to six. Five. Four.

  I threw myself into my beat-up car and cranked it up as I watched my brother exit the restaurant. I threw myself into reverse, backing out as quickly as I could. Then, I sped off down the road. A few gunshots popped off and I tried to keep control of my car. I peeked back in the rearview mirror, watching as my brother stood out there on the curb.
I saw him hold up his phone, taking a picture of my damn car. And that told me everything I need to know.

  I needed to close down my life and go somewhere else.

  Somewhere where that monster really couldn’t find me.



  The second my hand fell onto Maya’s shop door, it fell open. Not only was it unlocked, but the damn door hadn’t been closed. I drew my weapon, casing the corners as I slowly made my way through the darkened waiting room.

  “Maya?” I asked.

  My eyes peered over at the cash register. It was open. Empty. And my stomach dropped to the floor. The hallway door in front of me hung open, its darkened expanse fueling my worry. My anger. I sniffed the air, wondering what the hell had happened. Wondering what would cause such a cautious, closed-off woman to keep all of her doors hanging open.

  I found my way down the hallway and to the stairs that led up to her apartment.

  “Maya!” I yelled.

  There were soft footsteps above my head. Rushing around, as if in a frantic mood. I holstered my gun and went running up the stairs. Two at a time. Three. Anything to get me up to her studio apartment quicker. Her apartment door was cracked and I burst through, hearing the soft pants of her lips hit my ears.

  “Maya!” I exclaimed.

  She sniffled and I charged into the living room. My eyes fell into the kitchen, where Maya was bent over. She had suitcases tossed onto the counters. She shoved things into them with wads of money falling from the crevices. My brows furrowed as she rushed back down the hallway, unable to hear me through the panicked motion of her movements.

  “Maya. Maya, you need to stop,” I said.

  I got all the way to her bedroom before I reached out for her. And when I did, her elbow came back and connected with my chest. I grabbed her wrist as I heaved for air twisting it behind her back. I spun her around, taking in her wide and watery stare as she gazed up into my eyes.

  Her nostrils flared with anger before recognition settled over her face.

  “Notch?” she breathed.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.


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