NAVIGATOR (30 days)
NORTHSTAR (28 days, 29 days during leap years)
EASTWIND (30 days)
MAIDEN (30 days)
SHIPWRIGHT (31 days)
HELMSMAN (31 days)
SEAFAIR (31 days)
CORSAIR (31 days)
DAYBREAK (30 days)
HORIZON (31 days)
In most nations, years are measured starting at N.E., Numata Entara (“In the Year of the Great Tide”).
(f) Sun Kings
King of Endra Edûn
Right Hand of Amín
High Lord of Solis Enor
Warden of the Sunken City
A note on dates: 0 N.E. is the year of Arkos’ creation. Endra (“The Kingdom of the Sun”) replaced the Children of Aldor and the ethnic Ciridin circa 1890. Many lords of the Old Kingdoms went south to Solis Enor, and would later be conquered by Sun King Agim. Others travelled west to Craetos (the continent), south to Kadrek, and southeast to Serra.
1 Aldor the Divine (1890ne - 1910ne)
2 Silos (1910ne - 1921ne) *
3 Thoros the Builder (1921ne - 1930ne)
4 Ranos (1930ne - 1941 ne)
5 Loren the Blind (1974ne - 2001ne)
6 Saethiria (2001ne - 2011ne)†
7 Aennon the Bastard (2011ne – 2050ne)
8 Agim the Conqueror (2050ne - 2101ne)
9 Lannis I the Ancient (2101ne - 2260ne)
10 Lannis II (2260ne - 2290ne)
11 Simros the Cruel (2290ne - 2325ne)
12 Aeyn the Great (2325ne - 2399ne)†
13 Renethon (2399ne - 2452ne)
14 Casterius I (2452ne - 2510ne)
15 Casterius II (2510ne - 2595ne)
16 Garan (2595ne - 2634ne)
17 Mordris I the Hammer (2634ne - 2694ne)
18 Mordris II (2694ne - 2699ne)
19 Mordris III (2699ne - 2788ne)
20 Baelon (2788ne - 2852ne)
21 Felyria (2852ne - 2899ne)†
22 Rastor (2899ne - 2931ne)
23 Demetros I (2931ne - 2998ne)
24 Demetros II (2998ne - 3041ne)
25 Nuramoth the Mad (3041ne - 3044ne)
26 Godric the Great (3044ne - 3101ne)
27 Godrin (3101ne - present)
† Female. Properly referred to as Sun Queen.
* The year of the final Old God’s departure from Arkos.
his father, SUN KING GODRIC
his wife, LADY LYRA, of House Tennrish
his daughter, LADY KYRA, heiress apparent
his brothers LORD CASSIN and LORD LANDEN
his sister LADY ESERA
her father, LORD AEGYN, ambassador to the Celosan Republic
her daughter, LADY KYRA
her mother, LADY KIRIS
her brothers, SIR SILOS, SIR ANATAR, SIR JERAN, knight-warders of Castle Mardun and Castle White
Magister General LADY AMELIA ROSS, Imperator, chief officer of the Magisterium until her arrest for treason.
Magister General LORD TORRAN BRIEGO, Imperator, chief officer of the Magisterium.
Warder General SIR ORSET GAVIN, Supreme Commander of the Order of the White Sun, chief warder.
Solicitor General LORD LUNIL FENRIS, master of finance, taxation, overseer of provincial matters within the kingdom.
Ranger General LORD CASTOS ELAIN, Supreme Commander of Agim’s Eye, the primary ranger corps of the Endrans.
High General LORD LANDEN TERMANE, younger brother of GODRIN, Lord Commander of the Sun King’s armies.
(g) Pronunciations
Aedris: A-dris or E-dris
Celosa: Sell-osa
Edûn: Eh-doon
Imperator: Im-peer-ah-tor
Kyra: “Ky” rhymes with “eye”
Kurian: “Kur” is pronounced like “Cure”
Craetos: Cray Tos or Cree Tos (“tos” rhymes with “dose”)
Taro: “Tar” rhymes with “bar”
Nima: Nee-ma
Lokír: Low-keer
Mjolir: Mjo-leer
Briego: Bree-go
Antherion: An-ther-ee-on
Nuruthil: Nur-roo-thil
Sethetrion: Seth-et-tree-on
Kadia: Kay-dee-a
Cameron Hayden
About the Author
I was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota in 1989, and grew up in Michigan. When I was a boy, my parents instilled in me a love for science fiction and fantasy, which remains to this day. Before I could even walk, I was exposed to episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and the 1977 Rankin/Bass adaptation of The Hobbit.
While in middle school and high school, my mind was constantly occupied with creating fictional worlds—sometimes with friends in a quasi-Dungeons & Dragons form, but more often all by myself. It was in my third period science class in the seventh grade that I first scribbled down stories about Endra.
I attended the University of Detroit Mercy in 2007, and that’s when I began to write in earnest. I finished my first novel while I was a student, and though it was never published, it set the foundation for my next novel: The Reach Between Worlds.
I’ve never given up the geek life, and don’t think I ever will. In addition to writing, I also help manage official social media for some of the most popular Funimation-brand television shows in the world including My Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, One Punch Man, and The Promised Neverland.
My writing influences include Brandon Sanderson, G.R.R. Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, Robert Jordan, J.R.R Tolkien, Suzanne Collins, Ursula Le Guin, and Hiromu Arakawa.
My favorite fantasy books of all time are The Name of the Wind, Mistborn: The Final Empire, A Game of Thrones, The Hobbit, and (of course) the entire The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
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